[sane-devel] scanbd problem with dbus permission ?

2013-02-26 Thread stout
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I found some solution for my problem :
First, I noticed than the file scanbd_dbus.conf wasn't in the system.d
folder, so I added it.

The error changed : no more dbus connection error but endless
Iteration on dbus call in the log...

It seems that if I start scanbd right after inetd, this error shows.
Bur if I start inetd, then do a scanimage -L or another use of the
scanner via sane, then start scanbd, it works like a charm !

So I modify the udev rule so that when the scanner is turned on, it
launches inetd, then imagescan -L, then scanbd :

# Epson Perfection V500 Photo
RUN+=/usr/sbin/service inetutils-inetd start,
RUN+=/usr/bin/scanimage -L, RUN+=/usr/sbin/service scanbd start
ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}==04b8, ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}==0130, ACTION==remove,
RUN+=/usr/sbin/service scanbd stop, RUN+=/usr/sbin/service
inetutils-inetd stop

I don't know if it is a configuration problem or a bug...

Best regard


On 25/02/2013 21:32, stout wrote:
 Something strange happened :
 2 months ago,I managed to get scanbd to work perfectly with my
 epson V500 scanner, built my own script, ..., was very proud of
 ... until today, where after 2 months of not using it, I tried to
 use a button, and it did not work !! I must have changed something,
 during those 2 months, but I really don't know what...
 So, the scanner is plugged in a Debian 6, the debug log shows these
 errors :
 scanbd: start dbus thread scanbd: Not Primary Owner (-1) scanbd:
 Name Error (Connection :1.8 is not allowed to own the service
 de.kmux.scanbd.server due to security policies in the 
 and later :
 scanbd: polling device Perfection V500 scanbd:
 epson-vphoto-backend: communication error: read length:0 
 (the full log is pasted afterwards)
 I tried to modify the user/group in scanbd.conf (trying lp, saned, 
 scanner, root..) with no change.
 The UDEV rule for the scanner seems to make it belong to the
 scanner group : ATTRS{idVendor}==04b8,
 ATTRS{idProduct}==0130, MODE=0664, GROUP=scanner,
 Don't hesitate to ask me for more informations if needed...
 Thanks for your help !
 best regards
 here is the full log :
 scanbd -f scanbd: debug on: level: 7 scanbd: dropping privs to uid
 saned scanbd: dropping privs to gid scanner scanbd: group scanner
 has member: scanbd: saned scanbd: root scanbd: lp scanbd: drop
 privileges to gid: 113 scanbd: Running as effective gid 113 scanbd:
 drop privileges to uid: 109 scanbd: Running as effective uid 109 
 scanbd: dbus_init scanbd: dbus match
 type='signal',interface='org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager' scanbd:
 Loading /usr/local/lib/scanbd/scanbuttond/backends/meta.so scanbd:
 meta-backend: init scanbd: libusbi: initializing... scanbd: Loading
 /usr/local/lib/scanbd/scanbuttond/backends/hp3500.so scanbd:
 meta-backend: attaching backend: HP3500 USB scanbd: hp3500-backend:
 init scanbd: Loading
 /usr/local/lib/scanbd/scanbuttond/backends/snapscan.so scanbd:
 meta-backend: attaching backend: Snapscan USB scanbd:
 snapscan-backend: init scanbd: Loading
 /usr/local/lib/scanbd/scanbuttond/backends/niash.so scanbd:
 meta-backend: attaching backend: Niash USB scanbd: niash-backend:
 init scanbd: Loading
 /usr/local/lib/scanbd/scanbuttond/backends/epson_vphoto.so scanbd:
 meta-backend: attaching backend: Epson VX00 Photo USB scanbd:
 epson-vphoto-backend: init scanbd: meta-backend: attached scanner
 Epson Perfection V500 scanbd: Scanning for local-only devices 
 scanbd: found device: Perfection V500 Epson
 epkowa:interpreter:001:004 scanbd: start_scbtn_threads scanbd:
 start the threads (1) scanbd: Starting poll thread for Perfection
 V500 scanbd: Thread started for device Perfection V500 scanbd:
 scbtn_poll scanbd: start dbus thread scanbd: Not Primary Owner
 (-1) scanbd: Name Error (Connection :1.8 is not allowed to own
 the service de.kmux.scanbd.server due to security policies in
 the configuration file) scanbd: found 4 options for device
 Perfection V500 scanbd: sane_find_matching_options scanbd: no
 matching actions in section (null) scanbd:
 sane_find_matching_functions scanbd: scanbuttond backends can't use
 function definitions scanbd: found 1 local device sections scanbd:
 checking device section V500 with filter: (.*V500.*) scanbd: found
 4 local action for device Perfection V500 [V500] scanbd:
 sane_find_matching_options scanbd: found 4 actions in section V500 
 scanbd: checking action scan with filter: ^web.* scanbd:
 scanbtnd_button_name (1) scanbd: scanbtnd_button_name, backend:
 Epson VX00 Photo USB scanbd: found active option[0] web for device
 Perfection V500 scanbd: installing action scan (0) for Perfection
 V500, option[0]: web as: myV500.script scanbd: multiple actions
 allowed scanbd: scanbtnd_button_name (2) scanbd:
 scanbtnd_button_name, backend: Epson VX00 Photo USB scanbd: 

[sane-devel] scanbd problem with dbus permission ?

2013-02-26 Thread Louis Lagendijk
On Tue, 2013-02-26 at 11:23 +0100, stout wrote:
 I found some solution for my problem :
 First, I noticed than the file scanbd_dbus.conf wasn't in the system.d
 folder, so I added it.
 The error changed : no more dbus connection error but endless
 Iteration on dbus call in the log...
 It seems that if I start scanbd right after inetd, this error shows.
 Bur if I start inetd, then do a scanimage -L or another use of the
 scanner via sane, then start scanbd, it works like a charm !
 So I modify the udev rule so that when the scanner is turned on, it
 launches inetd, then imagescan -L, then scanbd :
 # Epson Perfection V500 Photo
 ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}==04b8, ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}==0130, ACTION==add,
 RUN+=/usr/sbin/service inetutils-inetd start,
 RUN+=/usr/bin/scanimage -L, RUN+=/usr/sbin/service scanbd start
 ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}==04b8, ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}==0130, ACTION==remove,
 RUN+=/usr/sbin/service scanbd stop, RUN+=/usr/sbin/service
 inetutils-inetd stop
this should not be required, but you need to set the SANE_CONFIG_DIR
env. variable before starting scanbd (see below)
 I don't know if it is a configuration problem or a bug...
 Best regard
A few notes:
scanbd_dbus shall be copied into /etc/dbus-1/system.d, that is what you
referred to I guess?
What do you use to start scanbd? Systemd? Scanbd apparently does not see
the scanner. What is set for SANE_CONFIG_DIR? Do you have a dll.conf in
that dir with the appropriate backend for your scanner listed? Does it
have the config file for the backend (if needed) in that dir? 

kind regards, Louis