[Samba] unable to write to a share

2008-03-14 Thread Yvan Vander Sanden

I moved my samba installation to another server yesterday because the
old one had a hardware issue. Since then, users can read their home
directories, but get a message like 'parts of this file are already
accessed by another program' when they try to save something on the
share. (The actual error message is in dutch, so this is a rough
translation. It's error code 33, but i cannot find an English equivalent

The smb.conf file is the same as the one on the old server. This is the
definition of [homes]:

comment = %U's Home Directory
valid users = %S
read only = No
create mask = 0664
directory mask = 0775

I'm quite sure the users' rights on their homedir are ok, because if I
su to a user I can write something in his home directory from a Linux
console. It is even possible to write to the share if I make a samba
connection from a Linux machine with nautilus. 

Only when using windows, i get the error message, and nothing is saved.
I can make an empty text document though. It gets saved on the server.
But when I open it and try to save it with even only one character in
it, it won't work.

I hope someone has any idea of what is happening here. Thanks for
reading anyway.

yvan vander sanden

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[Samba] Unable to write to Samba Share from WinXP

2005-07-03 Thread Gerard Seibert
Samba 3.014a

I have three computers networked together. Two are WinXP Pro and one is a 
FreeBSD 5.4 running Samba.

I cam use 'smbclient' to exchange files between the computers. However, when I 
attempt to use the WinXP machines to send a file to the Samba machine I receive 
an error message. This is the usual message:

Access Denied

Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that the file is not 
currently in use.
 This is the smb.conf file.

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from (
# Date: 2005/07/02 19:36:46

# Global parameters
server string = Samba
lanman auth = No
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
preferred master = No
local master = No
domain master = No
dns proxy = No
wins server =

comment = %u's Home Directory
path = /usr/home/%u
admin users = gerard, ges
encrypt passwords = Yes
guest ok = No
map archive = Yes
map hidden = Yes

comment = BeerStud 'htdocs' dir
path = /usr/local/www/data/beerstud/htdocs
guest ok = No
map archive = Yes
map hidden = Yes

comment = GES Directory
path = /usr/home/ges
read only = No
guest ok = No
map archive = Yes
map hidden = Yes

comment = Canon S630 on Gerard
path = //gerard/CanonS63
printable = Yes
printing = lprng
print command = lpr -r -P'%p' %s
lpq command = lpq -P'%p'
lprm command = lprm -P'%p' %j
lppause command = lpc hold '%p' %j
lpresume command = lpc release '%p' %j
queuepause command = lpc stop '%p'
queueresume command = lpc start '%p'
printer name = canon

I cannot understand what the problem is. I would appreciate any
assistance someone could afford me.


Gerard E. Seibert

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