Re: [Samba] Samba-LDAP Roaming Profiles

2006-04-24 Thread Rune Tønnesen

mallapadi niranjan skrev:

Hi all

I have a samba 3.0.21c with OpenLDAP 2.3.19  as Primary Domain Controller.
I would like to enable Roaming Profiles per user basis , not for all users.
below is my smb.conf ,

  workgroup =
  netbios name = mydomain
  passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
  server string = Domain Controller
  hosts allow = 192.168.128. 192.168.129. 192.168.130. 127.
  security = user
  encrypt passwords = yes
  socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
  interfaces = eth0, lo
  printing = cups
  disable spoolss = Yes
  printcap name = cups
  max print jobs = 100
  enable privileges = yes
  password level = 8
  username level = 8
  bind interfaces only = yes
  local master = Yes
  os level = 65
  domain master = yes
  preferred master = yes
  null passwords = no
  hide unreadable = yes
  hide dot files = yes
  domain logons = yes
  logon script = %u.bat
  logon path =
   logon drive = X:
  logon home = \\mydomain\%U
  wins support = yes
  name resolve order = wins lmhosts host bcast
  dns proxy = no
  time server = yes
  log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
  max log size = 50
  nt acl support = yes
  ldap passwd sync = yes
  add user script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd -m %u
  delete user script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-userdel %u
  add machine script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w %m
  add group script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-groupadd -p %g
  add user to group script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -m %u %g
  delete user from group script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -x %u
  set primary group script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-usermod -g '%g' '%u'
  ldap delete dn = Yes
  ldap ssl = no
  ldap suffix = dc=msdpl,dc=com
  ldap admin dn = cn=manager,dc=msdpl,dc=com
  ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
  ldap user suffix = ou=People
  ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers
  ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
  ldap timeout = 50
  idmap backend = ldap:ldap://
  idmap uid = 1-2
  idmap gid = 1-2
  check password script = /usr/local/bin/crackcheck -s
  map acl inherit = yes
  winbind use default domain = yes
  template shell = /bin/false

# Un-comment the following and create the netlogon directory for Domain
   comment = Network Logon Service
   path = /usr/local/samba-3c/lib/netlogon/scripts
   guest ok = yes
   browseable = yes
   write list = root

Comment = Profile Shares
writeable = yes
create mode = 0600
directory mode = 0700


In the above configuration. I have not given any netbios logon path
ie logon path =
and for users whom i want to enable roaming profiles
i have modified through smbldap-usermod command
ie i have given smbldap-usermod -F \\mydomain\profiles\username username

1)using the above said configuration. Roaming profiles for that particular
user  is not getting enabled.

2) suppose i edit my above smb.conf and write
logon path=\\mydomain\profiles\%U
and enable roaming profile for the intended user through smbldap-usermod,
then roaming profile is getting enable, but the problem is , in /profile
directory (which is profile share)
all the user who logon to the domain, a directory is created by their

3) for the user's who  i have manually enabled roaming profile, their
roaming profile works perfectly in
windows 2003 and windows Xp, ie if they create any new folder or shortcut ,
it gets reflected in the server
profile directory,but the same user when logon in windows 2000 professional,
it's not working ie, what ever is in
the server profile it gets loaded but if any modification is done, it does
not reflect in server.

4) my query is should we enable logon path = \\mypdc\profiles\%u in server.
if i leave it blank and edit manually per user through smbldap-usermod will
it work.

what is the correct method of enable per user roaming profile for samba with
LDAP backend

Please guide me

Hi Niranjan

My suggestion to your problem would be
Mandatory profile as default for all users which mean you specify the 
profile directory in smb.conf


logon path=\\mydomain\profiles\mandatory # you would have to use fake perms 

by doing so they download their profile from \\mydomain\profiles\mandatory
For the few choosen you change logon path in their account using 
smbldap-usermod to


Venlig Hilsen (Best Regards)
Rune Tønnesen

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[Samba] Samba-LDAP Roaming Profiles

2006-04-23 Thread mallapadi niranjan
Hi all

I have a samba 3.0.21c with OpenLDAP 2.3.19  as Primary Domain Controller.
I would like to enable Roaming Profiles per user basis , not for all users.
below is my smb.conf ,

  workgroup =
  netbios name = mydomain
  passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
  server string = Domain Controller
  hosts allow = 192.168.128. 192.168.129. 192.168.130. 127.
  security = user
  encrypt passwords = yes
  socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
  interfaces = eth0, lo
  printing = cups
  disable spoolss = Yes
  printcap name = cups
  max print jobs = 100
  enable privileges = yes
  password level = 8
  username level = 8
  bind interfaces only = yes
  local master = Yes
  os level = 65
  domain master = yes
  preferred master = yes
  null passwords = no
  hide unreadable = yes
  hide dot files = yes
  domain logons = yes
  logon script = %u.bat
  logon path =
   logon drive = X:
  logon home = \\mydomain\%U
  wins support = yes
  name resolve order = wins lmhosts host bcast
  dns proxy = no
  time server = yes
  log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
  max log size = 50
  nt acl support = yes
  ldap passwd sync = yes
  add user script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd -m %u
  delete user script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-userdel %u
  add machine script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w %m
  add group script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-groupadd -p %g
  add user to group script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -m %u %g
  delete user from group script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -x %u
  set primary group script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-usermod -g '%g' '%u'
  ldap delete dn = Yes
  ldap ssl = no
  ldap suffix = dc=msdpl,dc=com
  ldap admin dn = cn=manager,dc=msdpl,dc=com
  ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
  ldap user suffix = ou=People
  ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers
  ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
  ldap timeout = 50
  idmap backend = ldap:ldap://
  idmap uid = 1-2
  idmap gid = 1-2
  check password script = /usr/local/bin/crackcheck -s
  map acl inherit = yes
  winbind use default domain = yes
  template shell = /bin/false

# Un-comment the following and create the netlogon directory for Domain
   comment = Network Logon Service
   path = /usr/local/samba-3c/lib/netlogon/scripts
   guest ok = yes
   browseable = yes
   write list = root

Comment = Profile Shares
writeable = yes
create mode = 0600
directory mode = 0700


In the above configuration. I have not given any netbios logon path
ie logon path =
and for users whom i want to enable roaming profiles
i have modified through smbldap-usermod command
ie i have given smbldap-usermod -F \\mydomain\profiles\username username

1)using the above said configuration. Roaming profiles for that particular
user  is not getting enabled.

2) suppose i edit my above smb.conf and write
logon path=\\mydomain\profiles\%U
and enable roaming profile for the intended user through smbldap-usermod,
then roaming profile is getting enable, but the problem is , in /profile
directory (which is profile share)
all the user who logon to the domain, a directory is created by their

3) for the user's who  i have manually enabled roaming profile, their
roaming profile works perfectly in
windows 2003 and windows Xp, ie if they create any new folder or shortcut ,
it gets reflected in the server
profile directory,but the same user when logon in windows 2000 professional,
it's not working ie, what ever is in
the server profile it gets loaded but if any modification is done, it does
not reflect in server.

4) my query is should we enable logon path = \\mypdc\profiles\%u in server.
if i leave it blank and edit manually per user through smbldap-usermod will
it work.

what is the correct method of enable per user roaming profile for samba with
LDAP backend

Please guide me
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[Samba] Samba-LDAP not quite working - help!

2006-03-27 Thread Gary Dale
I was trying to follow the howto below to get Samba-LDAP working on my 
Debian/Sarge server. I'm stuck in section 5.4:

When I try the smbpasswd -a root I get:
semper:/etc/phpldapadmin/templates# smbpasswd -a root
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
ldapsam_modify_entry: Failed to add user dn= 
uid=root,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org with: Insufficient access

no write access to parent
ldapsam_add_sam_account: failed to modify/add user with uid = root (dn = 

Failed to add entry for user root.
Failed to modify password entry for user root

The next two steps are:
smbldap-passwd Administrator   -- this works
smbldap-usermod -J Administrator  -- this fails

And after that nothing works.

I've managed to get phpldapadmin working (finally) but that doesn't seem 
to help. I can add accounts, etc., but they don't seem to help. When I 
try to get a Windows XP computer to join the domain, I get logon 
failure: unknown user name or bad password.

I can browse the network from a Windows XP machine as well, but can't 
connect to any network shares that have any security on them.

I've gone through the smb-ldap documentation and can't see 
anything obvious that I'm doing wrong. Nor have I found anything in 
searches that tells me any more than what the immediate error message 
says (basically they seem to say it's a rights issue so fix it without 
specifying how to do it).

Please help!

Louis van Belle wrote:

Hi everybody, 

I made a pretty complete howto for samba on debian servers.

This howto covers samba + ldap + cups + recycle bin + samba-vscan
+ phpldapadmin + ACL + Extended Attributes.

this howto is also based on the idealx howto

If you do this setup, you should be able to use the NT4 Usermanager,
setup Point en Print Printing. set rights from explorer etc.
other nice tools is ldapadmin ( ) a must check it out.

We will use a Debian Sarge as setup.  
If you never used Debian before, you can follow this how-to 
( ) , 
please read the comment below the pages first, 
this can save you time and problems or install Debian without 
any software packaged, we will install them later when needed.

Checking the kernel of compile your own kernel if needed.

I try to give a complete solution for this how-to, 
this is because lots of people where asking the same things on 
the samba list and lots of people make the same mistakes.

This is my company's running setup.

I run this on a P866, 512 Ram, Scsi Raid 1 ( 15rpms 73 Gb ) , with 50 users 
25 printers which do about 150.000 prints a month.

I thank my company to let me make this document.

Please if you have improvements, comments, send them to me.

Louis van Belle

Page nr.

1 Checking the kernel or compile your own kernel3
1.1  Preparing apt configuration3
1.2 Preparing the kernel3
1.3 setup the /etc/fstab3
1.4 final touch, lilo (or grub) 3
2 Pre-installation of the debian packages   4
2.1  Samba and Ldap 4
2.2 basic rights setup for samba4
2.3 why this rights setup.  4
3 LDAP Server configuration 5
4 installation/configuration libnss, libpam (-ldap) 7
5 Samba and smbldap-tools Configuration 8
5.1 smbldap-tools installation/configuration8
5.2 setting up samba base config8
5.3 Configuring smbldap.conf9
5.4 set the samba ldap admin password   9
5.5 Samba PRIVILEGES Setup  10
6 CUPS - Printer software   11
6.1 Setup Cups  11
6.2 Setup Cups PDF Printer. - Creating a PDF Printer11
7 Configuring phpldapadmin  12
7.1 installation of phpldapadmin ( and apache ) 12
8.0 On-Access virus scanning on samba (samba-clamav)13
8.1 Installing ClamAV   13
8.2 get the sources ( samba  samba-vscan ) 13
9.0 Recycle bin on samba14
9.1 Recycle bin configuration   14
Appendix 1 (complex samba-access.conf ) SETUP WITH DSA USERS15
Appendix 2 APT  16
2.1 APT HOWTO   16
2.2 Files from /etc/apt 17
2.2.1 /etc/apt/apt.conf 17
2.2.2 /etc/apt/preferences  17

1 Checking the kernel or compile your own kernel
1.1  Preparing apt configuration

for this go check out my apt howto.

if you apt config is setup rights, follow the steps below.  

	ncurses interface for compiling the kernel  
	apt-get install libncurses5-dev

	get the kernel source 
	apt-get install kernel-source-2.6.8 kernel-package

	installer right kernel and activate EXT2/3 + Extended attributes 
	and setup CIFS kernel support to in kernel.

1.2 Preparing the kernel
apt-get install kernel-source-2.6.8 kernel-package fakeroot
libc6-dev libncurses5-dev

	cd /usr/src  
	tar -jxf kernel-source-2.6.8.tar.bz2

ln -s /usr/src/linux /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8
cp /boot/config-2.6.8-2-* /usr/src/linux/.config
cd linux
make menuconfig - File systems - Ext2/3 + extended options

Re: [Samba] Samba-LDAP not quite working - help!

2006-03-27 Thread Stéphane Purnelle
Hash: SHA1

This howto contain some error I think, before truy a smbpasswd, Samba
must have the information
what user must I use to connect to LDAP, this question is answered
with the ldap admin dn parameter in smb.conf.  If there a user, there
a password.  For specifye the password, you must you the commande
smbpasswd -w  ( = the passwd of the user)

ATTENTION : in your slapd.conf, only admin can write.  If you want to
use other ldap user, you must modify you slapd.conf

Gary Dale a écrit :
 I was trying to follow the howto below to get Samba-LDAP working on
 my Debian/Sarge server. I'm stuck in section 5.4:

 When I try the smbpasswd -a root I get:
 semper:/etc/phpldapadmin/templates# smbpasswd -a root
 New SMB password:
 Retype new SMB password:
 ldapsam_modify_entry: Failed to add user dn=
 uid=root,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org with: Insufficient access
 no write access to parent
 ldapsam_add_sam_account: failed to modify/add user with uid = root
 (dn = uid=root,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org)
 Failed to add entry for user root.
 Failed to modify password entry for user root

 The next two steps are:
 smbldap-passwd Administrator   -- this works
 smbldap-usermod -J Administrator  -- this fails

 And after that nothing works.

 I've managed to get phpldapadmin working (finally) but that doesn't
 seem to help. I can add accounts, etc., but they don't seem to help.
 When I try to get a Windows XP computer to join the domain, I get
 logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

 I can browse the network from a Windows XP machine as well, but
 can't connect to any network shares that have any security on them.

 I've gone through the smb-ldap documentation and can't
 see anything obvious that I'm doing wrong. Nor have I found anything
 in searches that tells me any more than what the immediate error
 message says (basically they seem to say it's a rights issue so fix
 it without specifying how to do it).

 Please help!

 Louis van Belle wrote:

 Hi everybody,
 I made a pretty complete howto for samba on debian servers.

 This howto covers samba + ldap + cups + recycle bin + samba-vscan
 + phpldapadmin + ACL + Extended Attributes.

 this howto is also based on the idealx howto

 If you do this setup, you should be able to use the NT4 Usermanager,
 setup Point en Print Printing. set rights from explorer etc.
 other nice tools is ldapadmin ( ) a must check it

 We will use a Debian Sarge as setup.  If you never used Debian
 before, you can follow this how-to
 ( ) , please
 read the comment below the pages first, this can save you time and
 problems or install Debian without any software packaged, we will
 install them later when needed.
 Checking the kernel of compile your own kernel if needed.

 I try to give a complete solution for this how-to, this is because
 lots of people where asking the same things on the samba list and
 lots of people make the same mistakes.

 This is my company's running setup.

 I run this on a P866, 512 Ram, Scsi Raid 1 ( 15rpms 73 Gb ) , with
 50 users 25 printers which do about 150.000 prints a month.

 I thank my company to let me make this document.

 Please if you have improvements, comments, send them to me.

 Louis van Belle

 Page nr.
 1 Checking the kernel or compile your own kernel3
 1.1  Preparing apt configuration3
 1.2 Preparing the kernel3
 1.3 setup the /etc/fstab3
 1.4 final touch, lilo (or grub)3
 2 Pre-installation of the debian packages4
 2.1  Samba and Ldap4
 2.2 basic rights setup for samba4
 2.3 why this rights setup.4
 3 LDAP Server configuration5
 4 installation/configuration libnss, libpam (-ldap)7
 5 Samba and smbldap-tools Configuration8
 5.1 smbldap-tools installation/configuration8
 5.2 setting up samba base config8
 5.3 Configuring smbldap.conf9
 5.4 set the samba ldap admin password9
 5.5 Samba PRIVILEGES Setup10
 6 CUPS - Printer software11
 6.1 Setup Cups11
 6.2 Setup Cups PDF Printer. - Creating a PDF Printer11
 7 Configuring phpldapadmin12
 7.1 installation of phpldapadmin ( and apache )12
 8.0 On-Access virus scanning on samba (samba-clamav)13
 8.1 Installing ClamAV13
 8.2 get the sources ( samba  samba-vscan )13
 9.0 Recycle bin on samba14
 9.1 Recycle bin configuration14
 Appendix 1 (complex samba-access.conf ) SETUP WITH DSA USERS15
 Appendix 2 APT16
 2.1 APT HOWTO16
 2.2 Files from /etc/apt17
 2.2.1 /etc/apt/apt.conf17
 2.2.2 /etc/apt/preferences17

 1 Checking the kernel or compile your own kernel
 1.1  Preparing apt configuration

 for this go check out my apt howto.

 if you apt config is setup rights, follow the steps below.  

 ncurses interface for compiling the kernel  apt-get install

 get the 

Re: [Samba] Samba-LDAP not quite working - help!

2006-03-27 Thread Gary Dale

The first step in 5.4 is smbpasswd -w password. I've done that and it
succeeded. It currently reports that it set the password for samba,
which is the user defined in smb.conf. phpldapadmin shows samba as being
a gecos: System User in objectClasses top, inetOrgPerson,
posixAccount, shadowAccount.

The slapd.conf file includes samba-access.conf, which gives admin and
samba extensive write privileges. The admin privileges are taken from
the howto below, while the ones for samba are from the
manual. They also give others the right to modify some of their own

Stéphane Purnelle wrote:

Hash: SHA1

This howto contain some error I think, before truy a smbpasswd, Samba
must have the information
what user must I use to connect to LDAP, this question is answered
with the ldap admin dn parameter in smb.conf.  If there a user, there
a password.  For specifye the password, you must you the commande
smbpasswd -w  ( = the passwd of the user)

ATTENTION : in your slapd.conf, only admin can write.  If you want to
use other ldap user, you must modify you slapd.conf

Gary Dale a écrit :

I was trying to follow the howto below to get Samba-LDAP working on
my Debian/Sarge server. I'm stuck in section 5.4:

When I try the smbpasswd -a root I get:
semper:/etc/phpldapadmin/templates# smbpasswd -a root
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
ldapsam_modify_entry: Failed to add user dn=
uid=root,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org with: Insufficient access
   no write access to parent
ldapsam_add_sam_account: failed to modify/add user with uid = root
(dn = uid=root,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org)
Failed to add entry for user root.
Failed to modify password entry for user root

The next two steps are:
smbldap-passwd Administrator   -- this works
smbldap-usermod -J Administrator  -- this fails

And after that nothing works.

I've managed to get phpldapadmin working (finally) but that doesn't
seem to help. I can add accounts, etc., but they don't seem to help.
When I try to get a Windows XP computer to join the domain, I get
logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

I can browse the network from a Windows XP machine as well, but
can't connect to any network shares that have any security on them.

I've gone through the smb-ldap documentation and can't
see anything obvious that I'm doing wrong. Nor have I found anything
in searches that tells me any more than what the immediate error
message says (basically they seem to say it's a rights issue so fix
it without specifying how to do it).

Please help!

Louis van Belle wrote:


Hi everybody,
I made a pretty complete howto for samba on debian servers.

This howto covers samba + ldap + cups + recycle bin + samba-vscan
+ phpldapadmin + ACL + Extended Attributes.

this howto is also based on the idealx howto

If you do this setup, you should be able to use the NT4 Usermanager,
setup Point en Print Printing. set rights from explorer etc.
other nice tools is ldapadmin ( ) a must check it

We will use a Debian Sarge as setup.  If you never used Debian
before, you can follow this how-to
( ) , please
read the comment below the pages first, this can save you time and
problems or install Debian without any software packaged, we will
install them later when needed.
Checking the kernel of compile your own kernel if needed.

I try to give a complete solution for this how-to, this is because
lots of people where asking the same things on the samba list and
lots of people make the same mistakes.

This is my company's running setup.

I run this on a P866, 512 Ram, Scsi Raid 1 ( 15rpms 73 Gb ) , with
50 users 25 printers which do about 150.000 prints a month.

I thank my company to let me make this document.

Please if you have improvements, comments, send them to me.

Louis van Belle

Page nr.
1 Checking the kernel or compile your own kernel3

1.1  Preparing apt configuration3
1.2 Preparing the kernel3
1.3 setup the /etc/fstab3
1.4 final touch, lilo (or grub)3
2 Pre-installation of the debian packages4
2.1  Samba and Ldap4
2.2 basic rights setup for samba4
2.3 why this rights setup.4
3 LDAP Server configuration5
4 installation/configuration libnss, libpam (-ldap)7
5 Samba and smbldap-tools Configuration8
5.1 smbldap-tools installation/configuration8
5.2 setting up samba base config8
5.3 Configuring smbldap.conf9
5.4 set the samba ldap admin password9
5.5 Samba PRIVILEGES Setup10
6 CUPS - Printer software11
6.1 Setup Cups11
6.2 Setup Cups PDF Printer. - Creating a PDF Printer11
7 Configuring phpldapadmin12
7.1 installation of phpldapadmin ( and apache )12
8.0 On-Access virus scanning on samba (samba-clamav)13
8.1 Installing ClamAV13
8.2 get the sources ( samba  samba-vscan )13
9.0 Recycle bin on samba14

[Samba] Samba-LDAP not quite working still

2006-03-27 Thread Gary Dale
Further to below: I noticed that some of the various documents show 
smbldap-populate adding the root account. The one on my system didn't. 
However, I'm still not sure why smbpasswd -a root doesn't add it.

I tried using the samba and admin accounts to set the various privileges 
but that doesn't seem to work either. I get the following:
semper:/etc/ldap# net -S Localhost -U admin rpc rights grant 
rahim-dale\Domain Admins SeMachineAccountPrivilege 
SePrintOperatorPrivilege SeAddUsersPrivilege SeDiskOperatorPrivilege 

Failed to grant privileges for rahim-dale\Domain Admins 

I can't see any way in phpldapadmin to add the privileges and I can't 
get smbldap-usermod to let me do anything either.

I've also been playing around with pdbedit without any luck.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

The first step in 5.4 is smbpasswd -w password. I've done that and it
succeeded. It currently reports that it set the password for samba,
which is the user defined in smb.conf. phpldapadmin shows samba as being
a gecos: System User in objectClasses top, inetOrgPerson,
posixAccount, shadowAccount.

The slapd.conf file includes samba-access.conf, which gives admin and
samba extensive write privileges. The admin privileges are taken from
the howto below, while the ones for samba are from the
manual. They also give others the right to modify some of their own

Stéphane Purnelle wrote:

Hash: SHA1

This howto contain some error I think, before truy a smbpasswd, Samba
must have the information
what user must I use to connect to LDAP, this question is answered
with the ldap admin dn parameter in smb.conf.  If there a user, there
a password.  For specifye the password, you must you the commande
smbpasswd -w  ( = the passwd of the user)

ATTENTION : in your slapd.conf, only admin can write.  If you want to
use other ldap user, you must modify you slapd.conf

Gary Dale a écrit :

I was trying to follow the howto below to get Samba-LDAP working on
my Debian/Sarge server. I'm stuck in section 5.4:

When I try the smbpasswd -a root I get:
semper:/etc/phpldapadmin/templates# smbpasswd -a root
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
ldapsam_modify_entry: Failed to add user dn=
uid=root,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org with: Insufficient access
   no write access to parent
ldapsam_add_sam_account: failed to modify/add user with uid = root
(dn = uid=root,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org)
Failed to add entry for user root.
Failed to modify password entry for user root

The next two steps are:
smbldap-passwd Administrator   -- this works
smbldap-usermod -J Administrator  -- this fails

And after that nothing works.

I've managed to get phpldapadmin working (finally) but that doesn't
seem to help. I can add accounts, etc., but they don't seem to help.
When I try to get a Windows XP computer to join the domain, I get
logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

I can browse the network from a Windows XP machine as well, but
can't connect to any network shares that have any security on them.

I've gone through the smb-ldap documentation and can't
see anything obvious that I'm doing wrong. Nor have I found anything
in searches that tells me any more than what the immediate error
message says (basically they seem to say it's a rights issue so fix
it without specifying how to do it).

Please help!

Louis van Belle wrote:


Hi everybody,
I made a pretty complete howto for samba on debian servers.

This howto covers samba + ldap + cups + recycle bin + samba-vscan
+ phpldapadmin + ACL + Extended Attributes.

this howto is also based on the idealx howto

If you do this setup, you should be able to use the NT4 Usermanager,
setup Point en Print Printing. set rights from explorer etc.
other nice tools is ldapadmin ( ) a must check it

We will use a Debian Sarge as setup.  If you never used Debian
before, you can follow this how-to
( ) , please
read the comment below the pages first, this can save you time and
problems or install Debian without any software packaged, we will
install them later when needed.
Checking the kernel of compile your own kernel if needed.

I try to give a complete solution for this how-to, this is because
lots of people where asking the same things on the samba list and
lots of people make the same mistakes.

This is my company's running setup.

I run this on a P866, 512 Ram, Scsi Raid 1 ( 15rpms 73 Gb ) , with
50 users 25 printers which do about 150.000 prints a month.

I thank my company to let me make this document.

Please if you have improvements, comments, send them to me.

Louis van Belle

Page nr.
1 Checking the kernel or compile your own kernel3

1.1  Preparing apt configuration3
1.2 Preparing the kernel

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-26 Thread Matt Richards
 Matt Richards wrote:

Matt Richards wrote:

Matt Richards wrote:

I was following the howto below (originally posted on this list as
Samba howto for debian only.) to see if I could get my
Samba 3.0.14a (debian) server fully working and able to handle my
logins too. The problem I'm having with my Samba setup is that I
change user passwords except through Swat. Users can't change them
their machines using the Windows password change - but they are
to change them by when they expire.

Anyway, my attempts to follow the howto hit a roadblock at 3 LDAP
Server configuration. Neither slapindex nor slapd will run. It
like it doesn't like something about my root password, but I'm not
what it wants (I'm no expert on LDAP).  :)

Slapindex complains bad configuration file. Slapd gives the more
 line 65 (rootpw ***)
 /etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 65: rootpw can only be set when rootdn
under suffix

I've attached my slapd.conf file if that is of any assistance. Any
will be greatly appreciated.

Louis van Belle wrote:


humm well looking at the config file the first thing that i notice is

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

your root dn isn't in the base of your ldap tree, this should probuly
something like ...

suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

try it n let us know what happens :).



You got it in one!  I've got slapd running.

Now I'm stuck at 5.4 set the samba ldap admin password. I can set
admin password and get the expected response, but when I try
smbldap-populate -a Administrator -b nobody -u 2000 -g 2000, it
to add the various groups. I get failed to add entry: modifications
require authentication at /usr/sbin/smbldap-populate line 460, GEN1
line 3. for each ou=groupname it tries to add.

Any ideas?

the smbldap-populate scripts requires authentication to the ldap server
there is probuly a problem with the login you have set in smbldap.conf
if you have set any at!

i would recommend looking through the smbldap-tools howto at
and see if there is anything you have missed out, but the first thing i
would try is this ..

3 Configuring the smbldap-tools
As mentioned in the previous section, you'll have to update two
configuration files. The first (smbldap.conf) allows you to set global
parameter that are readable by everybody, and the second
(smbldap_bind.conf) defines two administrative accounts to bind to a
and a master ldap server: this file must thus be readable only by root.
script is named can help you to set their contents up. It
located in the tarball downloaded or in the documentation directory if
got the RPM archive (see /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/). Just invoke


note : the smbldap-tools dir might not be located in your

if this doesn't work you could attach your smbldap config file (with
passwd taken out of cause) so we can have a little look.


I can't see anything wrong with my setup but even when I tweak the
settings a little, I get the same result. Here are: smbldap.conf,
smbldap_bind.conf (with passwords removed) and the smb.conf I'm using
for ldap (renamed right now because I'm keeping my old setup available
until I get this working).

One issue is my password does have an apostrophe and a period in it. It
shouldn't be an issue because the bind file has them in quotes. I've
also tried them escaped (\) but that didn't change anything.

ok i have looked over everything and the only thing i can see at this
moment is this ...

in your smbldap_bind.conf file you arn't using a bind dn of
cn=admin,dc=family,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org for authentication against the
ldap server but the line in the config i gave you before was rootdn
cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org ... when you first setup ldap no accounts
exist in the ldap database the rootdn account is like a virtual account
that will always have full access and because of this (and i'm guessing
your ldap tree is blank) you will only be able to use the rootdn to bind
at this time.

there are a few lines you can try to attempt to bind to the ldap server

ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=family,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x -W
ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x -W 

the first the the bind dn in your smbldap_bind.conf and the second is
using the rootdn from the other email.

as your ldap tree is blank you wont get much output but one should fail
with a bind error and the other should say something like no such object.

HTH, let me know if they work will see if i can see anything else that
be wrong.


 It's the one without the family. The 

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-26 Thread Gary Dale

Matt Richards wrote:

Matt Richards wrote:


Matt Richards wrote:


Matt Richards wrote:


I was following the howto below (originally posted on this list as
Samba howto for debian only.) to see if I could get my
Samba 3.0.14a (debian) server fully working and able to handle my
logins too. The problem I'm having with my Samba setup is that I
change user passwords except through Swat. Users can't change them
their machines using the Windows password change - but they are
to change them by when they expire.

Anyway, my attempts to follow the howto hit a roadblock at 3 LDAP
Server configuration. Neither slapindex nor slapd will run. It
like it doesn't like something about my root password, but I'm not
what it wants (I'm no expert on LDAP).  :)

Slapindex complains bad configuration file. Slapd gives the more
line 65 (rootpw ***)
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 65: rootpw can only be set when rootdn
under suffix

I've attached my slapd.conf file if that is of any assistance. Any
will be greatly appreciated.

Louis van Belle wrote:



humm well looking at the config file the first thing that i notice is

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

your root dn isn't in the base of your ldap tree, this should probuly
something like ...

suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

try it n let us know what happens :).




You got it in one!  I've got slapd running.

Now I'm stuck at 5.4 set the samba ldap admin password. I can set
admin password and get the expected response, but when I try
smbldap-populate -a Administrator -b nobody -u 2000 -g 2000, it
to add the various groups. I get failed to add entry: modifications
require authentication at /usr/sbin/smbldap-populate line 460, GEN1
line 3. for each ou=groupname it tries to add.

Any ideas?


the smbldap-populate scripts requires authentication to the ldap server
there is probuly a problem with the login you have set in smbldap.conf
if you have set any at!

i would recommend looking through the smbldap-tools howto at
and see if there is anything you have missed out, but the first thing i
would try is this ..

3 Configuring the smbldap-tools
As mentioned in the previous section, you'll have to update two
configuration files. The first (smbldap.conf) allows you to set global
parameter that are readable by everybody, and the second
(smbldap_bind.conf) defines two administrative accounts to bind to a
and a master ldap server: this file must thus be readable only by root.
script is named can help you to set their contents up. It
located in the tarball downloaded or in the documentation directory if
got the RPM archive (see /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/). Just invoke


note : the smbldap-tools dir might not be located in your

if this doesn't work you could attach your smbldap config file (with
passwd taken out of cause) so we can have a little look.



I can't see anything wrong with my setup but even when I tweak the
settings a little, I get the same result. Here are: smbldap.conf,
smbldap_bind.conf (with passwords removed) and the smb.conf I'm using
for ldap (renamed right now because I'm keeping my old setup available
until I get this working).

One issue is my password does have an apostrophe and a period in it. It
shouldn't be an issue because the bind file has them in quotes. I've
also tried them escaped (\) but that didn't change anything.


ok i have looked over everything and the only thing i can see at this
moment is this ...

in your smbldap_bind.conf file you arn't using a bind dn of
cn=admin,dc=family,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org for authentication against the
ldap server but the line in the config i gave you before was rootdn
cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org ... when you first setup ldap no accounts
exist in the ldap database the rootdn account is like a virtual account
that will always have full access and because of this (and i'm guessing
your ldap tree is blank) you will only be able to use the rootdn to bind
at this time.

there are a few lines you can try to attempt to bind to the ldap server

ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=family,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x -W

ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x -W 

the first the the bind dn in your smbldap_bind.conf and the second is
using the rootdn from the other email.

as your ldap tree is blank you wont get much output but one should fail
with a bind error and the other should say something like no such object.

HTH, let me know if they work 

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-26 Thread Matt Richards
 Matt Richards wrote:

Matt Richards wrote:

Matt Richards wrote:

Matt Richards wrote:

I was following the howto below (originally posted on this list as
Samba howto for debian only.) to see if I could get my
Samba 3.0.14a (debian) server fully working and able to handle my
logins too. The problem I'm having with my Samba setup is that I
change user passwords except through Swat. Users can't change them
their machines using the Windows password change - but they are
to change them by when they expire.

Anyway, my attempts to follow the howto hit a roadblock at 3 LDAP
Server configuration. Neither slapindex nor slapd will run. It
like it doesn't like something about my root password, but I'm not
what it wants (I'm no expert on LDAP).  :)

Slapindex complains bad configuration file. Slapd gives the more
line 65 (rootpw ***)
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 65: rootpw can only be set when rootdn
under suffix

I've attached my slapd.conf file if that is of any assistance. Any
will be greatly appreciated.

Louis van Belle wrote:


humm well looking at the config file the first thing that i notice

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

your root dn isn't in the base of your ldap tree, this should
something like ...

suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

try it n let us know what happens :).



You got it in one!  I've got slapd running.

Now I'm stuck at 5.4 set the samba ldap admin password. I can set
admin password and get the expected response, but when I try
smbldap-populate -a Administrator -b nobody -u 2000 -g 2000, it
to add the various groups. I get failed to add entry: modifications
require authentication at /usr/sbin/smbldap-populate line 460,
line 3. for each ou=groupname it tries to add.

Any ideas?

the smbldap-populate scripts requires authentication to the ldap
there is probuly a problem with the login you have set in
if you have set any at!

i would recommend looking through the smbldap-tools howto at
and see if there is anything you have missed out, but the first thing
would try is this ..

3 Configuring the smbldap-tools
As mentioned in the previous section, you'll have to update two
configuration files. The first (smbldap.conf) allows you to set
parameter that are readable by everybody, and the second
(smbldap_bind.conf) defines two administrative accounts to bind to a
and a master ldap server: this file must thus be readable only by
script is named can help you to set their contents up.
located in the tarball downloaded or in the documentation directory
got the RPM archive (see /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/). Just invoke


note : the smbldap-tools dir might not be located in your

if this doesn't work you could attach your smbldap config file (with
passwd taken out of cause) so we can have a little look.


I can't see anything wrong with my setup but even when I tweak the
settings a little, I get the same result. Here are: smbldap.conf,
smbldap_bind.conf (with passwords removed) and the smb.conf I'm using
for ldap (renamed right now because I'm keeping my old setup available
until I get this working).

One issue is my password does have an apostrophe and a period in it.
shouldn't be an issue because the bind file has them in quotes. I've
also tried them escaped (\) but that didn't change anything.

ok i have looked over everything and the only thing i can see at this
moment is this ...

in your smbldap_bind.conf file you arn't using a bind dn of
cn=admin,dc=family,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org for authentication against the
ldap server but the line in the config i gave you before was rootdn
cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org ... when you first setup ldap no
exist in the ldap database the rootdn account is like a virtual account
that will always have full access and because of this (and i'm guessing
your ldap tree is blank) you will only be able to use the rootdn to
at this time.

there are a few lines you can try to attempt to bind to the ldap server

ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=family,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x

ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x -W 

the first the the bind dn in your smbldap_bind.conf and the second is
using the rootdn from the other email.

as your ldap tree is blank you wont get much output but one should fail
with a bind error and the other should say something like no such

HTH, let me know if they work will see if i can see anything else that
be wrong.



Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-26 Thread Gary Dale

Matt Richards wrote:

Matt Richards wrote:


Matt Richards wrote:


Matt Richards wrote:


Matt Richards wrote:


I was following the howto below (originally posted on this list as
Samba howto for debian only.) to see if I could get my
Samba 3.0.14a (debian) server fully working and able to handle my
logins too. The problem I'm having with my Samba setup is that I
change user passwords except through Swat. Users can't change them
their machines using the Windows password change - but they are
to change them by when they expire.

Anyway, my attempts to follow the howto hit a roadblock at 3 LDAP
Server configuration. Neither slapindex nor slapd will run. It
like it doesn't like something about my root password, but I'm not
what it wants (I'm no expert on LDAP).  :)

Slapindex complains bad configuration file. Slapd gives the more
line 65 (rootpw ***)
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 65: rootpw can only be set when rootdn
under suffix

I've attached my slapd.conf file if that is of any assistance. Any
will be greatly appreciated.

Louis van Belle wrote:



humm well looking at the config file the first thing that i notice

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

your root dn isn't in the base of your ldap tree, this should
something like ...

suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

try it n let us know what happens :).




You got it in one!  I've got slapd running.

Now I'm stuck at 5.4 set the samba ldap admin password. I can set
admin password and get the expected response, but when I try
smbldap-populate -a Administrator -b nobody -u 2000 -g 2000, it
to add the various groups. I get failed to add entry: modifications
require authentication at /usr/sbin/smbldap-populate line 460,
line 3. for each ou=groupname it tries to add.

Any ideas?


the smbldap-populate scripts requires authentication to the ldap
there is probuly a problem with the login you have set in
if you have set any at!

i would recommend looking through the smbldap-tools howto at
and see if there is anything you have missed out, but the first thing
would try is this ..

3 Configuring the smbldap-tools
As mentioned in the previous section, you'll have to update two
configuration files. The first (smbldap.conf) allows you to set
parameter that are readable by everybody, and the second
(smbldap_bind.conf) defines two administrative accounts to bind to a
and a master ldap server: this file must thus be readable only by
script is named can help you to set their contents up.
located in the tarball downloaded or in the documentation directory
got the RPM archive (see /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/). Just invoke


note : the smbldap-tools dir might not be located in your

if this doesn't work you could attach your smbldap config file (with
passwd taken out of cause) so we can have a little look.



I can't see anything wrong with my setup but even when I tweak the
settings a little, I get the same result. Here are: smbldap.conf,
smbldap_bind.conf (with passwords removed) and the smb.conf I'm using
for ldap (renamed right now because I'm keeping my old setup available
until I get this working).

One issue is my password does have an apostrophe and a period in it.
shouldn't be an issue because the bind file has them in quotes. I've
also tried them escaped (\) but that didn't change anything.


ok i have looked over everything and the only thing i can see at this
moment is this ...

in your smbldap_bind.conf file you arn't using a bind dn of
cn=admin,dc=family,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org for authentication against the
ldap server but the line in the config i gave you before was rootdn
cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org ... when you first setup ldap no
exist in the ldap database the rootdn account is like a virtual account
that will always have full access and because of this (and i'm guessing
your ldap tree is blank) you will only be able to use the rootdn to
at this time.

there are a few lines you can try to attempt to bind to the ldap server

ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=family,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x

ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x -W 

the first the the bind dn in your smbldap_bind.conf and the second is
using the rootdn from the other email.

as your ldap tree is blank you wont get much output but one should fail
with a bind error and the 

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-26 Thread Matt Richards
 Matt Richards wrote:

Matt Richards wrote:

Matt Richards wrote:

Matt Richards wrote:

Matt Richards wrote:

I was following the howto below (originally posted on this list
Samba howto for debian only.) to see if I could get my
Samba 3.0.14a (debian) server fully working and able to handle
logins too. The problem I'm having with my Samba setup is that I
change user passwords except through Swat. Users can't change
their machines using the Windows password change - but they are
to change them by when they expire.

Anyway, my attempts to follow the howto hit a roadblock at 3
Server configuration. Neither slapindex nor slapd will run. It
like it doesn't like something about my root password, but I'm
what it wants (I'm no expert on LDAP).  :)

Slapindex complains bad configuration file. Slapd gives the
line 65 (rootpw ***)
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 65: rootpw can only be set when
under suffix

I've attached my slapd.conf file if that is of any assistance.
will be greatly appreciated.

Louis van Belle wrote:


humm well looking at the config file the first thing that i

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

your root dn isn't in the base of your ldap tree, this should
something like ...

suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

try it n let us know what happens :).



You got it in one!  I've got slapd running.

Now I'm stuck at 5.4 set the samba ldap admin password. I can
admin password and get the expected response, but when I try
smbldap-populate -a Administrator -b nobody -u 2000 -g 2000, it
to add the various groups. I get failed to add entry:
require authentication at /usr/sbin/smbldap-populate line 460,
line 3. for each ou=groupname it tries to add.

Any ideas?

the smbldap-populate scripts requires authentication to the ldap
there is probuly a problem with the login you have set in
if you have set any at!

i would recommend looking through the smbldap-tools howto at
and see if there is anything you have missed out, but the first
would try is this ..

3 Configuring the smbldap-tools
As mentioned in the previous section, you'll have to update two
configuration files. The first (smbldap.conf) allows you to set
parameter that are readable by everybody, and the second
(smbldap_bind.conf) defines two administrative accounts to bind to
and a master ldap server: this file must thus be readable only by
script is named can help you to set their contents up.
located in the tarball downloaded or in the documentation directory
got the RPM archive (see /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/). Just


note : the smbldap-tools dir might not be located in your

if this doesn't work you could attach your smbldap config file
passwd taken out of cause) so we can have a little look.


I can't see anything wrong with my setup but even when I tweak the
settings a little, I get the same result. Here are: smbldap.conf,
smbldap_bind.conf (with passwords removed) and the smb.conf I'm
for ldap (renamed right now because I'm keeping my old setup
until I get this working).

One issue is my password does have an apostrophe and a period in it.
shouldn't be an issue because the bind file has them in quotes. I've
also tried them escaped (\) but that didn't change anything.

ok i have looked over everything and the only thing i can see at this
moment is this ...

in your smbldap_bind.conf file you arn't using a bind dn of
cn=admin,dc=family,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org for authentication against
ldap server but the line in the config i gave you before was rootdn
cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org ... when you first setup ldap no
exist in the ldap database the rootdn account is like a virtual
that will always have full access and because of this (and i'm
your ldap tree is blank) you will only be able to use the rootdn to
at this time.

there are a few lines you can try to attempt to bind to the ldap

ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=family,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x

ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x -W 

the first the the bind dn in your smbldap_bind.conf and the second is
using the rootdn from the other email.

as your ldap tree is blank you wont get much output but one should
with a bind error and the other should say something like no such

HTH, let me know if they work will see if i can see 

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-26 Thread Gary Dale

Sorry Matt, I've got it going now - at least to the point of getting the
smbldap-populate to work. The next issue is smbpasswd -a root. It's not
working. Also, I've installed phpldapadmin and can't get it to connect
either. The issue now seems to be a TLS connection between Samba and
LDAP. I didn't think I was using one, but LDAP seems to think otherwise.
For example, both phpldapadmin and lsmbldap-usermod -J Administrator
complain about TLS connections to the LDAP server.

I've been looking at the instructions for TLS with LDAP but
still not getting it working.


Further to the above:
Trying to get TLS working is a pain. I've also had only slightly better 
luck with trying to not use it. When I don't use it, I can get 
ldapsearch to return a result. However, Samba doesn't seem to want to 
talk to it. When I try to get TLS running, I get TLS errors everywhere. :(

Right now I've got it configured, I believe, to not use TLS. When I run 
smbpasswd, I get:

semper:/etc/smbldap-tools# smbpasswd -a root
fetch_ldap_pw: neither ldap secret retrieved!
ldap_connect_system: Failed to retrieve password from secrets.tdb
Connection to LDAP server failed for the 1 try!

I've attached my various .conf files again. Sorry to be such a pain, but 
I am not having any luck by myself.
access to 
by dn=cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org write
by anonymous auth
by self write
by * none

access to attrs=loginShell
by dn=cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org write
by * none

access to 
by dn=cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org write
by self write
by * read

# Allow LDAPv2 binds
# allow bind_v2

# This is the main slapd configuration file. See slapd.conf(5) for more
# info on the configuration options.

# Global Directives:

# Features to permit
#allow bind_v2

# Schema and objectClass definitions
include /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/nis.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include /etc/ldap/schema/samba.schema

# Schema check allows for forcing entries to
# match schemas for their objectClasses's
schemacheck on

# Where the pid file is put. The init.d script
# will not stop the server if you change this.
pidfile /var/run/slapd/

# List of arguments that were passed to the server

# Read slapd.conf(5) for possible values

# Where the dynamically loaded modules are stored
modulepath  /usr/lib/ldap
moduleload  back_bdb

TLSCertificateFile  /etc/ldap/ssl/ldap-server.pem
TLSCertificateKeyFile   /etc/ldap/ssl/ldap-server.pem

# Specific Backend Directives for bdb:
# Backend specific directives apply to this backend until another
# 'backend' directive occurs
backend bdb
checkpoint 512 30

# Specific Backend Directives for 'other':
# Backend specific directives apply to this backend until another
# 'backend' directive occurs

# Specific Directives for database #1, of type bdb:
# Database specific directives apply to this databasse until another
# 'database' directive occurs

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

rootdn  cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org
rootpw  {MD5}hdduy/+JqjCnJjCWiKOGBQ==

# Where the database file are physically stored for database #1
directory   /var/lib/ldap

# Indexing options for database #1
index   objectClass,uidNumber,gidNumber eq
index   cn,sn,uid,displayName pres,eq,sub
index   memberUid,mail,givenname eq,subinitial
index   sambaSID,sambaPrimaryGroupSID,sambaDomainName eq
# default index
index   default eq

# Save the time that the entry gets modified, for database #1
lastmod on

# Where to store the replica logs for database #1
# replogfile/var/lib/ldap/replog

# The userPassword by default can be changed
# by the entry owning it if they are authenticated.
# Others should not be able to see it, except the
# admin entry below
# These access lines apply to database #1 only
access to attrs=userPassword
by dn=cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org write
by anonymous auth
by self write
by * none

# Ensure read access to the base for things like
# supportedSASLMechanisms.  Without this you 

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-26 Thread Gary Dale

Sorry Matt, I've got it going now - at least to the point of getting the
smbldap-populate to work. The next issue is smbpasswd -a root. It's not
working. Also, I've installed phpldapadmin and can't get it to connect
either. The issue now seems to be a TLS connection between Samba and
LDAP. I didn't think I was using one, but LDAP seems to think otherwise.
For example, both phpldapadmin and lsmbldap-usermod -J Administrator
complain about TLS connections to the LDAP server.

I've been looking at the instructions for TLS with LDAP but
still not getting it working.


Further to the above:
Trying to get TLS working is a pain. I've also had only slightly better
luck with trying to not use it. When I don't use it, I can get
ldapsearch to return a result. However, Samba doesn't seem to want to
talk to it. When I try to get TLS running, I get TLS errors everywhere. :(

Right now I've got it configured, I believe, to not use TLS. When I run
smbpasswd, I get:

semper:/etc/smbldap-tools# smbpasswd -a root
fetch_ldap_pw: neither ldap secret retrieved!
ldap_connect_system: Failed to retrieve password from secrets.tdb
Connection to LDAP server failed for the 1 try!

I've attached my various .conf files again. Sorry to be such a pain, but
I am not having any luck by myself.


BTW - Here's the results of an ldapsearch:

semper:/var/lib/ldap# smbldap-populate -a Administrator -b nobody 
-semper:/var/lib/ldap# ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -b 
dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x -W 

Enter LDAP Password:
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base dc=rahim-dale,dc=org with scope sub
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting:

dn: dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# admin,
dn: cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Users,
dn: ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Groups,
dn: ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Computers,
dn: ou=Computers,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Idmap,
dn: ou=Idmap,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# rahim-dale,
dn: sambaDomainName=rahim-dale,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Administrator, Users,
dn: uid=Administrator,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# nobody, Users,
dn: uid=nobody,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Domain Admins, Groups,
dn: cn=Domain Admins,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Domain Users, Groups,
dn: cn=Domain Users,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Domain Guests, Groups,
dn: cn=Domain Guests,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Domain Computers, Groups,
dn: cn=Domain Computers,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Administrators, Groups,
dn: cn=Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Print Operators, Groups,
dn: cn=Print Operators,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Backup Operators, Groups,
dn: cn=Backup Operators,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Replicators, Groups,
dn: cn=Replicators,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 18
# numEntries: 17

To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-26 Thread Matt Richards
 Sorry Matt, I've got it going now - at least to the point of getting the
 smbldap-populate to work. The next issue is smbpasswd -a root. It's not
 working. Also, I've installed phpldapadmin and can't get it to connect
 either. The issue now seems to be a TLS connection between Samba and
 LDAP. I didn't think I was using one, but LDAP seems to think otherwise.
 For example, both phpldapadmin and lsmbldap-usermod -J Administrator
 complain about TLS connections to the LDAP server.

 I've been looking at the instructions for TLS with LDAP but
 still not getting it working.


 Further to the above:
 Trying to get TLS working is a pain. I've also had only slightly better
 luck with trying to not use it. When I don't use it, I can get
 ldapsearch to return a result. However, Samba doesn't seem to want to
 talk to it. When I try to get TLS running, I get TLS errors everywhere. :(

 Right now I've got it configured, I believe, to not use TLS. When I run
 smbpasswd, I get:

 semper:/etc/smbldap-tools# smbpasswd -a root
 fetch_ldap_pw: neither ldap secret retrieved!
 ldap_connect_system: Failed to retrieve password from secrets.tdb
 Connection to LDAP server failed for the 1 try!

:) glad its working, hehe er.
ldap_connect_system: Failed to retrieve password from secrets.tdb

from the doc ...

don't forget to also set the samba account password in secrets.tdb file :

smbpasswd -w samba

... from man smbpasswd ...

   -w password
  This parameter is only available if Samba has been compiled
  LDAP support. The -w switch is used to specify the  password
  be  used with theldap admin dn. Note that the password is
  in the secrets.tdb and is keyed off  of  the  admin's  DN. 
  means that if the value of ldap admin dn ever changes, the
  word will need to be manually updated as well.



 I've attached my various .conf files again. Sorry to be such a pain, but
 I am not having any luck by myself.


 BTW - Here's the results of an ldapsearch:

 semper:/var/lib/ldap# smbldap-populate -a Administrator -b nobody
 -semper:/var/lib/ldap# ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -b
 dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x -W 
 Enter LDAP Password:
 # extended LDIF
 # LDAPv3
 # base dc=rahim-dale,dc=org with scope sub
 # filter: (objectclass=*)
 # requesting:

 dn: dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # admin,
 dn: cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # Users,
 dn: ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # Groups,
 dn: ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # Computers,
 dn: ou=Computers,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # Idmap,
 dn: ou=Idmap,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # rahim-dale,
 dn: sambaDomainName=rahim-dale,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # Administrator, Users,
 dn: uid=Administrator,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # nobody, Users,
 dn: uid=nobody,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # Domain Admins, Groups,
 dn: cn=Domain Admins,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # Domain Users, Groups,
 dn: cn=Domain Users,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # Domain Guests, Groups,
 dn: cn=Domain Guests,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # Domain Computers, Groups,
 dn: cn=Domain Computers,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # Administrators, Groups,
 dn: cn=Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # Print Operators, Groups,
 dn: cn=Print Operators,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # Backup Operators, Groups,
 dn: cn=Backup Operators,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # Replicators, Groups,
 dn: cn=Replicators,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

 # search result
 search: 2
 result: 0 Success

 # numResponses: 18
 # numEntries: 17

To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-26 Thread Gary Dale

Matt Richards wrote:

:) glad its working, hehe er.
ldap_connect_system: Failed to retrieve password from secrets.tdb

from the doc ...

don't forget to also set the samba account password in secrets.tdb file :

smbpasswd -w samba

... from man smbpasswd ...

  -w password
 This parameter is only available if Samba has been compiled
 LDAP support. The -w switch is used to specify the  password
 be  used with theldap admin dn. Note that the password is
 in the secrets.tdb and is keyed off  of  the  admin's  DN. 

 means that if the value of ldap admin dn ever changes, the
 word will need to be manually updated as well.




I found section 8.2 in the text about changing the administrative
account. I followed the directions to change it from admin to samba (the
samba-access.conf file is now a lot larger) and I now seem to have some
kind of connection. However, when I try the smbpasswd -a root, I get errors:

semper:/var/lib/ldap# smbpasswd -a root
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
ldapsam_modify_entry: Failed to add user dn=
uid=root,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org with: Insufficient access
   no write access to parent
ldapsam_add_sam_account: failed to modify/add user with uid = root (dn =
Failed to add entry for user root.
Failed to modify password entry for user root

To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-26 Thread Gary Dale
Further to my previous message: I've gone over section 8.1 of, which shows some working 
.conf files, and put back a few things the way I'd previously had them. 
The example files use Manager while I use admin is the main thing. I've 
kept samba in smb.conf however. Because there is now a samba user in the 
LDAP database, this seems to work now.

However, I still can't do smbpasswd -a root. I'm still getting:

semper:/etc/ldap# smbpasswd -a root
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
ldapsam_modify_entry: Failed to add user dn= 
uid=root,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org with: Insufficient access

   no write access to parent
ldapsam_add_sam_account: failed to modify/add user with uid = root (dn = 

Failed to add entry for user root.
Failed to modify password entry for user root

I have a samba-access.conf file that is included in slapd.conf that 
combines the 8.2 samba uid stuff with a shorter list from the original 
howto I was following. I've attached it in case it helps.

An ldap search gives the following results:
semper:/etc/ldap# ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -b 
dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x -W 

Enter LDAP Password:
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base dc=rahim-dale,dc=org with scope sub
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting:

dn: dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# admin,
dn: cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Users,
dn: ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Groups,
dn: ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Computers,
dn: ou=Computers,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Idmap,
dn: ou=Idmap,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# rahim-dale,
dn: sambaDomainName=rahim-dale,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Administrator, Users,
dn: uid=Administrator,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# nobody, Users,
dn: uid=nobody,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Domain Admins, Groups,
dn: cn=Domain Admins,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Domain Users, Groups,
dn: cn=Domain Users,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Domain Guests, Groups,
dn: cn=Domain Guests,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Domain Computers, Groups,
dn: cn=Domain Computers,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Administrators, Groups,
dn: cn=Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Print Operators, Groups,
dn: cn=Print Operators,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Backup Operators, Groups,
dn: cn=Backup Operators,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# Replicators, Groups,
dn: cn=Replicators,ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# samba, Users,
dn: uid=samba,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 19
# numEntries: 18

# users can authenticate and change their password
access to 
  by dn=uid=samba,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org write
  by self write
  by anonymous auth
  by * none
# some attributes need to be readable anonymously so that 'id user' can answer 
access to 
  by dn=uid=samba,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org write
  by * read
# somme attributes can be writable by users themselves
access to attrs=description,telephoneNumber
  by dn=uid=samba,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org write
  by self write
  by * read
# some attributes need to be writable for samba
access to 
  by dn=uid=samba,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org write
  by self read
  by * none
# samba need to be able to create the samba domain account
access to dn.base=dc=rahim-dale,dc=org
  by dn=uid=samba,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org write
  by * none
# samba need to be able to create new users account
access to dn=ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org
  by dn=uid=samba,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org write
  by * none
# samba need to be able to create new groups account
access to dn=ou=Groups,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org
  by dn=uid=samba,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org write
  by * none
# samba need to be able to create new computers account
access to dn=ou=Computers,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org
  by dn=uid=samba,ou=Users,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org write
  by * none
# this can be omitted but we leave it: there could be other branch
# in the directory
access to *
  by self read
  by * none

access to 

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-25 Thread Gary Dale

Matt Richards wrote:

I was following the howto below (originally posted on this list as BIG
Samba howto for debian only.) to see if I could get my not-quite-working
Samba 3.0.14a (debian) server fully working and able to handle my Linux
logins too. The problem I'm having with my Samba setup is that I can't
change user passwords except through Swat. Users can't change them from
their machines using the Windows password change - but they are notified
to change them by when they expire.

Anyway, my attempts to follow the howto hit a roadblock at 3 LDAP
Server configuration. Neither slapindex nor slapd will run. It looks
like it doesn't like something about my root password, but I'm not sure
what it wants (I'm no expert on LDAP).  :)

Slapindex complains bad configuration file. Slapd gives the more
  line 65 (rootpw ***)
  /etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 65: rootpw can only be set when rootdn is
under suffix

I've attached my slapd.conf file if that is of any assistance. Any help
will be greatly appreciated.

Louis van Belle wrote:



humm well looking at the config file the first thing that i notice is this

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

your root dn isn't in the base of your ldap tree, this should probuly be
something like ...

suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

try it n let us know what happens :).




You got it in one!  I've got slapd running.

Now I'm stuck at 5.4 set the samba ldap admin password. I can set the 
admin password and get the expected response, but when I try 
smbldap-populate -a Administrator -b nobody -u 2000 -g 2000, it fails 
to add the various groups. I get failed to add entry: modifications 
require authentication at /usr/sbin/smbldap-populate line 460, GEN1 
line 3. for each ou=groupname it tries to add.

Any ideas?
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-25 Thread Matt Richards
 Matt Richards wrote:

I was following the howto below (originally posted on this list as BIG
Samba howto for debian only.) to see if I could get my not-quite-working
Samba 3.0.14a (debian) server fully working and able to handle my Linux
logins too. The problem I'm having with my Samba setup is that I can't
change user passwords except through Swat. Users can't change them from
their machines using the Windows password change - but they are notified
to change them by when they expire.

Anyway, my attempts to follow the howto hit a roadblock at 3 LDAP
Server configuration. Neither slapindex nor slapd will run. It looks
like it doesn't like something about my root password, but I'm not sure
what it wants (I'm no expert on LDAP).  :)

Slapindex complains bad configuration file. Slapd gives the more
   line 65 (rootpw ***)
   /etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 65: rootpw can only be set when rootdn is
under suffix

I've attached my slapd.conf file if that is of any assistance. Any help
will be greatly appreciated.

Louis van Belle wrote:


humm well looking at the config file the first thing that i notice is

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

your root dn isn't in the base of your ldap tree, this should probuly be
something like ...

suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

try it n let us know what happens :).



 You got it in one!  I've got slapd running.

 Now I'm stuck at 5.4 set the samba ldap admin password. I can set the
 admin password and get the expected response, but when I try
 smbldap-populate -a Administrator -b nobody -u 2000 -g 2000, it fails
 to add the various groups. I get failed to add entry: modifications
 require authentication at /usr/sbin/smbldap-populate line 460, GEN1
 line 3. for each ou=groupname it tries to add.

 Any ideas?

the smbldap-populate scripts requires authentication to the ldap server
there is probuly a problem with the login you have set in smbldap.conf ..
if you have set any at!

i would recommend looking through the smbldap-tools howto at
and see if there is anything you have missed out, but the first thing i
would try is this ..

3 Configuring the smbldap-tools
As mentioned in the previous section, you'll have to update two
configuration files. The first (smbldap.conf) allows you to set global
parameter that are readable by everybody, and the second
(smbldap_bind.conf) defines two administrative accounts to bind to a slave
and a master ldap server: this file must thus be readable only by root. A
script is named can help you to set their contents up. It is
located in the tarball downloaded or in the documentation directory if you
got the RPM archive (see /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/). Just invoke it:


note : the smbldap-tools dir might not be located in your /usr/share/doc/

if this doesn't work you could attach your smbldap config file (with the
passwd taken out of cause) so we can have a little look.


 To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-25 Thread Gary Dale

Matt Richards wrote:

Matt Richards wrote:


I was following the howto below (originally posted on this list as BIG
Samba howto for debian only.) to see if I could get my not-quite-working
Samba 3.0.14a (debian) server fully working and able to handle my Linux
logins too. The problem I'm having with my Samba setup is that I can't
change user passwords except through Swat. Users can't change them from
their machines using the Windows password change - but they are notified
to change them by when they expire.

Anyway, my attempts to follow the howto hit a roadblock at 3 LDAP
Server configuration. Neither slapindex nor slapd will run. It looks
like it doesn't like something about my root password, but I'm not sure
what it wants (I'm no expert on LDAP).  :)

Slapindex complains bad configuration file. Slapd gives the more
 line 65 (rootpw ***)
 /etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 65: rootpw can only be set when rootdn is
under suffix

I've attached my slapd.conf file if that is of any assistance. Any help
will be greatly appreciated.

Louis van Belle wrote:



humm well looking at the config file the first thing that i notice is

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

your root dn isn't in the base of your ldap tree, this should probuly be
something like ...

suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

try it n let us know what happens :).




You got it in one!  I've got slapd running.

Now I'm stuck at 5.4 set the samba ldap admin password. I can set the
admin password and get the expected response, but when I try
smbldap-populate -a Administrator -b nobody -u 2000 -g 2000, it fails
to add the various groups. I get failed to add entry: modifications
require authentication at /usr/sbin/smbldap-populate line 460, GEN1
line 3. for each ou=groupname it tries to add.

Any ideas?

the smbldap-populate scripts requires authentication to the ldap server
there is probuly a problem with the login you have set in smbldap.conf ..
if you have set any at!

i would recommend looking through the smbldap-tools howto at
and see if there is anything you have missed out, but the first thing i
would try is this ..

3 Configuring the smbldap-tools
As mentioned in the previous section, you'll have to update two
configuration files. The first (smbldap.conf) allows you to set global
parameter that are readable by everybody, and the second
(smbldap_bind.conf) defines two administrative accounts to bind to a slave
and a master ldap server: this file must thus be readable only by root. A
script is named can help you to set their contents up. It is
located in the tarball downloaded or in the documentation directory if you
got the RPM archive (see /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/). Just invoke it:


note : the smbldap-tools dir might not be located in your /usr/share/doc/

if this doesn't work you could attach your smbldap config file (with the
passwd taken out of cause) so we can have a little look.



I can't see anything wrong with my setup but even when I tweak the
settings a little, I get the same result. Here are: smbldap.conf,
smbldap_bind.conf (with passwords removed) and the smb.conf I'm using
for ldap (renamed right now because I'm keeping my old setup available
until I get this working).

One issue is my password does have an apostrophe and a period in it. It
shouldn't be an issue because the bind file has them in quotes. I've
also tried them escaped (\) but that didn't change anything.

# Global parameters
workgroup = RAHIM-DALE
netbios name = SEMPER
#interfaces =
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
enable privileges = yes
server string = %h PDC (Samba %v)
security = user
encrypt passwords = Yes
min passwd length = 5
obey pam restrictions = No
ldap passwd sync = Yes
#unix password sync = Yes
#passwd program = /usr/sbin/smbldap-passwd -u %u
#passwd chat = Changing password for*\nNew password* %n\n *Retype 
new password* %n\n
ldap passwd sync = Yes
log level = 0
syslog = 0
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 10
time server = Yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
mangling method = hash2
Dos charset = 850
Unix charset = ISO8859-1

admin users = garydale, root
hosts allow = 192.168.2.

logon script = scripts\logon.bat
logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%U
logon drive = M:
logon home = \\%L\%U

domain logons = Yes
os level = 65
preferred master = Yes
domain master = Yes

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-25 Thread Matt Richards
 Matt Richards wrote:

Matt Richards wrote:

I was following the howto below (originally posted on this list as BIG
Samba howto for debian only.) to see if I could get my
Samba 3.0.14a (debian) server fully working and able to handle my
logins too. The problem I'm having with my Samba setup is that I can't
change user passwords except through Swat. Users can't change them
their machines using the Windows password change - but they are
to change them by when they expire.

Anyway, my attempts to follow the howto hit a roadblock at 3 LDAP
Server configuration. Neither slapindex nor slapd will run. It looks
like it doesn't like something about my root password, but I'm not
what it wants (I'm no expert on LDAP).  :)

Slapindex complains bad configuration file. Slapd gives the more
  line 65 (rootpw ***)
  /etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 65: rootpw can only be set when rootdn is
under suffix

I've attached my slapd.conf file if that is of any assistance. Any
will be greatly appreciated.

Louis van Belle wrote:


humm well looking at the config file the first thing that i notice is

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

your root dn isn't in the base of your ldap tree, this should probuly
something like ...

suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

try it n let us know what happens :).



You got it in one!  I've got slapd running.

Now I'm stuck at 5.4 set the samba ldap admin password. I can set the
admin password and get the expected response, but when I try
smbldap-populate -a Administrator -b nobody -u 2000 -g 2000, it fails
to add the various groups. I get failed to add entry: modifications
require authentication at /usr/sbin/smbldap-populate line 460, GEN1
line 3. for each ou=groupname it tries to add.

Any ideas?

the smbldap-populate scripts requires authentication to the ldap server
there is probuly a problem with the login you have set in smbldap.conf ..
if you have set any at!

i would recommend looking through the smbldap-tools howto at
and see if there is anything you have missed out, but the first thing i
would try is this ..

3 Configuring the smbldap-tools
As mentioned in the previous section, you'll have to update two
configuration files. The first (smbldap.conf) allows you to set global
parameter that are readable by everybody, and the second
(smbldap_bind.conf) defines two administrative accounts to bind to a
and a master ldap server: this file must thus be readable only by root. A
script is named can help you to set their contents up. It is
located in the tarball downloaded or in the documentation directory if
got the RPM archive (see /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/). Just invoke it:


note : the smbldap-tools dir might not be located in your /usr/share/doc/

if this doesn't work you could attach your smbldap config file (with the
passwd taken out of cause) so we can have a little look.


 I can't see anything wrong with my setup but even when I tweak the
 settings a little, I get the same result. Here are: smbldap.conf,
 smbldap_bind.conf (with passwords removed) and the smb.conf I'm using
 for ldap (renamed right now because I'm keeping my old setup available
 until I get this working).

 One issue is my password does have an apostrophe and a period in it. It
 shouldn't be an issue because the bind file has them in quotes. I've
 also tried them escaped (\) but that didn't change anything.

ok i have looked over everything and the only thing i can see at this
moment is this ...

in your smbldap_bind.conf file you arn't using a bind dn of
cn=admin,dc=family,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org for authentication against the
ldap server but the line in the config i gave you before was rootdn
cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org ... when you first setup ldap no accounts
exist in the ldap database the rootdn account is like a virtual account
that will always have full access and because of this (and i'm guessing
your ldap tree is blank) you will only be able to use the rootdn to bind
at this time.

there are a few lines you can try to attempt to bind to the ldap server ...

ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=family,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x -W 
ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x -W 

the first the the bind dn in your smbldap_bind.conf and the second is
using the rootdn from the other email.

as your ldap tree is blank you wont get much output but one should fail
with a bind error and the other should say something like no such object.

HTH, let me know if they work will see if i can see anything else that may
be wrong.


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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-25 Thread Gary Dale

Matt Richards wrote:

Matt Richards wrote:


Matt Richards wrote:


I was following the howto below (originally posted on this list as BIG
Samba howto for debian only.) to see if I could get my
Samba 3.0.14a (debian) server fully working and able to handle my
logins too. The problem I'm having with my Samba setup is that I can't
change user passwords except through Swat. Users can't change them
their machines using the Windows password change - but they are
to change them by when they expire.

Anyway, my attempts to follow the howto hit a roadblock at 3 LDAP
Server configuration. Neither slapindex nor slapd will run. It looks
like it doesn't like something about my root password, but I'm not
what it wants (I'm no expert on LDAP).  :)

Slapindex complains bad configuration file. Slapd gives the more
line 65 (rootpw ***)
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 65: rootpw can only be set when rootdn is
under suffix

I've attached my slapd.conf file if that is of any assistance. Any
will be greatly appreciated.

Louis van Belle wrote:



humm well looking at the config file the first thing that i notice is

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

your root dn isn't in the base of your ldap tree, this should probuly
something like ...

suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

try it n let us know what happens :).




You got it in one!  I've got slapd running.

Now I'm stuck at 5.4 set the samba ldap admin password. I can set the
admin password and get the expected response, but when I try
smbldap-populate -a Administrator -b nobody -u 2000 -g 2000, it fails
to add the various groups. I get failed to add entry: modifications
require authentication at /usr/sbin/smbldap-populate line 460, GEN1
line 3. for each ou=groupname it tries to add.

Any ideas?


the smbldap-populate scripts requires authentication to the ldap server
there is probuly a problem with the login you have set in smbldap.conf ..
if you have set any at!

i would recommend looking through the smbldap-tools howto at
and see if there is anything you have missed out, but the first thing i
would try is this ..

3 Configuring the smbldap-tools
As mentioned in the previous section, you'll have to update two
configuration files. The first (smbldap.conf) allows you to set global
parameter that are readable by everybody, and the second
(smbldap_bind.conf) defines two administrative accounts to bind to a
and a master ldap server: this file must thus be readable only by root. A
script is named can help you to set their contents up. It is
located in the tarball downloaded or in the documentation directory if
got the RPM archive (see /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/). Just invoke it:


note : the smbldap-tools dir might not be located in your /usr/share/doc/

if this doesn't work you could attach your smbldap config file (with the
passwd taken out of cause) so we can have a little look.



I can't see anything wrong with my setup but even when I tweak the
settings a little, I get the same result. Here are: smbldap.conf,
smbldap_bind.conf (with passwords removed) and the smb.conf I'm using
for ldap (renamed right now because I'm keeping my old setup available
until I get this working).

One issue is my password does have an apostrophe and a period in it. It
shouldn't be an issue because the bind file has them in quotes. I've
also tried them escaped (\) but that didn't change anything.


ok i have looked over everything and the only thing i can see at this
moment is this ...

in your smbldap_bind.conf file you arn't using a bind dn of
cn=admin,dc=family,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org for authentication against the
ldap server but the line in the config i gave you before was rootdn
cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org ... when you first setup ldap no accounts
exist in the ldap database the rootdn account is like a virtual account
that will always have full access and because of this (and i'm guessing
your ldap tree is blank) you will only be able to use the rootdn to bind
at this time.

there are a few lines you can try to attempt to bind to the ldap server ...

ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=family,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x -W 
ldapsearch -D cn=admin,dc=rahim-dale,dc=org -h -x -W 

the first the the bind dn in your smbldap_bind.conf and the second is
using the rootdn from the other email.

as your ldap tree is blank you wont get much output but one should fail
with a bind error and the other should say something like no such object.

HTH, let me know if they work will see if i can see anything else that may
be wrong.




[Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-23 Thread Gary Dale
I was following the howto below (originally posted on this list as BIG 
Samba howto for debian only.) to see if I could get my not-quite-working 
Samba 3.0.14a (debian) server fully working and able to handle my Linux 
logins too. The problem I'm having with my Samba setup is that I can't 
change user passwords except through Swat. Users can't change them from 
their machines using the Windows password change - but they are notified 
to change them by when they expire.

Anyway, my attempts to follow the howto hit a roadblock at 3 LDAP
Server configuration. Neither slapindex nor slapd will run. It looks
like it doesn't like something about my root password, but I'm not sure
what it wants (I'm no expert on LDAP).  :)

Slapindex complains bad configuration file. Slapd gives the more detailed:
  line 65 (rootpw ***)
  /etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 65: rootpw can only be set when rootdn is 
under suffix

I've attached my slapd.conf file if that is of any assistance. Any help 
will be greatly appreciated.

Louis van Belle wrote:

Hi everybody, 

I made a pretty complete howto for samba on debian servers.

This howto covers samba + ldap + cups + recycle bin + samba-vscan
+ phpldapadmin + ACL + Extended Attributes.

this howto is also based on the idealx howto

If you do this setup, you should be able to use the NT4 Usermanager,
setup Point en Print Printing. set rights from explorer etc.
other nice tools is ldapadmin ( ) a must check it out.

We will use a Debian Sarge as setup.  
If you never used Debian before, you can follow this how-to 
( ) , 
please read the comment below the pages first, 
this can save you time and problems or install Debian without 
any software packaged, we will install them later when needed.

Checking the kernel of compile your own kernel if needed.

I try to give a complete solution for this how-to, 
this is because lots of people where asking the same things on 
the samba list and lots of people make the same mistakes.

This is my company's running setup.

I run this on a P866, 512 Ram, Scsi Raid 1 ( 15rpms 73 Gb ) , with 50 users 
25 printers which do about 150.000 prints a month.

I thank my company to let me make this document.

Please if you have improvements, comments, send them to me.

Louis van Belle

Page nr.

1 Checking the kernel or compile your own kernel3
1.1  Preparing apt configuration3
1.2 Preparing the kernel3
1.3 setup the /etc/fstab3
1.4 final touch, lilo (or grub) 3
2 Pre-installation of the debian packages   4
2.1  Samba and Ldap 4
2.2 basic rights setup for samba4
2.3 why this rights setup.  4
3 LDAP Server configuration 5
4 installation/configuration libnss, libpam (-ldap) 7
5 Samba and smbldap-tools Configuration 8
5.1 smbldap-tools installation/configuration8
5.2 setting up samba base config8
5.3 Configuring smbldap.conf9
5.4 set the samba ldap admin password   9
5.5 Samba PRIVILEGES Setup  10
6 CUPS - Printer software   11
6.1 Setup Cups  11
6.2 Setup Cups PDF Printer. - Creating a PDF Printer11
7 Configuring phpldapadmin  12
7.1 installation of phpldapadmin ( and apache ) 12
8.0 On-Access virus scanning on samba (samba-clamav)13
8.1 Installing ClamAV   13
8.2 get the sources ( samba  samba-vscan ) 13
9.0 Recycle bin on samba14
9.1 Recycle bin configuration   14
Appendix 1 (complex samba-access.conf ) SETUP WITH DSA USERS15
Appendix 2 APT  16
2.1 APT HOWTO   16
2.2 Files from /etc/apt 17
2.2.1 /etc/apt/apt.conf 17
2.2.2 /etc/apt/preferences  17

1 Checking the kernel or compile your own kernel
1.1  Preparing apt configuration

for this go check out my apt howto.

if you apt config is setup rights, follow the steps below.  

	ncurses interface for compiling the kernel  
	apt-get install libncurses5-dev

	get the kernel source 
	apt-get install kernel-source-2.6.8 kernel-package

	installer right kernel and activate EXT2/3 + Extended attributes 
	and setup CIFS kernel support to in kernel.

1.2 Preparing the kernel
apt-get install kernel-source-2.6.8 kernel-package fakeroot
libc6-dev libncurses5-dev

	cd /usr/src  
	tar -jxf kernel-source-2.6.8.tar.bz2

ln -s /usr/src/linux /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8
cp /boot/config-2.6.8-2-* /usr/src/linux/.config
cd linux
make menuconfig - File systems - Ext2/3 + extended options
also  File systems - Miscellaneous filesystems -
and   File systems - Network File Systems - CIFS
+ extended Attributes
now create the kernel and install it.

fakeroot make-kpkg --append-to-kernel=-mykernel --initrd

	This create a file kernel-image-2.6.8.custom.1.0_i386.deb under 

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP rootpw error

2006-03-23 Thread Matt Richards
 I was following the howto below (originally posted on this list as BIG
 Samba howto for debian only.) to see if I could get my not-quite-working
 Samba 3.0.14a (debian) server fully working and able to handle my Linux
 logins too. The problem I'm having with my Samba setup is that I can't
 change user passwords except through Swat. Users can't change them from
 their machines using the Windows password change - but they are notified
 to change them by when they expire.

 Anyway, my attempts to follow the howto hit a roadblock at 3 LDAP
 Server configuration. Neither slapindex nor slapd will run. It looks
 like it doesn't like something about my root password, but I'm not sure
 what it wants (I'm no expert on LDAP).  :)

 Slapindex complains bad configuration file. Slapd gives the more
line 65 (rootpw ***)
/etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 65: rootpw can only be set when rootdn is
 under suffix

 I've attached my slapd.conf file if that is of any assistance. Any help
 will be greatly appreciated.

 Louis van Belle wrote:


humm well looking at the config file the first thing that i notice is this

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

your root dn isn't in the base of your ldap tree, this should probuly be
something like ...

suffix  dc=rahim-dale,dc=org

try it n let us know what happens :).



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Re: [Samba] Samba/LDAP Domains and multiple File Servers

2006-03-22 Thread Craig White
On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 08:43 -0500, Matt Ingram wrote:
 Craig White wrote:
  why fly by the seat of your pants on this when the documentation tells
  you what you need to know?
  see - the By Example where it
  discusses PDC's and BDC's and how to manage them

 hmm are you referring to the chapter on Making Happy Users?  That 
 chapter does not address the the scenario I am going for.   The sample 
 given is still using home drives that reside on the PDC and mounted on 
 the BDC via NFS; which is not what I'm looking for.  What I'm looking 
 for is, Site one's users home drives exclusively running off of BDC1; 
 site 2's users home drives exclusively running off of BDC2, and so on.
 Here's what I've tried:
 on the BDC's smbldap-tools I've set the smbldap-tools.conf SID to that 
 of the PDC instead of the BDC's SID, while things like the home drive 
 are pointing to the BDC, instead of the PDC.  This seems to work, the 
 way I was hoping.. are you aware of any problems having the setup like this?

let's keep this on list please.

doesn't sound remotely like the samba documentation describes it and if
it works for you - great.

The intent of samba software is that PDC and any/all BDC's have the
exact same LDAP data - at least as far as all Samba user/group/computer
attributes are concerned and a BDC would have it's own SID, not the same
SID as the PDC. That would track the methodology of a Windows NT 4 type

Since a passdb of LDAP or tdb types actually permit you to have user
home drives and profiles set individually, it really isn't much effort
to assign these paths individually for users to whichever server you
want them to use.

Am I aware of any problems having the setup like you have described
yours to be? No - but I tend towards setting things up as they were
intended to be done.


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Re: [Samba] Samba/LDAP Domains and multiple File Servers

2006-03-22 Thread simo
On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 07:16 -0700, Craig White wrote:
 The intent of samba software is that PDC and any/all BDC's have the
 exact same LDAP data - at least as far as all Samba user/group/computer
 attributes are concerned and a BDC would have it's own SID, not the same
 SID as the PDC. That would track the methodology of a Windows NT 4 type

Sorry to get into the discussion, the previous statement is not clear to
me and I would like to make it clear that in an NT4 style domain all the
DCs must have the same SID, as the DCs have only the DOMAIN SID, this is
different from domain members which have a local machine SID but
recognize domain users with the domain SID.


Simo Sorce
Samba Team GPL Compliance Officer

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Re: [Samba] Samba/LDAP Domains and multiple File Servers

2006-03-22 Thread Matt Ingram

hmm are you referring to the chapter on Making Happy Users?  That 
chapter does not address the the scenario I am going for.   The sample 
given is still using home drives that reside on the PDC and mounted on 
the BDC via NFS; which is not what I'm looking for.  What I'm looking 
for is, Site one's users home drives exclusively running off of BDC1; 
site 2's users home drives exclusively running off of BDC2, and so on.

Here's what I've tried:
on the BDC's smbldap-tools I've set the smbldap-tools.conf SID to that 
of the PDC instead of the BDC's SID, while things like the home drive 
are pointing to the BDC, instead of the PDC.  This seems to work, the 
way I was hoping.. are you aware of any problems having the setup like this?

let's keep this on list please.

doesn't sound remotely like the samba documentation describes it and if

it works for you - great.

The intent of samba software is that PDC and any/all BDC's have the
exact same LDAP data - at least as far as all Samba user/group/computer
attributes are concerned and a BDC would have it's own SID, not the same
SID as the PDC. That would track the methodology of a Windows NT 4 type

which is what I'm doing.   The BDC still does have its own SID and it 
uses the exact same ldap data as the PDC.   It's just in the 
/etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf file on the BDC, I set the SID to use 
that of the PDC.  When I had the SID set to the BDC (in the 
smbldap.conf), logons didn't work when an account was generated with the 
smbldap-useradd on the BDC. I'm assuming the SID of a user on the domain 
has to have the SID prefix of the PDC, not any other server on the domain.

Since a passdb of LDAP or tdb types actually permit you to have user
home drives and profiles set individually, it really isn't much effort
to assign these paths individually for users to whichever server you
want them to use.

you're right, it isn't much effort to modify the home drives a users on 
different servers.  But being able to use the smbldap-tools to do all of 
that for you, is a smoother solution, imo - assuming there is no issues 
in doing it.

Am I aware of any problems having the setup like you have described
yours to be? No - but I tend towards setting things up as they were
intended to be done.
I don't think I'm doing anything that strange here.. I've just added the 
smbldap-tools to the BDC as well, and modified the smbldap.conf file so 
that it will create users home drives and ldap settings to use a home 
drive on the BDC.   If I am doing something strange here, in a way samba 
is not intended to be used, please point it out to me. I don't want to 
shoot myself in the foot later on ;).

Thanks greatly for your help.


Matt Ingram
Intermediate Unix Administrator, IS
Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited

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Re: [Samba] Samba/LDAP Domains and multiple File Servers

2006-03-22 Thread Matt Ingram

if I run # net getdomainsid  is get this:

PDC (hostname home):
SID for domain HOME is: S-1-5-21-3186883984-1813041273-1898769360
SID for domain MYDOMAIN is: S-1-5-21-3186883984-1813041273-1898769360

SID for domain BDC is: S-1-5-21-1908730498-1878741769-688260909
SID for domain MYDOMAIN is: S-1-5-21-3186883984-1813041273-1898769360

Simo, are you saying that my BDC should have the SID of 
S-1-5-21-3186883984-1813041273-1898769360 ?


simo wrote:

On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 07:16 -0700, Craig White wrote:

The intent of samba software is that PDC and any/all BDC's have the
exact same LDAP data - at least as far as all Samba user/group/computer
attributes are concerned and a BDC would have it's own SID, not the same
SID as the PDC. That would track the methodology of a Windows NT 4 type

Sorry to get into the discussion, the previous statement is not clear to
me and I would like to make it clear that in an NT4 style domain all the
DCs must have the same SID, as the DCs have only the DOMAIN SID, this is
different from domain members which have a local machine SID but
recognize domain users with the domain SID.



Matt Ingram
Intermediate Unix Administrator, IS
Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited

To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Re: [Samba] Samba/LDAP Domains and multiple File Servers

2006-03-22 Thread Craig White
On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 10:01 -0500, Matt Ingram wrote:
  hmm are you referring to the chapter on Making Happy Users?  That 
  chapter does not address the the scenario I am going for.   The sample 
  given is still using home drives that reside on the PDC and mounted on 
  the BDC via NFS; which is not what I'm looking for.  What I'm looking 
  for is, Site one's users home drives exclusively running off of BDC1; 
  site 2's users home drives exclusively running off of BDC2, and so on.
  Here's what I've tried:
  on the BDC's smbldap-tools I've set the smbldap-tools.conf SID to that 
  of the PDC instead of the BDC's SID, while things like the home drive 
  are pointing to the BDC, instead of the PDC.  This seems to work, the 
  way I was hoping.. are you aware of any problems having the setup like 
  let's keep this on list please.

  doesn't sound remotely like the samba documentation describes it and if
  it works for you - great.
  The intent of samba software is that PDC and any/all BDC's have the
  exact same LDAP data - at least as far as all Samba user/group/computer
  attributes are concerned and a BDC would have it's own SID, not the same
  SID as the PDC. That would track the methodology of a Windows NT 4 type

 which is what I'm doing.   The BDC still does have its own SID and it 
 uses the exact same ldap data as the PDC.   It's just in the 
 /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf file on the BDC, I set the SID to use 
 that of the PDC.  When I had the SID set to the BDC (in the 
 smbldap.conf), logons didn't work when an account was generated with the 
 smbldap-useradd on the BDC. I'm assuming the SID of a user on the domain 
 has to have the SID prefix of the PDC, not any other server on the domain.
  Since a passdb of LDAP or tdb types actually permit you to have user
  home drives and profiles set individually, it really isn't much effort
  to assign these paths individually for users to whichever server you
  want them to use.

 you're right, it isn't much effort to modify the home drives a users on 
 different servers.  But being able to use the smbldap-tools to do all of 
 that for you, is a smoother solution, imo - assuming there is no issues 
 in doing it.
  Am I aware of any problems having the setup like you have described
  yours to be? No - but I tend towards setting things up as they were
  intended to be done.

 I don't think I'm doing anything that strange here.. I've just added the 
 smbldap-tools to the BDC as well, and modified the smbldap.conf file so 
 that it will create users home drives and ldap settings to use a home 
 drive on the BDC.   If I am doing something strange here, in a way samba 
 is not intended to be used, please point it out to me. I don't want to 
 shoot myself in the foot later on ;).

That sort of makes sense.

How are the scripts being accessed on the BDC?
Are you running them from command line on each BDC? 

I hope that the LDAP referenced in your smb.conf is your 'master' LDAP
server and that the changes to the master propogate to the
'slaves' (your BDC) and that make take a few seconds.


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Re: [Samba] Samba/LDAP Domains and multiple File Servers

2006-03-22 Thread Craig White
It should have the same DOMAIN and SID (Simo made me check) ;-)


On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 10:07 -0500, Matt Ingram wrote:
 if I run # net getdomainsid  is get this:
 PDC (hostname home):
 SID for domain HOME is: S-1-5-21-3186883984-1813041273-1898769360
 SID for domain MYDOMAIN is: S-1-5-21-3186883984-1813041273-1898769360
 SID for domain BDC is: S-1-5-21-1908730498-1878741769-688260909
 SID for domain MYDOMAIN is: S-1-5-21-3186883984-1813041273-1898769360
 Simo, are you saying that my BDC should have the SID of 
 S-1-5-21-3186883984-1813041273-1898769360 ?
 simo wrote:
  On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 07:16 -0700, Craig White wrote:

  The intent of samba software is that PDC and any/all BDC's have the
  exact same LDAP data - at least as far as all Samba user/group/computer
  attributes are concerned and a BDC would have it's own SID, not the same
  SID as the PDC. That would track the methodology of a Windows NT 4 type
  Sorry to get into the discussion, the previous statement is not clear to
  me and I would like to make it clear that in an NT4 style domain all the
  DCs must have the same SID, as the DCs have only the DOMAIN SID, this is
  different from domain members which have a local machine SID but
  recognize domain users with the domain SID.


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Re: [Samba] Samba/LDAP Domains and multiple File Servers

2006-03-22 Thread Matt Ingram

That sort of makes sense.

How are the scripts being accessed on the BDC?
Are you running them from command line on each BDC? 

I hope that the LDAP referenced in your smb.conf is your 'master' LDAP
server and that the changes to the master propogate to the
'slaves' (your BDC) and that make take a few seconds.


I am just running the scripts from the command line on the BDC (so far 
just the one BDC).  Our current plan for the domain is:

Building A:
PDC is a server that will just handle the the duties of being a PDC, 
little to no fileshares.  The Master LDAP is running on this server.

BDCa1 is the primary file server for Building A

Building B
BDCb1 is the primary file server for Building B

Building C
BDCc1 is the primary file server for Building C

Currently, the BDC I've talked about so far, is just a dummy server for 
testing.  And as of right now, we are not using a Slave LDAP server.

Thanks again, Craig.

Matt Ingram
Intermediate Unix Administrator, IS
Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited

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Re: [Samba] Samba/LDAP Domains and multiple File Servers

2006-03-22 Thread simo
The only SID that matters on a DC is the domain SID, if they are
identical all should be fine, setting the BDC local SID to that of the
domain does not harm anyway.


On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 10:07 -0500, Matt Ingram wrote:
 if I run # net getdomainsid  is get this:
 PDC (hostname home):
 SID for domain HOME is: S-1-5-21-3186883984-1813041273-1898769360
 SID for domain MYDOMAIN is: S-1-5-21-3186883984-1813041273-1898769360
 SID for domain BDC is: S-1-5-21-1908730498-1878741769-688260909
 SID for domain MYDOMAIN is: S-1-5-21-3186883984-1813041273-1898769360
 Simo, are you saying that my BDC should have the SID of 
 S-1-5-21-3186883984-1813041273-1898769360 ?
 simo wrote:
  On Wed, 2006-03-22 at 07:16 -0700, Craig White wrote:

  The intent of samba software is that PDC and any/all BDC's have the
  exact same LDAP data - at least as far as all Samba user/group/computer
  attributes are concerned and a BDC would have it's own SID, not the same
  SID as the PDC. That would track the methodology of a Windows NT 4 type
  Sorry to get into the discussion, the previous statement is not clear to
  me and I would like to make it clear that in an NT4 style domain all the
  DCs must have the same SID, as the DCs have only the DOMAIN SID, this is
  different from domain members which have a local machine SID but
  recognize domain users with the domain SID.

Simo Sorce
Samba Team GPL Compliance Officer

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[Samba] Samba/LDAP Domains and multiple File Servers

2006-03-21 Thread Matt Ingram

Hi All,

I have a domain setup soon to go into production.  We have 3 buildings, 
each containing a fileserver for that buildings users (home drives/share 
drives).   I've been using the smbldap-tools on the PDC, which is all 
working fine.  Is it possible to join another server to the domain, also 
using the smbldap-tools, with a different config, that will setup a 
users home drive, etc on that server, or will a setup like this need to 
be done manually?   I have a test BDC that I've been playing with trying 
to do this, but if I do smbldap-useradd from the BDC the user can't get 
logged on with an error message A device attached to the system is not 
functioning on the windows client (the account does get setup in 
ldap).  In the smbldap-tools config I used the SID of the BDC, which I'm 
guessing might be my problem... should I change that to the SID of the PDC?

Also, with a samba/ldap domains setup - how can I allow a user to have 
shell access on one server on the domain, but not on the other servers 
on the domain?  Can this be done through the domain/ldap, or in this 
scenario will shell logons have to be managed locally on the individual 
servers ?



Matt Ingram
Intermediate Unix Administrator, IS
Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited

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Re: [Samba] Samba/LDAP Domains and multiple File Servers

2006-03-21 Thread Craig White
On Tue, 2006-03-21 at 09:26 -0500, Matt Ingram wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have a domain setup soon to go into production.  We have 3 buildings, 
 each containing a fileserver for that buildings users (home drives/share 
 drives).   I've been using the smbldap-tools on the PDC, which is all 
 working fine.  Is it possible to join another server to the domain, also 
 using the smbldap-tools, with a different config, that will setup a 
 users home drive, etc on that server, or will a setup like this need to 
 be done manually?   I have a test BDC that I've been playing with trying 
 to do this, but if I do smbldap-useradd from the BDC the user can't get 
 logged on with an error message A device attached to the system is not 
 functioning on the windows client (the account does get setup in 
 ldap).  In the smbldap-tools config I used the SID of the BDC, which I'm 
 guessing might be my problem... should I change that to the SID of the PDC?

why fly by the seat of your pants on this when the documentation tells
you what you need to know?

see - the By Example where it
discusses PDC's and BDC's and how to manage them

 Also, with a samba/ldap domains setup - how can I allow a user to have 
 shell access on one server on the domain, but not on the other servers 
 on the domain?  Can this be done through the domain/ldap, or in this 
 scenario will shell logons have to be managed locally on the individual 
 servers ?

I'm quite certain that is possible but I haven't done it. It is not a
samba question at all but working through your LDAP implementation as it
relates to the posix structures on each UNIX/Linux system that you offer
shell accounts and thus, well out of the scope of this list.


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[Samba] SAMBA - LDAP

2006-03-20 Thread Ouédraogo Boukari
Comment ajouter un compte machine dans samba s'il est deja dans la branche 
computer du serveur ldap. Dans mon cas, samba voit les utilisateurs de la 
branche users mais pas les pc dans la branche computers.

Merci pour toute aide.
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Re: [Samba] SAMBA+LDAP in a Workgroup

2006-03-17 Thread Markus Korth
HiHo Tom!

Tom Haerens wrote:
 This may be a dumb question (I'm new with this), but is it possible to use 
 SAMBA in combination with LDAP  in a Workgroup?
 All the manuals and examples I can find, are talking about Domains and 

I've such a setup running here and I'm quite satisfied. We once migrated
from NIS to LDAP and later added the Samba scheme to our LDAP server. We
are just using simple file- and print services with Samba.
We don't use the PDC functionality as, up to now, I don't see an
advantage for us - just more administration effort.
Roughly said, the LDAP is just used for user accounts and groups, i.e.
passwords and userid/group matching.

There are enough websites that describe such a setup, by the way. Start
with these here:


Senior Executive - Systemadministration

Direct Phone: + 49 / 234 9787-57
Direct Fax: +49 / 234 9787-77

Viisage Technology AG
Universitaetsstrasse 160
44801 Bochum
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RE: [Samba] SAMBA+LDAP in a Workgroup

2006-03-17 Thread Robert Mortimer

 -Original Message-
 ]On Behalf Of Markus Korth
 Sent: 17 March 2006 08:28
 Subject: Re: [Samba] SAMBA+LDAP in a Workgroup

 HiHo Tom!

 Tom Haerens wrote:
  This may be a dumb question (I'm new with this), but is it
 possible to use
  SAMBA in combination with LDAP  in a Workgroup?
  All the manuals and examples I can find, are talking about Domains and

LDAP is a heavyweight store for massive amounts of passwords and extended
data needed to run 100s or 1000s of PCs. In a workgroup there is no central
password store. In a workgroup each windows client has local users and would
never consult a central authentication database so the LDAP would only hold
accounts for the local Linux machine/samba users.

This is a Sledgehammer + nut situation

Look at the normal samba database

Regards Rob

 I've such a setup running here and I'm quite satisfied. We once migrated
 from NIS to LDAP and later added the Samba scheme to our LDAP server. We
 are just using simple file- and print services with Samba.
 We don't use the PDC functionality as, up to now, I don't see an
 advantage for us - just more administration effort.
 Roughly said, the LDAP is just used for user accounts and groups, i.e.
 passwords and userid/group matching.

 There are enough websites that describe such a setup, by the way. Start
 with these here:


 Senior Executive - Systemadministration

 Direct Phone: + 49 / 234 9787-57
 Direct Fax: +49 / 234 9787-77

 Viisage Technology AG
 Universitaetsstrasse 160
 44801 Bochum
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[Samba] SAMBA+LDAP in a Workgroup

2006-03-16 Thread Tom Haerens

This may be a dumb question (I'm new with this), but is it possible to use 
SAMBA in combination with LDAP  in a Workgroup?
All the manuals and examples I can find, are talking about Domains and 

I have to set up a new Samba server and checkout LDAP but I'm not allowed 
to change the Workgroup settings...
Now we use smbpasswd...

Is LDAP worth the effort and time?

Kind Regards,

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RE: [Samba] SAMBA+LDAP in a Workgroup

2006-03-16 Thread James Taylor

Personally I believe LDAP is an excellent backend database for Samba,
especially if you are looking for Single-Sign-On capabilities.  PC's do not
have to join the Samba Domain in order to still gain domain access, however
users will be prompted for username and password when accessing a share for
your Samba Domain.  One way around this is to use the same username and
password for your LDAP database as you do currently for their machine logon

Also, in order to find samba shares on Samba/LDAP servers with a different
domain your current WINS servers should be able to find the new domain and
list it within your Network List so you should be able to browse to them.
Otherwise you can use DNS.

Good Luck!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Tom Haerens
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 1:00 AM
Subject: [Samba] SAMBA+LDAP in a Workgroup


This may be a dumb question (I'm new with this), but is it possible to use 
SAMBA in combination with LDAP  in a Workgroup?
All the manuals and examples I can find, are talking about Domains and 

I have to set up a new Samba server and checkout LDAP but I'm not allowed 
to change the Workgroup settings...
Now we use smbpasswd...

Is LDAP worth the effort and time?

Kind Regards,

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Re: [Samba] SAMBA+LDAP in a Workgroup

2006-03-16 Thread Craig White
On Thu, 2006-03-16 at 10:00 +0100, Tom Haerens wrote:
 This may be a dumb question (I'm new with this), but is it possible to use 
 SAMBA in combination with LDAP  in a Workgroup?
 All the manuals and examples I can find, are talking about Domains and 
 I have to set up a new Samba server and checkout LDAP but I'm not allowed 
 to change the Workgroup settings...
 Now we use smbpasswd...
 Is LDAP worth the effort and time?

for maintaining user accounts on one UNIX/Linux system to interface with
Samba? Doubtful

for maintaining user accounts on more than one UNIX/Linux system so
there is across the board continuity of uid's, gid's passwords,
integration with Samba and other services such as mail...Yes.

The reason that the documentation always uses the Windows Domain model
when talking about LDAP is because the Windows Domain model is a basic
logical and security structure in any group of Windows computers. That
doesn't mean you have to use Samba  LDAP in a Windows Domain
means that almost all Administrators and Users would prefer to have it
integrate into a Windows Domain model because there is less password
management, access management, security management in a predictable way
and it would only be the rare case for someone to set up LDAP and not
integrate it.


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[Samba] Samba LDAP gidNumber=-1 queries?

2006-03-15 Thread Justin Grote


using samba-3.0.20b.

I've been doing some packet traces of Samba's LDAP queries, and I notice 
that it does a lot of queries on various idmaps for gidnumber=-1 before 
it performs functions. What happens if this object is present in the 
directory? Does it disable functionality? It'd be good to know if it 
provides a system-wide disable feature.


-Justin Grote

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[Samba] Samba LDAP SID and Local SID

2006-03-06 Thread Pavan

Hi All,

   I am running Samba - 3 using a ldap backend, recently I have 
needed to change the domain of the computers as I am migrating to other 
server, I have the ldap database and populated the ldap database on the 
new server, but I am facing a problem with SID's as the SambaSID in the 
ldap backend is from the old samba server which is different from the 
current SambaSID(net getlocalsid) but Its not really feasible for me to 
create all the user accounts again on LDAP. Can any one advise me on how 
to get around this? Without changing the SID's I am unable to join the 
machines to the new domain and get an error *o mapping between account 
names and security Id's .

thanks in advance,

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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP SID and Local SID

2006-03-06 Thread Craig White
On Tue, 2006-03-07 at 14:34 +1100, Pavan wrote:
 Hi All,
 I am running Samba - 3 using a ldap backend, recently I have 
 needed to change the domain of the computers as I am migrating to other 
 server, I have the ldap database and populated the ldap database on the 
 new server, but I am facing a problem with SID's as the SambaSID in the 
 ldap backend is from the old samba server which is different from the 
 current SambaSID(net getlocalsid) but Its not really feasible for me to 
 create all the user accounts again on LDAP. Can any one advise me on how 
 to get around this? Without changing the SID's I am unable to join the 
 machines to the new domain and get an error *o mapping between account 
 names and security Id's .

you could slapcat your DSA to a text file and do a find/replace
operation to change the SID's in bulk and of course, you can change the
SID for the domain directly in LDAP - simply with net setlocalsid
(provided you have idealx-tools properly configured) but it would seem
that the thing you aren't saying is that you know of course, if you do
that, you will have to rejoin all the machines to the new domain and
migrate the user profiles to the new domain too.

You probably need to check out the migration information in


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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP PDC BDC quit working

2006-02-26 Thread mallapadi niranjan
Hi philip

I have installed ldap 2.3 with samba 3.0.21c and restored back the ldif file
, this time also i had rejoin systems to the domain after having computer
accounts in the ldif file (with RID and Object classes intact). i had taken
backup of my ldap using the following command
slapcat -l ldiff-filename.

can you suggest any other better way of taking backup of ldap so that while
restoration i don't have to rejoin systems.


On 2/23/06, mallapadi niranjan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi philip

 the samba pdc with openldap 2.2.13, i have lot of troubles, i have
 compiled samba 3.0.21.when at the first time was released , i am not sure
 it's called samba 3.0.21a or something. openldap 2.2.13 (shipped with
 Redhat Enterprise linux 4) also need to be tweaked for having a good
 cachesize, checkpoints etc.

 so i have decided to go with samba 3.0.21b with openldap 2.3.19.
 see to take backup in ldif and restore it , and check whether it works.
 as i was told that openldap 2.3.19 has auto recovery in case of unclean
 hope this works


 On 2/22/06, Philip Washington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  mallapadi niranjan wrote:
   Hi Philip
   yes, I have the same properties, (for checking i did the rid*2+1000
   and object class test. , but
   once the computer are rejoined, it gets new rid, not the rid which is
   in the LDIF.
  Okay, then this is something else I don't understand.
  If the LDAP database is getting corrupted then I can see how this
  problem could happen.  But if the PDC goes down as you describe in
  scenario-2 then it doesn't make sense that the computers should have to
  rejoin the domain, unless there is some information which is not being
  stored in the LDAP database.
   On 2/21/06, *Philip Washington* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   mallapadi niranjan wrote:
Hi Craig
Thanks for replying, The samba PDC gets rebooted because of
outage, at night times.
After the system gets rebooted,
Scenario -01
1. Either some times the ldap gets hanged, (2.2.13) may be
   because of
2. since ldap hangs, samba doesn't come up properly.
3. so i run db_recover and try to start the ldap service and
   then samba
if LDAP doesn't hang, and samba comes up nicely, the computer
  had to
but in my ldapdatabase, in OU=Computers, all the computer
exist. with
rid and Object class intact.
but some how i don't know why i have to rejoin,
   Okay I just want to clarify this. After an unplanned reboot (power
   outage) , your PDC comes back up and you find that some of the
   in your domain need to rejoin the domain??  Do you have recent
   ldiff or
   slapcats indicating that most of these computers have the same
   properties in the LDAP database as before.
I take the regular backup of LDAP, to LDIF file, and restore
latest LDIF file,
eventhough i don't get the Computer Accounts and also i lose
  user 's
After restoring from LDIF file.
If i do safe reboot or shutdown, there 's no problem , the
works properly without any
On 2/20/06, *Craig White* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 11:55 +0530, mallapadi niranjan wrote:
 Hi all

 I too have the same problem , i am also using samba 3.0.21
 openldap  version 2.2.13 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4
 if the samba PDC gets rebooted aburuptly,  some of my
 workstations (Windows 2000 professional) have to rejoin.
 i was asked to check whether RID of the computer name is
 + 1000) , ans whether
 computer names have SambaSAMAccount object class.
 eventhough my computernames' exist in the database with
 class and rid, the clients
 have to be rejoined. this happens only when samba PDC with
 rebooted abruptly.
 having said that, so i assume that LDAP is unable to
 consistency when it gets rebooted.

 so i had kept DB_CONFIG file in /var/lib/ldap(this is
   where all bdb
 files are there) and use db_recover
 in case of any crash of ldap.

 But if we take 

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP PDC BDC quit working

2006-02-22 Thread Philip Washington

mallapadi niranjan wrote:

Hi Philip

yes, I have the same properties, (for checking i did the rid*2+1000 
and object class test. , but
once the computer are rejoined, it gets new rid, not the rid which is 
in the LDIF.


 Okay, then this is something else I don't understand. 
If the LDAP database is getting corrupted then I can see how this 
problem could happen.  But if the PDC goes down as you describe in 
scenario-2 then it doesn't make sense that the computers should have to 
rejoin the domain, unless there is some information which is not being 
stored in the LDAP database.

On 2/21/06, *Philip Washington* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

mallapadi niranjan wrote:

 Hi Craig

 Thanks for replying, The samba PDC gets rebooted because of Power
 outage, at night times.
 After the system gets rebooted,
 Scenario -01
 1. Either some times the ldap gets hanged, (2.2.13) may be
because of
 2. since ldap hangs, samba doesn't come up properly.
 3. so i run db_recover and try to start the ldap service and
then samba

 if LDAP doesn't hang, and samba comes up nicely, the computer had to
 but in my ldapdatabase, in OU=Computers, all the computer accounts
 exist. with
 rid and Object class intact.
 but some how i don't know why i have to rejoin,

Okay I just want to clarify this. After an unplanned reboot (power
outage) , your PDC comes back up and you find that some of the
in your domain need to rejoin the domain??  Do you have recent
ldiff or
slapcats indicating that most of these computers have the same
properties in the LDAP database as before.

 I take the regular backup of LDAP, to LDIF file, and restore with
 latest LDIF file,
 eventhough i don't get the Computer Accounts and also i lose user 's
 After restoring from LDIF file.

 If i do safe reboot or shutdown, there 's no problem , the server
 works properly without any


 On 2/20/06, *Craig White* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 11:55 +0530, mallapadi niranjan wrote:
  Hi all
  I too have the same problem , i am also using samba 3.0.21
  openldap  version 2.2.13 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4
  if the samba PDC gets rebooted aburuptly,  some of my clients
  workstations (Windows 2000 professional) have to rejoin.
  i was asked to check whether RID of the computer name is
  + 1000) , ans whether
  computer names have SambaSAMAccount object class.
  eventhough my computernames' exist in the database with
  class and rid, the clients
  have to be rejoined. this happens only when samba PDC with
  rebooted abruptly.
  having said that, so i assume that LDAP is unable to maintain
  consistency when it gets rebooted.
  so i had kept DB_CONFIG file in /var/lib/ldap(this is
where all bdb
  files are there) and use db_recover
  in case of any crash of ldap.
  But if we take backup in LDIF file and restore it, but
still my
  computer accounts are not getting back, i had to rejoin.
  this is the problem that i am having, but still could not
find the
  correct solution.
 No - as you and he describe it, these are separate problems.

 Your issues is that PDC shouldn't get rebooted abruptly and
 versions of openldap have a script that automatically runs
 This however doesn't come in the version of openldap that
ships with

 You might want to set up a cron script that performs a
slapcat on
 a more
 frequent basis so that if it is necessary to dump the entire
 and reload from an ldif, the ldif is much more current and
thus, you
 wouldn't have to rejoin many if any computers to the domain.


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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP PDC BDC quit working

2006-02-22 Thread Philip Washington

mallapadi niranjan wrote:

Hi Philip

yes, I have the same properties, (for checking i did the rid*2+1000 
and object class test. , but
once the computer are rejoined, it gets new rid, not the rid which is 
in the LDIF.


You might check your MS client event logs for this error.
error 3224
Changing machine account password for account COMPUTER$ failed with 
the following error: 
A remote procedure call (RPC) protocol error occurred. 

On 2/21/06, *Philip Washington* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

mallapadi niranjan wrote:

 Hi Craig

 Thanks for replying, The samba PDC gets rebooted because of Power
 outage, at night times.
 After the system gets rebooted,
 Scenario -01
 1. Either some times the ldap gets hanged, (2.2.13) may be
because of
 2. since ldap hangs, samba doesn't come up properly.
 3. so i run db_recover and try to start the ldap service and
then samba

 if LDAP doesn't hang, and samba comes up nicely, the computer had to
 but in my ldapdatabase, in OU=Computers, all the computer accounts
 exist. with
 rid and Object class intact.
 but some how i don't know why i have to rejoin,

Okay I just want to clarify this. After an unplanned reboot (power
outage) , your PDC comes back up and you find that some of the
in your domain need to rejoin the domain??  Do you have recent
ldiff or
slapcats indicating that most of these computers have the same
properties in the LDAP database as before.

 I take the regular backup of LDAP, to LDIF file, and restore with
 latest LDIF file,
 eventhough i don't get the Computer Accounts and also i lose user 's
 After restoring from LDIF file.

 If i do safe reboot or shutdown, there 's no problem , the server
 works properly without any


 On 2/20/06, *Craig White* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 11:55 +0530, mallapadi niranjan wrote:
  Hi all
  I too have the same problem , i am also using samba 3.0.21
  openldap  version 2.2.13 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4
  if the samba PDC gets rebooted aburuptly,  some of my clients
  workstations (Windows 2000 professional) have to rejoin.
  i was asked to check whether RID of the computer name is
  + 1000) , ans whether
  computer names have SambaSAMAccount object class.
  eventhough my computernames' exist in the database with
  class and rid, the clients
  have to be rejoined. this happens only when samba PDC with
  rebooted abruptly.
  having said that, so i assume that LDAP is unable to maintain
  consistency when it gets rebooted.
  so i had kept DB_CONFIG file in /var/lib/ldap(this is
where all bdb
  files are there) and use db_recover
  in case of any crash of ldap.
  But if we take backup in LDIF file and restore it, but
still my
  computer accounts are not getting back, i had to rejoin.
  this is the problem that i am having, but still could not
find the
  correct solution.
 No - as you and he describe it, these are separate problems.

 Your issues is that PDC shouldn't get rebooted abruptly and
 versions of openldap have a script that automatically runs
 This however doesn't come in the version of openldap that
ships with

 You might want to set up a cron script that performs a
slapcat on
 a more
 frequent basis so that if it is necessary to dump the entire
 and reload from an ldif, the ldif is much more current and
thus, you
 wouldn't have to rejoin many if any computers to the domain.


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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP PDC BDC quit working

2006-02-22 Thread mallapadi niranjan
Hi philip

the samba pdc with openldap 2.2.13, i have lot of troubles, i have compiled
samba 3.0.21.when at the first time was released , i am not sure it's called
samba 3.0.21a or something. openldap 2.2.13 (shipped with Redhat Enterprise
linux 4) also need to be tweaked for having a good cachesize, checkpoints

so i have decided to go with samba 3.0.21b with openldap 2.3.19.
see to take backup in ldif and restore it , and check whether it works.
as i was told that openldap 2.3.19 has auto recovery in case of unclean
hope this works


On 2/22/06, Philip Washington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 mallapadi niranjan wrote:

  Hi Philip
  yes, I have the same properties, (for checking i did the rid*2+1000
  and object class test. , but
  once the computer are rejoined, it gets new rid, not the rid which is
  in the LDIF.
 Okay, then this is something else I don't understand.
 If the LDAP database is getting corrupted then I can see how this
 problem could happen.  But if the PDC goes down as you describe in
 scenario-2 then it doesn't make sense that the computers should have to
 rejoin the domain, unless there is some information which is not being
 stored in the LDAP database.

  On 2/21/06, *Philip Washington* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  mallapadi niranjan wrote:
   Hi Craig
   Thanks for replying, The samba PDC gets rebooted because of Power
   outage, at night times.
   After the system gets rebooted,
   Scenario -01
   1. Either some times the ldap gets hanged, (2.2.13) may be
  because of
   2. since ldap hangs, samba doesn't come up properly.
   3. so i run db_recover and try to start the ldap service and
  then samba
   if LDAP doesn't hang, and samba comes up nicely, the computer had
   but in my ldapdatabase, in OU=Computers, all the computer accounts
   exist. with
   rid and Object class intact.
   but some how i don't know why i have to rejoin,
  Okay I just want to clarify this. After an unplanned reboot (power
  outage) , your PDC comes back up and you find that some of the
  in your domain need to rejoin the domain??  Do you have recent
  ldiff or
  slapcats indicating that most of these computers have the same
  properties in the LDAP database as before.
   I take the regular backup of LDAP, to LDIF file, and restore with
   latest LDIF file,
   eventhough i don't get the Computer Accounts and also i lose user
   After restoring from LDIF file.
   If i do safe reboot or shutdown, there 's no problem , the server
   works properly without any
   On 2/20/06, *Craig White* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 11:55 +0530, mallapadi niranjan wrote:
Hi all
I too have the same problem , i am also using samba 3.0.21
openldap  version 2.2.13 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4
if the samba PDC gets rebooted aburuptly,  some of my
workstations (Windows 2000 professional) have to rejoin.
i was asked to check whether RID of the computer name is
+ 1000) , ans whether
computer names have SambaSAMAccount object class.
eventhough my computernames' exist in the database with
class and rid, the clients
have to be rejoined. this happens only when samba PDC with
rebooted abruptly.
having said that, so i assume that LDAP is unable to
consistency when it gets rebooted.
so i had kept DB_CONFIG file in /var/lib/ldap(this is
  where all bdb
files are there) and use db_recover
in case of any crash of ldap.
But if we take backup in LDIF file and restore it, but
  still my
computer accounts are not getting back, i had to rejoin.
this is the problem that i am having, but still could not
  find the
correct solution.
   No - as you and he describe it, these are separate problems.
   Your issues is that PDC shouldn't get rebooted abruptly and
   versions of openldap have a script that automatically runs
   This however doesn't come in the version of openldap that
  ships with
   You might 

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP PDC BDC quit working

2006-02-21 Thread Philip Washington

mallapadi niranjan wrote:

Hi Craig

Thanks for replying, The samba PDC gets rebooted because of Power 
outage, at night times.

After the system gets rebooted,
Scenario -01
1. Either some times the ldap gets hanged, (2.2.13) may be because of 

2. since ldap hangs, samba doesn't come up properly.
3. so i run db_recover and try to start the ldap service and then samba

if LDAP doesn't hang, and samba comes up nicely, the computer had to 
but in my ldapdatabase, in OU=Computers, all the computer accounts 
exist. with

rid and Object class intact.
but some how i don't know why i have to rejoin,

Okay I just want to clarify this. After an unplanned reboot (power 
outage) , your PDC comes back up and you find that some of the computers 
in your domain need to rejoin the domain??  Do you have recent ldiff or 
slapcats indicating that most of these computers have the same 
properties in the LDAP database as before.

I take the regular backup of LDAP, to LDIF file, and restore with 
latest LDIF file,
eventhough i don't get the Computer Accounts and also i lose user 's 

After restoring from LDIF file.

If i do safe reboot or shutdown, there 's no problem , the server 
works properly without any



On 2/20/06, *Craig White* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 11:55 +0530, mallapadi niranjan wrote:
 Hi all

 I too have the same problem , i am also using samba 3.0.21 with
 openldap  version 2.2.13 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 enterprise
 if the samba PDC gets rebooted aburuptly,  some of my clients
 workstations (Windows 2000 professional) have to rejoin.
 i was asked to check whether RID of the computer name is
 + 1000) , ans whether
 computer names have SambaSAMAccount object class.
 eventhough my computernames' exist in the database with correct
 class and rid, the clients
 have to be rejoined. this happens only when samba PDC with ldap
 rebooted abruptly.
 having said that, so i assume that LDAP is unable to maintain
 consistency when it gets rebooted.

 so i had kept DB_CONFIG file in /var/lib/ldap(this is where all bdb
 files are there) and use db_recover
 in case of any crash of ldap.

 But if we take backup in LDIF file and restore it, but still my
 computer accounts are not getting back, i had to rejoin.

 this is the problem that i am having, but still could not find the
 correct solution.

No - as you and he describe it, these are separate problems.

Your issues is that PDC shouldn't get rebooted abruptly and newer
versions of openldap have a script that automatically runs db_recover.
This however doesn't come in the version of openldap that ships with

You might want to set up a cron script that performs a slapcat on
a more
frequent basis so that if it is necessary to dump the entire LDAP DSA
and reload from an ldif, the ldif is much more current and thus, you
wouldn't have to rejoin many if any computers to the domain.


To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP PDC BDC quit working

2006-02-20 Thread Philip Washington

mallapadi niranjan wrote:

Hi all

I too have the same problem , i am also using samba 3.0.21 with 
openldap  version 2.2.13 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 enterprise server.
if the samba PDC gets rebooted aburuptly,  some of my clients 
workstations (Windows 2000 professional) have to rejoin.
i was asked to check whether RID of the computer name is correct(uid*2 
+ 1000) , ans whether

computer names have SambaSAMAccount object class.
eventhough my computernames' exist in the database with correct object 
class and rid, the clients
have to be rejoined. this happens only when samba PDC with ldap gets 
rebooted abruptly.
having said that, so i assume that LDAP is unable to maintain 
consistency when it gets rebooted.

so i had kept DB_CONFIG file in /var/lib/ldap(this is where all bdb 
files are there) and use db_recover

in case of any crash of ldap.

But if we take backup in LDIF file and restore it, but still my 
computer accounts are not getting back, i had to rejoin.

this is the problem that i am having, but still could not find the 
correct solution.


Do you have a BDC?  If not then this is very interesting information.

On 2/19/06, *Philip Washington* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Craig White wrote:

On Sat, 2006-02-18 at 11:11 -0600, Philip Washington wrote:

We have had a Samba LDAP-PDC-BDC system setup for close to 3
months with
about 60 computers in the domain.  Earlier we had a power outage
about 30 computers no longer were able to log into the domain or
authenticate.  Some were NT Workstations and some were W2k.  But
not all
NT or W2K workstations were affected.
If we went to network neighborhood we would see the error message
 The trust relationship between this workstation and the
primary domain
When someone tries to login to these computers then they get the
The system cannot log you on to this domain because the system's
computer account in it's primary domain is missing or the
password on
that account is incorrect.

We were able to fix the problem on the computers by taking the
out of the domain and re-entering them into the domain.Went into
System-Network Identification- put the machine in a workgroup -
reboot - Go back in and put the machine back into the domain.  No
manual deletion on the PDC was done.  This was all done on the

I reviewed LDAP backups and thus far have not found any
with the systems profiles before or after the power outage.  The
indicate that there has not been any change in the LDAP
information in
the last 2 months for the machines which have the problem.  Of
once the systems have been relogged into the domain the

I am currently both baffled and concerned as to how or why this
happen.  If anybody could shed more light on what could have
happened I
would appreciate it.
I would also like to know if there is a way to re-add or add a
client on
the Samba-LDAP-PDC instead of going to each individual client.

probably would be a good idea to figure out how to troubleshoot your
setup as one could only conjecture about what your problem is as you
describe it.

I do know that there is some faulty logic in your assumptions above
since the workstations will automatically change their password
with the
passdb approximately once each month and I am quite certain that
this is
documented in the samba documentation.

Yep, this does throw a bad domino into the logic.  ( I wonder if
MS will
give me my money back for all of those MCSE classes).  Once I
fixed that
domino and started looking at the BDC again, I realized that it's
configuration files look identical to the ones on the PDC with the
exception that  ldap is pointing to the ldap on the BDC.   So it
currently looks like the BDC is misconfigured (Basically I'm seeing a
configuration that deviates quite a bit from what I see in Samba-3 by
I shutdown the BDC for now and put the PDC on a UPS (Yeah it
should have
been on one in the first place, but money is tight and we're operating
under, if it ain't broke don't pay money to fix it).   This should
us over until the BDC is configured correctly.

Thanks for the enlightenment.

So in view of your faulty assumption, my guess would be that your
PDC/BDC setup in LDAP probably isn't working properly as there
should be
evidence in some log somewhere when the workstations change their
password and that the password changes propagate from LDAP server to
LDAP server and assuming that you are using something like
'slurpd' to
replicate changes in LDAP, 

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP PDC BDC quit working

2006-02-20 Thread Craig White
On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 11:55 +0530, mallapadi niranjan wrote:
 Hi all
 I too have the same problem , i am also using samba 3.0.21 with
 openldap  version 2.2.13 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 enterprise
 if the samba PDC gets rebooted aburuptly,  some of my clients
 workstations (Windows 2000 professional) have to rejoin. 
 i was asked to check whether RID of the computer name is correct(uid*2
 + 1000) , ans whether 
 computer names have SambaSAMAccount object class. 
 eventhough my computernames' exist in the database with correct object
 class and rid, the clients 
 have to be rejoined. this happens only when samba PDC with ldap gets
 rebooted abruptly. 
 having said that, so i assume that LDAP is unable to maintain
 consistency when it gets rebooted. 
 so i had kept DB_CONFIG file in /var/lib/ldap(this is where all bdb
 files are there) and use db_recover 
 in case of any crash of ldap. 
 But if we take backup in LDIF file and restore it, but still my
 computer accounts are not getting back, i had to rejoin. 
 this is the problem that i am having, but still could not find the
 correct solution.

No - as you and he describe it, these are separate problems.

Your issues is that PDC shouldn't get rebooted abruptly and newer
versions of openldap have a script that automatically runs db_recover.
This however doesn't come in the version of openldap that ships with

You might want to set up a cron script that performs a slapcat on a more
frequent basis so that if it is necessary to dump the entire LDAP DSA
and reload from an ldif, the ldif is much more current and thus, you
wouldn't have to rejoin many if any computers to the domain.


To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP PDC BDC quit working

2006-02-20 Thread mallapadi niranjan
Hi phlip

No i don't have a BDC,


On 2/20/06, Philip Washington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 mallapadi niranjan wrote:

  Hi all
  I too have the same problem , i am also using samba 3.0.21 with
  openldap  version 2.2.13 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 enterprise server.
  if the samba PDC gets rebooted aburuptly,  some of my clients
  workstations (Windows 2000 professional) have to rejoin.
  i was asked to check whether RID of the computer name is correct(uid*2
  + 1000) , ans whether
  computer names have SambaSAMAccount object class.
  eventhough my computernames' exist in the database with correct object
  class and rid, the clients
  have to be rejoined. this happens only when samba PDC with ldap gets
  rebooted abruptly.
  having said that, so i assume that LDAP is unable to maintain
  consistency when it gets rebooted.
  so i had kept DB_CONFIG file in /var/lib/ldap(this is where all bdb
  files are there) and use db_recover
  in case of any crash of ldap.
  But if we take backup in LDIF file and restore it, but still my
  computer accounts are not getting back, i had to rejoin.
  this is the problem that i am having, but still could not find the
  correct solution.
 Do you have a BDC?  If not then this is very interesting information.

  On 2/19/06, *Philip Washington* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Craig White wrote:
  On Sat, 2006-02-18 at 11:11 -0600, Philip Washington wrote:
  We have had a Samba LDAP-PDC-BDC system setup for close to 3
  months with
  about 60 computers in the domain.  Earlier we had a power outage
  about 30 computers no longer were able to log into the domain or
  authenticate.  Some were NT Workstations and some were W2k.  But
  not all
  NT or W2K workstations were affected.
  If we went to network neighborhood we would see the error message
   The trust relationship between this workstation and the
  primary domain
  When someone tries to login to these computers then they get the
  The system cannot log you on to this domain because the system's
  computer account in it's primary domain is missing or the
  password on
  that account is incorrect.
  We were able to fix the problem on the computers by taking the
  out of the domain and re-entering them into the domain.Went
  System-Network Identification- put the machine in a workgroup -
  reboot - Go back in and put the machine back into the domain.  No
  manual deletion on the PDC was done.  This was all done on the
  I reviewed LDAP backups and thus far have not found any
  with the systems profiles before or after the power outage.  The
  indicate that there has not been any change in the LDAP
  information in
  the last 2 months for the machines which have the problem.  Of
  once the systems have been relogged into the domain the
  I am currently both baffled and concerned as to how or why this
  happen.  If anybody could shed more light on what could have
  happened I
  would appreciate it.
  I would also like to know if there is a way to re-add or add a
  client on
  the Samba-LDAP-PDC instead of going to each individual client.
  probably would be a good idea to figure out how to troubleshoot
  setup as one could only conjecture about what your problem is as
  describe it.
  I do know that there is some faulty logic in your assumptions above
  since the workstations will automatically change their password
  with the
  passdb approximately once each month and I am quite certain that
  this is
  documented in the samba documentation.
  Yep, this does throw a bad domino into the logic.  ( I wonder if
  MS will
  give me my money back for all of those MCSE classes).  Once I
  fixed that
  domino and started looking at the BDC again, I realized that it's
  configuration files look identical to the ones on the PDC with the
  exception that  ldap is pointing to the ldap on the BDC.   So it
  currently looks like the BDC is misconfigured (Basically I'm seeing
  configuration that deviates quite a bit from what I see in Samba-3
  I shutdown the BDC for now and put the PDC on a UPS (Yeah it
  should have
  been on one in the first place, but money is tight and we're
  under, if it ain't broke don't pay money to fix it).   This should
  us over until the BDC is configured correctly.
  Thanks for the enlightenment.
  So in view of your faulty assumption, my guess would be that your

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP PDC BDC quit working

2006-02-20 Thread mallapadi niranjan
Hi Craig

Thanks for replying, The samba PDC gets rebooted because of Power outage, at
night times.
After the system gets rebooted,
Scenario -01
1. Either some times the ldap gets hanged, (2.2.13) may be because of
2. since ldap hangs, samba doesn't come up properly.
3. so i run db_recover and try to start the ldap service and then samba

if LDAP doesn't hang, and samba comes up nicely, the computer had to rejoin.

but in my ldapdatabase, in OU=Computers, all the computer accounts exist.
rid and Object class intact.
but some how i don't know why i have to rejoin,

I take the regular backup of LDAP, to LDIF file, and restore with latest
LDIF file,
eventhough i don't get the Computer Accounts and also i lose user 's
After restoring from LDIF file.

If i do safe reboot or shutdown, there 's no problem , the server works
properly without any


On 2/20/06, Craig White [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 11:55 +0530, mallapadi niranjan wrote:
  Hi all
  I too have the same problem , i am also using samba 3.0.21 with
  openldap  version 2.2.13 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 enterprise
  if the samba PDC gets rebooted aburuptly,  some of my clients
  workstations (Windows 2000 professional) have to rejoin.
  i was asked to check whether RID of the computer name is correct(uid*2
  + 1000) , ans whether
  computer names have SambaSAMAccount object class.
  eventhough my computernames' exist in the database with correct object
  class and rid, the clients
  have to be rejoined. this happens only when samba PDC with ldap gets
  rebooted abruptly.
  having said that, so i assume that LDAP is unable to maintain
  consistency when it gets rebooted.
  so i had kept DB_CONFIG file in /var/lib/ldap(this is where all bdb
  files are there) and use db_recover
  in case of any crash of ldap.
  But if we take backup in LDIF file and restore it, but still my
  computer accounts are not getting back, i had to rejoin.
  this is the problem that i am having, but still could not find the
  correct solution.
 No - as you and he describe it, these are separate problems.

 Your issues is that PDC shouldn't get rebooted abruptly and newer
 versions of openldap have a script that automatically runs db_recover.
 This however doesn't come in the version of openldap that ships with

 You might want to set up a cron script that performs a slapcat on a more
 frequent basis so that if it is necessary to dump the entire LDAP DSA
 and reload from an ldif, the ldif is much more current and thus, you
 wouldn't have to rejoin many if any computers to the domain.


To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP PDC BDC quit working

2006-02-19 Thread mallapadi niranjan
Hi all

I too have the same problem , i am also using samba 3.0.21 with openldap
version 2.2.13 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 enterprise server.
if the samba PDC gets rebooted aburuptly,  some of my clients workstations
(Windows 2000 professional) have to rejoin.
i was asked to check whether RID of the computer name is correct(uid*2 +
1000) , ans whether
computer names have SambaSAMAccount object class.
eventhough my computernames' exist in the database with correct object class
and rid, the clients
have to be rejoined. this happens only when samba PDC with ldap gets
rebooted abruptly.
having said that, so i assume that LDAP is unable to maintain consistency
when it gets rebooted.

so i had kept DB_CONFIG file in /var/lib/ldap(this is where all bdb files
are there) and use db_recover
in case of any crash of ldap.

But if we take backup in LDIF file and restore it, but still my computer
accounts are not getting back, i had to rejoin.

this is the problem that i am having, but still could not find the correct


On 2/19/06, Philip Washington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Craig White wrote:

 On Sat, 2006-02-18 at 11:11 -0600, Philip Washington wrote:
 We have had a Samba LDAP-PDC-BDC system setup for close to 3 months with
 about 60 computers in the domain.  Earlier we had a power outage and
 about 30 computers no longer were able to log into the domain or
 authenticate.  Some were NT Workstations and some were W2k.  But not all
 NT or W2K workstations were affected.
 If we went to network neighborhood we would see the error message
  The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary
 When someone tries to login to these computers then they get the error
 The system cannot log you on to this domain because the system's
 computer account in it's primary domain is missing or the password on
 that account is incorrect.
 We were able to fix the problem on the computers by taking the computers
 out of the domain and re-entering them into the domain.Went into
 System-Network Identification- put the machine in a workgroup -
 reboot - Go back in and put the machine back into the domain.  No
 manual deletion on the PDC was done.  This was all done on the client.
 I reviewed LDAP backups and thus far have not found any descrepancies
 with the systems profiles before or after the power outage.  The records
 indicate that there has not been any change in the LDAP information in
 the last 2 months for the machines which have the problem.  Of course
 once the systems have been relogged into the domain the SambaNTPassword
 I am currently both baffled and concerned as to how or why this would
 happen.  If anybody could shed more light on what could have happened I
 would appreciate it.
 I would also like to know if there is a way to re-add or add a client on
 the Samba-LDAP-PDC instead of going to each individual client.
 probably would be a good idea to figure out how to troubleshoot your
 setup as one could only conjecture about what your problem is as you
 describe it.
 I do know that there is some faulty logic in your assumptions above
 since the workstations will automatically change their password with the
 passdb approximately once each month and I am quite certain that this is
 documented in the samba documentation.
 Yep, this does throw a bad domino into the logic.  ( I wonder if MS will
 give me my money back for all of those MCSE classes).  Once I fixed that
 domino and started looking at the BDC again, I realized that it's samba
 configuration files look identical to the ones on the PDC with the
 exception that  ldap is pointing to the ldap on the BDC.   So it
 currently looks like the BDC is misconfigured (Basically I'm seeing a
 configuration that deviates quite a bit from what I see in Samba-3 by
 I shutdown the BDC for now and put the PDC on a UPS (Yeah it should have
 been on one in the first place, but money is tight and we're operating
 under, if it ain't broke don't pay money to fix it).   This should hold
 us over until the BDC is configured correctly.

 Thanks for the enlightenment.

 So in view of your faulty assumption, my guess would be that your
 PDC/BDC setup in LDAP probably isn't working properly as there should be
 evidence in some log somewhere when the workstations change their
 password and that the password changes propagate from LDAP server to
 LDAP server and assuming that you are using something like 'slurpd' to
 replicate changes in LDAP, there should be evidence of some failures
 (aka rejects) unless you are allowing changes directly to the 'slave'
 LDAP server in which case, you have a lot to fix.

 To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

[Samba] Samba LDAP PDC BDC quit working

2006-02-18 Thread Philip Washington
We have had a Samba LDAP-PDC-BDC system setup for close to 3 months with 
about 60 computers in the domain.  Earlier we had a power outage and 
about 30 computers no longer were able to log into the domain or 
authenticate.  Some were NT Workstations and some were W2k.  But not all 
NT or W2K workstations were affected.

If we went to network neighborhood we would see the error message
 The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain
When someone tries to login to these computers then they get the error
The system cannot log you on to this domain because the system's 
computer account in it's primary domain is missing or the password on 
that account is incorrect.

We were able to fix the problem on the computers by taking the computers 
out of the domain and re-entering them into the domain.Went into 
System-Network Identification- put the machine in a workgroup - 
reboot - Go back in and put the machine back into the domain.  No 
manual deletion on the PDC was done.  This was all done on the client.

I reviewed LDAP backups and thus far have not found any descrepancies 
with the systems profiles before or after the power outage.  The records 
indicate that there has not been any change in the LDAP information in 
the last 2 months for the machines which have the problem.  Of course 
once the systems have been relogged into the domain the SambaNTPassword 

I am currently both baffled and concerned as to how or why this would 
happen.  If anybody could shed more light on what could have happened I 
would appreciate it.
I would also like to know if there is a way to re-add or add a client on 
the Samba-LDAP-PDC instead of going to each individual client.

To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP PDC BDC quit working

2006-02-18 Thread Craig White
On Sat, 2006-02-18 at 11:11 -0600, Philip Washington wrote:
 We have had a Samba LDAP-PDC-BDC system setup for close to 3 months with 
 about 60 computers in the domain.  Earlier we had a power outage and 
 about 30 computers no longer were able to log into the domain or 
 authenticate.  Some were NT Workstations and some were W2k.  But not all 
 NT or W2K workstations were affected.
 If we went to network neighborhood we would see the error message
  The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain
 When someone tries to login to these computers then they get the error
 The system cannot log you on to this domain because the system's 
 computer account in it's primary domain is missing or the password on 
 that account is incorrect.
 We were able to fix the problem on the computers by taking the computers 
 out of the domain and re-entering them into the domain.Went into 
 System-Network Identification- put the machine in a workgroup - 
 reboot - Go back in and put the machine back into the domain.  No 
 manual deletion on the PDC was done.  This was all done on the client.
 I reviewed LDAP backups and thus far have not found any descrepancies 
 with the systems profiles before or after the power outage.  The records 
 indicate that there has not been any change in the LDAP information in 
 the last 2 months for the machines which have the problem.  Of course 
 once the systems have been relogged into the domain the SambaNTPassword 
 I am currently both baffled and concerned as to how or why this would 
 happen.  If anybody could shed more light on what could have happened I 
 would appreciate it.
 I would also like to know if there is a way to re-add or add a client on 
 the Samba-LDAP-PDC instead of going to each individual client.

probably would be a good idea to figure out how to troubleshoot your
setup as one could only conjecture about what your problem is as you
describe it.

I do know that there is some faulty logic in your assumptions above
since the workstations will automatically change their password with the
passdb approximately once each month and I am quite certain that this is
documented in the samba documentation.

So in view of your faulty assumption, my guess would be that your
PDC/BDC setup in LDAP probably isn't working properly as there should be
evidence in some log somewhere when the workstations change their
password and that the password changes propagate from LDAP server to
LDAP server and assuming that you are using something like 'slurpd' to
replicate changes in LDAP, there should be evidence of some failures
(aka rejects) unless you are allowing changes directly to the 'slave'
LDAP server in which case, you have a lot to fix.


To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the

Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP PDC BDC quit working

2006-02-18 Thread Philip Washington

Craig White wrote:

On Sat, 2006-02-18 at 11:11 -0600, Philip Washington wrote:

We have had a Samba LDAP-PDC-BDC system setup for close to 3 months with 
about 60 computers in the domain.  Earlier we had a power outage and 
about 30 computers no longer were able to log into the domain or 
authenticate.  Some were NT Workstations and some were W2k.  But not all 
NT or W2K workstations were affected.

If we went to network neighborhood we would see the error message
 The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain
When someone tries to login to these computers then they get the error
The system cannot log you on to this domain because the system's 
computer account in it's primary domain is missing or the password on 
that account is incorrect.

We were able to fix the problem on the computers by taking the computers 
out of the domain and re-entering them into the domain.Went into 
System-Network Identification- put the machine in a workgroup - 
reboot - Go back in and put the machine back into the domain.  No 
manual deletion on the PDC was done.  This was all done on the client.

I reviewed LDAP backups and thus far have not found any descrepancies 
with the systems profiles before or after the power outage.  The records 
indicate that there has not been any change in the LDAP information in 
the last 2 months for the machines which have the problem.  Of course 
once the systems have been relogged into the domain the SambaNTPassword 

I am currently both baffled and concerned as to how or why this would 
happen.  If anybody could shed more light on what could have happened I 
would appreciate it.
I would also like to know if there is a way to re-add or add a client on 
the Samba-LDAP-PDC instead of going to each individual client.

probably would be a good idea to figure out how to troubleshoot your
setup as one could only conjecture about what your problem is as you
describe it.

I do know that there is some faulty logic in your assumptions above
since the workstations will automatically change their password with the
passdb approximately once each month and I am quite certain that this is
documented in the samba documentation.


Yep, this does throw a bad domino into the logic.  ( I wonder if MS will 
give me my money back for all of those MCSE classes).  Once I fixed that 
domino and started looking at the BDC again, I realized that it's samba 
configuration files look identical to the ones on the PDC with the 
exception that  ldap is pointing to the ldap on the BDC.   So it 
currently looks like the BDC is misconfigured (Basically I'm seeing a 
configuration that deviates quite a bit from what I see in Samba-3 by 
I shutdown the BDC for now and put the PDC on a UPS (Yeah it should have 
been on one in the first place, but money is tight and we're operating 
under, if it ain't broke don't pay money to fix it).   This should hold 
us over until the BDC is configured correctly.

Thanks for the enlightenment.

So in view of your faulty assumption, my guess would be that your
PDC/BDC setup in LDAP probably isn't working properly as there should be
evidence in some log somewhere when the workstations change their
password and that the password changes propagate from LDAP server to
LDAP server and assuming that you are using something like 'slurpd' to
replicate changes in LDAP, there should be evidence of some failures
(aka rejects) unless you are allowing changes directly to the 'slave'
LDAP server in which case, you have a lot to fix.



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Re: [Samba] Samba + LDAP Windows Join Domain

2006-02-17 Thread Gordon Messmer

James Taylor wrote:

I am currently running samba 3.0.13.  I have set the samba server up as a
NT4 Domain controller and I have also integrated my LDAP configuration with
samba.  When I try to join the samba domain from any Windows 2000 or Windows
XP machine I get the error message The user could not be found.  My
smbldap-tools scripts are working in the sense that the Machine Add script
is adding the machinename$ domain account.

Does getent passwd machinename$ produce the expected result?
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RE: [Samba] Samba + LDAP Windows Join Domain

2006-02-17 Thread James Taylor
I figured out the issues I was having... Basically when the machine accounts
were created the smbldap-tools I was using did not add the sambaSAMAccount
objectclass and the appropriate sub information needed for the Domain
lookup.  I made several modifications to my scripts and viola!  It works.  

Thank you


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Gordon Messmer
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Samba] Samba + LDAP Windows Join Domain

James Taylor wrote:
 I am currently running samba 3.0.13.  I have set the samba server up as a
 NT4 Domain controller and I have also integrated my LDAP configuration
 samba.  When I try to join the samba domain from any Windows 2000 or
 XP machine I get the error message The user could not be found.  My
 smbldap-tools scripts are working in the sense that the Machine Add script
 is adding the machinename$ domain account.

Does getent passwd machinename$ produce the expected result?
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[Samba] Samba + LDAP Windows Join Domain

2006-02-15 Thread James Taylor
Hello all,


I have been working on this issue for some time and I know I am close to a


I am currently running samba 3.0.13.  I have set the samba server up as a
NT4 Domain controller and I have also integrated my LDAP configuration with
samba.  When I try to join the samba domain from any Windows 2000 or Windows
XP machine I get the error message The user could not be found.  My
smbldap-tools scripts are working in the sense that the Machine Add script
is adding the machinename$ domain account.  I have read several different
Samba Windows Join Domain documents and have tried different variations of
my config's to see if I can resolve this issue.


I know my Samba LDAP configuration is good as I am able to authenticate to
SMB file shares on the samba server with groups mapped to my LDAP database.
I am also seeing successful LDAP binds as well in the logs.  


Any pointers on things I may be able to try would be great.  


Configs as follows:

# Global parameters


workgroup = MYDOMAIN


server string = Samba Server %v

interfaces =

min password length = 3

map to guest = Bad User

passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://myldapsvr/

enable privileges = Yes

passwd program = /usr/sbin/smbldap-passwd

username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

client NTLMv2 auth = No

client lanman auth = No

client plaintext auth = No

syslog = 7

log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

max log size = 10

smb ports = 135 445

min protocol = NT1

time server = Yes

deadtime = 10

socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192

add user script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -m '%u'

delete user script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-userdel '%u'

add group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupadd -p '%g' 
/usr/sbin/smbldap-groupshow %g|awk '/^gidNumber:/ {print $2}'

delete group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupdel '%g'

add user to group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -m '%u' '%g'

delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -x '%u'

set primary group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-usermod -g '%g' '%u'

add machine script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w -d /dev/null -c
'Machine Account' -s /bin/false '%u'

logon script = logon.bat

logon path =

logon drive = H:

logon home =

domain logons = Yes

os level = 65

preferred master = Yes

domain master = Yes

dns proxy = No

wins support = Yes

ldap admin dn = cn=Manager,dc=mydomain,dc=com

ldap delete dn = Yes

ldap group suffix = ou=Groups

ldap idmap suffix = ou=Users

ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers

ldap passwd sync = Yes

ldap suffix = dc=mydomain,dc=com

ldap ssl = no

ldap user suffix = ou=Users

printer admin = @adm, root

create mask = 0755

directory mask = 0750

hosts allow = 192.168., 127.

nt acl support = No

case sensitive = No

dont descend = /proc,/dev,/etc,/lib,/lost+found,/initrd



comment = All Printers

path = /var/spool/samba

create mask = 0700

guest ok = Yes

printable = Yes

browseable = No



path = /var/lib/samba/printers

write list = @adm, root

inherit permissions = Yes

guest ok = Yes



path = /

valid users = @adm, root, jtaylor

admin users = @adm, root, jtaylor

read only = No

browseable = No


Thank you all


James Taylor

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Re: [Samba] Samba, LDAP, and unix account

2006-02-11 Thread William Burns


If you're new to samba, you may want to start w/ smbpasswd, or tdb 
authentication before going to LDAP.


Ether wrote:

Hi every one!

Until now, I used samba as a simple public share server... and now, I 
like to use it with many account. I know it's possible, but I would like
something particular:

I would like to have SAMBA account independent from the unix account system!
Here is how I think my system: all files on the server will be owned by a
unix account dedicated to samba storage, but I would like to set owner and
access right from user of the samba acount system. I also would like to be
able to set up right on each directory from windows and being able to get
the samba account list from windows without creating a PDC with samba and
registering each pc to this domain

Is it possible, or Do I have to create a PDC?


thanks to every one for your answers !


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[Samba] Samba, LDAP, and unix account

2006-02-10 Thread Ether
Hi every one!

Until now, I used samba as a simple public share server... and now, I 
like to use it with many account. I know it's possible, but I would like
something particular:

I would like to have SAMBA account independent from the unix account system!
Here is how I think my system: all files on the server will be owned by a
unix account dedicated to samba storage, but I would like to set owner and
access right from user of the samba acount system. I also would like to be
able to set up right on each directory from windows and being able to get
the samba account list from windows without creating a PDC with samba and
registering each pc to this domain

Is it possible, or Do I have to create a PDC?


thanks to every one for your answers !

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[Samba] Samba + ldap, acounts expiring? but pdbedit says otherwise

2006-02-10 Thread jmailand
Apologies if this is a RTFM issue...

My first question is: anyone know of code that can assist in going through samba
logfiles (looking for errors, etc.)?

I have what appears to be a password expiration problem.  User X has been able 
mount a shared drive off the samba box using his login/password.  Suddenly it
doesn't appear to work: he can run net use Z: \\server\share from his XP box, 
tries to mount the drive, pops up with an invalid user/pw type of error, 
prompts for
credentials.  Enter what had been valid credentials, doesn't work.

I ssh over to samba box, run pdbedit -L -v, his account expiration stuff looks 

Logon time:   0
Logoff time:  Mon, 18 Jan 2038 19:14:07 GMT
Kickoff time: Mon, 18 Jan 2038 19:14:07 GMT
Password last set:Wed, 11 Jan 2006 00:11:57 GMT
Password can change:  0
Password must change: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 00:11:57 GMT

Also, if I slapcat the ldap morass into a file and check the expiration time 
also in the future:

sambaPwdMustChange: 1200039117 - by my calculation the same date as listed 

We tried again, no soap.  Reset password on server using the smbldap-password
command, drive mounts fine.

You could say that he was typing in the wrong password, but for one he 
administers a
bunch of machines and is used to typing in passwords, and for two I had to run
through all my users over the course of a couple of days and have them reset 
passwords, same type of thing.

Is there any other place I should be looking for something that would cause
credentials not to work?  I thought PAM, but all the account cruft is in LDAP 
the data therein looks good (e.g. this user doesn't have an entry in 
or /etc/shadow also).  XP weirdness?  It's probably worth mentioning that we 
do any kind of policy management on XP, stock xp pro installs from CD.

Samba 3.0.20b
idealx tools 0.9.1
Red Hat AS4

If that matters.

Thanks for any hints or clues where to look!

Joe Mailander

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[Samba] samba/ldap network and domain setup advice

2006-02-08 Thread Abdul-Wahid Paterson

I am sure this has been discussed before but all the documentation I
could find seems to be old.

I have two main sites that make the core part of our network. They are
connected by a link that is usually congested.

On the first site, of about 500 users, we have implemented Samba/LDAP.

I now need to work out what to do with the second site of about 1000 users.

So the requirements are.

1. Some other applications are uisng LDAP authentication and all users
from both sites need to authenticated.
2. Some users often travel between sites so it would be useful if they
can log into samba at both places.
3. The link between the two sites is probably too slow for doing
anything useful except perhaps LDAP replication.

So what is the best way of going about this? Do I setup two domains?
If I have two domains what is the best way of segregating users so
that other LDAP applications can see all users. What have other people
done in these types of situaitons and what things should I avoid or be
aware of?


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[Samba] samba / ldap

2006-02-04 Thread azzouz


I want to upgrade our LDAP server and our SAMBA PDC server  whitch 
support the  LDAP for user identification and authentification under 

The ldap sever release is 2.0.23 and we want to install the last stable 
one 2.3.19

The samba server release is 2.2.6 and we want to install the last stable 3.0

Could someone tell me if there are no probleme for upgrading ? How to 
migrate all the windows machine in the domaine Samba PDC/Ldap without 
réingrating them again ?

thanks sincerely

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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

2006-01-26 Thread Christopher Smith
We've used slave ldap servers as our local office solution, it seems 
like PITA at first, but really its not much trouble... we redistribute 
old Optiplex GX100's with bigger IDE drives as the local pdc.

Chris Smith

Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

Michael Gasch schrieb:

you could set up openldap to do syncrepl and have a full copy of 
your samba domain stuff that's in ldap.  if the connection goes 
down, the ldap stuff is there and if you have it set up like a bdc, 
you can still login, etc.

Yep, that's how it's normally done.

what about setting up a BDC in the subnet the router can access by 
ethernet (builtin switch, subnet behind the router). this connection 
is alays on, isn´t it?

It's a solution for a small office.

A couple of workstations, this tiny router running Samba instead of a 
server; connection to the outside through ADSL, nothing more.

When ADSL doesn't connect (because an employee disconnected the modem, 
because he needed a power outlet to make tee), we're in trouble.

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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

2006-01-19 Thread Michael Gasch
you could set up openldap to do syncrepl and have a full copy of your 
samba domain stuff that's in ldap.  if the connection goes down, the 
ldap stuff is there and if you have it set up like a bdc, you can 
still login, etc.

Yep, that's how it's normally done.
what about setting up a BDC in the subnet the router can access by 
ethernet (builtin switch, subnet behind the router). this connection is 
alays on, isn´t it?


Michael Gasch
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Department of Human Evolution (IT)
Deutscher Platz 6
D-04103 Leipzig

Phone: 49 (0)341 - 3550 137
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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

2006-01-19 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Michael Gasch schrieb:
you could set up openldap to do syncrepl and have a full copy of your 
samba domain stuff that's in ldap.  if the connection goes down, the 
ldap stuff is there and if you have it set up like a bdc, you can 
still login, etc.

Yep, that's how it's normally done.

what about setting up a BDC in the subnet the router can access by 
ethernet (builtin switch, subnet behind the router). this connection is 
alays on, isn´t it?

It's a solution for a small office.

A couple of workstations, this tiny router running Samba instead of a 
server; connection to the outside through ADSL, nothing more.

When ADSL doesn't connect (because an employee disconnected the modem, 
because he needed a power outlet to make tee), we're in trouble.

Tomasz Chmielewski

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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

2006-01-19 Thread Michael Gasch

It's a solution for a small office.

this solution also applies to a small office :)

i know, you´re looking for caching, but as long as there´s no productive 
way with samba and caching (creds) you should go for a BDC


Michael Gasch
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Department of Human Evolution (IT)
Deutscher Platz 6
D-04103 Leipzig

Phone: 49 (0)341 - 3550 137
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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

i guess the real question here is what is your interest?  are you more 
interested in having the login functionality when the network link is 
down or are you more interested in toying with the notion of having 
samba run on a mini box?

i can certainly help you with the former if you wish.  i have set up an 
old linux box as a bdc at a remote location (my parent's house) to allow 
them all functionality of being in the domain even when their crappy dsl 
goes down and we lose the vpn link betweeen us.  it works like a charm.

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Michael Gasch wrote:

It's a solution for a small office.

this solution also applies to a small office :)

i know, you´re looking for caching, but as long as there´s no productive 
way with samba and caching (creds) you should go for a BDC


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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

2006-01-19 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

i guess the real question here is what is your interest?  are you more 
interested in having the login functionality when the network link is 
down or are you more interested in toying with the notion of having 
samba run on a mini box?

Of course, being able to login at all times is one of the most important 

Well, there are many factors; in the end I would like it to be a cheap 
and reliable domain controller for small offices:

- cost - this mini router (it even has wireless) + USB stick cost less 
than a PC

- it's small and compact
- stability - there is no fan, no hard disk, no moving parts that can break
- ease of (remote) management (when it's set up properly) - in case of 
any trouble, someone just turns the device off and on, it'll be up again 
in a matter of seconds

- it's fun to do something new :)

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

ok, i'll go with you on this.  so this mini-router, does it have a hard 
drive or a place that it could dynamically write data, because it seems 
to me that samba will need to write data at will and for sure, ldap with 
syncrepl or any caching program will need to write new data that is not 
static to someplace.

what are the true capabilities of this router?

the cheapy routers that use firmware woun't be able to dynamically write 
this data would they.  any change to data would require a firmware 

also, how would you manage the router remotely?  ssh?  a web interface? 
 how would you alter any smb.conf settings?

i agree your router would be a cool thing, but you have very little 
admin functionality.  another option may be a refurb cheap computer with 
a cheap network card which would do the same thing, but give you total 
functionality.  this is what i did for the bds at my parent's house.  i 
got a dell outlet refurb for $240, installed fc4 and away we went.

i do still like the idea though of a plug it in and it works system for 
stuff like this.

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Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:


i guess the real question here is what is your interest?  are you more 
interested in having the login functionality when the network link is 
down or are you more interested in toying with the notion of having 
samba run on a mini box?

Of course, being able to login at all times is one of the most important 

Well, there are many factors; in the end I would like it to be a cheap 
and reliable domain controller for small offices:

- cost - this mini router (it even has wireless) + USB stick cost less 
than a PC

- it's small and compact
- stability - there is no fan, no hard disk, no moving parts that can break
- ease of (remote) management (when it's set up properly) - in case of 
any trouble, someone just turns the device off and on, it'll be up again 
in a matter of seconds

- it's fun to do something new :)

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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

2006-01-19 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

ok, i'll go with you on this.  so this mini-router, does it have a hard 
drive or a place that it could dynamically write data, because it seems 
to me that samba will need to write data at will and for sure, ldap with 
syncrepl or any caching program will need to write new data that is not 
static to someplace.

what are the true capabilities of this router?

It's ASUS WL-500g Deluxe.

It has a 200 MHz broadcom/mipsel CPU, 4 MB flash, 32 MB ram, 2 USB2 
ports, 5 network ports (to use as a switch or 5 separate network cards).

I connected a USB stick to one of the USB ports and the root filesystem 
is there (instead of the 4 MB flash).

The router costs about 70 euro / 80 usd.

Capabilities? It's Linux, so it can do everything :)

the cheapy routers that use firmware woun't be able to dynamically write 
this data would they.  any change to data would require a firmware 

Exactly - I replaced the original firmware with OpenWRT - - a distro for such small routers listed in the link 
I gave above.

also, how would you manage the router remotely?  ssh?  a web interface? 
 how would you alter any smb.conf settings?

It has a basic web interface (for setting network, dns, gateway, 
wireless etc.), but yes, mostly with SSH.

i agree your router would be a cool thing, but you have very little 
admin functionality.

SSH - exactly the same admin functionality as with a PC.

another option may be a refurb cheap computer with 
a cheap network card which would do the same thing, but give you total 

But this means noise, disk, fan etc. - I don't want that.

this is what i did for the bds at my parent's house.  i 
got a dell outlet refurb for $240, installed fc4 and away we went.

So you paid 2x too much :)

Tomasz Chmielewski
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RE: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable -possible?

2006-01-19 Thread Larry McElderry
I was just visiting the opwrt site and noticed the open ldap is in their 
download section.


-Original Message-
Tomasz Chmielewski
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable -possible?

 ok, i'll go with you on this.  so this mini-router, does it have a hard
 drive or a place that it could dynamically write data, because it seems
 to me that samba will need to write data at will and for sure, ldap with
 syncrepl or any caching program will need to write new data that is not
 static to someplace.

 what are the true capabilities of this router?

It's ASUS WL-500g Deluxe.

It has a 200 MHz broadcom/mipsel CPU, 4 MB flash, 32 MB ram, 2 USB2
ports, 5 network ports (to use as a switch or 5 separate network cards).

I connected a USB stick to one of the USB ports and the root filesystem
is there (instead of the 4 MB flash).

The router costs about 70 euro / 80 usd.

Capabilities? It's Linux, so it can do everything :)

 the cheapy routers that use firmware woun't be able to dynamically write
 this data would they.  any change to data would require a firmware

Exactly - I replaced the original firmware with OpenWRT - - a distro for such small routers listed in the link
I gave above.

 also, how would you manage the router remotely?  ssh?  a web interface?
  how would you alter any smb.conf settings?

It has a basic web interface (for setting network, dns, gateway,
wireless etc.), but yes, mostly with SSH.

 i agree your router would be a cool thing, but you have very little
 admin functionality.

SSH - exactly the same admin functionality as with a PC.

 another option may be a refurb cheap computer with
 a cheap network card which would do the same thing, but give you total

But this means noise, disk, fan etc. - I don't want that.

 this is what i did for the bds at my parent's house.  i
 got a dell outlet refurb for $240, installed fc4 and away we went.

So you paid 2x too much :)

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable -possible?

2006-01-19 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Larry McElderry schrieb:

I was just visiting the opwrt site and noticed the open ldap is in their 
download section.

It's the clients only + libs; no server.

Anyway, I think it's not that hard to compile OpenLDAP server for it.

The problem would be to authenticate the users against it - in other 
words, to make system see the users from the LDAP.

It's pretty bare and small distro... :)

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

2006-01-18 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

Andrew Bartlett schrieb:

On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 10:16 -0500, William Burns wrote:


I had heard that some people were interested in caching passwords (which 
could be stored in NIS, or LDAP) on linux laptops so that a user could 
log in even when disconnected from their LDAP or NIS domain.
The theory was that the nss (name service switch) and nscd (name service 
cache daemon) system(s) could be tuned/modified to cache this information.

As far as I know, this has not been done/tested for use w/ samba the way 
you describe.

For this in an AD domain, there has been a lot of work done in Samba's
trunk development tree for this (disconnected laptop) behaviour.

Is there anything that might go to the stable anytime soon?

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

could you set up a small instance of an ldap server along with samba on 
this small box and have it act like a bdc?  you could set up openldap to 
do syncrepl and have a full copy of your samba domain stuff that's in 
ldap.  if the connection goes down, the ldap stuff is there and if you 
have it set up like a bdc, you can still login, etc.

just a thought, i'm fairly new at all this stuff.


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Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

I've been using Samba with OpenLDAP with great success on normal servers.

Recently however, it appeared to us that for remote locations it is more 
economically viable to replace Samba servers with Samba running on 
little routers like ASUS WL-500g with openwrt firmware/software.
It has a broadcom/mipsel CPU, and thanks to openwrt 
(, it is possible to run lots of software on it.

Pretty nice for small offices - small, no fan, no hard disk etc. other 
moving parts (you can connect a USB stick to it if you want to store 

There is one glitch however - no OpenLDAP port.

So a Samba domain controller running on these tiny routers would have to 
authenticate users users against an external OpenLDAP server (probably 
in the company headquaters).

My experience shows that a company with several branches located 
throughout the city/country/world have connectivity problems from time 
to time (especiall when there is no IT staff in the branches).

With no local LDAP server this would mean users not able to work (as 
they can't authenticate).

Is it possible to set up Samba to cache credentials retrieved from the 
LDAP, and when LDAP is unavailable, to use these cached credentials?

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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

2006-01-18 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

could you set up a small instance of an ldap server along with samba on 
this small box and have it act like a bdc?

That would be great indeed - the problem is, there is no OpenLDAP server 
port to that thingy yet :)

you could set up openldap to 
do syncrepl and have a full copy of your samba domain stuff that's in 
ldap.  if the connection goes down, the ldap stuff is there and if you 
have it set up like a bdc, you can still login, etc.

Yep, that's how it's normally done.

Tomasz Chmielewski
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[Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

2006-01-17 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

I've been using Samba with OpenLDAP with great success on normal servers.

Recently however, it appeared to us that for remote locations it is more 
economically viable to replace Samba servers with Samba running on 
little routers like ASUS WL-500g with openwrt firmware/software.
It has a broadcom/mipsel CPU, and thanks to openwrt 
(, it is possible to run lots of software on it.

Pretty nice for small offices - small, no fan, no hard disk etc. other 
moving parts (you can connect a USB stick to it if you want to store 

There is one glitch however - no OpenLDAP port.

So a Samba domain controller running on these tiny routers would have to 
authenticate users users against an external OpenLDAP server (probably 
in the company headquaters).

My experience shows that a company with several branches located 
throughout the city/country/world have connectivity problems from time 
to time (especiall when there is no IT staff in the branches).

With no local LDAP server this would mean users not able to work (as 
they can't authenticate).

Is it possible to set up Samba to cache credentials retrieved from the 
LDAP, and when LDAP is unavailable, to use these cached credentials?

Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

2006-01-17 Thread Chris St. Pierre

Chris St. Pierre
Unix Systems Administrator
Nebraska Wesleyan University

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

 I've been using Samba with OpenLDAP with great success on normal servers.

 Recently however, it appeared to us that for remote locations it is more
 economically viable to replace Samba servers with Samba running on little
 routers like ASUS WL-500g with openwrt firmware/software.
 It has a broadcom/mipsel CPU, and thanks to openwrt (, it 
 possible to run lots of software on it.

 Pretty nice for small offices - small, no fan, no hard disk etc. other moving
 parts (you can connect a USB stick to it if you want to store files/profiles).

 There is one glitch however - no OpenLDAP port.

 So a Samba domain controller running on these tiny routers would have to
 authenticate users users against an external OpenLDAP server (probably in the
 company headquaters).

 My experience shows that a company with several branches located throughout 
 city/country/world have connectivity problems from time to time (especiall 
 there is no IT staff in the branches).

 With no local LDAP server this would mean users not able to work (as they 

 Is it possible to set up Samba to cache credentials retrieved from the LDAP,
 and when LDAP is unavailable, to use these cached credentials?

 Tomasz Chmielewski
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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

2006-01-17 Thread William Burns


I had heard that some people were interested in caching passwords (which 
could be stored in NIS, or LDAP) on linux laptops so that a user could 
log in even when disconnected from their LDAP or NIS domain.
The theory was that the nss (name service switch) and nscd (name service 
cache daemon) system(s) could be tuned/modified to cache this information.

As far as I know, this has not been done/tested for use w/ samba the way 
you describe.

See section: 2.1.4 The Name Service Caching Daemon


Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

I've been using Samba with OpenLDAP with great success on normal servers.

Recently however, it appeared to us that for remote locations it is 
more economically viable to replace Samba servers with Samba running 
on little routers like ASUS WL-500g with openwrt firmware/software.
It has a broadcom/mipsel CPU, and thanks to openwrt 
(, it is possible to run lots of software on it.

Pretty nice for small offices - small, no fan, no hard disk etc. other 
moving parts (you can connect a USB stick to it if you want to store 

There is one glitch however - no OpenLDAP port.

So a Samba domain controller running on these tiny routers would have 
to authenticate users users against an external OpenLDAP server 
(probably in the company headquaters).

My experience shows that a company with several branches located 
throughout the city/country/world have connectivity problems from time 
to time (especiall when there is no IT staff in the branches).

With no local LDAP server this would mean users not able to work (as 
they can't authenticate).

Is it possible to set up Samba to cache credentials retrieved from 
the LDAP, and when LDAP is unavailable, to use these cached credentials?

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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

2006-01-17 Thread Martin Konold

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, Chris St. Pierre wrote:


nscd is known to cause problems with Samba.


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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP caching when LDAP server unavailable - possible?

2006-01-17 Thread Andrew Bartlett
On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 10:16 -0500, William Burns wrote:
 I had heard that some people were interested in caching passwords (which 
 could be stored in NIS, or LDAP) on linux laptops so that a user could 
 log in even when disconnected from their LDAP or NIS domain.
 The theory was that the nss (name service switch) and nscd (name service 
 cache daemon) system(s) could be tuned/modified to cache this information.
 As far as I know, this has not been done/tested for use w/ samba the way 
 you describe.

For this in an AD domain, there has been a lot of work done in Samba's
trunk development tree for this (disconnected laptop) behaviour.

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
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[Samba] Samba / LDAP Wildcard SSL certificate

2006-01-03 Thread Roy McMorran
Anyone successfully use TLS to an OpenLDAP back end using a *wildcard* 
SSL certificate?

Samba 3.0.20b
OpenLDAP 2.3.12
OpenSSL 0.9.8
(these are CSW packages, btw)
Fresh install of Solaris 9 with very the latest patch cluster.  No 
iPlanet or Sun DS stuff is installed.

Here's an excerpt from my smb.conf file...
   workgroup = EXAMPLE
   netbios name = TESTBED
   security = user
   enable privileges = yes
   encrypt passwords = yes
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.smbd
   ldap passwd sync = yes
   passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://localhost/ smbpasswd guest
   # passdb backend = ldapsam:ldaps://localhost/ smbpasswd guest
   ldap suffix = dc=example,dc=org
   ldap machine suffix = ou=People
   ldap user suffix = ou=People
   ldap group suffix = ou=Group
   ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
   ldap admin dn = cn=samba,ou=DSA,dc=example,dc=org
   ldap ssl = no
   # ldap ssl = yes
   # ldap ssl = start tls

When ldap ssl = no then all is well, but I've been unable to use 
either yes or start tls successfully.

If I use ldap ssl  = start tls I get
[2006/01/03 13:56:20.688388, 0] lib/smbldap.c:(615)
 Failed to issue the StartTLS instruction: Connect error

If I use ldap ssl = yes I see the following...
[2006/01/03 15:33:57.807033, 0] lib/smbldap.c:(790)
 failed to bind to server ldaps://localhost/ with 
dn=cn=samba,ou=DSA,dc=example,dc=org Error: Can't contact LDAP server

   TLS: hostname does not match CN in peer certificate

(the CN in the cert in this case would be *

ldap.conf points to the proper certificate and CA:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /etc/ldap.conf
SSL start_tls
TLS_CACERT  /usr/ssl/certs/rapidssl_01.cer
TLS_KEY /usr/ssl/private/

and the certificate works as expected for (for instance) https.

I have also verified that TLS is working normally by using ldapsearch:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ldapsearch -x -W -ZZ -D cn=samba,ou=dsa,dc=example,dc=org 
Enter LDAP Password: 

# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base  with scope subtree
# filter: (objectClass=sambaDomain)
# requesting: ALL

dn: sambaDomainName=EXAMPLE,dc=example,dc=org
sambaDomainName: EXAMPLE
sambaSID: S-*-*-**-**-*-*
sambaAlgorithmicRidBase: 1000
objectClass: sambaDomain

# search result
search: 3
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1

Any thoughts on how I might get this to work with the wildcard certificate?



Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

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Re: [Samba] samba + ldap

2005-12-14 Thread Dmitriy Kirhlarov
Hi, all.

I carefuly read [samba]ldapsam:trusted = yes kills smbd thread, but
it not help me.
My samba want use domain-likes SID's.

I have 5 (possible, more) distributed over world samba servers.
This servers nothing know about neighbours. Today we are using rsync
for syncing smbpasswd files.

Also, I have several replicated ldap servers with my unix users
accounts. And I want use this servers for replacing smbpasswd files.

I have to use security = user, instead PDC-BDC, because my samba
servers can't interact.

I use samba-3.0.20b,1 on FreeBSD 6.0-STABLE

Problem is -- I can't authentificate on samba server. My smb.conf,
smb.ldif (my tree) and samba log (with log lovel = 10) accessible on

Plz, help me.

On Fri, Nov 25, 2005 at 04:43:43PM +, Daniel Wilson wrote:
 i had the same problem as this!! well if your using ldapsam:trusted=yes
 look for the thread titled [samba]ldapsam:trusted = yes kills smbd
 ..but pretty much it was this..
 i have changed the sambaPrimaryGroupSid: S-1-1-0 on uid=nobody and 
 changed sambaSID: S-1-1-0 on group nobody and it now starts yeh!! :)
 On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 14:37, Dmitriy Kirhlarov wrote:
  Hi, all.
  Now my ldap-directory used for storing unix users accounts.
  I want use it for samba auth too.
  My samba config and ldap records attached.
  When I try start smbd I get error in logfile:
  [2005/11/25 16:30:21, 
  3]passdb/pdb_ldap.c:ldapsam_enum_group_memberships(2513) primary group of 
  [nobody] not found
  Any ideas?
  Dmitriy Kirhlarov
  OILspace, 26 Leninskaya sloboda, bld. 2, 2nd floor, 115280 Moscow, Russia
  P:+7 095 105 7247 ext.203 F:+7 095 105 7246 E:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  OILspace - The resource enriched -
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[Samba] Samba LDAP Tools and mkntpwd

2005-12-02 Thread Collins, Kevin
I'm in the middle of Samba 3.0.9 == 3.0.14a migration testing.  Because I'm 
using newer tools, I am also using a newer verions of the Samba LDAP Tools.

My older version, 0.8.4, used the 'mkntpwd' utility to generate NT passwords.  
The new version, 0.9.1 defaults to using (what looks like) a Perl module called 

My questions: Do I need to continue to use mkntpwd?  Will I need to reset all 
the passwords for my users if I move to Crypt::SmbHash?  Or will it just work 
if I leave the defaults alone?

Kevin L. Collins, MCSE
Systems Manager
Nesbitt Engineering, Inc. 
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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP Tools and mkntpwd

2005-12-02 Thread Craig White
On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 15:43 -0500, Collins, Kevin wrote:
 I'm in the middle of Samba 3.0.9 == 3.0.14a migration testing.  Because I'm 
 using newer tools, I am also using a newer verions of the Samba LDAP Tools.
 My older version, 0.8.4, used the 'mkntpwd' utility to generate NT passwords. 
  The new version, 0.9.1 defaults to using (what looks like) a Perl module 
 called Crypt::SmbHash.
 My questions: Do I need to continue to use mkntpwd?  Will I need to reset all 
 the passwords for my users if I move to Crypt::SmbHash?  Or will it just 
 work if I leave the defaults alone?

I think that an smb hashed password is going to be an smb hashed
password regardless of the tool used to create it. Otherwise, how could
the Windows user log in?


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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP Tools and mkntpwd

2005-12-02 Thread Andrew Bartlett
On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 13:53 -0700, Craig White wrote:
 On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 15:43 -0500, Collins, Kevin wrote:
  I'm in the middle of Samba 3.0.9 == 3.0.14a migration testing.  Because 
  I'm using newer tools, I am also using a newer verions of the Samba LDAP 
  My older version, 0.8.4, used the 'mkntpwd' utility to generate NT 
  passwords.  The new version, 0.9.1 defaults to using (what looks like) a 
  Perl module called Crypt::SmbHash.
  My questions: Do I need to continue to use mkntpwd?  Will I need to reset 
  all the passwords for my users if I move to Crypt::SmbHash?  Or will it 
  just work if I leave the defaults alone?
 I think that an smb hashed password is going to be an smb hashed
 password regardless of the tool used to create it. Otherwise, how could
 the Windows user log in?

Yes.  One is a perl port of the C routines, while the older mkntwpd is
just that particular C file compiled standalone.

If the perl code does the unicode translation right, it might even be
more accurate for non-ASCII.

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
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Re: [Samba] Samba LDAP Tools and mkntpwd

2005-12-02 Thread Craig White
On Sat, 2005-12-03 at 09:10 +1100, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
 On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 13:53 -0700, Craig White wrote:
  On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 15:43 -0500, Collins, Kevin wrote:
   I'm in the middle of Samba 3.0.9 == 3.0.14a migration testing.  Because 
   I'm using newer tools, I am also using a newer verions of the Samba LDAP 
   My older version, 0.8.4, used the 'mkntpwd' utility to generate NT 
   passwords.  The new version, 0.9.1 defaults to using (what looks like) a 
   Perl module called Crypt::SmbHash.
   My questions: Do I need to continue to use mkntpwd?  Will I need to reset 
   all the passwords for my users if I move to Crypt::SmbHash?  Or will it 
   just work if I leave the defaults alone?
  I think that an smb hashed password is going to be an smb hashed
  password regardless of the tool used to create it. Otherwise, how could
  the Windows user log in?
 Yes.  One is a perl port of the C routines, while the older mkntwpd is
 just that particular C file compiled standalone.
 If the perl code does the unicode translation right, it might even be
 more accurate for non-ASCII.

my experiences with perl is that this is never a given.



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[Samba] samba + ldap

2005-11-25 Thread Dmitriy Kirhlarov
Hi, all.

Now my ldap-directory used for storing unix users accounts.
I want use it for samba auth too.
My samba config and ldap records attached.

When I try start smbd I get error in logfile:
[2005/11/25 16:30:21, 3]passdb/pdb_ldap.c:ldapsam_enum_group_memberships(2513) 
primary group of [nobody] not found

Any ideas?

Dmitriy Kirhlarov
OILspace, 26 Leninskaya sloboda, bld. 2, 2nd floor, 115280 Moscow, Russia
P:+7 095 105 7247 ext.203 F:+7 095 105 7246 E:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
OILspace - The resource enriched -
dn: uid=root,ou=users,o=oiltest
cn: root
sn: root
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: sambaSamAccount
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
gidNumber: 0
uid: root
uidNumber: 0
homeDirectory: /home/root
sambaPwdLastSet: 0
sambaLogonTime: 0
sambaLogoffTime: 2147483647
sambaKickoffTime: 2147483647
sambaPwdCanChange: 0
sambaPwdMustChange: 2147483647
sambaPrimaryGroupSID: S-1-5-21-3177952046-2209943301-2637743033-512
sambaLMPassword: XXX
sambaNTPassword: XXX
sambaAcctFlags: [U  ]
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-3177952046-2209943301-2637743033-500
loginShell: /bin/false
gecos: Netbios Domain Administrator

dn: uid=nobody,ou=users,o=oiltest
cn: nobody
sn: nobody
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: sambaSamAccount
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
gidNumber: 514
uid: nobody
uidNumber: 999
homeDirectory: /dev/null
sambaPwdLastSet: 0
sambaLogonTime: 0
sambaLogoffTime: 2147483647
sambaKickoffTime: 2147483647
sambaPwdCanChange: 0
sambaPwdMustChange: 2147483647
sambaPrimaryGroupSID: S-1-5-21-3177952046-2209943301-2637743033-514
sambaLMPassword: NO PASSWORDX
sambaNTPassword: NO PASSWORDX
sambaAcctFlags: [NU ]
loginShell: /bin/false
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-3177952046-2209943301-2637743033-501

dn: cn=Domain Admins,ou=groups,o=oiltest
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: sambaGroupMapping
gidNumber: 512
cn: Domain Admins
memberUid: root
description: Netbios Domain Administrators
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-3177952046-2209943301-2637743033-512
sambaGroupType: 2
displayName: Domain Admins

dn: cn=Domain Guests,ou=groups,o=oiltest
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: sambaGroupMapping
gidNumber: 514
cn: Domain Guests
description: Netbios Domain Guests Users
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-3177952046-2209943301-2637743033-514
sambaGroupType: 2
displayName: Domain Guests
memberUid: nobody

dn: cn=Domain Users,ou=groups,o=oiltest
sambaGroupType: 2
displayName: Domain Users
description: Netbios Domain Users
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: sambaGroupMapping
memberUid: nobody
gidNumber: 513
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-3177952046-2209943301-2637743033-513
cn: Domain Users

add group script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-groupadd -p %g
add machine script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w %u
add user to group script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -m %u %g
admin users = root Administrator
available = yes
bind interfaces only = yes
client ntlmv2 auth = yes
deadtime = 30
delete user from group script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -x 
%u %g
delete user script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-userdel %u
display charset = KOI8-R
dont descend = /proc,/dev,/usr/compat/linux/proc
dos charset = CP866
dos filetimes = yes
interfaces = fxp0 lo0
lanman auth = no
ldap admin dn = uid=fbsd-samba-admin,ou=virtusers,o=oiltest
ldap group suffix = ou=groups
ldap machine suffix = ou=machines
ldap passwd sync = Only
ldap replication sleep = 2000
ldapsam:trusted = yes
ldap ssl = start_tls
ldap suffix = o=oiltest
ldap user suffix = ou=users
log file = /var/log/samba/log
log level = 3 passdb:5 auth:10 winbind:2
map to guest = Bad User
netbios name = FBSD
os level = 65
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://fbsd
passwd program = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-passwd %u
preload = Guest pub cdrom printers
security = USER
server signing = auto
server string = Samba Server on
set primary group script = /usr/local/sbin/smbldap-usermod -g %g %u
time server = yes
workgroup = OILSPACE

# This share need for map to guest if security not share
comment = FTP public share
path = /var/ftp/pub
read only = yes

hide dot files = no
hide special files = yes
inherit acls = yes
inherit permissions = yes
locking = yes
map acl inherit = yes
available = no
comment = FTP public share
path = /var/ftp/pub
browseable = yes

comment = Home Directory
path = /home/%U
read only = no
browseable = yes
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Re: [Samba] samba + ldap

2005-11-25 Thread Daniel Wilson
i had the same problem as this!! well if your using ldapsam:trusted=yes

look for the thread titled [samba]ldapsam:trusted = yes kills smbd

..but pretty much it was this..
i have changed the sambaPrimaryGroupSid: S-1-1-0 on uid=nobody and 
changed sambaSID: S-1-1-0 on group nobody and it now starts yeh!! :)

On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 14:37, Dmitriy Kirhlarov wrote:
 Hi, all.
 Now my ldap-directory used for storing unix users accounts.
 I want use it for samba auth too.
 My samba config and ldap records attached.
 When I try start smbd I get error in logfile:
 [2005/11/25 16:30:21, 
 3]passdb/pdb_ldap.c:ldapsam_enum_group_memberships(2513) primary group of 
 [nobody] not found
 Any ideas?
 Dmitriy Kirhlarov
 OILspace, 26 Leninskaya sloboda, bld. 2, 2nd floor, 115280 Moscow, Russia
 P:+7 095 105 7247 ext.203 F:+7 095 105 7246 E:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 OILspace - The resource enriched -
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[Samba] Samba/LDAP-Backend stability on Debian Sarge

2005-11-12 Thread Jorge Santiago

First, excuse me if this post is a bit offtopic, maybe this should be
posted in the debian-users maillist, but I just wanted to read your
experiences with this kind of setup, since I've  migrated the server
to Debian Sarge using LDAP Backend to serve clients using WinXP and
Win98, and I've got this serious problems:

- Samba segfaults [1]
- slapd process crashes very often, almost once per day (i had to
create a cron job to restart it periodically).
- Slow MS Access database access [2] (I'm still trying to figure this
one, maybe is a change of default in some samba option).

Any of you is running a setup like this and having similar problems? 
Any Idea on how I could solve any of this?



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Re: [Samba] Samba/LDAP-Backend stability on Debian Sarge

2005-11-12 Thread Craig White
On Sat, 2005-11-12 at 12:35 -0500, Jorge Santiago wrote:
 First, excuse me if this post is a bit offtopic, maybe this should be
 posted in the debian-users maillist, but I just wanted to read your
 experiences with this kind of setup, since I've  migrated the server
 to Debian Sarge using LDAP Backend to serve clients using WinXP and
 Win98, and I've got this serious problems:
 - Samba segfaults [1]
 - slapd process crashes very often, almost once per day (i had to
 create a cron job to restart it periodically).
 - Slow MS Access database access [2] (I'm still trying to figure this
 one, maybe is a change of default in some samba option).
 Any of you is running a setup like this and having similar problems? 
 Any Idea on how I could solve any of this?

seems as though you have to fix samba segfaulting issue and slapd issue
first before you can think about fixing slow Access issue.

samba is very stable daemon when properly installed  configured

openldap is very stable daemon when properly installed  configured

I haven't a clue on where you might have deviated in
installation/configuration processes on either samba or openldap that
might be causing your issues and you might want to use debian resources
to help you troubleshoot them.


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[Samba] samba + ldap + root user

2005-11-07 Thread FM

Hello everybody,
Simple question :
Does the LDAP root user (uid=0) needed for samba must have  root as 
username or just uid=0 ? In other words, can I have samba root user 
without calling him root ?

Thanks !
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Re: [Samba] samba + ldap + root user

2005-11-07 Thread Tomasz Chmielewski

FM schrieb:

Hello everybody,
Simple question :
Does the LDAP root user (uid=0) needed for samba must have  root as 
username or just uid=0 ? In other words, can I have samba root user 
without calling him root ?

you can call it as you like.

I called mine Administrator.

WPKG - software deployment and upgrades with Samba

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Re: [Samba] Samba/Ldap as BDC for ADS

2005-11-06 Thread Andrew Bartlett
On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 09:12 +0100, Patrick blitz wrote:
 I'm sorry if this has been asked a quadrillion times before, but i was just 
 wondering about it:
 I know samba can't be a BDC for ADS. I also know that OpenLDAP can sync with 
 a MS ADS Server. 

I don't think it can do that to the extent we would require.

 Samba can also auth against both ldap and ADS. so, shoudln't it be possible 
 to use a 

 Samba/openLdap server combination as a Local Master kind of think as a type 
 of BDC for an ADS Domain?

No.  Samba3 does not have the technology to be an ADS domain controller.
Samba4 development already has this, and we hope to have a technology
preview soon.

 Or are there hugher obstacles like there beeing no way to tell the windows 
 clients who's their second-in-command master?

There is just a very big gap between Samba3 and what ADS requires of a

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
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[Samba] Samba/Ldap as BDC for ADS

2005-10-31 Thread Patrick blitz
I'm sorry if this has been asked a quadrillion times before, but i was just 
wondering about it:

I know samba can't be a BDC for ADS. I also know that OpenLDAP can sync with a 
MS ADS Server. Samba can also auth against both ldap and ADS. so, shoudln't it 
be possible to use a Samba/openLdap server combination as a Local Master kind 
of think as a type of BDC for an ADS Domain?

Or are there hugher obstacles like there beeing no way to tell the windows 
clients who's their second-in-command master?

Thanks a bunch, guys

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Re: [Samba] Samba + LDAP + TLS

2005-10-25 Thread Josh Kelley
On 10/24/05, Jukka Hienola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My question is, how changing passdb backend from ldap.server,name to can have this effect, since the server name should have been
 resolvable with /etc/hosts file? Does it has something to do with my
 certificate files, which are generated using However,
 I was able to login with TLS and Apache, so I don't think that's the case.

Some LDAP clients are more or less forgiving of certificate name
mismatches.  OpenLDAP 2.0.27 will work if the name mismatches;
OpenLDAP 2.2.23 won't; IIRC, pam_ldap won't, even if linked against
OpenLDAP 2.0.27 libraries.  So that may explain why some software
works and some doesn't.

Josh Kelley
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[Samba] Samba + LDAP + TLS

2005-10-24 Thread Jukka Hienola


I'm a bit new to Samba+LDAP integration, and most likely because of that 
I experienced this morning something I can't fully understand. I would 
appreciate if someone could explain to me what was really wrong.

So, our name server was unavailable this morning due to OS update. 
Division's Samba and LDAP services are running on same server, and Samba 
is using TLS in connecting to LDAP service. Because some of the network 
names were not resolvable, I changed passdb backend = 
ldapsam:ldap://; to passdb backend = 
ldapsam:ldap://; in smb.conf, although I have 
also in /etc/hosts, just in case. In file /etc/nsswitch.conf  I have 
line hosts:  files dns. After I restarted Samba, I just couldn't 
login to domain anymore either with any machine or domain user accounts. 
Samba gave me errors like

smbd[1956]: [2005/10/24 11:03:17, 0] 

smbd[1956]:   Failed to issue the StartTLS instruction: Connect error
smbd[1956]: [2005/10/24 11:03:17, 1] lib/smbldap.c:another_ldap_try(1011)
smbd[1956]:   Connection to LDAP server failed for the 1 try!
smbd[1956]: [2005/10/24 11:03:18, 2] 

smbd[1956]:   init_sam_from_ldap: Entry found for user: myusr
smbd[1956]: [2005/10/24 11:03:18, 1] 
smbd[1956]:   init_sam_from_ldap: no sambaSID or sambaSID attribute 
found for this user myusr
smbd[1956]: [2005/10/24 11:03:18, 1] 
smbd[1956]:   ldapsam_getsampwnam: init_sam_from_ldap failed for user 

smbd[1956]: [2005/10/24 11:03:18, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(312)
smbd[1956]:   check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [myusr] - 
[myusr] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER

so I assume that this issue was somehow related to changes I made in 
smb.conf file. At the same time I could login to server using ssh, and 
also e,g, command smbclient -L -U myusr gave me list 
of all available services. Also I could authenticate myself through 
Apache, which also uses TLS to connect to LDAP server.

My question is, how changing passdb backend from ldap.server,name to can have this effect, since the server name should have been 
resolvable with /etc/hosts file? Does it has something to do with my 
certificate files, which are generated using However, 
I was able to login with TLS and Apache, so I don't think that's the case.

Thanks in advance,
Jukka Hienola
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Re: [Samba] Samba + LDAP + TLS

2005-10-24 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter

Hash: SHA1

Jukka Hienola wrote:

| So, our name server was unavailable this morning due
| to OS update. Division's Samba and LDAP services are
| running on same server, and Samba  is using TLS in
| connecting to LDAP service. Because some of the network
| names were not resolvable, I changed passdb backend =
| ldapsam:ldap://; to passdb backend =
| ldapsam:ldap://; in smb.conf, although I have
|  also in /etc/hosts, just in case. In
| file /etc/nsswitch.conf  I have line hosts:  files dns.
| After I restarted Samba, I just couldn't login to
| domain anymore either with any machine or domain user accounts.
| Samba gave me errors like
| smbd[1956]: [2005/10/24 11:03:17, 0]
| lib/smbldap.c:smbldap_open_connection(677)
| smbd[1956]:   Failed to issue the StartTLS instruction: Connect error

My immediate guess would be that the conect failed due to
a mismatch in the server name's cert.  Make sure you can
run 'ldapsearch -ZZ -h ...'

cheers, jerry
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Re: [Samba] Samba + LDAP + TLS

2005-10-24 Thread Jukka Hienola

Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Jukka Hienola wrote:

| So, our name server was unavailable this morning due
| to OS update. Division's Samba and LDAP services are
| running on same server, and Samba  is using TLS in
| connecting to LDAP service. Because some of the network
| names were not resolvable, I changed passdb backend =
| ldapsam:ldap://; to passdb backend =
| ldapsam:ldap://; in smb.conf, although I have
|  also in /etc/hosts, just in case. In
| file /etc/nsswitch.conf  I have line hosts:  files dns.
| After I restarted Samba, I just couldn't login to
| domain anymore either with any machine or domain user accounts.
| Samba gave me errors like
| smbd[1956]: [2005/10/24 11:03:17, 0]
| lib/smbldap.c:smbldap_open_connection(677)
| smbd[1956]:   Failed to issue the StartTLS instruction: Connect error

My immediate guess would be that the conect failed due to
a mismatch in the server name's cert.  Make sure you can
run 'ldapsearch -ZZ -h ...'

Yes I can. Any other way to connect to LDAP service via TLS works fine 
except Samba.

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[Samba] Samba+LDAP Groups resolving problem

2005-10-20 Thread robert . walland

I have managed to configure Samba+LDAP+smbldap-tools. Everything works 
fine, except one strange problem is appearing. 
When I connect with Windows tool UserManagerForDomains or I want to create 
a share on a Wndows box I can see the users but no groups. 

With UserManagerForDomains is see following: 

Users:All the users 
Groups: none, just description of Replicators Group and the description 
Domain Unix Group 

When I try to add a group on share via selecting it I see nothing. 

The strange thing is that everything works fine and when I add a group 
like DOMAIN\group it works normally.

The only error I found was the LDAP error  bdb_equality_candidates: 
(sambaGroupType) index_param failed (18) but I can't find any clues. 

In the slapd.conf file I use access control policy like in the idealx 

The LDAP log file : 

Oct 20 14:34:31 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=28 SRCH 
base=ou=Users,dc=r-kb,dc=si scope=2 deref=0 
Oct 20 14:34:31 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=28 SRCH attr=uid sambaSid 
displayName description sambaAcctFlags 
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=28 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 

nentries=511 text= 
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=29 SRCH 
base=ou=Groups,dc=r-kb,dc=si scope=2 deref=0 
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=29 SRCH attr=cn sambaSid 
displayName description sambaGroupType 
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: = bdb_equality_candidates: 
(sambaGroupType) index_param failed (18)  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=29 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0
nentries=0 text=  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=30 SRCH 
base=ou=Groups,dc=r-kb,dc=si scope=2 deref=0 
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=30 SRCH attr=cn sambaSid 
displayName description sambaGroupType 
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: = bdb_equality_candidates: 
(sambaGroupType) index_param failed (18)  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=30 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0
nentries=5 text=  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=31 SRCH 
base=ou=Groups,dc=r-kb,dc=si scope=2 deref=0 
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=31 SRCH attr=gidNumber 
sambaGroupType sambaSIDList description displayName cn objectClass  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=31 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 

nentries=1 text=  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=32 SRCH 
base=ou=Groups,dc=r-kb,dc=si scope=2 deref=0 
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=32 SRCH attr=gidNumber 
sambaGroupType sambaSIDList description displayName cn objectClass  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=32 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 

nentries=1 text=  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=33 SRCH 
base=ou=Groups,dc=r-kb,dc=si scope=2 deref=0 
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=33 SRCH attr=gidNumber 
sambaGroupType sambaSIDList description displayName cn objectClass  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=33 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 

nentries=1 text=  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=34 SRCH 
base=ou=Groups,dc=r-kb,dc=si scope=2 deref=0 
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=34 SRCH attr=gidNumber 
sambaGroupType sambaSIDList description displayName cn objectClass  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=34 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 

nentries=1 text=  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=35 SRCH 
base=ou=Groups,dc=r-kb,dc=si scope=2 deref=0 
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=35 SRCH attr=gidNumber 
sambaGroupType sambaSIDList description displayName cn objectClass  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=35 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 

nentries=1 text=  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=36 SRCH 
base=ou=Groups,dc=r-kb,dc=si scope=2 deref=0 
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=36 SRCH attr=cn sambaSid 
displayName description sambaGroupType 
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: = bdb_equality_candidates: 
(sambaGroupType) index_param failed (18)  
Oct 20 14:34:32 kope slapd[6707]: conn=1 op=36 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0
nentries=6 text= 

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