Permissions behavior with acl and solaris

2002-09-20 Thread Guy Roussin


On a samba share I have: 
  path = /home5
  read only = No
  create mask = 0600

Under win2k, if a user create a file in this share, it has well the unix permissions 
and the correct correspondence under win2k (no permission for the group and everyone). 
is well.

So now, if the user modifies the file with gvim.exe for example. I note that the
are deeply modified.  I can see now that the user "root" (???) is present twice:  once
no permission and once with read and write permissions !

The acls Unix are thus modified:  

lct5{root}[/home5]: getfacl n600.txt
# file: n600.txt
# owner: guy
# group: lct
group::---  #effective:---

lct5{root}[/home5]: getfacl n600.txt
# file: n600.txt
# owner: guy
# group: lct
user:root:rw-   #effective:rw-
group::---  #effective:---
group:root:---  #effective:---

How to avoid this behavior ?  
In a general way i don't understand well the equivalence of the permissions managed 
by samba between Win2k and Unix (with or without support acl).  Where can i found
information above it ?  

Note : i use samba2.2.5 with solaris 2.8.  Compilation with gcc 2.95 and enabled 

Thank you -- Guy Roussin

NT permissions

2002-07-01 Thread guy roussin

[Sorry, i post this message on samba list last week but without success]


I try to use NT permissions on 2 Sun Solaris with ACL and samba 2.2.5. I configure
samba --with-acl.
I can modify permissions on the PDC (security = USER). But on the other one (XYZ)
(security = SERVER and password server = PDC) i get an error message when i click
on the ADD button (property of a file/Security) "The selector of object cannot be 
open because it cannot determine if XYZ belong to a domain" (sorry, bad translation
from win2k-french message)

Thanks for any hints.

Guy Roussin

--French version

Je souhaite utiliser le support des droits windows NT sur des partages windows
hébergés sur 2 stations Solaris 8 en utilisant les ACL et samba 2.2.5.
Je configure samba avec l'option --with-acl avant compilation, installation, ...

J'arrive à faire marcher cette fonctionnalité sans probleme si la station Solaris
qui abrite les partages dont je veux gérer les droits est PDC (security = USER dans 
smb.conf). Par contre sur la station non-PDC (security = SERVER) qui utilise la 
PDC (password server = PDC) pour l'authentification, j'ai un message d'erreur lorsque 
j'essaye d'ajouter des droits windows sur les partage de cette station non PDC: "Le 
Sélecteur d'objet ne peut pas être ouvert car il ne peut déterminer si 'non-PDC' 
appartient à un domaine".
Visiblement un problème d'authentification de cette machine sur le domaine ?
J'ai essayé d'authentifier cette station avec une méthode comparable à ce qui se fait 
pour des WinNT/2K mais sans succès (useradd ... non-PDC$ pui smbpasswd -a -m non-PDC ).
Rien n'y fait.
Quelqu'un peut-il me donner une piste ?
Merci beaucoup.

Guy Roussin

Re: Samba 2.2.3a --with-nisplussam

2002-05-14 Thread guy roussin

Hi Jerry,

Very interesting.
Who maintain NIS+ features outside the Samba Team ?


Guy Roussin

Gerald Carter wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm trying to set up Samba Server that uses NIS+ for user and group
> > information. It's a Solaris 7 intel box. I configured it with the
> > following switches:
> > ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdir=/etc/samba
> > --localstatedir=/var/samba --with-privatedir=/etc/samba
> > --with-lockdir=/var/samba/locks --with-swatdir=/usr/local/share/samba/swat
> > --with-configdir=/etc/samba
> > --with-codepagedir=/usr/local/share/samba/codepages
> > --with-logfilebase=/var/samba/log --with-nisplussam --with-acl-support
> > --without-winbind --with-quotas
> >
> > It compiled fine after I corrected passdb/pdb_nisplus.c:346: macro
> > `pstrcpy' used with too many (3) args (just deleted the "false").
> This should all be fixed in 2.2.4.  Please retest.  Thanks.
> > That's it for now. Is anyone out there using the NIS+ Features in Samba?
> Very few.  and it is maintained by people outside the Samba Team.
> cheers, jerry
>  -
>  Hewlett-Packard
>  SAMBA Team
>  --
>  "Sam's Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed.  ISBN 0-672-32269-2
>  --"I never saved anything for the swim back." Ethan Hawk in Gattaca--