I'm using a Debian woody based system (partially upgraded to 'testing'
in order to use tls with ldap), with samba_2.2.7 source built by
debian/rules with LDAP turned on, using gcc 3.0.4,
libldap2-tls_2.0.23-14, and libldap2_2.0.23-14.

I'm setting up PDC service -- when I try to join a windows machine
(this is XP) to the domain, I get 'specified user does not
exist' on the windows system and the following lines appear in
log.smbd (with -d 5):

[2002/12/04 11:01:01, 2, pid=22667] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:get_single_attribute(360)
  get_single_attribute: [rid] = [3357]

Here the rid of the machine account (3357) is retrieved from the ldap server.

Then later, this:

[2002/12/04 11:01:01, 5, pid=22667] rpc_server/srv_samr_nt.c:_samr_lookup_names(1191)
  _samr_lookup_names: looking name on SID S-1-5-21-1231883349-2047018666-1483395064
[2002/12/04 11:01:01, 5, pid=22667] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(588)
      000c rid[00]  : 00001e22 (== 7714)
[2002/12/04 11:01:01, 5, pid=22667] rpc_parse/parse_prs.c:prs_uint32(588)
      0018 user_rid : 00001e22
[2002/12/04 11:01:01, 2, pid=22667] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:ldap_search_one_user(262)
  ldap_search_one_user: searching for:[rid=7714]
[2002/12/04 11:01:01, 0, pid=22667] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:pdb_getsampwrid(907)
  We don't find this rid [7714] count=0

And the join fails.  Where is it getting the SID that seems to be
related to the incorrect rid?  How can I get it working?


Don Hayward                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mote Marine Laboratory          Office: 941.388.4441  Cell: 941.302.4982
1600 Ken Thompson Parkway       Fax: 941.388.4312
Sarasota, FL 34236              See: http://www.mote.org
Independent, non-profit, marine and estuarine research and education facility.
For PGP public key do: http://www.mote.org/~don/donpgp.asc
use "DISCLAIMER"; # We run Debian Linux
Taxes feed the starving and clothe the naked.

Don Hayward                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mote Marine Laboratory          Office: 941.388.4441  Cell: 941.302.4982
1600 Ken Thompson Parkway       Fax: 941.388.4312
Sarasota, FL 34236              See: http://www.mote.org
Independent, non-profit, marine and estuarine research and education facility.
For PGP public key do: http://www.mote.org/~don/donpgp.asc
use "DISCLAIMER"; # We run Debian Linux
Taxes feed the starving and clothe the naked.

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