[Samba] Changing Domain name and NT trust relationships

2007-12-24 Thread Patrick Rynhart
Our department is changing its name which means that our Samba 3 domain
name has to change accordingly.  I have a trust relationship with a
foreign Windows domain using net join rpc which (I believe) means that
Windows is the trusted domain and Samba is the trusting domain.

If I change the NetBIOS name, and use 'net setlocalsid' to set the SID
of the new domain name to that of the old - then will the trust
relationship break ?  In other words, is the trust done solely on NT
SIDs or does the NetBIOS name also come into this ?



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[Samba] Changing domain name

2007-07-17 Thread Didster


For reasons best known to the IT admin before myself, we currently
have a domain name of WARLOCK.  I want to change this.  We have about
15 WinXP Pro client machines on the domain as well as a few linux
domain clients.

A bit of reading shows that it should be as simple as doing a net
getlocalsid, making the change, followed by a net setlocalsid.

I started doing this when I noticed something [The PDC machine name is North]:

north:~# net getlocalsid

SID for domain NORTH is: S-1-5-21-2864586203-3687421127-69847892

north:~# net getlocalsid WARLOCK

SID for domain WARLOCK is: S-1-5-21-403220451-921850273-241492889

According to this in the how to: Chapter 13. Remote and Local
Management: The Net Command

First, do not forget to store the local SID in a file. It is a good
idea to put this in the directory in which the smb.conf file is also
stored. Here is a simple action to achieve this:

root#  net getlocalsid  /etc/samba/my-sid

Good, there is now a safe copy of the local machine SID. On a PDC/BDC
this is the domain SID also.

It says that on a PDC, it should give the domain SID.  So, why on my
PDC do I get different results for getlocalsid and getlocalsid

I'm probably being stupid, but worried if I change the domain name,
and do a setlocalsid S-1-5-21-403220451-921850273-241492889 it will
just change the SID of the machine, and I wont be able to restore the
domain SID.

Many Thanks
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[Samba] changing DOMAIN name on samba PDC

2007-06-11 Thread Urs Rau
For historic reasons we have a DOMAIN name of 'WORKGROUP'  on our one
server only samba PDC. Now that we have upgradced to 3.0.25

We would like to change this to something more sensible, but are
concerned what the consequences will be for the Win XP Pro workstations
that are currently joined to this domain.

which of the following scenarios will we likely face after the change?

scenario #1 (wishful thinking)
we only change the domain name on the one pdc of the domain and on next
login of a win xp pro workstation it will automagically learn that the
sid of it's domain now 'translates' to a new name and will show this new
domain name in places where it used to say the old name 'WORKGROUP' in
the past.

scenario #2
the right sequence of getlocalsid and setlocalsid before and after the
domain change on the samba pdc, can allow us to 'cheat' and the
workstations can be 'tricked' into preserving the domain trust
relationships and won't need to leave the domain and be re-joined after
the renaming of the domain?

scenario #3
all workstations have to leave the old DOMAIN (does this have to be done
before the rename?). and after the renaming of the main PDC we'll have
to rejoin all windows xp pro workstations to the newly named domain?

scenario #4
any other suggestions or hints on how to best do this, with the least
impact and downtime and admin work coming our way?

Many thanks in advance for any help or pointers on this.

Urs Rau 

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[Samba] changing Domain-Name

2006-05-08 Thread Arno Seidel

Hi list,

which is the best way to change a samba-workgroup (samba PDC + LDAP)
name from WorkgroupA to WorkgroupB?

Or is it possible to change the workgroupname without changing the SID ?

kind regards

Arno Seidel
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