On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 01:32, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 10:38, Michael Fair wrote:
> > I haven't done much work in this are yet so please feel
> > free to correct me as you see fit, but as I understand it,
> > part of the problem we face is that the equivalents of
> > the UID and a GID in UNIX, are mapped to the same address
> > space in Windows.
> > 
> > I was working on some unrelated ACL stuff and thought
> > about the potential of practically eliminating the use
> > of an ACL on a UID and only using ACLs on groups.
> I think this is a very good idea.  We would effectivly create a 'user
> private group' for every winbindd user.  And if they turned out to be a
> group, then we just populate them with members!

This is an approach I have proposed back last summer to Jeremy and
Tridge at Jeremy's, and that would have also cured the "problem" that
all distribution that automatically create a private group for a user
have, but seem they was not convinced so I didn't pushed the idea
anymore :-)

> This helps us particularly with the problem that we don't know the type
> of a SID without a lookup - a lookup that may well fail.


> This would also solve a nasty problem we have that we don't know the
> 'real' primary group of every user for NT4 domains, when doing a
> getgrent().  Instead we assume 'domain users'.  This would allow us to
> always know that value.

No, that's not right, we must have a Primary Group in local passdb and
use Domain Users as a fallback.


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