Khanh Tran wrote:
> Sure, I'll let you know, but could you pass along what you have for
> pam_mount? I didn't even start down that path yet. I'm glad to here I'm
> not alone though. Additionally, this may sound really naive, but what's the
> point of logging into a domain if you can't get anywhere?

Here's what I have so far with pam_mount:

project homepage: { the first link on google is broken, use this one instead }

from the homepage:


This module is aimed at environments with SMB (Samba or Windows NT) or NCP (Netware or Mars-NWE) servers that Unix users wish to access transparently. It facilitates access to private volumes of these types well. The module also supports mounting home directories using loopback encrypted filesystems.

* Every user can access his own volumes
* The user needs to type the password just once (at login)
* The mouting process is transparent to the users
* There is no need to keep the login passwords in any additional file

The volumes are unmounted upon logout, so it saves system resources, avoiding the need of listing every every possibly useful remote volume in /etc/fstab or in an automount/supermount config file. This is also necessary for securing encrypted filesystems.

Pam_mount "understands" SMB, NCP, and any type of filesystem that can be mounted using the standard mount command. If someone has a particular need for a different filesystem, feel free to ask me to include it and send me patches.


the current version, 0.5.11, on that page doesn't compile for me under Rhat 8. However, an older version, 0.5.9, does compile. However it's poorly documented and I'm not sure if it works for this stuff. At any rate I haven't been able to make it work, yet. It appears it is or was part of connectiva linux.

Does anyone else in samba land have any experience with pam_mount?

Khanh Tran wrote:
Sure, I'll let you know, but could you pass along what you have for
pam_mount? I didn't even start down that path yet. I'm glad to here I'm
not alone though. Additionally, this may sound really naive, but what's the
point of logging into a domain if you can't get anywhere?

Khanh Tran
Network Operations
Sarah Lawrence College

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Bennett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 9:11 AM
To: Khanh Tran
Subject: Re: [Samba] Help with Winbind

Kanh --

I'm currently beating my head against the pam_mount wall, with no luck. It's the only way I can think of to do this w/o storing the password in plain text. pam_mount is supposed to be able to mount using the login credentials, but I haven't been able to make it work. I'll report any results I find. If you come across any other solutions, could you let me know?


Aaron Bennett

Khanh Tran wrote:

OK, so I got all pam problems sorted out. For those interested, this
pam/gdm worked on my RH 8.0 box:

auth sufficient /lib/security/
auth sufficient /lib/security/ likeauth use_first_pass
auth required /lib/security/ service=system-auth
auth required /lib/security/
account sufficient /lib/security/
account required /lib/security/ service=system-auth
password required /lib/security/ service=system-auth
session required /lib/security/ service=system-auth
session optional /lib/security/

The only difference from what I had been using was the addition of the
likeauth and nullok options on the library.

Now on to my next issue with home directories! I've tried two methods.
First, I've used what the Winbind docs says for template homedir in
smb.conf: /home/%D/%U. When my user logs in, i get an error that the home
directory does not exist and then logs the user out. This is expected
because they don't exist locally :)

Second, I tried first mounting all my users' home directories (we mount

here under windows like Novell used to) under /home.DOMAIN.  Then, I

template homdir to /home/home.%D and restarted the Samba daemons.  The

can log in, but I get the following permission error because I've got the
home dirs mounted as root.

Feb 20 08:12:26 Martyr gdm[849]: gdm_slave_session_start: Directory
/home.DOMAIN/user/.gnome2 does not exist.
Feb 20 08:12:26 Martyr gdm[849]: gdm_slave_session_start: Directory
/home.DOMAIN/user/.gnome2 does not exist.
Feb 20 08:12:26 Martyr gdm[849]: gdm_auth_user_add: /home.DOMAIN/user is

owned by uid 10173.
Feb 20 08:12:47 Martyr gdm(pam_unix)[849]: session closed for user

So, I guess my question is, is there a way to mount each user's home
directory with their proper auth credentials under unix?  I've read

the MARC archives and seen brief mentions of a hacked pam_mount, but

detailed or a more "standard" solution.

Thanks again for everyone's help.

Khanh Tran
Network Operations
Sarah Lawrence College

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Bennett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 4:51 PM
To: Khanh Tran
Subject: Re: [Samba] Help with Winbind

For debugging purposes, put the machine in console mode (init 4 or whatever, just kill kdm/xdm/kdm), and modify /etc/pam.d/login as directed in the Howto. Login is much simpler then gdm, so you don't have to worry about multiple levels of pam stuf.

best luck,

Aaron Bennett
UNIX Administrator
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering

Khanh Tran wrote:

OK, so I added the lines to /etc/pam.d/gdm file.  It's not a big deal for

to re-install RH on this box, so I didn't bother with the telnet test.

Anyway, I put in my username and password, and get this error:
Feb 19 14:33:31 Martyr gdm(pam_unix)[835]: authentication failure;

uid=0 euid=0 tty=:0 ruser=gdm rhost=localhost

But RH doesn't return to the username prompt, it asks for the password
again, so I enter the same password again, and get: Feb 19 14:33:45 Martyr pam_winbind[835]: user 'ADMIN+khanh' granted acces
Feb 19 14:33:45 Martyr gdm(pam_unix)[835]: check pass; user unknown
Feb 19 14:33:48 Martyr gdm-binary[835]: Couldn't authenticate user
Feb 19 14:33:48 Martyr gdm(pam_unix)[835]: 1 more authentication failure;
logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=:0 ruser=gdm rhost=localhost

I'm guessing from the error that the box is trying to authenticate the

to the local passwd file?  Anyway, thanks again for the help, but any more

Khanh Tran
Network Operations
Sarah Lawrence College

-----Original Message-----
From: bin wen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 2:24 PM
To: Khanh Tran; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: RE: [Samba] Help with Winbind

Looks like you are login through GDM, so you probably
have to change the /etc/pam/gdm file too. Before you
do that, you may want to just do a telnet to the RH
see what happens.
--- Khanh Tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I changed the pam conf per the section. Here's what I've got:

auth required /lib/security/
auth sufficient /lib/security/
auth sufficient /lib/security/
auth required /lib/security/
auth required /lib/security/
account sufficient /lib/security/
account required /lib/security/
password required /lib/security/
session required /lib/security/
session optional /lib/security/

Khanh Tran
Network Operations
Sarah Lawrence College

-----Original Message-----
From: bin wen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 1:58 PM
To: Khanh Tran; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: Re: [Samba] Help with Winbind

From your log file, it looks like the RH still uses

the pam_unix module to authenticate. Have you
the pam configuration to use winbindd following the
isntruction in section ?
--- Khanh Tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been trying for weeks to get winbind working
with RedHat Linux 8.0.
I've got everything setup per the winbind docs on

I've successfully joined my NT4 domain with
smbpasswd -j DOMAIN -r PDC -U
Administrator.  Running wbinfo -u returns my

user list, as well as
wbinfo -g returning my domain groups.  getent

returns the domain user
list in the passwd format, and getent group does

same. I've then set up
my /etc/pam.d/login to match the one on the HOWTO.

The problem is that when I go to login (username:
DOMAIN+user), the
workstation won't log me in. My messages log
returns only:

Feb 19 13:20:46 Martyr gdm(pam_unix)[835]: check
pass; user unknown
Feb 19 13:20:46 Martyr gdm(pam_unix)[835]:
authentication failure; logname=
uid=0 euid=0 tty=:0 ruser=gdm rhost=localhost Feb 19 13:20:47 Martyr gdm-binary[835]: Couldn't
authenticate user

Any help is greatly appreciated, and thanks in

Khanh Tran
Network Operations
Sarah Lawrence College

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