spam - was Re: [unprintable]

2002-04-09 Thread John E. Malmberg

I sent a request to the list administrator to find out if non-subscribers
from the few domains that are sending this junk could be selectively
blocked late last week.

Many mail administrators are reportely blocking almost all Korean and
Chinese address ranges because of the recent increase of this spew.

Personal Opinion Only

> On Tue, 09 Apr 2002 08:17:17 -0400
> David Collier-Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hmmn, methinks we need a better spam filter...
> > 
> > --dave

Re: [Samba] WinNT offline file attribute

2002-04-24 Thread John E. Malmberg

Shirish Kalele wrote:

 > As I understood it (and I could be wrong), indicating offline wasn't
 > a problem, the problem was finding out if a file was offline. I'm
 > sure Damir could code up a custom fix to make Samba do it (using
 > ioctl's or whatever) and distribute the fix as his patch. But I
 > don't see how there could be a generic fix. I remember there was
 > talk of such a thing.

The other part of the problem is identifying if the version of Windows
that the client is running will honor the offline bit.

It it does not, then such a client would cause the entire shelved file 
system to be swapped in and out.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: [Samba] WinNT offline file attribute

2002-04-24 Thread John E. Malmberg

Shirish Kalele wrote:
> John E. Malmberg wrote:
>>The other part of the problem is identifying if the version of Windows
>>that the client is running will honor the offline bit.
> How would this help? Also, how are Windows servers that support offlining
> different in this scenario?
> Seems like setting the bit would alleviate the problem from some of the
> clients, as opposed to all (which happens today).

If the client does not support the offline bit, then the SAMBA file 
server should not serve shelved files to it.

Also has anyone verified how a Windows 2000 system (The first to admit 
support for the offline bit) uses this information?

It might be placing expectations on the fileserver that SAMBA does not 
yet know how to meet.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: [Samba] WinNT offline file attribute

2002-04-25 Thread John E. Malmberg

Damir Dezeljin wrote:
>>Also has anyone verified how a Windows 2000 system (The first to admit 
>>support for the offline bit) uses this information?
> WinNT sp6a, Win2k, WinXP, Win.Net* suport file offline attribute. The only 
> thing that windows (explorer) do is that them don't try to open the file 
> to get an file icon or any other data (ex. MS Word files informations).
> The shared folders with offline files works the sam way (a client know of 
> offline attribute set and don't try to open any offline file).
> The easiest solution will be to define an entire share (in smb.conf) to be 
> offline - to export offline file attribute for all files. This aproach 
> doesn't causes any overhead for calling ioctl or something similar (ex. 
> check for an offline extended attribute).

Yes, making an entire share have the shelved attribute is easy, but it 
does not make sure that the client will honor it.

Does Windows NT/2000 do any tests when serving shelved files, or does it 
just assume that the client will do the right thing?

The PRE-Microsoft shelving or HSM products used a client resident 
application to request files to be unshelved.  Protocol of the request 
is propriety to the product.

But to Repeat:

The SMBD process must not make files with the offline attribute visible 
to clients that do not support it.  This means that SMBD must find out 
that information somehow.

Until this issue is solved, it is not save to serve shelved files.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: [Samba] WinNT offline file attribut

2002-04-25 Thread John E. Malmberg

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Illtud Daniel wrote:
> "John E. Malmberg" wrote:
> > Does Windows NT/2000 do any tests when serving shelved files, or does it
> > just assume that the client will do the right thing?
> I have OTG's DX2000 HSM software running on NT. We can serve
> HSM'd directories with the normal windows sharing to PCs
> or SFM/MacServerIP for Mac clients. There are some issues
> with the Macs tending to want to access the icon information
> (thus fetching the files), but I'm fairly sure that the
> mac file sharing services certainly aren't aware of any offline
> attributes.

There are two ways to handle HSM, swap part of the file or swap all of the 
file.  If the HSM software leaves the part of the file most frequently 
accessed on the disk, then Windows clients may be able to access the 
portion of the file for it's icon and be happy.  This requires that the 
HSM software either statistically know what parts of the file are
frequently accessed or to make assumptions.  Eitehr way is overhead.

This would make Windows files happy.  I am not sure about the Mac's, as
they may expect a different file format, or the resource fork may be a
> Really? I hope not! We've got ADIC engineers coming in on Monday
> to install AMASS (HSM on Solaris) on a Solaris 8 box here, and
> we've indicated to them that we'll be using samba and netatalk
> to serve the shelved directory to PCs & Macs, and they haven't
> objected. I'll call my ADIC tech contact and see if he can
> clarify.

How HSM's work is proprietary, and I have never been sucessful in getting
information as to their algorithms, but it appears that they leave only a
stub file on the real disk.  How much is left is the real question.

For the non-PC uses that I am familiar with, there does not seem to be
much reason to leave any part of the file on the disk once it is shelved.

So that means with out considering a product like SAMBA, a UNIX based HSM
program would not need to contain the algorithms to just swap part of a

Also if the data that has been shelved has not been overwritten on the
disk, and the file is requested to be unshelved, I would expect that the
HSM software would know to just use the data.

The question that none of the Windows based HSM vendors would give me an
answer on was: Is there any way to make sure that a copy of all files
shelved and unshelved exists on the storage robot, and how do I restore
things when the real disk fails.  I would think that question should be
easy to answer.

It should be possible to get close to a current restore by putting in a
new disk, and letting the HSM restore the files as needed with a minimal
number of commands.

> I'll be trying samba (and netatalk) on a HSM'd volume on Monday, so
> I should be able to report back, if there's interest.

I am sure that there is interest.  Because of the caching issue, unless
you have enough files so that they all do not fit on the disk, you may not
notice a performance problem.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: [Samba] WinNT offline file attribute

2002-04-25 Thread John E. Malmberg

Damir Dezeljin wrote:
 > John Malmberg wrote:
 >> The SMBD process must not make files with the offline attribute
 >> visible to clients that do not support it.  This means that SMBD
 >> must find out that information somehow.
 > No. This isn't correct. It is HSM product's thing to do triger
 > read/open/write events and then it can put processes (threads) which
 >  access files to sleep - HSM product must implement a kernel module
 > that has to triger open,... events. Client that doesn't know
 > anythink about offline attributes just try to open files to get file
 > icons.

That is exactly the problem.  The Windows Explorer on the older
platforms will try to open files that are shelved. That will bog down 
the shelving system.

 > This is the second problem, because WinNT LANMAN server has a pool
 > of processes and every connection to a LANMAN server got its own
 > thread. This behaviour has its benefits - you can block an
 > individual connection to LANMAN server whilest the second instance
 > of Windows explorer on the same client can stil browse the share (it
 > got its own thread) - samba asign 1 thread 1 client accessing a
 > single share - this cause that if the thread is put to sleep,
 > windows "hangs" until the thread is unsleeped (you can't start any
 > other Windows explorer, nor you can't use a windows explorer which
 > is already started) - workaraound is that you can close the three
 > browsing window in Windows explorer and you can browse only the
 > current folder.

I do not understand how any of this logic is relevant to the problem.

The reason that the Windows client causes a shelved file to be
inadvertantly opened is not important.  The number of threads involved
is not important to the problem either.

SAMBA's being single threaded per process is a totally different issue 
than the shelved attribute.

I can reproduce the problems that you are mentioning simply by putting a 
  CD-ROM changer on a Windows NT system.  No network involved at all.
If one Explorer window has to wait for the CD-ROMs to switch, all 
explorer windows will freeze until it is done.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: [Samba] WinNT offline file attribut

2002-04-26 Thread John E. Malmberg

Illtud Daniel wrote:
 > "John E. Malmberg" wrote:
 >> On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Illtud Daniel wrote:
 >> The question that none of the Windows based HSM vendors would give
 >> me an answer on was: Is there any way to make sure that a copy of
 >> all files shelved and unshelved exists on the storage robot, and
 >> how do I restore things when the real disk fails.  I would think
 >> that question should be easy to answer.
 > Now I'm confused. It may be because that before coming to this
 > thread my HSM terminology was different to yours. I use 'migrated'
 > for when a file is written to tape (or optical, whatever). 'fetched'
 > for getting it back and writing it to the stub file, 'purged' for
 > removing the file from the extended volume and replacing it with a
 > stub file. You purge only migrated files (for obvious reasons), and
 > a file open on the stub will trigger a fetch.

Ok, your terms are more precise than mine.

 > To answer your questions with regard to OTG DX2000: How do you know
 > that a copy of all files shelved exists on the robot? Assuming you
 > mean 'shelved' to be 'migrated & purged' and 'unshelved' to mean
 > 'migrated but not purged', then you don't know, you trust. You can
 > run tape reports to list what's on each tape, but bugs
 > notwithstanding, if a file's been migrated, then it should be on the
 > tapes. DX can backup its internal database (stub file -> tape
 > location) to file which you can stick somewhere safe. In event of
 > distaster, you can rebuild the stubs by just restoring from this file.
 > You can read about this on OTG's website:
 > try 'dxdrivedump.exe' -
 > that knowledge base will give you a lot of info on how DX does stuff.

Yes, I would want to make sure that all files exist on a tape after they
have have been in existance for a period of time.

HSM software should be doing disk space management in the background, 
not necessarily shelving and purging files on demand.

HSM directories are by nature usually read only archives, so the HSM 
software should be able to migrate but not purge in the background so 
that if it needs free space in a hurry, it does not have to do a migrate 
  and purge to get it.

 >> I am sure that there is interest.  Because of the caching issue,
 >> unless you have enough files so that they all do not fit on the
 >> disk, you may not notice a performance problem.
 > :)  We'll force them to tape, don't worry! The disk is 1.44TB, so yes,
 > we'll have a job filling it, but you can set policies to ensure that
 > migrating starts when your disk reaches 0.01% full, or to migrate as
 > soon as a file appears on the volume, and to force a purge (stubify)
 > of all files.

Yes you can force a purge, but if the HSM software is smart, it will do 
anything it can to avoid going to the robot to retreive a file, so even 
if it claims to have replaced a file with a stub, the file may still be 
resident on the disk.

So when a file is opened, the HSM software just swaps the stub with the 
actual file that is still on the disk becasue the migration process did 
not really delete the file.

So unless you cause the HSM software to overwrite the files that had 
been "purged", you will not see the performance impact.

Virtual memory works the same way.  When my process is over it's quota, 
some pages get moved from my address space and put on the free or 
modified lists to be used by other processes.

If my process accesses those pages, if the page is still on the free 
list or the modified list, I get the same page back instead of having to 
go to the disk and wait for it.

 > By the way, we're moving to ADICs AMASS because we've had problems
 > with DX2000 which have never been resolved (including loss of
 > hundreds of gigs of content, which isn't fun). An open HSM solution
 > would be a godsend.

Unfortunately the number of users that need an HSM system is small, and 
with the size of hard drives shrinking fast, getting smaller.

The cost of the robot hardware is the gating factor.

Now using a gzip archive instead of a robot, may make it more 
economically feasable.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: Please unsubscribe me from the mailing list

2002-04-27 Thread John E. Malmberg

The unsubscribe information for the Samba Technical list are contained 
in every message.

Do not ever follow the unsubscribe information from spam.  It will only 
cause more spam to be sent to you.

Personal Opinion Only

Suhasini Rao wrote:
> Please unsubscribe.

Attachments - Re: [PATCH] winbind id assignment module

2002-05-18 Thread John E. Malmberg

Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> Mike Gerdts wrote:
>>I am confused on list etiquette... I thought that samba-technical was
>>one that everyone complained about attachments 'cause it screwed up the
>>-digest version.
> They complain about binary attachments, and html mail.  Patches havn't
> caused an issue as far as I know.  Works best if you can convince your
> mailer to attach it (as yours did) in a 'text/...' format, as then it
> doesn't get encoded etc.

Mozilla .99 is not handling the last attachment well, but that is it's 
problem.  It is continuously trying to reformat it to fit the preview 

One of the problem with attachments is that many e-mail clients can not 
control what format the attachment is encoded with.

IMHO, it is better to post inline, and send an attachment as a personal 
E-mail on request.

Isn't there a separate mailing list for patches?

In that case, it is better to discuss the patch and it's implications 
here, but send the patch to the appropriate patch mailing list.  Users 
of that list are probably more likely to use a mail client that deals 
with attachments.

Is there a FAQ entry to point people at?

Personal Opinion Only

Re: Pages in a printjob

2002-05-24 Thread John E. Malmberg

> On Fri, May 24, 2002 at 02:55:58PM +0200, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

>I'm working on a system where customers have to pay for pages they
>print, and as such it is essential that I have the pagecount of
>a printjob before I send it to the printer.

This is a difficult thing to do accurately.

For plain text, it is bad, as you must take into account imbedded escape 
  sequences which can vary widely with printers, line wraps, and normal 
line counts and form feeds.

For PostScript printers, the only way to get an accurate count is to 
query the printer at the end of the print job.  And guess what?  The 
query is printer model specific.

Graphic bit maps may not be possible to estimate where the page breaks are.

A Microsoft Windows program can give a pagecount because it sends the 
print job to the Windows spooling system as metadata, that is rendered 
by the driver.

If the print job is sent as raw data to the printer, then all of this is 
bypassed, and the spooler has no idea how many pages are really being 

If you could charge by the killobyte sent to the printer, that could 
probably done accurately.

With laserprinters under heavy load, the ink density of the page as a 
direct relationship to the rate that you go through some expensive 
printer supplies.

Personal Opinion Only

tabs and formating - was Re: [PATCH] winbind id assignment module

2002-05-24 Thread John E. Malmberg

Mike Gerdts wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-05-18 at 20:54, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
>>This looks *much* better.
>>I'm not sure on the 'reload' functionality, but I suppose its a good
>>idea.  Other than minor things like indenting,   (Try 8-space tabs) I
>>think this is well on its way to inclusion.
> As for spacing... I tried to follow the standard that I saw in the file
> already.  I used 4 character tabs, but they should have expanded out
> OK.  I thought that others were using 4 character tabs as well because
> sections of winbindd_idmap.c have tabs expanded to four characters.  In
> any case, the next version that goes out will get rid of any expanded
> tabs and any necessary reformatting for prettiness will take place.

Almost all terminal emulators and printing devices assume that the tab
character stops on 8 character boundaries.

Some editors will locally override it.

So be aware that if you have set your tab stops to 4 characters, it will 
probably show up as 8 characters on many systems.

Using all spaces instead of tabs solves that problem, but it really is
convenient to have tabs there when using the arrow keys to navigate in a 

There does not seem to be a style book for coding on the SAMBA project.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: (BRMA) Mensagem não autorizada

2002-05-27 Thread John E. Malmberg

Will the subscriber(s) that use the mail server please
get the settings fixed not to report virus warnings to mailing lists?

Virus auto-responders should never give warnings to mail received from 
outside of the company.  The headers are usually forged so the warnings 
are useless.

Personal Opinion Only

> Mensagem não autorizada
> Virus Encontrado no email de saida 

Re: archive bit in xattr possible/exist?

2002-07-02 Thread John E. Malmberg

David Orman wrote:
> I know it is possible to use "map archive" to keep track of archive
> bits, but this is not very useful if you have real UNIX users.  I.e. I
> can't have samba arbitrarily playing with the execute bits.
> Does anyone know of any attempted implementation of archive bits through
> extended attributes?  This would probably need a VFS layer, to get and
> set them appropriately.

Samba 2.0.6 for OpenVMS.

> If no one has looked into this is there a better/different way of
> tracking archive bits?

Tracking the bit to meaningfully give the state is operating system 
dependent.  And may even depend on optional backup products installed.

OpenVMS has the last recorded backup date as an attribute for the file, 
so SAMBA 2.0.6 for OpenVMS has it implemented as a O.S. specific hack to 
report the backup state of the file.

At this time, SAMBA 2.0.6 for OpenVMS does not allow the client to 
manipulate the backup date, as there is no public A.P.I. to do it.

A VFS layer may be a way to do this.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: archive bit in xattr possible/exist?

2002-07-02 Thread John E. Malmberg

David Orman wrote:
> I know it is possible to use "map archive" to keep track of archive
> bits, but this is not very useful if you have real UNIX users.  I.e. I
> can't have samba arbitrarily playing with the execute bits.
> Does anyone know of any attempted implementation of archive bits through
> extended attributes?  This would probably need a VFS layer, to get and
> set them appropriately.

Samba 2.0.6 for OpenVMS.

> If no one has looked into this is there a better/different way of
> tracking archive bits?

Tracking the bit to meaningfully give the state is operating system 
dependent.  And may even depend on optional backup products installed.

OpenVMS has the last recorded backup date as an attribute for the file, 
so SAMBA 2.0.6 for OpenVMS has it implemented as a O.S. specific hack to 
report the backup state of the file.

At this time, SAMBA 2.0.6 for OpenVMS does not allow the client to 
manipulate the backup date, as there is no public A.P.I. to do it.

A VFS layer may be a way to do this.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: What is the case for preserving case under Samba ...

2002-07-08 Thread John E. Malmberg

Jay Ts wrote:
> You mean, you want case-sensitive clients to receive preserve-cased
> filenames, and non-case-sensitive clients to receive default-cased
> filenames ... correct?
> That is, there are:
>   - local Unix processes, on the Samba host, and ...
>   - NFS clients, which "want" the case to be preserved.
>   - SMB/CIFS (and other) clients, which do not care about case
 - Non UNIX SAMBA hosts on case insensitive file systems.
> and that the idea here is to provide each with what works best for them.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: Two diffs to add paramater self-checking

2002-07-26 Thread John E. Malmberg

Gerald Carter wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Jul 2002, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
>>To restate:  "unix password sync = yes" and "encrypt passwords = no" is
>>a valid combination.
> OK.  I'll bite.  This might for for NT clients, but it won't for win9x
> right.  Since we have upper cased passwords, there's no way of knowing
> what the user intended the password to be (for the old and new passwords).

Not a problem on OpenVMS implementations.  The password is not case 

Personal Opinion Only

Re: multiple nmbd claiming the same netbios name?

2002-07-26 Thread John E. Malmberg

Simo Sorce wrote:
> it is simply not possible that multiple nmbd have the same name
> netbios dictate that a machine have to defend it's name and if
> everything works correctly only one machine (or better said ethernet
> interface) should have a name.

I am not sure of the mechanism, but it is possible for a multiple 
machines to share a netbios alias, in addition to their own name.

The Advanced Server (Pathworks) product for OpenVMS has that capability 
and does not require special clients to take advantage of this.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: WANTED: defaults for 'panic action' for various systems

2002-07-28 Thread John E. Malmberg

Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> I've added support to Samba so that it's stderr is always redirected to
> it's logfile.  
> I'm hoping that this will allow us to create a default for 'panic
> action' that can get user's the debugging information they need when
> smbd crashes.  In particular, it could give us vital clues in some of
> the unreproducable crashes we get from time to time.

> So, the challange is out:  Provide a patch that implements a configure
> test to find the appropriate debugger, invokes it in a secure way and
> outputs it's work to stderr.  From there it will end up in the currently
> open logfile.

Please provide an option to simply not intercept the signals that cause 
a panic.

The SAMBA signal handler is interfering with platforms like OpenVMS that 
have a built in "panic action" handler.

When you intercept a fatal signal, instead of getting a stack dump like 
you want to provide, I get a stack dump telling me that that SAMBA 
deliberately exited from the signal handler, and I do not get much in 
the way of a clue as to why the signal handler was invoked.

Since I can not run the configure scripts, it makes it easier for me if 
the default action is to assume that the operating system has a "panic 
action" handler that will produce a traceback dump.

Personal Opinion Only

Nigerian 419 scam - Re: (no subject)

2002-07-30 Thread John E. Malmberg

Ernst Cozijnsen wrote:
> I tought open-source was a non profit thing?.  hehehehe

Please do not repost spam!

As funny as this scam may sound, this scam is run by organized crime, 
and the some of the perpetrators are known to be murderers and worse.

This is known as a Nigerian 419 scam, and most countries have task 
forces that want to be notified about these e-mails.

If the scammer receives a traceable e-mail, they will use that 
information to steal the identity of the person.  The money scam 
mentioned in the spam is only a small part of the scam.

In addition to financial loss, you risk life and limb for you or your 
family if you correspond with anyone associated with this scam.

Personal Opinion Only

"case sensitive" parameter - was Re: Any help would be greatly appreciated...

2002-08-15 Thread John E. Malmberg

Tim Potter wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 12:29:32AM -0500, Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
> Can't we get rid of the case sensitive option?.  It just seems to cause 
> people lots of uncessary pain.

Strangely enough, having "case_sensitive = yes", makes SAMBA more 
responsive for case insensitive file systems.

It probably would be better to have SAMBA allow the VFS level to do the 
file name matching, so that it can be taylored to the file system.

The OpenVMS file api that is eventually called by readdir() accepts a 
wildcard mask.

So if a vfs_wild_reeaddir() existed, it would do the wildcard matching 
and the wildcard file lookup could be optimized to the file system.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: Samba for VMS

2002-09-30 Thread John E. Malmberg

Richard Sharpe wrote:
> I notice that the latest Samba for VMS (2.2.4) says that it requires 
> TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (possibly means the old UCX).
> The older version of Samba for VMS was able to work with several other 
> TCP/IP packages, esp those with UCX emulation.

In reality only those with UCX emulation.  SAMBA actually just uses the 
standard socket library, and on OpenVMS the standard socket library uses 
the equivalent of dlsymbol() pull in the actual TCP/IP routines.

> Does anyone know if the current version can work with other versions as 
> well? Like Multinet, TCPWARE, etc

While it would require a formal test to insure compliance, Multinet and 
TCPWARE provide the HP/Compaq TCPIP API and try to maintain binary 

The author of the 2.2.4 port has not volunteered much information on 
their port to the samba-vms mailing list other than an FTP location.

I have not had a chance to look it over the source.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: load balancing question

2002-10-05 Thread John E. Malmberg

Stephan Stapel wrote:
 > Dear people on the list!
 > I hope it's ok to ask a feature question on this core-feature list.
 > What I would like to know is whether there are some efforts on
 > implementing load balancing features into samba or some experiences/
 > experiments in this area. As standard-Windows doesn't offer these
 > features, adding them would give samba-based systems yet another
 > (very big) advantage over a standard nt server system. Just that you
 > know why I'm asking for this. We have the problem to serve 3d scenes
 > as well as image data to about 100 render nodes running under Windows
 > NT. When starting to render, all machines are asking at exactly the
 > same time for exactly the same data, which might be about 500
 > megabytes per machine. Action like this results into a server load of
 > about 30-50 which isn't really satisfactory...

Load balancing can be implemented with out making any changes to Samba, 
and has been.

Load balancing on TCP/IP generally requires having a "metric" server on 
each host that feeds information to a DNS that understands how to round 
robin connection requests.

The next issue that you run into is simultaneous access to the disks.

Since this is read only data, you could replicate it before the 
rendering, but I am guessing that there is some reason that you are not 
replicating the data.

If your platform allows simultaneous access to disks, then the load 
broker should be sufficient.

If not, then you need to do more research.  If you do not have multiple 
hosts sharing simulaneous access to the disks, then there probably is 
not much to gain by load sharing them from multiple servers, as only one 
host will really be doing all of the work.

But again, there is nothing in Samba that prevents using existing load 
sharing techniques, if the underlying platform supports it.

Now a server load of 30-50 to a machine is not excessive to some classes 
of machines, and if they are really all hitting the same data, then file 
system caching will help.  Many of the systems my employer sells can 
handle that type of load easily, they also support simultaneous disk 
access from multiple hosts.

What actually would help more is a custom protocol that used multicast 
packets which would reduce the total amount of network traffic.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: load balancing question

2002-10-07 Thread John E. Malmberg

Javid Abdul-AJAVID1 wrote:
> MSDFS is filey system right, how will it help to load balance samba
> connections
> what criteria does it rely to load balance ( like memory, or no of
> connetions etc.. )

MSDFS does not really load balance.  MSDFS distributes the 
subdirectories of a directory between multiple servers transparently to 
the clients.

So if each of your clients is accessing different files from different 
directories, then MSDFS can improve your performance.

If all the clients are accessing the same files in the same directory, 
than you will need to either get a large enough single server, or you 
will need a file system that supports multiple hosts with a direct 
connection concurrent access to the disks.

This is not really a SAMBA issue, because if the underlying filesystem 
and hosts support this, then SAMBA will transparently.  I have received 
reports of SAMBA 1.19.x being used on a shared disk access OpenVMS cluster.

There are also commercial LANMAN servers for some of these platforms, 
including those of my employer that run as a single process instead of 
the multiple process model of SAMBA.

I do not know of any competative benchmarks between the commercial 
LANMAN servers and SAMBA.  Such benchmarks could be difficult to 
instrument properly, and are highly dependent on the skill of the system 
administrator for each system, and the quality of the compilers for that 

So it really depends on the specific client load as to what the best 
solution for you would be.  It may require a more detailed engineering 
than could be done in a mailing list.

The multiple SAMBA processes may not be the bottleneck for your proposed 
process.  If the platorm knows how to share the code segment in memory, 
and the disks have good caching, the overhead for the processes may not 
be significant.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: load balancing question

2002-10-08 Thread John E. Malmberg

Richard Sharpe wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, René Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
>>Richard Sharpe wrote:
>>>On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, John E. Malmberg wrote:
>>>>Javid Abdul-AJAVID1 wrote:
>>>>>MSDFS is filey system right, how will it help to load balance samba
>>>>MSDFS does not really load balance.  MSDFS distributes the 
>>>>subdirectories of a directory between multiple servers transparently to 
>>>>the clients.
>>Wouldn't it be easy to run a script on the msdfs-root that monitors the 
>>load on different machines and that recreates the referrals based on 
>>this load.
> Sure, but it seems better to defer the re-ordering of the referrals until 
> someone asks :-) That's what we plan to do, and then try to do policy 
> based stuff, like if this machine has more capacity currently, hand out it 
> at the top of the list, and order them by power as well, like P4s before 
> PIIIs etc.

In order for that to work the underlying cluster file system must 
support simultaneous access from the multiple hosts.

If you have that, then you do not need to deal with the MSDFS feature.

If you do not have that, then you can not load balance between servers, 
unless you completely replicate all of the data.  And that will only 
help if all the access is read only.

There are only a limited number of Operating Systems / File Systems that 
support simultaneous shared access from multiple hosts, like OpenVMS 
clusters do.  And I am not aware of any of them that will support the 
number of hosts or the distance that OpenVMS does.

Most of the systems on UNIX use a primary / secondary relationship where 
only one host is ever directly accessing the filesystems, and the other 
hosts are using a network type interconnection to access the files.

These primary / secondary systems are good for fail-over cases, but not 
load balancing.  Any file access from a secondary is much slower and 
resource intensive than access from the primary.  Also switching the 
file serving from the primary to a secondary is not a cost free operation.

So redirectly clients to a secondary server usually will mean that the 
data must travel on the wire twice, unless the secondary server has a 
good caching mechanism.

So it all comes down to what the underlying platform supports for shared 
simultaneous disk access.

Or finding out the exact requirements for the project to see what all 
the options are.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: load balancing question

2002-10-08 Thread John E. Malmberg

Volker Lendecke wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 07:29:44AM -0400, John E. Malmberg wrote:
>>So it all comes down to what the underlying platform supports for shared 
>>simultaneous disk access.
> Even that will not help. Load Balancing SMB will not work due to the locking
> stuff across connections. If you could get tdb's work (fast!) across nodes,
> then we might have a chance.

Why would the TDBs not work if they were located storage actively shared 
between all of the hosts?  All the hosts would be reading and updating 
the information in the same tdb.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: load balancing question

2002-10-09 Thread John E. Malmberg

To clear up some confustion in this thread.

A DFS will only help distribute the load if the clients are accessing 
files in different directories.

\\host\share\dir1\   would be served by host_1
\\host\share\dir2\   would be served by host_2
\\host\share\dir3\   would be served by host_3

If all the clients are reading the same file say in \host\share\dir1\ 
then using the DFS does not help at all.  All the requests will be 
handled by host_1.

If you have a fail-over disk system that is common to the three hosts, 
then dir1, dir2, dir3 can be moved from one host to another as needed, 
but the move is time consuming, and still one host at a time.

In a shared access disk system such as in an OpenVMS cluster, you have 
the following:

\\host\share\dir1\   would be served by host_1, host_2, and host_3, ...
\\host\share\dir2\   would be served by host_1, host_2, and host_3, ...
\\host\share\dir3\   would be served by host_1, host_2, and host_3, ...

With an I.P. alias, clients can be connected to any host and still have 
access.  This will load share.

And DFS has no involvement in the scheme, and provides no advantage.

DFS only helps if the clients are reading files out of different 
directories, which is not how I am interpreting the information in the 
post that started this thread.

DFS can be enhanced to allow a better fail over mechanism for the 
platforms that do not support simultaneous access to a common disk.  But 
that is not load balancing.  All clients accessing the same directory 
are either all on the same host, or one host will have direct access, 
and the rest will be taking a second indirect path through the network.

Locking is an issue.  Samba 2.0.6 for OpenVMS uses file system locking, 
and the slower share locking.  I am not sure about the 2.2.4 port.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: load balancing question

2002-10-09 Thread John E. Malmberg

Javid Abdul-AJAVID1 wrote:

> Why dont we chose a mechanism to connect to the host itself
> like static dns rounrobin ,each connection will round robin'ed'
> or some dynamic round robin utilies

Well, you are the only one that really knows the requirements of your 

You seem to be asking more questions each time, with out giving us any 
more detail on what you really need to be done.

So far though you have not offered any insights to us on the data 
patterns of the clients to determine if the load can be distributed.

With out that information from you, it is not possible to make any 

Are all of the files in the same directory?

Your first post implied that they were, but most of the solutions that 
you seem to want to look at are not compatable with that assumption.

Are the clients all accessing the same files?

Same as above.

Are the clients modifying the files?  And then referencing the modified 

How often is the server updating the files?

You have not indicated the platform for the servers, or anything that 
really allows any estimation about how much data is being moved.

We do not know how fault tolerant the application needs to be, or how 
much downtime costs.

We also do not know what you are wanting to use as a host for the SAMBA 
server.  Some hosts and filesystems allow you to transparently 
distribute the load under all conditions.

Other hosts and file systems will only allow you to distribute the load 
if your application meets certain requirements.

We must assume that the clients must be running Microsoft Windows, as if 
they were running a different operating system, there are other file 
sharing systems that could be used.

All of these factors are important to know, and maybe a few others.

And unless we have the answers to those questions, there is no way that 
any of us can know if the advise we are giving is applicable.

We do not even know if your application would even tax a single host 
running SAMBA, or if SAMBA is even a good fit for what you need to do.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: load balancing question

2002-10-10 Thread John E. Malmberg

Javid Abdul-AJAVID1 wrote:
> I didnt start this thread, i was just suggesting LSF as good load balancing
> techqnique for samba

Please pardon my confusion.

> But you have raised valid questions for the person who started this.
> thanks'

It seems the gating factor for any type of performance in SAMBA may be 
getting the locking working.  Currently it is a tdb, but it may need to 
be a part of a VFS plug in so that a platform can optimize it.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: why doesn't the kernel enforce oplocks? (was: Re: [Samba] Re:How Samba let us down)

2002-10-24 Thread John E. Malmberg
Ben Johnson wrote:

I guess what I am thinking about is how difficult it seems to be for
programs to actually cooperate with one another well enough to avoid
corrupting files.  I know from experience that using flock() effectively
for making anything trustworthy that's more complicated than creating
lock files can be very difficult if not impossible.

A kernel supported api for locking files (maybe with timeouts and mutex
values) that actually enforced the file locks, instead of relying on
applications to be friendly to one another might (I think would) make
programming some user space apps a lot easier.

Samba could take advantage of such an api to make oplocks safe even when
the files in the filesystem are being accessed and modified by other
applications on the system.  It could also leverage such an api to help
poorly written Windows applications from corrupting their own files.

Samba 2.0.6 does use kernel supported file locks on OpenVMS.  Lock files 
are not used.

I Have not checked the 2.2.4 port to OpenVMS to see if they incorporated 

The issue is support in the host platform, not in SAMBA.  There is 
nothing that Samba can do to change this behavior.

If you are using an Open Source operating system, you can change it's 
method of locking.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: RPC message service?

2002-10-29 Thread John E. Malmberg
Gareth Davies wrote:

 Original Message -
From: "Christopher R. Hertel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
A curious article:,1282,55795,00.html

It says that the Messenger Service Spammers are using port 135, which
means that they're not using regular WinPOPUP stuff (the <03> names on
port 139).  I do, in fact, see connect attempts to port 135 in my home
firewall logs.  (I think they should be called slimewalls.)

When it is coming from any major U.S. ISP, a copy of the firewall logs, 
along with the time and timezone e-mailed to the abuse@ and the 
security@ seems to stop it for a while.

I'm guessing that they're doing something RPC-related that has, basically,
the same effect.  I'm just curious to know what it is...

They are they are using Windows messenger..

net send  "message goes here"

It looks like the author of the spamware issued a press release and 
conned a bunch of reporters into giving them free advertising.

I have not followed the latest link, but they are hawking the spamware 
for between $300 U.S.D. and $700 a copy.

There was also a report that someone was offering $2000 U.S.D for a 
program to send such spam.

Here is a great opportunity for Samba Developer's, especially published 
authors to get their name in print while delivering a clue to these 
reporters about what the real story is.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: ldap_nua requires guest exist and have rid 501?

2002-11-11 Thread John E. Malmberg
Andrew Bartlett wrote:

Because the Guest account is a 'well known' account, and as such 
should have a fixed RID.  This is enforced via the passdb backend 
because to do otherwise would have nasty consequences when mapping 
back and forth between uids and RIDs.  (We are working hard to ensure
that there is only one point at which uids and RIDs are mapped, and 
currently this is in the passdb.)

On a related note, does SAMBA still use the guest account in place of 
the (unkown) internal user for enumerating shares?

An NT client can not browse a SAMBA server with the guest account 
disabled, but having a guest account enabled is not required on an NT 
account to do the same thing.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: ldap_nua requires guest exist and have rid 501?

2002-11-11 Thread John E. Malmberg
Andrew Bartlett wrote:

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 13:16, John E. Malmberg wrote:
On a related note, does SAMBA still use the guest account in place 
of the (unkown) internal user for enumerating shares?

An NT client can not browse a SAMBA server with the guest account 
disabled, but having a guest account enabled is not required on an 
NT account to do the same thing.

A Samba server must have a guest account, and (now) it must have RID
 501.  I'm not sure the guest account is 'disabled' on NT, it is just
 that the groups it is given membership of changes.  IE on NT, the 
restrictanonymous setting can remove 'guest' from domain users, and 

The GUEST account can definitely be disabled on an NT workstation.  You 
can not access shares through it when it is disabled, yet browsing works.

You can enable it and then access shares through the guest account.

SAMBA should work the same way, but does not.  This puts a minor 
security hole in SAMBA that is not present in Microsoft Windows NT.

Microsoft advises that the guest account be disabled if you are 
concerned about security, and on NT Servers it is disabled by default.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: ldap_nua requires guest exist and have rid 501?

2002-11-11 Thread John E. Malmberg
Andrew Bartlett wrote:

In Samba, access by the guest user is determined per-share, so I'm 
not sure exactly what you mean here.

The NT behavior is that if the guest account is enabled, than if any 
shares have the "everyone" group associated with them, then the shares 
can be accessed from any LANMAN client on the network.  The security log 
will log that the guest account was used to access the account.

And the "everyone" group includes anyone on the network, not just the 
workgroup or the domain.

If you set the disable flag for the guest account, then none of the 
shares will be accessable unless the user belongs to a group that is 
otherwise allowed access to the share.

The execption is getting the browse list.  This still works even if the 
guest account is disabled.  And the security log does not register this 
as a guest access.

This has bitten several OpenVMS users as they disable or do not create 
guest account because they do not plan to allow "everyone" on to access 
their shares.  It has turned out to be one of the causes of the most 
common problems reported.

Having the SAMBA guest account have different visible functionality than 
what is the visible behavior of Windows NT is going to be a continuing 
source of confusion.

It would be better to have a different name for the internal uses that 
are not directly visible, and have the guest account just be used for 
guest access.  More politically correct and accurate.

There are many sites that have security standards that prohibit a guest 
account from being enabled.

So while it may be technically correct that the NT "GUEST" account is 
used for some functions based on observations, the practice is not 
consistent with what Microsoft has been telling NT Administrators.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: ldap_nua requires guest exist and have rid 501?

2002-11-12 Thread John E. Malmberg
Andrew Bartlett wrote:

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 16:10, John E. Malmberg wrote:

The exception is much more than that - all sorts of things go over 
IPC$, and they are protected by their individual ACLs.  Enumerating 
users, all sorts of things.  Domain logons are a particular thing 
that occour initially as guest (pipe-level authentication is done on 
netlogon, likewise password changes are as guest).

Why should I be surprised that the implementation is not consistent with
what they teach at the Microsoft NT System Administration class.

There are many sites that have security standards that prohibit a 
guest account from being enabled.

So what does 'ident' or 'echo' or 'time' run as?

Each runs on their own non-privileged account.  If the ident service
gets compromized, the cracker has no access to anything else on the machine.

Same with "echo" or "time".  Of course this depends on the TCPIP program
in use, and many of these well know services are usually not implemented.

Or even SMTP, BIND, IMAP.  Even if a security hole is found in one of 
these, the privileges are limited.

It is not usual on an OpenVMS system for TCP/IP services to run from the
root account or with root privileges.

That is the point of the guest account, Samba needs a user to become,
an unprivileged user that cannot break the entire system if Samba
were to accidentally allow file access, for example.

So you propose having 2 accounts?

We have the 'guest ok' parameter, NT ACLs and the 'restrict 
anonymous' parameter for controlling thing kind of thing, I think 
adding an new smb.conf option would just break every site out there!

It may need to be something that is better documented especially for 
OpenVMS users as they appear to have a different view of account management.

I have a better understanding of this now than I did before.  The guest 
account is not really a guest account.

So it all really is a matter of the mapping between a NT security model
and the host security model.

On most other systems, we use the 'nobody' account, which already 
exists and requires no further configuration.  The default 
configuration for 3.0 has a 'unixsam' backend, which maps this to the
 501 rid.  So by default, this looks exactly like NT.

The NOBODY account only exists if some UNIX compatable protocols such as
NFS are enabled.  It can not be relied to exist on an OpenVMS system.

So while it may be technically correct that the NT "GUEST" account 
is used for some functions based on observations, the practice is 
not consistent with what Microsoft has been telling NT 

It is consistent with what occurs on the wire, and really, that's the
 best we can do.

The behaviour that I would need to implement on OpenVMS to make SMBD 
behave as the System Administrators expect is:

To have a SAMBA_GUEST account, but when it is used as an attempt to 
access a share, the SMBD server would pay attention to the "disabled" flag.

When it is used for the other functions, the "disabled" flag would be 

You indicate that SAMBA is using the "Guest Ok" parameter for this function.

So I to make OpenVMS behave as the System administrators expect, when 
SNMD checks the "Guest Ok" parameter on the share, the guest account 
also needs the "enabled" flag set.

I wonder how difficult this would be to implement.

I would like to post a summary of this thread on the SAMBA-VMS list.

I am currently trying to learn enough LINUX to NFS map my VMS 
development disk to a LINUX system and use RSYNC on LINUX to get live 
updates on SAMBA, so I can start doing active development again since my 

Personal Opinion Only

Re: NetBEUI as main protocol

2002-12-09 Thread John E. Malmberg
Jason Hihn wrote:

I've a need for Samba to work over NetBEUI. We have a file server 
here that only speaks that way to bar out TCP-based hackers,

There is a popular misconception that you can use NetBeui in this way.

There is no security advantage in use NetBEUI in this manor.

It is just as easy to block the NetBios TCP/IP ports at the router
between your private network and the one where the hackers are.

If the hackers are on the local network, the NetBios exploits work just 
as well on NetBeui based networks as TCP/IP based networks.

You get the same level of security if you control the router.  You have 
no additional security if you do not control the router.  Routers can be 
configured to bridge NetBeui.

The only advantage that I can see to running NetBeui is that a network 
recovery disk for most PCs using MS-DOS can fit on a high density floppy.

For small networks, NetBeui is more responsive than TCP/IP, but because 
it is a broadcast protocol, it does not scale well.

and now I need to move files between hat and the Linux box.  Changing
it to use TCP is out of my authority too. I've scoured the archives,
and the most I could come up with is a 1 year-old post saying that it
was working, but with some patches, and only for printing.

I am wondering if SAMBA can go over NetBEUI yet? I realize I'll 
probably have to re-compile my kernel (easy enough), but what if 
anything has to be done on the SAMBA side?

It probably will take some sort of layer to translate the NetBios over 
NetBeui so that it looked like TCP/IP to SAMBA.  I do not know how much 
work that would be.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: NetBEUI as main protocol

2002-12-10 Thread John E. Malmberg
Christopher R. Hertel wrote:

On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 09:26:24PM -0500, John E. Malmberg wrote:

Jason Hihn wrote:

I've a need for Samba to work over NetBEUI. We have a file server
 here that only speaks that way to bar out TCP-based hackers,

There is a popular misconception that you can use NetBeui in this

We use it that way here at the University.

But not to isolate LAN traffic from the public Internet.

There is no security advantage in use NetBEUI in this manor.


Ok, attacks are limited to people that you share a router leg with.  On 
a broadband ISP that could be several subnets that appear to be on 
separate lines but are not.

The most likely exploit would be the WIN-POPUP spam.  But who knows what 
other holes that a virus might be able to exploit.

Since the subnets rarely connect to each other, the symptom of duplicate 
traffic from the "router on a stick" configuration usually does not 
apply.  ISPs do this, but a campus LAN would not.

It is just as easy to block the NetBios TCP/IP ports at the router 
between your private network and the one where the hackers are.
I have hundreds of routers.  Some people want those ports open,
others not.  Ouch.  Managmenet nightmare.  I really don't want to
maintain a per-port security configuration database.

Yours is clearly a different case than the typical small home or small 
business LAN.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: NetBEUI as main protocol

2002-12-10 Thread John E. Malmberg
Jason Hihn wrote:

Good comments, all of them.

I hate to say it, but it really comes down to the fact that you are
 trying to hide behind a protocol, instead of doing a proper
firewall for your LAN.  No offense intended

None is taken. *I* did not set it up this way, and I had thought of 
some of the very same points that people have raised. I do not yet
have config control of the box, but I'll be have it eventually. Until
then I have to convince those that do have control that putting
TCP/IP on it is no less as safe.

If you know for sure that you are the only network connected to that 
physical port of the ISP's router, than the router will likely provide 
you with the protection that you want.

Note that even if you own a complete CLASS C address block, an ISP can 
put several subnets on the same router port.  They share all broadcast 

That includes ARP (Address resolution protocol) packets that are used to 
map I.P. addresses to your adapters.  On a large ISP, this traffic from 
other users can be enough to bog down your network.

And if someone else is accidently makes an I.P. configuration error, it 
could break both of your networks.

All good reasons to have your own firewall.

Now broadband ISPs also typically have filters in their cable modems, or 
equivalent that when it is working will also block the netbeui traffic.
ARP traffic by nature can not be blocked by a cable modem.

But be aware that the filters are not always on.

Also you may want to look at NAT or (I.P. Masqurade for LINUX).  It 
allows you to only pay for the number of Public I.P. addresses that you 
need from your ISP, instead of a whole netblock.  If that is applicable, 
it could be a cost savings to your company.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: NetBEUI as main protocol

2002-12-15 Thread John E. Malmberg
John E. Malmberg wrote:

Jason Hihn wrote:

Good comments, all of them.

I hate to say it, but it really comes down to the fact that you
are trying to hide behind a protocol, instead of doing a proper 
firewall for your LAN.  No offense intended

None is taken. *I* did not set it up this way, and I had thought of
some of the very same points that people have raised. I do not yet
have config control of the box, but I'll be have it eventually.
Until then I have to convince those that do have control that
putting TCP/IP on it is no less as safe.

Here is something that may help.

Personal Opinion Only

Returning the size of the file to Clients

2002-12-19 Thread John E. Malmberg
This was just brought up on the samba-vms list.

Samba makes calls on behalf of the client to return a file size.

The problem for this on OpenVMS, is that some of the text file sizes
include the record information.

When these files are sent to the client they are converted to a byte
stream format like UNIX uses.

But this results in a file that is a slightly different size than the
physical size of the file, usually smaller.

Only some applications, such as wordpad seem to be sensitive to this, as
others use the amount of data transferred.  It has been reported that
wordpad adds garbage bytes to the end of the buffer for the difference.

The 2.2.4 port of Samba to OpenVMS solves this by reading the entire
file in order to give the correct size.  This of course creates a big
performance hit when displaying a directory.

Is there anyway to differentiate for when the Client is opening a file
for an application, and when a directory is being listed?

I am also going to look to see if there is a more optimal way to
calculate the size of these text files.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: OT Recent virus

2003-01-10 Thread John E. Malmberg
ian j hart wrote:

Can someone confirm the MIME headers included


ie filename missing f

No, because one of my postmasters that this list goes through has a 
scanner that removed the virus and replaced it with a text file.

It appears that the original virus came from, and I sent a 
report to that postmaster.

The second virus came from, possibly a secondary 
infection.  Reports to their support contacts have been made.

The third came from  A report has been made to that postmaster.

And really, only the virus scanner should be making reports to 
the mailing list.  If you are not, and you recognize your 
postmaster's virus scanner, please get them to fix it.

Virus scanners and any other automatic responders should never send out 
messages to mailing lists.

Just think what would happen if everyone that had a virus scanner 
bounced a message back to this list.  It would probably take a day just 
to delete them all to get to the real messages.

And since viruses typically are forging the from: part of the message, 
having a virus scanner bounce a message back automatically is bad.  It 
is not going to the source, but most likely to someone who is not infected.

It is appropriate for a virus scanner to make notifications. 
Unfortunately, it appears to be detecting the virus after it has been 
e-mail out.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: OT Recent virus

2003-01-13 Thread John E. Malmberg
David Brodbeck wrote:

From: John E. Malmberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Virus scanners and any other automatic responders should 
never send out messages to mailing lists.

In my own mail filters, the way I've been doing this is to never
auto-respond to a message set "Precendence: bulk" or "Precedence: list".  Is
this correct, or is there a better way?

I would assume so.  I would expect that if a virus scanner was any good, 
it would be set that way by default.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: improved dos attribute handling

2003-01-31 Thread John E. Malmberg
Ola Lundqvist wrote:

Hello again.

This is the next issue for which I have created a patch.

There is a problem with the current dos filemode option. The
problem is that you can only set read only but not remove it
again. You can of course not because you do no longer have
write permissions to the file. My fix change the behaviour to
check the directory and file for permissions.

If the user has write permission to the dir and
(is owner of file, or member of group or part of group) of
the file the read-only can be removed. The code is tested
but not for very long time. Right now just a week in a
production server. I have not checked if it is possible to
bypass something but I do not think so. I think I have catched
all cases, but checking is good.

You are aware that this can introduce a security hole because the way 
that DOS / Windows handles the Readonly bit is quite different than in a 
POSIX or UNIX environment.

In the Microsoft Windows and DOS environment, the Readonly attribute 
means that no one has write or delete access to the file, not even the 
Administrator or "root" account.

If your platform supports ACLs, the Readonly bit is supposed to overide 
them also.

So unless you change the security model of the host platform, it is not 
possible to have the Readonly attribute behave the way that it does in a 
Microsoft Windows environment.

Now you can determine if the file is "Readonly" to the client, and use 
the bit to report this.  But it is not possible to for a POSIX host to 
allow the client to change this attribute and have it have the same effect.

The model of simulating a "Readonly" bit by removing Write and delete 
access from the Owner, Group, and World bits is ignoring that "root" or 
"setuid root" programs can still write to the file, and does not take 
into account that ACLs can still grant write access.

The problem with this, is that while you can allow the client to remove 
the write/delete bits from a file that they have permission to change 
the permission on, it is not good to have the client put the write 
permissions back on.

You simply do not know what the Group and World settings were prior to 
the Readonly attribute being set.

If you have a file that starts out: W:readonly, G:readonly, 
O:read-write, and the client sets the "Readonly" bit, then the result is 
obvious.  When the client clears Readonly bit, then if you just add 
"Write and Delete" access to the owner, everthing is back to normal.

However if the file starts out: W:readonly, G:read-write, and 
O:read-write, and when the client sets the "Readonly" bit, write access 
is removed from the Group, and Owner.  But what happens when you just 
set the O: write+delete settings when the client clears the "Readonly" 
bit, the other members of the group still will not have write access to 
the file.

A similar situation will exist in the event that the file started out 
with W:write+delete access.

Now with ACLs implemented on the host platform, even this simulation 
will not work.  The "Readonly" bit based on solely on the protection 
mask becomes totally misleading.  You can set it or clear it, but it may 
have no effect on access to the file by either the host programs or to 

With ACLs, you can create a SAMBA_READONLY entry, and then use that to 
simulate the READONLY bit.  But it must be applied in such a way that 
gives it priority over all ACEs.  Because it is a "DENY" if present ACE, 
on OpenVMS, it would require that all user accounts have that identifier 
granted to them.

But because "root" privilege still overides the ACL, it is still not the 
same as on an Microsoft server.

If you are not concerned about having the "Readonly" attribute apply to 
access from the host system, it becomes much easier to implement.

But it is almost impossible to implement correctly, and all close 
simulations have drawbacks.

So any hack to improve "Readonly" for a particular group of users, may 
not be correct for another group of users, and must be customizable.

And as a preemption for the comment that a Microsoft Windows 
Administrative account can overide the "Readonly" attribute.  It can 
not.  What it can do is turn the attribute off, but it can not write or 
delete the file until that attribute is removed.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: wtf: "Make her Smile bho c qpalx"

2003-02-06 Thread John E. Malmberg
[posted and mailed]

Kätzler, Ralf wrote:

Someone is kidnapping my mailaddress

Spammers will do that.

Maybe the bogofilters will catch the next one, but the filter automagic 
learning works best when people do not quote the spam.  With bogofilter 
type filters, quoting the spam will lessen the weight of the keywords 
extracted, as they will have shown up in a mail marked legitimate.

The spammers have found a way around many of the filters by sending 
minimal text and a link to a picture of their spam message as they are 
assuming that people have allowed the mail programs to automatically 
open pictures on external links.

There is not enough text in the spam for the filter to use in most cases.

- and someone has an open smtp-server ...
Sorry, but there are always some kiddies out there with enough time for funny things.

The spam came from the address

Abuse contact it (
listed in SPAMCOP( BOPM(

SpamCop Blacklist (SPAMCOP): Blocked -
Blitzed Open Proxy Monitor (BOPM): open proxy -

The address used to send the spam is an open proxy, not an open 
smtp-server, but the effect is the same.

When an I.P. address is listed in BOPM, or, 
it is likely that all the e-mail from it will be spam.  When the 
spammers find one of these open-proxies, they send as much spam as they 
can through it in bursts.  For the other customers of the ISP with an 
open-proxy, during these spam runs, this creates a denial of service attack.

So it is puzzling why the ISPs are not closing these open-proxies as 
soon as they are reported.

The web page used for the main part of the spam is hosted by
The contact address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The product advertised is likely either a placebo or a drug that is not 
legal to sell in the U.S.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: password quality script aka --with-cracklib replacement

2003-02-13 Thread John E. Malmberg
Richard Sharpe wrote:

On Fri, 14 Feb 2003, Andrew Bartlett wrote:

Anybody doing this 'must change password every x days' thing has to
store the decrypted password, or else your users change from password1
to password2 to password3 then back to password1.

Hmmm, I am not sure of that. What is wrong with storing the history of 
password hashes back to some number. Sure, there can be collisions, but 
they should be infrequent, and it will prevent them from re-using the same 
passwd within the horizon of the hashes kept.

OpenVMS stores the password hashes back a configurable amount of time, 
the default is one year per user.

The storage time needs to be timed based, not number of changes.

OpenVMS does not have the security hole where a user is forbidden to 
change a password for a period of time from the last change, so that a 
user must notify the system administrator when they think a recently 
changed password was compromised.

Frequent password changes also lead to passwords that are more easily 
cracked by social engineering methods.  Usually if you have learned a 
past password, a human can figure out all future passwords.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: password quality script aka --with-cracklib replacement

2003-02-14 Thread John E. Malmberg
John H Terpstra wrote:

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, John E. Malmberg wrote:
The storage time needs to be timed based, not number of changes.

Usually, minimum time till change is again permitted as well as ultimate
password expiry if not changed time 'usually dat or # days based.

I consider that a security hole.  A user should be able to change their 
password at any time.  They do not want to admit that someone may have 
seen them enter their password.

OpenVMS does not have the security hole where a user is forbidden to
change a password for a period of time from the last change, so that a
user must notify the system administrator when they think a recently
changed password was compromised.

Frequent password changes also lead to passwords that are more easily
cracked by social engineering methods.  Usually if you have learned a
past password, a human can figure out all future passwords.

From my site auditing work I could not agree with this generalization. It
might be the case with < 10% of the people I had exposure to. But then
this would be moderated if the site has a documented password security
and change policy.

You are right about over generalizations.  It really depends on the 
population of users that you are auditing, and if you are running a 
crack program, how successfull you are in finding out what the passwords 
are.  I have had to provide the backup support for a help desk, and one 
of the platforms required the help desk operators to log in as the 
users.  The proper procedure on other platforms would be to temporarily 
override the password with a new one, but that was not practical here, 
so the users would give their passwords to the help desk operators.

One of the latest trends to try to get people to have a secure password 
is to compare so many characters from new password for the last N.  That 
requires storing several plain text passwords.  Not good.  But some one 
seems to think so.

But I doubt that password guessing is the cause of most security 
problems, inspite of all the focus on them.  Nor do I think that 
industrial spies really spend much time trying to bypass computer 
controls.  Cheap low tech human engineering works most of the time, and 
it is cheaper to bribe a disgruntled employee than to hire a 
professional cracker.

And sometimes when you make the security policies too tight, and the 
users do not think they need to be, they will bypass them behind your 
back in ways that can not be easily detected.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: improved dos attribute handling

2003-02-15 Thread John E. Malmberg
Ola Lundqvist wrote:

Sorry. I'm not subscribed to this list so I could not
preserve the reply-to header. Please Cc: me if you
want me to know the mail. :)

Bcc: by request.

On the other hand, with the current setup users must have administrative
rights to modify read-only bit. This is a problem because in a windows
environment (with users used to windows stuff) there is no such thing as
file owners.

There is such a thing as file owners in a domain file server.  This will 
show up in the file properties on Windows under the security properties.

As long as your patch is a selectable behavior, there are probably a lot 
of systems that could use it.

I just wanted to make clear that it does have side effects when you are 
not running in an appliance mode, or if your users are in multiple UNIX 

I do not run UNIX, I run OpenVMS.  It uses a UIC based protection model 
that is similar to UNIX but there might be some differences that are 
important that I may be overlooking.

I can give users write access to a file with out giving them write 
access to the entire directory.  Write access to the directory implies 
that they can add and remove files.

So adding the world write permission back to a file that the user owns 
when the READONLY bit is cleared will allow every other user on the 
system write access to that file, if they know it's path.

Does UNIX require you to have write access to a directory to modify a 
file that you have write access to?

You simply do not know what the Group and World settings were prior to 
the Readonly attribute being set.

And that is why I check the directory permissions. Iff the user has
write access to the directory and is member of the file it can
modify the permissions.

As I pointed out above, at least on OpenVMS, that is not a valid 
assumption as to what the users wishes are for the world and group 
access.  Just because they have permission to set them does not mean 
that they mean to.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: Well, the large file offset stuff in smbclient seems to work

2003-02-15 Thread John E. Malmberg
Michael B. Allen wrote:

Richard Sharpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just reporting that the large file offset code in smbclient and libsmb now 
seems to work. 

I have been chasing a weird problem with 20+ second delays in completing 
writes at times, and have got to 130 GB in a file. Heading towards 350GB 
and later 1TB.

Wouldn't anything after 4GB be redundant?

No.  Strange effects can happen at many different file sizes.  If you do 
not test it, you do not know that it works.

The weakness may not be in smbclient or libsmb though.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: Well, the large file offset stuff in smbclient seems to work

2003-02-15 Thread John E. Malmberg
Michael B. Allen wrote:

No.  Strange effects can happen at many different file sizes.  If you do 
not test it, you do not know that it works.
Can you give me a specific example? I've written a client and I never
tested it past 5-6GB. You have me worried now :-/

There may not be a problem in your client.

But problems may show up in file systems and the support C library 
calls.  In older systems, bits were precious, so there may be many 
fields that do not have enough, and now backwards compatability may be 
showing it's age.  Sometimes it is found in a device driver that because 
at the time a 1GB disk was unimaginable, that the bits above there were 
used for flags.

Some algorithms are sound but do not scale well, hence the unexplained 

Every 4 bit nybble barrier can be an issue, and the signed/unsigned 
usage may also be an issue.  The granualarity of blocks in the file system.

Once you get past 4GB, I would expect the next hiccup may be at the 1TB 
level and then every power of 2 beyond that.

How many people are dealing with files larger than 4G on a regular basis?

You can not test every thing though. :-)

Personal Opinion Only

Re: Problems with the lack of a real RO bit with Samba ...

2003-02-19 Thread John E. Malmberg
Richard Sharpe wrote:

Now, Windows has a RO bit and ACLS, and you can have ACLs on the file that 
give everyone WRITE access, while the RO bit gives no one WRITE access.

My question is, is anyone aware of any real application that would be 
confused if the RO bit were synthesized by setting an appropriate ACL on 
the file?

The Windows NT 4.0 "replication" Service is confused by the way that the 
 RO bit works now.  It copies the attribute to the destination 
directory, and then has problem because it can not deal with the fact 
that it no longer has permission to modify the file, even if it does not 
have to change the file.  I do not know if Windows 2000 has that feature.

I have seen reports on this list of applications playing with the 
Archive bit and getting confused when it does not work right.

The same may be true of the Readonly bit.  However since SAMBA is not 
doing it the Microsoft Windows way, there will likely be confusion no 
matter what you do.  I recommend erring on the side of compatability 
with Microsoft Windows.

I am aware that this could mean that if an inappropriate ACL were added to 
the file, perhaps by mistake (when setting ACLs on all files in a tree), 
the RO bit could disappear.

On OpenVMS, You can give some entries in an ACL a "PROTECTED" attribute. 
 Then it is harder to have such accidents.  Of course that makes 
"PROTECTED" attributes a pain to work with at times.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: Problems with the lack of a real RO bit with Samba ...

2003-02-19 Thread John E. Malmberg
Richard Sharpe wrote:

On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Ken Cross wrote:

Yes, it could have significant impact.  Is there are problem with the
current way it's set (RO == owner "r" mode)?

That does not match the way it works on an NT server.  And there is a 
significant difference.

In our file system, UNIX permission bits are synthesized from ACLs on the 
file objects :-)

Can you give me an idea of the 'significant impact'?

I am trying to convince our file system guys that we need a separate RO 
attribute to accompany the other attributes (like Hidden, System, etc).

RO is special.  On Windows NT, It has precedence over all other 
attributes.  Even "Administrator" access can not override RO.

So for the filesystem to work correctly with SAMBA as PC users would 
expect, not only do you need a RO permision, you need logic to make sure 
that it overrides all other ACLs that would otherwise grant write access.

It is probably sufficient to leave that "root" can override readonly, 
but nothing else should be able to, or it will not function as PC users 

I am assuming that this is a LINUX filesystem that you are designing?

Personal Opinion Only

Re: Problems with the lack of a real RO bit with Samba ...

2003-02-22 Thread John E. Malmberg
Richard Sharpe wrote:
On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, John E. Malmberg wrote:
I am assuming that this is a LINUX filesystem that you are designing?
Nope. I am not designing it, but we are doing a file system that supports 
Windows and UNIX access, along with high-bandwidth IO.
Now I am curious.  Is this an open-source project or a private one?

Personal Opinion Only

Reposting spam poisons the spam filter.

2003-03-07 Thread John E. Malmberg
Please do not repost spam to the mailing list.

When spam gets through, it gets flagged by a list administrator so that 
the filter learns about it.

When you repost the spam, it causes all the learning of the filter for 
that spam to be erased, allowing more spam like it to get through.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: scalability of print_queue_update

2003-03-10 Thread John E. Malmberg
Martin Pool wrote:
Alternatively we might say that 40,000 jobs is a silly number to have
queued. :-)
Probably, but it would be good to know that it would work.

What I am curious about is if you have a solution to a question I posed 
about a year ago.

On Windows, the print job number appears to be an unsigned 16 bit number 
if I remember correctly.

On OpenVMS, the print job number is an unsigned 32 bit number.  This 
number range is also shared with batch jobs.

Is there any way for SAMBA to accomodate 32 bit print job IDs?

Personal Opinion Only

Re: Applications that want 8.3 names

2003-03-13 Thread John E. Malmberg
Richard Sharpe wrote:
>Is anyone aware of Windows applications that will only deal with 8.3 
>namesand cannot deal with long file names?
erx wrote:
Most "setup.exe" programs are stubs that are 16-bit executables, and want 8.3
And some of the ones that can handle storing long filenames expect that 
when they extract the files, they will get the same 8.3 alias that they 
had originally, which does not happen because Microsoft has several 
different algorithms for generating the alias.

One of the installers in the Windows NT 4.0 Resource kit has this problem.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: very interesting!

2003-03-21 Thread John E. Malmberg
Simo Sorce wrote:
It would be really nice to have this feature!
90% of time I attach a gdb to get a backtrace, it wuold also speed up
development imho.
The interception of the signal by smb_panic() disables this feature on 

If the operating system has a build in backtrace handler, it is better 
for the application to crash instead of intercepting the signal and 
calling smb_panic().

If you are conditionalizing the code, please keep this in mind.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: [SECURITY] Samba 2.2.8 available for download

2003-03-21 Thread John E. Malmberg
Paul Green wrote about potential vulnerabilities in getting a stack 
overflow to execute arbitrary code by an attacker.

Many hardware platforms do have the protection that you describe, but it 
depends on the software to set up the protection.

Also someone would need to have intimate knowlege of your platform to be 
able to write such an attack.  The non-x86 platforms are probably less 
likely to be attacked in this manor from a virus.  It may cause an 
application crash.

And if you have someone internal that has the skill to do this, they 
probably are already privileged enough that they would have no problem 
compromising a system and covering their tracks.

Personal Opinion Only