Re: [Samba] very very weird problem, Samba completely broken

2006-07-10 Thread Logan Shaw

On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, Craig White wrote:

On Fri, 2006-07-07 at 17:45 -0400, Eric Evans wrote:

This is very strange and frustrating.  Our users complained that they
weren't able to get ANY Samba access, not even being able to map a network
drive (forgetting for now about that domain logon thing for a while).  So I
went into the /etc/samba/smb.conf and took out all of the statements that
had anything to do with domain controlling and net logons, basically
restoring the smb.conf to the state it was in before I started messing
around with all that domain controller stuff.

probably would be much easier if you understood Windows Networking

For what it's worth, I had a hard time with this when I first
began working with Samba.  I had no difficulty with the Unix
end or with networking in general, but when you're coming
from a Unix background and setting up Samba on your server,
it takes some time to wade through and get oriented with
Windows networking concepts.

I found that the best thing for me was to read the book
"Implementing CIFS".  Even though it's targeted at developers,
it seemed to cover things from a Unix point of view.  I found
that a much more helpful source of conceptual information
than the Samba docs, which are really targeted at the Samba
implementation of the set of protocols rather than the protocols

[2006/07/07 17:24:18, 0]
   process_name_refresh_request: unicast name registration request received
for name WORKGROUP<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
[2006/07/07 17:24:18, 0]
   Error - should be sent to WINS server

Nothing below suggests that you are using a WINS server...not in the
Windows clients, not in smb.conf.

Make life easy for yourself, add 'wins support = yes' to smb.conf and
change your dhcp server to use as WINS server and node
type = '8'

Based on the log message, it seems that was the
IP of the host that sent the request, not the destination of
the request.  At least that's how I interpret "should be sent
to WINS server".  To me, that phrase means "I got a request
as if somebody thought I was the WINS server but I'm not, so I
thought I'd let you know somebody thinks I am".  In other words, is the address of a misconfigured client.
(Or the server that generated that log message needs "wins
support = yes" turned on.)

  - Logan
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Re: [Samba] very very weird problem, Samba completely broken

2006-07-07 Thread Edmundo Valle Neto

Eric Evans escreveu:

probably would be much easier if you understood Windows Networking

I'm sure it would, I'm trying my best to learn them.  In the meantime 
I have a bunch of users who are impatient to get this thing working 
ASAP and who are not patient enough to wait around while I read an 
entire book on Windows networking before tackling their problem.

Only and advice.

By personal experience, if you do something expecting that it will just 
works, without testing it first or really knowing what you are doing, 
probably a lot of problems will arise.
Every time I needed to deploy something that I didnt know about (never 
have done) and didnt had time to learn and test it (and the time of 
deploy really was critical) I contracted someone to do that part.

If you cant make sure it will work it doesnt count as an alternative.

Nothing below suggests that you are using a WINS server...not in the
Windows clients, not in smb.conf.

That is entirely correct.  I'm not using a WINS server and I have no 
need to use a WINS server.

Yes you really doesnt need a WINS server if all machines are in the same 
network segment, but even for small networks (with an always available 
server) its recommended, that way you will have a dns-like service and 
the clients will not need to broadcast all the time to make name 
resolution works.

Make life easy for yourself, add 'wins support = yes' to smb.conf and
change your dhcp server to use as WINS server and node
type = '8'

I have tried adding 'wins support = yes' to the smb.conf and it has no 
effect on this problem.  Furthermore I don't see why that should be 
necessary anyway since I'm not running a WINS server.  Also, I can't 
change our DHCP server because it is controlled by a centralized 
agency that I have no authority over, and I don't have configuration 
access to it.

wins support = yes, tells samba to BE a WINS server, to make a 
difference ALL clients MUST use it, to not ending up having partial 
views of the neighborhood and resources available. Besides the error 
message, your client shouldnt appear to be using it as a WINS server, I 
dont know if it should work only setting that option and having that 
"node type = unknown" config problem on the clients. About the DHCP 
thing, its only easyer to deploy WINS configuration using it, you can 
specify an address and node type to the clients, but it can be done 
manually too, in each client (the node type only can be changed in the 
registry then, but its not normally necessary, the default not unknown 
value should work well).

READ the documentation...Samba by Example does excellent handholding for
the impatient...

I would suggest that you start with 'Small Office Networking'

Yes I agree that the documentation is important, and I assure you that 
I have been reading it and I'm still reading it.  I could just use a 
little help here, is all.

No comments, the two samba books are the minimal things that people that 
deploy servers really need to read.

Also note that firewalls would block access - probably a very good idea
to run firewalls on these systems since they appear to have public IP
addresses - thus a 'hosts allow = 128.253.175. ' would be a very good
thing. Firewall would have to allow ports 137:139 and probably 445 from
that same ip address range.

Not going across a firewall, so this is not a problem.

Also note that you don't have any shares that users can see in your
above configuration since a "HOMES" share is only pertinent to those
that attach to a PDC/BDC and since you have surrendered that ground in
frustration, you can't have it.

Now this is an interesting and surprising statement.  When we were 
running Samba 2 we were definitely not using PDC or BDC, but we had a 
homes share declared in the smb.conf and people were connecting to it 
every day without any difficulty.  But you're saying now that you 
can't connect to the homes share unless you are attaching to a PDC or 
BDC?  When did this happen?  Was this a change in Samba's policy that 
occurred when they went from version 2 to version 3?

Hmm, not really. You can have home shares and connect to them manually 
without need to be a DC.



Edmundo Valle Neto

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Re: [Samba] very very weird problem, Samba completely broken

2006-07-07 Thread Edmundo Valle Neto

Eric Evans escreveu:
This is very strange and frustrating.  Our users complained that they 
weren't able to get ANY Samba access, not even being able to map a 
network drive

What that means? Not beeing able to find the server and browse the 
network? Beeing able to find it and receiving access denied?

(forgetting for now about that domain logon thing for a while).  So I 
went into the /etc/samba/smb.conf and took out all of the statements 
that had anything to do with domain controlling and net logons, 
basically restoring the smb.conf to the state it was in before I 
started messing around with all that domain controller stuff.  To my 
chagrin, now NOTHING works on Samba, even with my original smb.conf!  
The only thing I'm doing differently now that I wasn't doing last week 
is I'm now running Samba 3 instead of Samba 2.  Should I uninstall 
Samba 3 and put version 2 back on?  This is too weird.  Here's the 
error message I'm getting in my samba log file whenever I try to map a 
network drive on the Windows client:

[2006/07/07 17:24:18, 0] 
  process_name_refresh_request: unicast name registration request 
received for name WORKGROUP<00> from IP on subnet 
[2006/07/07 17:24:18, 0] 

  Error - should be sent to WINS server

Messing with name resolution in a running network can take some minutes 
to stabilize, to machines make elections, to server annouce theirselves 
to the network, to wrong entries expire in caches, etc. Sometimes you 
must reload the network configuration on the clients to get the new 
config, or change it manually.

In respect of the above error message, that I know (someone corrects me 
if Im wrong) unicast packets with name registrations are only accepted 
by WINS servers, to accept it without beeing a WINS server the packet 
must be a broadcast packet. Probably samba is complaining about that (a 
misconfiguration on how the clients are trying to register themselves). 
So the name resolution in your network will probably fail completely.

It seems that your Client VENUS tries to register itself to the WINS 
server it is configured to. Check what WINS server is configured 
using "ipconfig /all" in   a DOS prompt.

If your client's WINS server is configured to be a.b.c.d and your 
domain PDC IP is a.b.c.d but the "wins server" parameter of smb.conf 
is set to "no" then it would seem logical that the error is "Should 
be sent to the WINS".

Please post your "ipconfig /all" output and your smb.conf file.

Here's the output from the ipconfig /all:

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : cornell-emngrvm
Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : 3Com 3C920 Integrated Fast 

Controller (3C905C-TX Compatible)
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-06-5B-95-8C-15
Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Friday, July 07, 2006 
5:14:05 PM
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Friday, July 07, 2006 
6:14:05 PM

Here's the /etc/samba/smb.conf:

socket address =
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
invalid users = bin daemon adm sync shutdown halt mail news uucp
max log size = 100

print command = /bin/lp -d%p %s; sleep 5; rm -f %s
printer = 128_1
printing = SYSV

log file = /var/log/samba.log
log level = 2
max log size = 50
debug timestamp = yes

browseable = no
read only = no
writeable = yes
guest ok = no

I'm completely mystified as to why I keep getting these "Error - 
should be sent to WINS server" messages.  If anyone has any 
suggestions I'd love to hear them.  At this point it looks to me that 
Samba has somehow become broken beyond repair.


Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown?

I never saw that one, I dont have sure if it can have that value and 
work properly, this value says what is the order and inclusion (with its 
own nomenclature) of netbios name resolution (broadcast or WINS (a 
unicast packet, r

Re: [Samba] very very weird problem, Samba completely broken

2006-07-07 Thread Craig White
I didn't think it was possible that you would refute everything that I
said without checking a single bit of information but you definitely did

It's obvious that you merely want to debate and that your request for
help wasn't really a desire to learn anything or fix anything...just a

I'm done - anyone else - feel free to step in.


On Fri, 2006-07-07 at 18:34 -0400, Eric Evans wrote:
> >probably would be much easier if you understood Windows Networking
> >principles.
> I'm sure it would, I'm trying my best to learn them.  In the meantime I 
> have a bunch of users who are impatient to get this thing working ASAP and 
> who are not patient enough to wait around while I read an entire book on 
> Windows networking before tackling their problem.
> >Nothing below suggests that you are using a WINS server...not in the
> >Windows clients, not in smb.conf.
> That is entirely correct.  I'm not using a WINS server and I have no need 
> to use a WINS server.
> >Make life easy for yourself, add 'wins support = yes' to smb.conf and
> >change your dhcp server to use as WINS server and node
> >type = '8'
> I have tried adding 'wins support = yes' to the smb.conf and it has no 
> effect on this problem.  Furthermore I don't see why that should be 
> necessary anyway since I'm not running a WINS server.  Also, I can't change 
> our DHCP server because it is controlled by a centralized agency that I 
> have no authority over, and I don't have configuration access to it.
> >READ the documentation...Samba by Example does excellent handholding for
> >the impatient...
> >
> >
> >
> >I would suggest that you start with 'Small Office Networking'
> Yes I agree that the documentation is important, and I assure you that I 
> have been reading it and I'm still reading it.  I could just use a little 
> help here, is all.
> >Also note that firewalls would block access - probably a very good idea
> >to run firewalls on these systems since they appear to have public IP
> >addresses - thus a 'hosts allow = 128.253.175. ' would be a very good
> >thing. Firewall would have to allow ports 137:139 and probably 445 from
> >that same ip address range.
> Not going across a firewall, so this is not a problem.
> >Also note that you don't have any shares that users can see in your
> >above configuration since a "HOMES" share is only pertinent to those
> >that attach to a PDC/BDC and since you have surrendered that ground in
> >frustration, you can't have it.
> Now this is an interesting and surprising statement.  When we were running 
> Samba 2 we were definitely not using PDC or BDC, but we had a homes share 
> declared in the smb.conf and people were connecting to it every day without 
> any difficulty.  But you're saying now that you can't connect to the homes 
> share unless you are attaching to a PDC or BDC?  When did this happen?  Was 
> this a change in Samba's policy that occurred when they went from version 2 
> to version 3?
> Thanks,
> Eric

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Re: [Samba] very very weird problem, Samba completely broken

2006-07-07 Thread Eric Evans

probably would be much easier if you understood Windows Networking

I'm sure it would, I'm trying my best to learn them.  In the meantime I 
have a bunch of users who are impatient to get this thing working ASAP and 
who are not patient enough to wait around while I read an entire book on 
Windows networking before tackling their problem.

Nothing below suggests that you are using a WINS server...not in the
Windows clients, not in smb.conf.

That is entirely correct.  I'm not using a WINS server and I have no need 
to use a WINS server.

Make life easy for yourself, add 'wins support = yes' to smb.conf and
change your dhcp server to use as WINS server and node
type = '8'

I have tried adding 'wins support = yes' to the smb.conf and it has no 
effect on this problem.  Furthermore I don't see why that should be 
necessary anyway since I'm not running a WINS server.  Also, I can't change 
our DHCP server because it is controlled by a centralized agency that I 
have no authority over, and I don't have configuration access to it.

READ the documentation...Samba by Example does excellent handholding for
the impatient...

I would suggest that you start with 'Small Office Networking'

Yes I agree that the documentation is important, and I assure you that I 
have been reading it and I'm still reading it.  I could just use a little 
help here, is all.

Also note that firewalls would block access - probably a very good idea
to run firewalls on these systems since they appear to have public IP
addresses - thus a 'hosts allow = 128.253.175. ' would be a very good
thing. Firewall would have to allow ports 137:139 and probably 445 from
that same ip address range.

Not going across a firewall, so this is not a problem.

Also note that you don't have any shares that users can see in your
above configuration since a "HOMES" share is only pertinent to those
that attach to a PDC/BDC and since you have surrendered that ground in
frustration, you can't have it.

Now this is an interesting and surprising statement.  When we were running 
Samba 2 we were definitely not using PDC or BDC, but we had a homes share 
declared in the smb.conf and people were connecting to it every day without 
any difficulty.  But you're saying now that you can't connect to the homes 
share unless you are attaching to a PDC or BDC?  When did this happen?  Was 
this a change in Samba's policy that occurred when they went from version 2 
to version 3?


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Re: [Samba] very very weird problem, Samba completely broken

2006-07-07 Thread Craig White
Samba 3 works fine for thousands if not millions of people. It is
significantly better than Samba 2 and though the commands seem to be the
same, the results are different.

On Fri, 2006-07-07 at 17:45 -0400, Eric Evans wrote:
> This is very strange and frustrating.  Our users complained that they 
> weren't able to get ANY Samba access, not even being able to map a network 
> drive (forgetting for now about that domain logon thing for a while).  So I 
> went into the /etc/samba/smb.conf and took out all of the statements that 
> had anything to do with domain controlling and net logons, basically 
> restoring the smb.conf to the state it was in before I started messing 
> around with all that domain controller stuff.

probably would be much easier if you understood Windows Networking

>  To my chagrin, now NOTHING 
> works on Samba, even with my original smb.conf!

You shouldn't expect Samba 3 to work with Samba 2 configuration file

>   The only thing I'm doing 
> differently now that I wasn't doing last week is I'm now running Samba 3 
> instead of Samba 2.  Should I uninstall Samba 3 and put version 2 back 
> on? 

If you lack the patience to learn new things, perhaps that is the easier

>  This is too weird.  Here's the error message I'm getting in my samba 
> log file whenever I try to map a network drive on the Windows client:
> [2006/07/07 17:24:18, 0] 
> nmbd/nmbd_incomingrequests.c:process_name_refresh_request(183)
>process_name_refresh_request: unicast name registration request received 
> for name WORKGROUP<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
> [2006/07/07 17:24:18, 0] 
> nmbd/nmbd_incomingrequests.c:process_name_refresh_request(184)
>Error - should be sent to WINS server

Nothing below suggests that you are using a WINS server...not in the
Windows clients, not in smb.conf.

Make life easy for yourself, add 'wins support = yes' to smb.conf and
change your dhcp server to use as WINS server and node
type = '8'

Again...a little knowledge of Windows Networking would go a long way

> >It seems that your Client VENUS tries to register itself to the WINS 
> >server it is configured to. Check what WINS server is configured using 
> >"ipconfig /all" in   a DOS prompt.
> >
> >If your client's WINS server is configured to be a.b.c.d and your domain 
> >PDC IP is a.b.c.d but the "wins server" parameter of smb.conf is set to 
> >"no" then it would seem logical that the error is "Should be sent to the 
> >WINS".
> >
> >Please post your "ipconfig /all" output and your smb.conf file.
> Here's the output from the ipconfig /all:
> Windows IP Configuration
>  Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : cornell-emngrvm
>  Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :
>  Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
>  IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
>  WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
>  DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :
> Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
>  Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
>  Description . . . . . . . . . . . : 3Com 3C920 Integrated Fast 
> Ethernet
> Controller (3C905C-TX Compatible)
>  Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-06-5B-95-8C-15
>  Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
>  Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
>  IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
>  Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
>  Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
>  DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
>  DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
>  Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Friday, July 07, 2006 5:14:05 PM
>  Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Friday, July 07, 2006 6:14:05 PM
> Here's the /etc/samba/smb.conf:
> [global]
>  socket address =
>  socket options = TCP_NODELAY
>  invalid users = bin daemon adm sync shutdown halt mail news uucp
>  max log size = 100
>  print command = /bin/lp -d%p %s; sleep 5; rm -f %s
>  printer = 128_1
>  printing = SYSV
>  log file = /var/log/samba.log
>  log level = 2
>  max log size = 50
>  debug timestamp = yes
> [homes]
>  browseable = no
>  read only = no
>  writeable = yes
>  guest ok = no
> I'm completely mystified as to why I keep getting these "Error - should be 
> sent to WINS server" messages.  If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to 
> hear them.  At this point it looks to me that Samba has somehow become 
> broken beyond repair.

Please don't whine.

READ the documentation...Samba by Example does excellent handholding for
the impatient...

[Samba] very very weird problem, Samba completely broken

2006-07-07 Thread Eric Evans
This is very strange and frustrating.  Our users complained that they 
weren't able to get ANY Samba access, not even being able to map a network 
drive (forgetting for now about that domain logon thing for a while).  So I 
went into the /etc/samba/smb.conf and took out all of the statements that 
had anything to do with domain controlling and net logons, basically 
restoring the smb.conf to the state it was in before I started messing 
around with all that domain controller stuff.  To my chagrin, now NOTHING 
works on Samba, even with my original smb.conf!  The only thing I'm doing 
differently now that I wasn't doing last week is I'm now running Samba 3 
instead of Samba 2.  Should I uninstall Samba 3 and put version 2 back 
on?  This is too weird.  Here's the error message I'm getting in my samba 
log file whenever I try to map a network drive on the Windows client:

[2006/07/07 17:24:18, 0] 
  process_name_refresh_request: unicast name registration request received 
for name WORKGROUP<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.
[2006/07/07 17:24:18, 0] 

  Error - should be sent to WINS server

It seems that your Client VENUS tries to register itself to the WINS 
server it is configured to. Check what WINS server is configured using 
"ipconfig /all" in   a DOS prompt.

If your client's WINS server is configured to be a.b.c.d and your domain 
PDC IP is a.b.c.d but the "wins server" parameter of smb.conf is set to 
"no" then it would seem logical that the error is "Should be sent to the WINS".

Please post your "ipconfig /all" output and your smb.conf file.

Here's the output from the ipconfig /all:

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : cornell-emngrvm
Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : 3Com 3C920 Integrated Fast 

Controller (3C905C-TX Compatible)
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-06-5B-95-8C-15
Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Friday, July 07, 2006 5:14:05 PM
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Friday, July 07, 2006 6:14:05 PM

Here's the /etc/samba/smb.conf:

socket address =
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
invalid users = bin daemon adm sync shutdown halt mail news uucp
max log size = 100

print command = /bin/lp -d%p %s; sleep 5; rm -f %s
printer = 128_1
printing = SYSV

log file = /var/log/samba.log
log level = 2
max log size = 50
debug timestamp = yes

browseable = no
read only = no
writeable = yes
guest ok = no

I'm completely mystified as to why I keep getting these "Error - should be 
sent to WINS server" messages.  If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to 
hear them.  At this point it looks to me that Samba has somehow become 
broken beyond repair.


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