Check the permissions on the file under linux. also check your share in the smb.conf 
file, make sure it hasn't got writable=no etc.
Kristyan Osborne - IT Technician
Longhill High School
01273 391672

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Jean-Paul ARGUDO [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
        Sent: Fri 24/01/2003 13:45 
        To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject: [Samba] Strange behaviour with M$ WORD 97 under Win 2K

        Hi all,
        I searched thru excellent
        (samba ML archive...) answer to my questions.
        I asked Google too.
        Both doesnt know about my problem. That's why I finaly decided to polute
        samba ML :-(
        Here's the environment: a Linux Box under Debian Woody (stable, nothing
        compiled by hand EXCEPT KERNEL (aacraid issue..)):
        master:~# uname -a
        Linux master 2.4.20 #2 SMP Mon Dec 2 18:49:26 CET 2002 i686 unknown
        master:~# smbd -V
        Version 2.2.3a-12 for Debian
        The server is a DELL PowerEdge 1650 with Raid Mirror on two 18Gb disks.
        Clients : DELL Inspiron 4150 under windows 2000 SP2
                   M$ OFFICE 97 (Word, Excel only)
                   M$ EURO PATCH applied (fonts with EURO symbol...)
        All works fine with Samba except:
        (1) profile and netlogon directories are stil in user homes. *I KNOW* I
        have to re-read the samba howto collection, the soluce is in. Will be
        fixed in a few. I already have netlogon ant profile shares enabled, but
        client just dont use it ... You'll see this in my smb.conf above...
        (2) _the real topic of this mail_ :
        My users work with M$ Office 97, Word and Excel, only.
        With Word 97, frequently, when a user tries to open a file in the
        "public" share (see smb.conf above), he has a message telling him he is
        on READ ONLY mode.
        With smbstatus, I clearly see the user is on RDONLY mode on this file.
        The problem is that nobody is using this file |-( except him.
        I really suspect Word 97 (client side then) to be the origin of the
        problem. I noticed Word 97 creates a temp file on opening, It is surely
        used to notice others users the file is accessed?.. *but* when the file
        is opened, this temp file isn't there?..
        So?? Whats up??? Why a such message? really Dunno.
        I think I'll have to dig around samba caching issue? or any timeout issue??
        I'll really be glad if you could help me in any way. Thanks a lot!
        Here's smb.conf, where you'll notice I disabled oplocks, because of data
        corruption (filled a report in samba's bugtrack a month ago) with
        excel/word files...  :
        netbios name=MASTER
        encrypt passwords=Yes
        domain logons=yes
        logon script=logon.bat
        os level=64
        domain master=yes
        local master=yes
        preferred master=yes
        wins support = yes
        name resolve order = wins hosts lmhosts bcast
        #interfaces= eth0
        #bind interfaces only=Yes
        #invalid users=root
        hosts allow=192.168.0. 192.168.1.
        log level=1
        #guest account=nobody
        printer driver file=/home/public/driver/printers.def
        server string=Controleur du domaine CPTA
        [netlogon]         --dunno why unused :-( RTFM: Samba HOWTO Collection
        read only=yes
        [profiles]         --dunno why unused :-( RTFM: Samba HOWTO Collection
        read only=no
        create mask = 0600
        directory mask = 0700
        guest ok=no
        comment=Repertoire personnel      --means "personal home" in fr
        create mask = 0600
        directory mask = 0700
        valid users = %S
        [public]           --share where read only word issues occurs
        guest ok=yes
        read only=no                 -- redundant with writeable=yes, I know :-)
        force user=nobody
        comment=Repertoire commun       --means "public home" in fr
        guest ok=yes
        print command=/usr/bin/printpdf %s
        lpq command=
        lprm command=
        printer driver=HP C LaserJet 4500-PS
        printer driver location=\\%h\printer$
        guest ok=yes
        read only=yes
        note: "--" comments not in original file
        Jean-Paul ARGUDO
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