Re: WinXP<->Linux samba server test results

2004-09-20 Thread John E. Malmberg
BG - Ben Armstrong wrote:
Here is an analysis of my next test, supplemental to my earlier
observations about WinXP -> OpenVMS samba write performance.
If you want to skip the details and cut to the chase, it seems that both
when WinXP talks to a Linux samba server and when Linux talks to a
OpenVMS server, efficiencies of the SMB protocol are being taken
advantage of that are missing in the WinXP to OpenVMS server
conversation.  I am supplying my further analysis below in case it helps
resolve this mystery, and particularly in case it helps us tune our
server and/or clients to perform optimally.
What version of SAMBA is running on the LINUX system?
Other than that, I am not set up to take advantage of your data at the 
moment.  I do not have any way of reading the etherreal data.

It may be useful if you can find a specific difference in the protocol 
negotiation if the SAMBA versions are the same.

Personal Opinion Only
AAD- If you are seeing this, your Challenge-Response system is badly 
broken and is probably discarding a lot of mail.  It should never be 
challenging mailing list e-mails.


WinXP<->Linux samba server test results

2004-09-20 Thread BG - Ben Armstrong

Here is an analysis of my next test, supplemental to my earlier
observations about WinXP -> OpenVMS samba write performance.

If you want to skip the details and cut to the chase, it seems that both
when WinXP talks to a Linux samba server and when Linux talks to a
OpenVMS server, efficiencies of the SMB protocol are being taken
advantage of that are missing in the WinXP to OpenVMS server
conversation.  I am supplying my further analysis below in case it helps
resolve this mystery, and particularly in case it helps us tune our
server and/or clients to perform optimally.

Details below.  Hardhats required.

In this test, I ran bench.rb on WinXP against a Linux samba server.  I
see a slightly different pattern happening here that bears some
similarity to both the Linux client -> OpenVMS server case and the WinXP
client -> OpenVMS server case.

As in the Linux -> OpenVMS server case, Write AndX is used instead of
Write.  But similar to the WinXP -> OpenVMS server case, I am seeing
these one-byte writes.  Only this time, surprisingly, they make sense to
me.  These writes appear to be intended to pre-extend the file up to
however much the WinXP client has buffered up and is prepared to write.
Furthermore, the QUERY_FILE_INFO requests are getting actual allocation
and EOF figures back.  Initially, there is a flurry of these which
finally settle down once the file has been preextended to 1057791 bytes,
after which the first Write AndX happens.

This is the second surprise: these writes are sent 64K at a time, unlike
the prior two tests.  I guess this corresponds to the send buffer size.
These are of course chopped up into 1460 byte packets to fit MTU = 1500.
As before, there are netbios-ssn ACKs along the way, and after each 64K
sent, a Write AndX ACK is sent back from the Linux server.

Finally, the writes catch up with the pre-extended size of the file, and
another flurry of extensions happen.  The session continues alternating
between extending and writing in this fashion until the whole data
stream is written.

I can't compare throughput.  While our test Samba OpenVMS server has a
10 MBit interface, my test Samba Linux server has 100 MBit.  I could
force my Linux server down to 10 MBit half duplex to match the OpenVMS
server with mii-tool if that would help.  Please let me know if further
tests are needed to isolate the differences we are seeing between

As before, I have raw packet capture data for analysis if anyone wants
to look at it.



Re: Packet analysis: WinXP vs. Linux<->VMS shows dramatic differences

2004-09-20 Thread BG - Ben Armstrong
Oops.  I made one small error in reporting my findings.  Rather than use
the production OpenVMS samba server, which has a 100Mbps interface, I
have used our test OpenVMS samba node which is a much older, less
powerful system with a 10Mbps interface, thus ensuring I use entirely
"quiet" systems for testing.  This doesn't substantially change my
findings, but it might make the throughput numbers make more sense. :)



Packet analysis: WinXP vs. Linux<->VMS shows dramatic differences

2004-09-20 Thread BG - Ben Armstrong

I'm trying to figure out why the bench.rb test program I included in my
previous note takes several times longer to run using a WinXP client
than a Linux client, both talking to our OpenVMS samba server.  The big
picture question is, "How do we tune our clients and/or server to
improve overall performance?"

I have captured packets between a WinXP client & the OpenVMS Samba
server and also between a Linux client & the OpenVMS Samba server while
running bench.rb.

The quick summary of my analysis of the capture files is that vastly
more packets (and different kinds) are exchanged between WinXP and
OpenVMS than between Linux and OpenVMS.  This accounts for the huge
difference in performance we are seeing.

Given this analysis, can anyone see what's going wrong with the WinXP ->
OpenVMS Samba conversations, and more importantly, can it be fixed?

Details follow.  Hardhats required.

For WinXP writing to OpenVMS, after the initial handshaking, the
conversation consists largely of SMBwrite requests & replies for the
first 140 packets, each of which contains 1024 bytes of blanks (ASCII
0x20).  There are a couple of netbios-ssn ACKs in there sent from the
server back to the client, one at 18615 bytes (window = 61440), the next
at 53047.

After this point, the conversation changes.  The last SMBwrite for 1024
bytes, offset 64512 is followed by a SMBwrite for 1 byte (containing a
null) at offset 66559 (which is beyond 64512+1024, contrary to my

This is followed by a SMBTrans2 QUERY_FILE_INFO "Query File Standard
Info (258)" against the FID we are writing to.  The response from the
server returns without errors, but doesn't seem to contain much.
According to ethereal, the SMB data returned by the server is:

Allocation Size: 0
End Of File: 0
Link Count: 1
Delete Pending: Normal, no pending delete (0)
Is Directory: This is NOT a directory (0)
Unknown Data: 

Every write that follows is now broken into two writes, one containing
the 1024 bytes of blanks, (resuming at offset 65536, where I'd expect
the next byte to be written,) and one containing a single null, (the
next one at 67583, again beyond the end of data,) and after that,
another QUERY_FILE_INFO (each immediately followed by a response from
the server).

The conversation continues like that:
- write + response (1024 bytes)
- write + response (1 byte)
- file info + response

The only other packets, appearing at irregular but infrequent intervals,
are netbios-ssn ACK packets (the next at 75305, 95926, 101991, 106927,
etc.) going from the server back to the client.

In the end, 29890 packets are sent by the client, and 30648 are
received.  The whole ordeal takes 4 minutes 3 seconds elapsed time, for
a staggeringly slow send throughput of 49851 Bps (on a 100 Mbps

Linux -> OpenVMS

By contrast, the Linux to OpenVMS conversation is much more
straightforward.  A total of 7535 packets are sent and 5116 packets are
received, taking 27 seconds elapsed time, for a send throughput of
387309 Bps, an order of magnitude better than WinXP.

After the initial handshaking, the Linux client sends SMBWriteX (note,
*not* SMBWrite) requests to VMS, each one for 4096 bytes, which don't
all fit, given an MTU of 1500, so they are broken into 1392 for the
first packet, which contains the extra header stuff, 1460 for the next
continuation packet, and finally 1244 in the final continuation packet,
for a total of 4096.  Each SMBWriteX of 4096 bytes is followed by a
netbios-ssn ACK (to ack the 4096 byte reassembly, I guess,) and a
SMBWriteX response ACK back from the server.

The conversation continues this way until the end of file.

The big question is, given the above analysis, can anyone see what's
going wrong with the WinXP -> OpenVMS Samba conversations, and more
importantly, can it be fixed?

p.s. I will supplement this test with a WinXP client -> Linux Samba
server test to see which of the two conversations it more closely
resembles, and will email the results of that test under separate cover.
p.p.s. The raw libpcap capture files are available upon request if
anyone wants to do a deeper analysis of my data.


Samba 2.2.8 Print job number handling?

2004-09-20 Thread John E. Malmberg
Is there code in the SAMBA 2.2.8 port to deal with mapping the VMS job 
number to a range that will work for SAMBA?

The VMS job number is an unsigned 32 bit integer, and the SMB protocol 
can only handle a 16 bit integer.

So there needs to be a dynamic mapping of VMS job numbers to SMB job 

Or ever time a job number larger than 65535 is issued, it will not be 
accessible to SAMBA.

For 2.0.6. I set the job name to encode the SMB job number, so that the 
print queue management commands would work only with print jobs 
submitted through SAMBA, as that was the only ones that the translation 
could be verified.

If this still is an issue with SAMBA 2.2.8, I will enter a bug in 
BUGZILLA to track this.

Personal Opinion Only

Re: RE : RE : smbd serves connects only when ran in interactive mode (-i)

2004-09-20 Thread John E. Malmberg
Ashot Bord wrote:
JY, thanks for trying it out!
I ran it on SIMH, the simulator. It is not speedy for CPU, but fast with IO.  
It may as well be that the CPU speed is the cause of the broken socket, but FTP
in service mode doesn't have any sensible delays and doesn't time-out, 
and it also spawns a child.

I still suspect there could be some sockets issue, possibly related to TCPIP 
itself. I read of other users  running SAMBA on SIMH, though  not sure about 
their VMS/TCPIP config.
Try installing the SMBD.EXE image as /SHARED/HEADER resident.  This will 
both speed up the image activation time, and will also reduce the 
physical/virtual memory requirements of running SAMBA.

IIRC: There is some code in SAMBA 2.0.6 that calculates a machine SID on 
startup, and since VMS does not support the preferred routines, the fall 
back is not very efficient.  I have not checked that section of the 
2.2.8 port yet to see if has that issue.

Personal Opinion Only

My testimonial about skuper viakgra

2004-09-20 Thread Maritza Purcell
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2004-09-20 Thread Latisha Forrest
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I just pop 10 mg, and before long, I am a sex machine.
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RE : RE : RE : smbd serves connects only when ran in interactive mode (-i)

2004-09-20 Thread COLLOT Jean-Yves
The point is that, according to the logs, there is more than 6 seconds
between the first line of the log (Samba starts) and the error message (
socket not connected). I could reproduce the same "socket not connected"
error by adding a 5 sec "sleep" in the Samba code.

Services such as FTP do not have much to do for initializing, so they answer
to the initial connect request rapidly. 

I guess there should be some registry key somewhere on the PC that could be
changed in order to have a longer time-out, but I don't know where.

Anyway, it's a good idea to try TCP/IP 5.3, but I don't have too much hope.