Should have sent this to the list instead of directly
to Tim...

B.t.w, is there a was to get the Samba listserver software
to re-write the From:, Reply-T:o (or whatever) header
so one can just hit "Reply" in the mail client ?

I (we) had this "problem" on another maillist, and
the admins there changed the server just the other day.
May depend on what software is running the Samba list,
of course...

Jan-Erik Söderholm.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jan-erik Söderholm (QAC) 
Sent: den 20 januari 2003 11:41
To: 'Tim Oakley'
Subject: RE: SAMBA 2.2.7a and FRONTPORT

Salut !

I run 2.2.7a and I don't start FORNTPORT any more.
It wasn't even included in the 2.2.7a distribution.
Actualy I think that the FRONTPORT I had got deleted
together with the old SAMBA version I had before 2.2.7a.

Jan-Erik Söderholm.

Tim Oakley wrote:

> Greetings,
> In order to update from Samba 2.0.3 to Samba 2.2.7a, is it required 
> and/or recommended to install the freeware FRONTPORT library.
> I think this was a prerequisite for SAMBA 2.2.4 (?) but see no 
> discussion of FRONTPORT in the 2.2.7a postings.
> best regards

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