I've downloaded the installation kit for Samba/VMS 2.2.4 and installed it on
a mVax3100, running ovms7.2 with compaq tcpip from the same distribution.
Obviously I used the precompiled modules for the vax atchitecture, so I had
no problems in building and installing the the kit.
I've added the SAMBA_STARTUP.COM in my startup command file, unfortunatelly
I receive the following error at startup:

%TCPIP-E-STARTERROR, error starting SMBD service
-RMS-F-DEV, error in device name or inappropriate device type for operation
%TCPIP-E-STARTERROR, error starting SMBD service
-RMS-F-DEV, error in device name or inappropriate device type for operation

The following is my smb.conf

   workgroup = WORKGROUP
   dead time = 10
   map archive = no
   printing = bsd
   printcap name = /sys$manager/tcpip$printcap.dat
   load printers = yes
   status = yes
   security = user
   default service = default
   create mode = 0777

   interfaces = SE0
   guest account = SAMBA_GUEST
   log file = /samba_log/log.%m
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY

  share modes = no

   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   read only = no
   create mode = 0750

I receive the error at startup either I specify "interfaces = SE0" or not,
btw SE0 is the ethernet interface as seen by tcpip.
Could you help me please ?

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 9:44 AM
Subject: RE: Samba 2.2.4 Binary Package

> An installation kit for Samba/VMS 2.2.4 is available at
> http://www.pi-net.dyndns.org/anonymous/jyc/

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