Your recent message to

2003-08-22 Thread Topica Customer Support
You recently sent a message,

Re: Re: My details

to Football Sheets.  This is a restricted list, which means that only
subscribers of the list can post to it.  Our records indicate that you
are not a member of the list.

It is possible that your subscription has been turned off due to 
delivery problems, such as bouncing. If you believe this may be 
the case, please contact the list owner for assistance.

If you would like more information about this list, or you would like to
join the list, you can go to the Topica web site (
and search for the list.

Topica's site also has thousands of other newsletters and discussions. 
See for yourself at: 

And don't forget TopOffers -- our exclusive savings alerts for 
computers, fashion, music, travel products, and more!

Questions about the service? Check out Topica's Help
section at -- just click on "help"
at the bottom of the screen.

Still have questions? Email Topica at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please include the email address of the list you're
inquiring about, and the email address you use to 
subscribe to the list.

Topica Customer Support

+ Original Message 

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: (qmail 16637 invoked by uid 0); 22 Aug 2003 07:00:01 -
Received: from unknown (HELO ALLOYS) (
  by with SMTP; 22 Aug 2003 07:00:01 -
Subject: Re: Re: My details
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 9:58:45 +0300
X-MailScanner: Found to be clean
Importance: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

This is a multipart message in MIME format

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Please see the attached file for details.

SAV detected a violation in a document you authored.

2003-08-22 Thread NotesAdmins . FALCONSTORNET
Please contact your system administrator.

The scanned document was QUARANTINED.

Violation Information:
The attachment thank_you.pif contained the virus [EMAIL PROTECTED] and could
NOT be repaired.

Your command, Re: Wicked screensaver, was invalid

2003-08-22 Thread Server Administrator
Key server software written by Marc Horowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For questions or comments regarding this key server site,
contact Server Administrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Current version: 0.9.5


This service is provided to facilitate public-key cryptography for
demonstration and educational purposes.

It is the responsibility of users of public-key cryptography to ensure
that their activities conform to legal requirements.[
 Croatian:  Za hrvatsku verziju ovoga teksta posaljite poruku koja ce u
Subject imati "HELP HR" na adresu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Danish:For at faa en dansk version af denne text skal du sende en
e-mail med en subject-tekst: "HELP DK" til
[EMAIL PROTECTED] eller slaa op paa URL
 English:   For an english version of this message, send an e-mail with a
subject line of "HELP" to [EMAIL PROTECTED], or
access the URL
 Finnish:   Saadaksesi taman tekstin suomeksi, laheta osoitteeseen
[EMAIL PROTECTED] tyhja viesti, jonka
Subject-kentta on "HELP FI".
 French:Pour une version française de çe texte, envoyez un
message au sujet de "HELP FR" à [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 German:Für eine deutschsprachige Fassung dieses Textes senden Sie
eine Mail mit dem Subject "HELP DE" an die folgende Adresse
 Norwegian: For aa faa dette dokumentet paa norsk, send "HELP NO" til
 Spanish:   Para obtener una versión en castellano de este texto, envíe
un mail a [EMAIL PROTECTED] con el "Subject"
PGP Public Email Keyservers
There are PGP public email key servers which allow one to exchange 
public keys running using the Internet and UUCP mail systems.  Those 
capable of accessing the WWW might prefer to use the WWW interface 
available via and managers of 
sites which may want to make frequent lookups may care to copy the 
full keyring from the FTP server at

This service exists only to help transfer keys between PGP users. 
It does NOT attempt to guarantee that a key is a valid key; 
use the signatures on a key for that kind of security.

Each keyserver processes requests in the form of mail messages.
The commands for the server are entered on the Subject: line.
--  -
Note that they should NOT be included in the body of the message.
- === ---
   Subject: help
Sending your key to ONE server is enough.  After it processes your 
key, it will forward your add request to other servers automagically.

For example, to add your key to the keyserver, or to update your key 
if it is already there, send a message similar to the following to any 

   Subject: add
   Version: 2.6
COMPROMISED KEYS:  Create a Key Revocation Certificate (read the PGP 
docs on how to do that) and mail your key to the server once again, 
with the ADD command.

Valid commands are:

-- -
HELP   Returns this message
HELP language  Localized help text (DE, EN, ES, FI, FR, HR, NO)
ADDAdd PGP public key from the body of your message
INDEX userid   List all PGP keys containing the words in userid
VERBOSE INDEX userid   Verbose list of all keys containing userid
GET userid Get the key(s) matching userid
LAST days  Get the keys updated in the last `days' days


Most keyservers have a limit on the number of keys they return in 
queries, in order not to swamp you with too many keys in case you 
made a typo (the full database at the keyservers exceeds 2GB).

If you *REALLY* need the whole index file or key ring, *PLEASE* 
ftp it from a key server such as `' 
or one of the national servers.

NOTE: PGP is extremely slow when operating on large keyrings. Adding
 the full ring of the keyserver to your own ring will take several
 *MONTHS* to complete.

Users should normally use the email address 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]' or your national servers using one of:

for the email interface, `

Your recent message to

2003-08-22 Thread Topica Customer Support
You recently sent a message,

Re: Thank you!

to Football Sheets.  This is a restricted list, which means that only
subscribers of the list can post to it.  Our records indicate that you
are not a member of the list.

It is possible that your subscription has been turned off due to 
delivery problems, such as bouncing. If you believe this may be 
the case, please contact the list owner for assistance.

If you would like more information about this list, or you would like to
join the list, you can go to the Topica web site (
and search for the list.

Topica's site also has thousands of other newsletters and discussions. 
See for yourself at: 

And don't forget TopOffers -- our exclusive savings alerts for 
computers, fashion, music, travel products, and more!

Questions about the service? Check out Topica's Help
section at -- just click on "help"
at the bottom of the screen.

Still have questions? Email Topica at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please include the email address of the list you're
inquiring about, and the email address you use to 
subscribe to the list.

Topica Customer Support

+ Original Message 

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: (qmail 8695 invoked by uid 0); 22 Aug 2003 10:09:22 -
Received: from unknown (HELO ALLOYS) (
  by with SMTP; 22 Aug 2003 10:09:22 -
Subject: Re: Thank you!
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 13:08:06 +0300
X-MailScanner: Found to be clean
Importance: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

This is a multipart message in MIME format

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Please see the attached file for details.

Re: Re: That movie

2003-08-22 Thread O'Reilly & Associates
This is an automatic response - but it's full of information!
Please read on

We will respond to inquiries as soon as possible.  We
appreciate your patience :-)   In the meantime, the
following items are all available on the World Wide Web
- Full product listing
- New and upcoming titles with estimated release dates
- Product Descriptions
- Pricing
- Ordering and Shipping information

If you would like a catalog mailed to you, please email your
full name and address to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You may telephone our office to request a mailed catalog.
Our telephone numbers are:
(800) 998-9938 for U.S. or Canada
(707) 829-0515 for overseas and local

If you are an instructor of computer technology courses at
an accredited college or university within the U.S. or
Canada, you may request books under our text adoption policy.
For more information, visit

If you have a technical question about the contents of one
of our books, please send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you!

-- O'Reilly Online Customer Service Team

Virus Alert

2003-08-22 Thread scanmaster
The mail message (file: wicked_scr.scr) you sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] contains a virus 
(known as WORM_SOBIG.F). The affected attachment was quarantined.

Internet communications are not secure and therefore the Barclays Group
does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message.
Although the Barclays Group operates anti-virus programmes, it does not
accept responsibility for any damage whatsoever that is caused by
viruses being passed.  Any views or opinions presented are solely those
of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Barclays
Group.  Replies to this email may be monitored by the Barclays Group
for operational or business reasons.

We received your resume

2003-08-22 Thread nbcareers
  Hello, and thank you for your interest in CenterBeam.  We have
received a great deal of interest in opportunities here and regret that
we cannot respond to each inquiry individually.  If your background is a
fit for one of our open positions, we will contact you directly within
two weeks.  Should there not be an immediate fit for your background, we
will keep your resume on file for future opportunities.   


  The CenterBeam Team

Majordomo results: Re: Your application

2003-08-22 Thread majordomo-owner
 See the attached file for details
 Illegal command!

No valid commands processed.
 File attachment: thank_you.pif
 Illegal command!

No valid commands processed.

Majordomo results: Re: That movie

2003-08-22 Thread Majordomo-owner
 See the attached file for details
 Illegal command!

No valid commands processed.
Ignoring part of type application/octet-stream.

Majordomo results: Re: Thank you!

2003-08-22 Thread Majordomo-owner
 Please see the attached file for details.
 Illegal command!

No valid commands processed.

Out of Office AutoReply: Thank you!

2003-08-22 Thread Cribbens, Lisa
I will be out of the office until the 30th August.

If you have any queries please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Confidentiality Note:  This e-mail, and any attachment to it, contains
privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the
individual(s) or entity named on the e-mail.  If the reader of this e-mail
is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for
delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that
reading this e-mail is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this
e-mail in error, please immediately return it to the sender and delete it
from your system.

This e-mail and any attachment(s) are believed to be free from virus.
However it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they are
virus free.  We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage arising
in any way from the receipt, opening or use of this e-mail and any
attachment(s). Thank You.