Performance Enhancements for Samba/VMS 2.2.4

2002-12-17 Thread jean-yves.collot

There is a new version of Samba/VMS 2.2.4 that can be found, as usual, at

This version gives (I think) quite important peormance enhancements,
especially about the time needed for browsing directories.

The performance problem is due to two factors :

1. There is a great number of calls to stat() for the same file, and stat()
on VMS is quite time-consuming. One option, as Mr Carl Perkins proposed in
this mailing list, would be to rewrite stat() completely, and optimize it by
directly reading the INDEXF.SYS file. for the time being, I did not choose
that option, because it looks too much "undocumented" to me, and a little
complicated too. The format of the INDEXF.SYS file and of the file headers
are not supposed to stay the way they are forever. Even today, you would
have to deal with ODS-5 and ODS-2 different structures.
However, I agree it could dramatically enhance the performance.
My option was to reduce the actual calls to stat() by caching the
information, and keeping it in memory as long as possible (i.e. as long as
it has a chance to be accurate). I did this by using the "Volume lock",
which value block is changed each time the structure of the volume is
changed (file creation/deletion,...). As far as my tests are accurate, it
seems to divide by 3 or 4 the number of actual calls to stat()

2. The other reason is that, for variable-record and VFC files, I had to
actually read the file in order to know its real size. When you call stat(),
VMS gives you the actual number of bytes in the file. However, if you read
it record by record, and format each record with and ending , for
making it useable by Windows, the actual number of bytes you send is
slightly lower than the number of bytes given by stat(). This has no
importance for most Windows tools and product (notepad, word, excel,
etc...). If you use WORDPAD, however, you'll see some additional characters
at the end of the file. This is because WORDPAD first asks for the size of
the file, then reads the file, and pads with zeroes if the number of bytes
obtained is lower than the previously obtained size.
For those of you that have no need for editing variable-record VMS files
using WORDPAD, I added a logical name (SAMBA_REAL_FILE_SIZE), that is
defined by default in SMBD_STARTUP.COM, but that you can remove. If you
remove it, no special size checking is done, and the overall performance is
dramatically enhanced for directories with numerous and/or big
Variable-record files.

So, if you feel like it, please download and test the new Samba/VMS 2.2.4. I
think (and hope) that you'll be happy with its new performances.

Merry Chritsmas to all of you.

Jean-Yves Collot


2002-12-17 Thread ÉîÛÚÍøÂçÊéµê



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2002-12-17 Thread ÉîÛÚÍøÂçÊéµê



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