Hello  all

I have samba 2.2.8a running as PDC with LDAP.  I have
both win98 and xp W.Stations.  When connecting from
the win98 W.S, all the logon.bat script is executed
and it maps 2 network drive.  BUT when same config is
applied to the XP W.S, it does not create the 2
network drives.  Please help §

Here is my smb.conf
        workgroup = MIRANDA
        netbios name = MAINPDC
        encrypt passwords = Yes
        domain admin group = @admin
        logon script = logon.bat
        domain logons = Yes
        os level = 65
        preferred master = yes
        domain master = yes
        wins support = no
        time server = True
        guest account = ftp

        path = /var/samba/netlogon
        browseable = no

        comment = home directory support
        read only = No
        browseable = no

        path = /home/user/test
        browseable = yes
        writeable = yes

        path = /home/user/data
        browseable = yes
        writeable = yes


net use O: \\mainpdc\test
net use P: \\mainpdc\data

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