[Samba] Auth problem

2011-03-25 Thread blub

I've got a problem with users from a Winxp client authenticating to a
debian 6 (samba 3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze2) domain member. The PDC runs samba
The domain is called SBS.

In the debug log of the debian box, the PDC seems to answer correct to the
auth request but the on the Winxp client I still get prompted for a

The winxp client is a member of SBS and called blubber, the debian6 box is
called print-new and the PDC is called SBS_PDC

Attached are the logs and smb.conf's

thanks in advance & regards
netbios name = SBS_PDC 
netbios aliases = s01
workgroup = SBS
server string = SBS primary domain controller
interfaces =
bind interfaces only = yes
deny hosts = all
allow hosts = 10.0. 127. 192.168.1.
follow symlinks = yes
wide links = yes
unix extensions = no
os level = 99
local master = yes
domain master = yes
domain logons = yes
security = user
wins support = yes
lanman auth = yes
ntlm auth = Yes 
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
logon path = \\nas_office\profiles_xp\%U
### meierv 2011-02-14
#logon drive = L:
### meierv 2011-02-14 end
## (mr) absolute path is not valid for logon script
## (mr) script name is relative to [netlogon] share (see below)
logon script = deflogin.bat
keepalive = 0
deadtime = 60
hide files = /desktop.ini/

syslog = 0
syslog only = no
log level = 5
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 1000

comment = Logon Scripts
path = /nas/pdc/netlogon
browseable = no
inherit permissions = yes
create mask = 0460
force create mode = 0460
directory mask = 2775
force directory mode = 2775
map archive = no
map hidden = no
map system = no
dos filemode = no
force group = +ntadmin
valid users = +users, +ntadmin, +inf
read list = +users
write list = +ntadmin, +inf
path = /nas/test
writeable = yes
valid users = +inf +rep +ntadmin
force group = rep[global]
   workgroup = SBS
   server string = %h server
   netbios name = PRINT-NEW
deny hosts = all
allow hosts = 10.0. 127.
local master = no
preferred master = no
domain master = no
wins support = yes
security = domain
password server = *
printing = cups
printcap name = cups
load printers = yes
disable spoolss = no
show add printer wizard = yes
min protocol = LANMAN1
lanman auth = yes
client lanman auth = yes
client ntlmv2 auth = yes
ntlm auth = yes
map untrusted to domain = Yes
   dns proxy = no
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
   max log size = 1000
log level = 10
   syslog = 0
   panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
   passdb backend = tdbsam
   obey pam restrictions = no
   unix password sync = yes
   passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
   passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* 
%n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .
   pam password change = yes
   comment = All Printers
   browseable = yes
   path = /var/spool/samba
   printable = yes
   guest ok = yes
   read only = yes
   create mask = 0700
   use client driver = No
   comment = Printer Drivers
   path = /var/lib/samba/printers
   browseable = yes
   read only = yes
   guest ok = no
   write list = meierv, root, @ntadmin
   create mask = 0664-- 
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[Samba] Auth problem with AD member server

2009-02-10 Thread Jeff Thurston
I am having trouble with certain versions of Windows accessing shares
provided by our Samba (3.0.24) servers which are AD members (Windows Server
2003 AD Controller).
The problem seems to be with the hyphen in the domain name; if a (domain)
user of XP, Server2003, or Linux accesses a share, everything works.
If a domain user on Vista or Windows7 tries to access the same share (same
user as above), they get permission denied.
HOWEVER, if the user provides the credentials as DOMAIN\User instead of
DOMAIN-NAME\User, then everything works.
We're using the LM/NTLM settings in Vista, not NTLM2.
Does anyone have an idea how to resolve this?
Our smb.conf file is below;
workgroup = DOMAIN-NAME
preferred master = no
server string = Debian
security = ADS
encrypt passwords = yes
log level = 3
log file = /var/log/samba/%m
max log size = 50
printcap name = cups
printing = cups
winbind use default domain = Yes
winbind nested groups = Yes
winbind separator = +
allow trusted domains = No
idmap backend = idmap_rid:DOMAIN-NAME=10-1
idmap uid = 10-1
idmap gid = 10-1
template shell = /bin/bash
winbind enum users = yes
winbind enum groups = yes

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[Samba] Krb5 + Samba auth problem on subsequent volume mounts

2008-08-08 Thread Jake Carroll

Hi all,

I have, what I think is a relatively simple samba/kerberos problem  
that I am not seeing the obvious side to. I'll explain the scenario.

I have an OpenLDAP KDC or Directory Master. For the purposes of this  
conversation, it is the authentication server, and the bit that grants/ 
hands out all the ticket information. I have a Solaris 10 system  
running the default Sun shipped Samba 3.0.28 (/usr/sfw/sbin/smbd).

This Solaris fileserver is connected via LDAP to the OpenLDAP master  
and has an appropriate /etc/krb5/krb5.conf and /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab  

In my /etc/sfw/smb.conf, I have the simple "magic lines" to connect my  
samba service to Kerberos as follows in the [global] section:

   password server = somehost.somewhere.nowhere.interesting.here
   workgroup = STAFF
   realm = somehost.somewhere.nowhere.interesting.here
   netbios name = somehost.somewhere.nowhere.interesting.here
   netbios aliases = SUN SAM-FS HSM
   security = SERVER
   use kerberos keytab = yes
   encrypt passwords = yes

So, once I have created some shares, all seems to go swimmingly. Users  
connect using their SSO credentials, they are passed a ticket through  
the TGT process and they are then allowed to write to the share/ 
directory/wherever I have specified.

The problem is, when my user decideds he/she/it has had enough of that  
network mounted volume, they eject it. No big deal there - however,  
when they REMOUNT the volume with their Kerberos ticket in-fact  
(default ticket time out is 10 hours in my policy), they for SOME  
reason authenticate as the "nobody" user - and as a result, get denied  

Some logs. A "healthy" connection to the service:

[2008/08/09 09:43:18, 1, pid=3893] smbd/service.c:(1033)
  aaa.bb.ccc.ddd (aaa.bb.ccc.ddd) connect to service group_IT  
initially as user zebra (uid=1027, gid=1028) (pid 3893)

Now, lets disconnect the share on the desktop:

[2008/08/09 09:46:50, 1, pid=3893] smbd/service.c:(1230)
  aaa.bb.ccc.ddd (aaa.bb.ccc.ddd) closed connection to service group_IT

Now, lets try reconnecting with our kerberos ticket in-tact and see  
what happens:

[2008/08/09 09:53:16, 4, pid=3953] smbd/reply.c:(506)
  Client requested device type [A:] for share [GROUP_IT]
[2008/08/09 09:53:16, 5, pid=3953] smbd/service.c:(1205)
  making a connection to 'normal' service group_it
[2008/08/09 09:53:16, 2, pid=3953] smbd/service.c:(605)
  *guest user (from session setup) not permitted to access this share  

*[2008/08/09 09:53:16, 3, pid=3953] smbd/error.c:(106)*
  *error packet at smbd/reply.c(514) cmd=117 (SMBtconX)  

[2008/08/09 09:53:16, 5, pid=3953] lib/util.c:(484)
[2008/08/09 09:53:16, 5, pid=3953] lib/util.c:(494)
[2008/08/09 09:53:20, 3, pid=3953] smbd/process.c:(1068)
  Transaction 9 of length 43
[2008/08/09 09:53:20, 5, pid=3953] lib/util.c:(484)
[2008/08/09 09:53:20, 5, pid=3953] lib/util.c:(494)
  smb_vwv[ 0]=  255 (0xFF)
  smb_vwv[ 1]=0 (0x0)

What the? I've got a legit ticket:

MacbookPro:~ zebra$ klist
Kerberos 5 ticket cache: 'API:Initial default ccache'
Default principal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Valid Starting ExpiresService Principal
08/09/08 09:42:32  08/09/08 19:42:32  krbtgt/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
renew until 08/16/08 09:42:32

Frustratingly, if I to a kdestroy on my ticket on the client desktop,  
then remount the share, everything is perfect - I am the correct user,  
and all goes according to plan again.

Has anyone ever come up against such issues? I am not sure if this is  
*too* Kerberos oriented for the samba list, or it is something you see  
all the time. Hopefully it is simply rectified.

Thanks for your time.

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Re: [Samba] Auth Problem

2006-10-03 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
Hash: SHA1

On 10/02/2006 06:57 AM, Marian Neagul escreveu:
> Hello,


> I have a problem related to user authentication: Users can not login from
> Windows workstations.
> I get the following error:
> "The system could not log you in. Make sure your User Name and domain are
> correct then type your password again."
> Users can access shares, they are prompted for a user and password and it is
> ok. The same user and password does not work for login.
> What could be the problem? I've posted the logs and smb.conf  at
> http://www.info.uvt.ro/~neagul/samba/
> I want to mention that the server is a production server and was hit by a
> hardware failure. :-( I restored everything but it doesn't work.

Are you using LDAP, right? How did you restore the LDAP
information? Did you define the proper sid on the Samba? Did you
store the LDAP password (smbpasswd -w)?

[2006/10/02 13:25:39, 5] lib/smbldap.c:smbldap_search_ext(1080)
  smbldap_search_ext: base => [dc=info,dc=uvt,dc=ro], filter =>
 scope => [2]
[2006/10/02 13:25:39, 4] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:ldapsam_getsampwsid(1569)
  ldapsam_getsampwsid: Unable to locate SID 
[S-1-5-21-891903661-3504879653-345467806-501] count=0

This is what got my attention.

> Thank you!
> Marian Neagul

I hope this helps.

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Coordenadoria de Tecnologia da Informação (CTI) - SEDU/PARANACIDADE
http://www.paranacidade.org.br/   Phone: (+55 41 3350 3300)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Debian - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

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[Samba] Auth Problem

2006-10-02 Thread Marian Neagul


I have a problem related to user authentication: Users can not login from
Windows workstations.

I get the following error:

"The system could not log you in. Make sure your User Name and domain are
correct then type your password again."


Users can access shares, they are prompted for a user and password and it is
ok. The same user and password does not work for login.

What could be the problem? I've posted the logs and smb.conf  at

I want to mention that the server is a production server and was hit by a
hardware failure. :-( I restored everything but it doesn't work.



Thank you!


Marian Neagul

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Re: [Samba] auth problem: wbinfo works, smbclient doesn't

2006-04-03 Thread Tim
Hi all,

I'm still having this problem.

What could possibly cause authentication to work via wbinfo, but not
via smbclient?

Any clues or pointers as to where I should be looking?  I assumed the
authentication code (the bit that talks to winbindd) would be the

Many thanks in advance,


On 29/03/06, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have a strange problem.  I can authenticate a user with wbinfo from my 
> domain
> controller (security =3D ads), however when I try and map a share, the
> authentication fails.   i.e.
> # wbinfo -a 'COAL+bcanglo%bcpass'
> plaintext password authentication succeeded
> challenge/response password authentication succeeded
> # smbclient '\\xxx\timtest' -U 'COAL\bcanglo' bcpass
> added interface ip=3D10.xxx.xxx.101 bcast=3D10.xxx.xxx.255 nmask=
> Client started (version 3.0.14a based HP CIFS Server A.02.02).
> Connecting to 10.xxx.xxx.101 at port 445
> session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
> Note:  That share definately exists.
> I'm running winbindd in debug mode and I can see both commands talk to winbind
> and both attempt to talk to the domain controller.   Yet wbinfo works fine, 
> and
> smbclient fails with this:
> add_trusted_domain: COAL is an ADS native mode domain
> [ 2547]: request interface version
> [ 2547]: request location of privileged pipe
> [ 2547]: getpwnam coal+bcanglo
> ads: fetch sequence_number for COAL
> sys_gethostbyname: Unknown host. \\10.xx.xx.101
> ads_connect for domain COAL failed: No such file or directory
> user 'bcanglo' does not exist
> [ 2547]: getpwnam COAL+bcanglo
> user 'bcanglo' does not exist
> [ 2547]: getpwnam COAL+BCANGLO
> user 'BCANGLO' does not exist
> ..and smbd debug says:
>   check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [bcanglo] -> [bcanglo] FAILED
> which makes no sense, because the user DEFINATELY exists, and the
> winbindd/krb/ldap stuff is DEFINATELY set up and working:
> # wbinfo -n 'COAL+bcanglo'
> S-1-5-21-1955927045-6-239210854-5002 User (1)
> # wbinfo -n 'COAL+BCANGLO'
> S-1-5-21-1955927045-6-239210854-5002 User (1)
> Now, interestingly if I use smbclient and intentionally get the password 
> wrong,
> smbd says this:
> check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [bcanglo] -> [bcanglo] FAILED 
> with
> Busted!  So I know its talking to the domain controller, and I know that it
> knows the user exists.
> Note:  The COAL domain is a trusted domain:
> # wbinfo -m
> XX
> I'm running the latest HP-UX packages and recommended libraries, so
> this version of Samba is:
> # smbd -V
> Version 3.0.14a based HP CIFS Server A.02.02
> So why can I test out a username/password with wbinfo, but get "User does not
> exist" when I try and map a share with smbclient?
> If you need more verbose debug output from smbd or winbindd, I'll be happy to
> put some in.
> Thanks,
> Tim.
> --
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[Samba] auth problem: wbinfo works, smbclient doesn't

2006-03-28 Thread Tim
Hi guys,

I have a strange problem.  I can authenticate a user with wbinfo from my domain
controller (security =3D ads), however when I try and map a share, the
authentication fails.   i.e.

# wbinfo -a 'COAL+bcanglo%bcpass'
plaintext password authentication succeeded
challenge/response password authentication succeeded

# smbclient '\\xxx\timtest' -U 'COAL\bcanglo' bcpass
added interface ip=3D10.xxx.xxx.101 bcast=3D10.xxx.xxx.255 nmask=
Client started (version 3.0.14a based HP CIFS Server A.02.02).
Connecting to 10.xxx.xxx.101 at port 445
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

Note:  That share definately exists.

I'm running winbindd in debug mode and I can see both commands talk to winbind
and both attempt to talk to the domain controller.   Yet wbinfo works fine, and
smbclient fails with this:

add_trusted_domain: COAL is an ADS native mode domain
[ 2547]: request interface version
[ 2547]: request location of privileged pipe
[ 2547]: getpwnam coal+bcanglo
ads: fetch sequence_number for COAL
sys_gethostbyname: Unknown host. \\10.xx.xx.101
ads_connect for domain COAL failed: No such file or directory
user 'bcanglo' does not exist
[ 2547]: getpwnam COAL+bcanglo
user 'bcanglo' does not exist
[ 2547]: getpwnam COAL+BCANGLO
user 'BCANGLO' does not exist

..and smbd debug says:

  check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [bcanglo] -> [bcanglo] FAILED

which makes no sense, because the user DEFINATELY exists, and the
winbindd/krb/ldap stuff is DEFINATELY set up and working:

# wbinfo -n 'COAL+bcanglo'
S-1-5-21-1955927045-6-239210854-5002 User (1)
# wbinfo -n 'COAL+BCANGLO'
S-1-5-21-1955927045-6-239210854-5002 User (1)

Now, interestingly if I use smbclient and intentionally get the password wrong,
smbd says this:

check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [bcanglo] -> [bcanglo] FAILED with

Busted!  So I know its talking to the domain controller, and I know that it
knows the user exists.

Note:  The COAL domain is a trusted domain:

# wbinfo -m

I'm running the latest HP-UX packages and recommended libraries, so
this version of Samba is:

# smbd -V
Version 3.0.14a based HP CIFS Server A.02.02

So why can I test out a username/password with wbinfo, but get "User does not
exist" when I try and map a share with smbclient?

If you need more verbose debug output from smbd or winbindd, I'll be happy to
put some in.


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Re: [Samba] auth problem

2005-09-23 Thread Greg Folkert
On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 09:43 -0600, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
> Greg;
> Well, what was working yesterday, has stopped today. This is getting 
> frustrating.

I have been seeing spotty workings as well, usually though it is the ADS
integration, with the ADS side being 99.99% of the trouble. Being mostly
un-known and blindly following M$ advice Admins.

> In short: I'm trying to use Samba in it's most basic form. I don't 
> need a windows login server, nor a domain controller, none of that.
> I just, very simply, need it serve out shares to already logged in 
> windows users. I've done this many times, in other places. I can't 
> possibly imagine why it's not working now. I don't need a passwd 
> database. I don't even need passwords.

That is a bugger.

> The process is:
> 1) users are at a PC (which is already logged in via the Windows ADS.
> 2) Users need a share from Unix server "X"
> 3) uinx server "X" should only need to validate that the request is 
> coming from a valid subnet, from a valid user. They don't need 
> anything else. Just the share.
> That's it. This is Samba at it's simplest.
> The only wrinkle in this whole thing is that the user names between 
> the windows side, and the Unix side, don't match. So I have a 
> smbusers file to translate that. Other than that, it's all pretty basic.
> I'm getting crazy errors in the logs. Everything from unknown user, 
> to no domain controller, to no password server, etc... It's almost random.
> What was working yesterday, is dead today, and I didn't change 
> anything while I was at home last night.
> I'll strip it all down "again" today, and piece it back together, and 
> hope I can make it work again.
> This is just nuts.

Yep, sometimes I have found SWAT to be the best bet against spelling
errors and or erroneous settings.

Good luck.


The technology that is 
Stronger, Better, Faster: Linux

Use Debian GNU/Linux, its a bazaar thing.

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Re: [Samba] auth problem

2005-09-23 Thread Ric Tibbetts

At 08:54 AM 9/23/2005, Greg Folkert wrote:

On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 14:48 -0600, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
> >
> >There is a terribly good howto:
> >
> >http://www.idealx.org/prj/samba/smbldap-howto.en.html
> Thank you!
> That helped, I'm closer.
> I left out one line from my smb.conf
> I found it from digging through that how-to.
> password server = 
> With that in, it now picks up the users from LDAP, which is exactly
> what I was after!
> Now I just need to work out a performance issue. getting the IDs from
> It works, just as I wanted it to. It's just slow.

Well, it depends. How *slow* is slow?

And also, have you cranked up the logging on the auth part?

log level = passdb:10 auth:10

Also have you set:

passdb backend = ldapsam ldap://auth.yourhost.com

I am also assuming you have all the LDAP stuff setup properly, of 
course as needed/if needed.

ldap admin dn
ldap delete dn
ldap filter
ldap group suffix
ldap idmap suffix
ldap machine suffix
ldap passwd sync
ldap replication sleep
ldap suffix
ldap timeout
ldap user suffix

Hopefully, if you have good throughput, its all in these settings. If
you don't have good throughput... well time to check the networking
tweaks for samba.

Also, if the delay turns out to be a lookup delay, try hard coding the
name and ipaddr in the /etc/hosts file on the AIX box. This sometimes is
a good work around for DNS queries gone bad.

Well, what was working yesterday, has stopped today. This is getting 

In short: I'm trying to use Samba in it's most basic form. I don't 
need a windows login server, nor a domain controller, none of that.
I just, very simply, need it serve out shares to already logged in 
windows users. I've done this many times, in other places. I can't 
possibly imagine why it's not working now. I don't need a passwd 
database. I don't even need passwords.

The process is:

1) users are at a PC (which is already logged in via the Windows ADS.
2) Users need a share from Unix server "X"
3) uinx server "X" should only need to validate that the request is 
coming from a valid subnet, from a valid user. They don't need 
anything else. Just the share.

That's it. This is Samba at it's simplest.
The only wrinkle in this whole thing is that the user names between 
the windows side, and the Unix side, don't match. So I have a 
smbusers file to translate that. Other than that, it's all pretty basic.

I'm getting crazy errors in the logs. Everything from unknown user, 
to no domain controller, to no password server, etc... It's almost random.
What was working yesterday, is dead today, and I didn't change 
anything while I was at home last night.

I'll strip it all down "again" today, and piece it back together, and 
hope I can make it work again.

This is just nuts.

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Re: [Samba] auth problem

2005-09-23 Thread Greg Folkert
On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 14:48 -0600, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
> >
> >There is a terribly good howto:
> >
> >http://www.idealx.org/prj/samba/smbldap-howto.en.html
> Thank you!
> That helped, I'm closer.
> I left out one line from my smb.conf
> I found it from digging through that how-to.
> password server = 
> With that in, it now picks up the users from LDAP, which is exactly 
> what I was after!
> Now I just need to work out a performance issue. getting the IDs from 
> It works, just as I wanted it to. It's just slow.

Well, it depends. How *slow* is slow?

And also, have you cranked up the logging on the auth part?

log level = passdb:10 auth:10

Also have you set: 

passdb backend = ldapsam ldap://auth.yourhost.com

I am also assuming you have all the LDAP stuff setup properly, of course as 
needed/if needed.

ldap admin dn
ldap delete dn
ldap filter
ldap group suffix
ldap idmap suffix
ldap machine suffix
ldap passwd sync
ldap replication sleep
ldap suffix
ldap timeout
ldap user suffix

Hopefully, if you have good throughput, its all in these settings. If
you don't have good throughput... well time to check the networking
tweaks for samba.

Also, if the delay turns out to be a lookup delay, try hard coding the
name and ipaddr in the /etc/hosts file on the AIX box. This sometimes is
a good work around for DNS queries gone bad.

The technology that is 
Stronger, Better, Faster: Linux

Use Debian GNU/Linux, its a bazaar thing.

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Re: [Samba] auth problem

2005-09-22 Thread Ric Tibbetts

There is a terribly good howto:


Thank you!
That helped, I'm closer.
I left out one line from my smb.conf
I found it from digging through that how-to.

password server = 

With that in, it now picks up the users from LDAP, which is exactly 
what I was after!
Now I just need to work out a performance issue. getting the IDs from 

It works, just as I wanted it to. It's just slow.


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Re: [Samba] auth problem

2005-09-22 Thread Greg Folkert
On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 09:43 -0600, Ric Tibbetts wrote:
> Okay, I'll keep asking questions, until I word one in a way that 
> someone will answer. :)
> i'm trying to get Samba setup. I've done this before, and it has 
> never given me this much trouble.
> In short, it seems to be insisting that the user be in smbpasswd 
> (I've not experienced this before).
> If the user is in smbpasswd, all seems well. If not, even though they 
> exist on the server (via ldap + kerberos), I get a user not found error.
> On the last set of servers I did this on, even ones who authenticate 
> via ldap, I never did anything special to samba to get it to work. 
> But I've not been so lucky this time.
> The setup:
> Server: IBM AIX 5.2
> Samba 3.0.14a
> Authentication: LDAP
> Security:  Kerberos
> The user entry in /etc/security/user:
> SYSTEM = "KRB5files"
> smb.conf (in a simple form)
>  workgroup = WIN
>  log level = 5 auth
>  log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
>  username map = /usr/local/samba/lib/smbusers
> [Homes]
>  comment = User home directories
>  guest ok = no
>  read only = No
> I need the username map because the user names do not match between 
> the windows clients & the samba server. So I need to map the translation.
> When I try to access the system, I get an unknown user error.
> The ONLY thing I need samba to do is provide shares (not shown above) 
> to windows users. Nothing else.
> If, I add a user to samba with smbpasswd . then the users can 
> access the shares. If not, they can't.
> I also, in the past have not had a server prompt me for passwords to 
> access shares.
> I'm missing something really obvious.
> I'd really appreciate some assistance on this one.

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[Samba] auth problem

2005-09-22 Thread Ric Tibbetts
Okay, I'll keep asking questions, until I word one in a way that 
someone will answer. :)

i'm trying to get Samba setup. I've done this before, and it has 
never given me this much trouble.
In short, it seems to be insisting that the user be in smbpasswd 
(I've not experienced this before).

If the user is in smbpasswd, all seems well. If not, even though they 
exist on the server (via ldap + kerberos), I get a user not found error.
On the last set of servers I did this on, even ones who authenticate 
via ldap, I never did anything special to samba to get it to work. 
But I've not been so lucky this time.

The setup:

Server: IBM AIX 5.2
Samba 3.0.14a

Authentication: LDAP
Security:  Kerberos

The user entry in /etc/security/user:

   SYSTEM = "KRB5files"

smb.conf (in a simple form)

workgroup = WIN
log level = 5 auth
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
username map = /usr/local/samba/lib/smbusers

comment = User home directories
guest ok = no
read only = No

I need the username map because the user names do not match between 
the windows clients & the samba server. So I need to map the translation.

When I try to access the system, I get an unknown user error.

The ONLY thing I need samba to do is provide shares (not shown above) 
to windows users. Nothing else.
If, I add a user to samba with smbpasswd . then the users can 
access the shares. If not, they can't.
I also, in the past have not had a server prompt me for passwords to 
access shares.

I'm missing something really obvious.
I'd really appreciate some assistance on this one.

thanks in advance!

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[Samba] Auth problem

2005-09-19 Thread Sérgio A P Ferreira
Hi All,

I am experiencing a strange problem with authentication process. Everything
was going very fine until today, my users account stop to login on domain,
but the administrator account is the only one that can do it without
problems. I get this error log.  

Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus smbd[3227]: [2005/09/19 11:04:32, 2]
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus smbd[3227]:   setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if
NT4.x compatible we would close all old resources.
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus smbd[3227]: [2005/09/19 11:04:32, 2]
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus smbd[3227]:   setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if
NT4.x compatible we would close all old resources.
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus smbd[3227]: [2005/09/19 11:04:32, 2]
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus smbd[3227]:   smbldap_open_connection: connection
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus slapd[2123]: conn=29 fd=20 ACCEPT from
IP= (IP=
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus slapd[2123]: conn=29 op=0 BIND
dn="cn=admin,dc=cultura,dc=gov,dc=br" method=128
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus slapd[2123]: conn=29 op=0 BIND
dn="cn=admin,dc=cultura,dc=gov,dc=br" mech=SIMPLE ssf=0
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus slapd[2123]: conn=29 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=0 text=
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus slapd[2123]: conn=29 op=1 SRCH base="" scope=0 deref=0
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus slapd[2123]: conn=29 op=1 SRCH attr=supportedControl
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus slapd[2123]: conn=29 op=1 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0
nentries=1 text=
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus slapd[2123]: conn=29 op=2 SRCH
base="dc=cultura,dc=gov,dc=br" scope=2 deref=0
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus slapd[2123]: conn=29 op=2 SRCH attr=uid uidNumber
gidNumber homeDirectory sambaPwdLastSet sambaPwdCanChange sambaPwdMustChange
sambaLogonTime sambaLogoffTime sambaKickoffTime cn displayName
sambaHomeDrive sambaHomePath sambaLogonScript sambaProfilePath description
sambaUserWorkstations sambaSID sambaPrimaryGroupSID sambaLMPassword
sambaNTPassword sambaDomainName objectClass sambaAcctFlags sambaMungedDial
sambaBadPasswordCount sambaBadPasswordTime sambaPasswordHistory
modifyTimestamp sambaLogonHours modifyTimestamp
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus slapd[2123]: conn=29 op=2 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0
nentries=0 text=
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus smbd[3227]: [2005/09/19 11:04:32, 2]
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus smbd[3227]:   check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for
user [testuser] -> [testuser] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus smbd[3227]: [2005/09/19 11:04:32, 2]
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus smbd[3227]:   Closing connections
Sep 19 11:04:32 zeus slapd[2123]: conn=29 fd=20 closed

Anyone have an idea to fix it?


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[Samba] Auth problem?

2003-11-25 Thread maorui
When I connected Samba 3.0 as ADS Domain member, I always got error messages
as below.
Nov 25 18:10:12 maorui 11?? 25 18:10:12 smbd[11169]: [2003/11/25 18:10:12,
0] auth/auth_util.c:make_server_info_info3(1017)
Nov 25 18:10:12 maorui 11?? 25 18:10:12 smbd[11169]:
make_server_info_info3: pdb_init_sam failed!
And Windows client cannot show share list.

What's the error messages mean?

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[Samba] auth problem on Samba 3 & W2k PDC

2003-11-19 Thread Tao Lian

Hash: SHA1

Hi all

currently i have a w2k box configured as a PDC, I want to set samba
server to be a file server. It did work when I use Samba 2.2. after
upgrading to 3, i always got "session setup failed:
NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE", any one has experience on successful

System Administrator
Interflex Marketing Ltd.

Version: PGP 8.0.2


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[Samba] Auth problem

2003-11-14 Thread maorui
Linuxbox with Samba 3.0 has been joined Win2k domain with command "net ads
join" & "net rpc join".
winbindd & smbd & nmbd started successfully without any error messages. I
could use "wbinfo -u" & "wbinfo -g" to get domain user/group list.
But I cannot use "genent passwd" to get New mapped uid, it only returned
local linux accounts.

When I connected to Samba from Windows 2k/xp client, I got a error message -
'cannot found computer'.
And I got a lot error message in /var/log/messages:
Nov 14 15:42:52 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:52 smbd[3960]: [2003/11/14 15:42:52, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:52 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:52 smbd[3960]:
make_server_info_info3: pdb_init_sam failed!
Nov 14 15:42:52 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:52 smbd[3960]: [2003/11/14 15:42:52, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:52 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:52 smbd[3960]:
make_server_info_info3: pdb_init_sam failed!
Nov 14 15:42:52 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:52 smbd[3960]: [2003/11/14 15:42:52, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:52 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:52 smbd[3960]:
check_trustdomain_security: could not fetch trust account password for
domain DOMAIN
Nov 14 15:42:52 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:52 smbd[3960]: [2003/11/14 15:42:52, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:52 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:52 smbd[3960]:
make_server_info_info3: pdb_init_sam failed!
Nov 14 15:42:52 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:52 smbd[3960]: [2003/11/14 15:42:52, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:52 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:52 smbd[3960]:
make_server_info_info3: pdb_init_sam failed!
Nov 14 15:42:52 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:52 smbd[3960]: [2003/11/14 15:42:52, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:52 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:52 smbd[3960]:
check_trustdomain_security: could not fetch trust account password for
domain DOMAIN
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3961]: [2003/11/14 15:42:54, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3961]:
make_server_info_info3: pdb_init_sam failed!
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3961]: [2003/11/14 15:42:54, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3961]:
make_server_info_info3: pdb_init_sam failed!
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3961]: [2003/11/14 15:42:54, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3961]:
check_trustdomain_security: could not fetch trust account password for
domain DOMAIN
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3961]: [2003/11/14 15:42:54, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3961]:
make_server_info_info3: pdb_init_sam failed!
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3961]: [2003/11/14 15:42:54, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3961]:
make_server_info_info3: pdb_init_sam failed!
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3961]: [2003/11/14 15:42:54, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3961]:
check_trustdomain_security: could not fetch trust account password for
domain DOMAIN
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3962]: [2003/11/14 15:42:54, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3962]:
make_server_info_info3: pdb_init_sam failed!
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3962]: [2003/11/14 15:42:54, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3962]:
make_server_info_info3: pdb_init_sam failed!
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3962]: [2003/11/14 15:42:54, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3962]:
check_trustdomain_security: could not fetch trust account password for
domain DOMAIN
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3963]: [2003/11/14 15:42:54, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3963]:
make_server_info_info3: pdb_init_sam failed!
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3963]: [2003/11/14 15:42:54, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3963]:
make_server_info_info3: pdb_init_sam failed!
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3963]: [2003/11/14 15:42:54, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3963]:
check_trustdomain_security: could not fetch trust account password for
domain DOMAIN
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3963]: [2003/11/14 15:42:54, 0]
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[3963]:
make_server_info_info3: pdb_init_sam failed!
Nov 14 15:42:54 maorui 11?? 14 15:42:54 smbd[