[sane-devel] Mailing list: still problems?

2004-03-18 Thread e...@tiscali.be

although I am apparently still subscribed and the list is
working again, I haven't received a single message yet.

I also don't get my password mailed back to me when I request it.

Since this got through, I obviously can still post to the list.

Anyone else having problems?


Tiscali ADSL: 35 €/maand, het beste aanbod van de markt!

[sane-devel] Re: [sane-devel] Boeder SmartScan Slim Edition on SuSE

2004-02-11 Thread e...@tiscali.be
Jim George wrote:
> Both libsane-gt68xx.so.1 and libsane-gt68xx.so are linked to
> libsane-gt68xx.so.1.0.13.  However there is a libsane-gt68xx.la which
> isn't linked to any of the above.Could this be the cause of the
> problems?

AFAIK, the .la files are only used by libtool when 
compiling/linking against a library. They don't interfere
during normal operation.

Do you have a /proc/bus/usb entry, ie. is the usb file system
mounted? (mount | grep usb)
You may have to load some usb modules first. I'm not sure how
it works on SuSE, but on RH you can do it like this (as root):

 modprobe usbcore
 mount -t usbdevfs usbdevfs /proc/bus/
 modprobe usb-uhci

Normally this is done at boot time.


Tiscali ADSL: 12 maanden aan  29,50 €/maand! Snel Internet, en voor iedereen.

[sane-devel] Mustek 1200CP scanner does not release parallel port

2004-01-31 Thread e...@tiscali.be
Dario Berzano wrote:
>  Another strange aspect is that I had to set up the cis600 driver  
> instead of the proper cis1200 one. With cis1200 (or cis1200+), the  
> scanned image is vertically stretched, and the scanning head tries to  
> scan out of range, making a loud, awful noise and damaging my  
> hardware.

Sorry, I forgot this in my previous message:

Most likely, your scanner is not a true 1200CP. It looks like there are  
600CP's out there that are labeled as 1200CP's.
I have had a few similar reports before. I don't know who is  
responsible for this, ie., whether it is Mustek itself or some  
If your scanner works fine with the cis600 setting, then it's indeed  
better not to try the cis1200 or cis1200+ settings, because that can be  
damaging to your scanner, as you found out.

Best regards,


[sane-devel] Mustek 1200CP scanner does not release parallel port

2004-01-31 Thread e...@tiscali.be
Dario Berzano wrote:
> Jochen Eisinger wrote:
>> The bug you're describing should be fixed in CVS. Please try using  
>> CVS snapshot version.
> It is actually fixed. My scanner now works fine - I mean: the  
> scanning head returns to its starting position when I cancel the  
> operation and when the operation finishes. Thank you.

I had just put up a web page describing the bug and possible solutions:
but it looks like Jochen already helped you out (thanks, Jochen).

Best regards,


[sane-devel] Problems with mustek_pp and releasing the parallel port

2004-01-09 Thread e...@tiscali.be
Jim George wrote:
> without inetd running but with gdb.
> scanimage hung and when I crtl-c'd out I get the following
> "scanimage: received signal 2
> scanimage: trying to stop scanner"
> saned didn't quit.  When I pressed ctrl-c in gdb I got
> [...]
> Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
> 0x4027786d in sanei_debug_sanei_pa4s2_call ()
>from /usr/lib/sane/libsane-mustek_pp.so.1 "
> I then did 'bt' and got
> "#0  0x4027786d in sanei_debug_sanei_pa4s2_call ()
>from /usr/lib/sane/libsane-mustek_pp.so.1
> #1  0x4079090 in sanei_pa4s2_readbyte ()
>from /usr/lib/sane/libsane-mustek_pp.so.1
> #2  0x4026ff0e in Mustek_PP_1015_wait_bit ()
>from /usr/lib/sane/libsane-mustek_pp.so.1
> #3  0x4027219c in cis_motor_control ()
>from /usr/lib/sane/libsane-mustek_pp.so.1
> #4  0x402721fb in cis_return_home () from /usr/lib/sane/libsane-mustek_pp.so.1
> #5  0x40272d0c in cis_drv_close () from /usr/lib/sane/libsane-mustek_pp.so.1
> #6  0x4026ef62 in sane_mustek_pp_close () from 
> /usr/lib/sane/libsane-mustek_pp.so.1
> #7  0x4003bd31 in sane_dll_close () from /usr/lib/libsane.so.1
> #8  0x08049d1d in close_handle ()
> #9  0x0804b6d0 in process_request ()
> #10 0x0804bc92 in main ()
> #11 0x401594c2 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6"
> I hope this helps.

Hi Jim,

now we are getting somewhere. 
It looks like the driver is waiting for the scanner motor to stabilize,
but it waits forever, either because it doesn't stabilize, or because
the communication with the scanner is somehow messed up. 

Do you have libieee1284 installed? If so, what version is it?

It would be useful to also see the debug output of sanei_pa4s2.
I know you are short of disk space, so I won't ask you to collect 
all output. Just let it scroll off the screen. I'm only interested 
in the last few tens of lines or so (as long as the last few lines
of mustek_pp output are included):

 - stop inetd
 - as root: 
 - in another window: 
 scanimage -d net:localhost:mustek_pp:Mustek-1200CP > /dev/null
Best regards,


Tiscali ADSL: 12 maanden aan  29,50 €/maand! Snel Internet, en voor iedereen.

[sane-devel] Problems with mustek_pp and releasing the parallel port

2004-01-08 Thread e...@tiscali.be
Jim George wrote:
> > 2) Without xinetd, no gdb
> >* Does scanimage hang?
> It didn't even get started.  I got the following error message:
> scanimage: open of device net:localhost:mustek_pp:Mustek-1200CP failed:
> Invalid argument

Sorry, I forgot to mention this: you have to run saned as root. 
Did you do that?

> [mustek_pp] cis_attach: couldn't attach to `parport0' (Invalid argument)

This is probably because saned didn't run as root.

> > 3) Without xinetd, in gdb
> >* Does scanimage hang?
> No it exits immediately with the following error message:
> scanimage: open of device net:localhost:mustek_pp:Mustek-1200CP failed:
> Invalid argument

Probably the same problem here: gdb has to be started as root.

Please try tests 2 and 3 again, running saned/gdb as root 
(unless you already did that).
Sorry for not being clear the first time.


Tiscali ADSL: 12 maanden aan  29,50 €/maand! Snel Internet, en voor iedereen.

[sane-devel] Problems with mustek_pp and releasing the parallel port

2004-01-07 Thread e...@tiscali.be
Jim George wrote:
> Eddy,
> I have now run saned through gdb and done two scans.  The first appeared
> to complete successfully so I ran the second but the client timed out and
> eventually saned quit (as you will see from the attached).
> Thanks for your continued help,
> Jim

Hi Jim,

I think it's normal that saned exits after one scan. Normally, it's 
xinetd that restarts saned when a new request comes in.
To restart saned in gdb, you only have to enter "r" at the prompt 
and then you can perform another scan.

What surprises me is that, now, saned doesn't hang at the end.
IIRC, when you started saned -d128 without gdb, it did hang.

I'm getting confused. Could you repeat the following tests, such
that I get a clear picture:

1) With xinetd

   - Make sure xinetd is running (/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart).
   - scanimage -d net:localhost:mustek_pp:Mustek-1200CP > test.pnm
   * Does scanimage hang?
   * If it hangs and you kill scanimage, is saned still running?
 (ps aux | grep saned)
   * If saned still runs, just kill it.
2) Without xinetd, no gdb   
   - Make sure xinetd is stopped (/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd stop).
   - SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK_PP=255 saned -d128
   - In another window:
   scanimage -d net:localhost:mustek_pp:Mustek-1200CP > test.pnm

   * Does scanimage hang?
   * Does saned exit? (It should).
   * If it hangs, please show the last few lines of debug output.
3) Without xinetd, in gdb

   - Make sure xinetd is stopped (/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd stop).
   - SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK_PP=255 gdb saned
   - At the gdb prompt: r -d128
   - In another window:
   scanimage -d net:localhost:mustek_pp:Mustek-1200CP > test.pnm

   * Does scanimage hang?
   * Does saned exit (ie., do you get the gdb prompt back)?
   * If saned hangs, hit Ctrl-C in the gdb window and request a 
 stack trace: bt
   * To restart saned: just enter "r" at the gdb prompt.
If a certain test doesn't give any problems, please repeat it a few 
times to make sure it isn't just luck.

Best regards,


Tiscali ADSL: 12 maanden aan  29,50 €/maand! Snel Internet, en voor iedereen.

[sane-devel] Problems with mustek_pp and releasing the parallel port

2004-01-07 Thread e...@tiscali.be

as I said before (but I don't know whether it came through because of the
mail hickups), the problem in gdb is almost certainly caused by xinetd 
that is still running and listening to port 6566. xinetd has to be stopped
first before running saned in gdb:

   /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd stop
After that, it should be possible to get a stack trace of the point where
saned hangs.

Jochen Eisinger wrote:
> Hello,
> another idea. May it be, that there are any saned or scanimage running
> after the first scan attempt?
> regards
> -- jochen
> Jim George wrote:
> > Eddy and Joachen,
> > 
> > when I tried to run saned under gdb I got the following output.  Does
> >'t
> > look good does it?  Can you tell me what I should do now?
> > 
> > GNU gdb 5.2.1
> > Copyright 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> > GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and
> > are wel
> >ome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
> > conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
> > There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for
> > details. This GDB was configured as "i586-suse-linux".
> > (
> >db) exec-file /usr/sbin/saned
> > (gdb) r -d128
> > Starting program: /usr/sbin/saned -d128
> > [saned] main: starting debug mode (level 128)
> > [saned] main: trying to get port for service `sane' (getaddrinfo)
> > [saned] main: [0] socket () using IPv6
> >
> >[saned] main: [0] setsockopt ()
> > [saned] main: [0] bind () to port 6566
> > [saned] main: [0] bind failed: Address already in use
> > [saned] main: [1] socket () using IPv4
> > [saned] main: [1] setsockopt ()
> > [saned] main: [1] bind () to port 6566
> >
> >[saned] main: [1] bind failed: Address already in use
> > [saned] main: couldn't bind an address. Exiting.
> > 
> > Program exited with code 01.
> > (gdb)
> > 
> > 
> > TIA,
> > 
> > Jim

Tiscali ADSL: 12 maanden aan  29,50 €/maand! Snel Internet, en voor iedereen.

[sane-devel] mustek_pp trouble (was: saned doesn't release the parallel port when finished)

2004-01-03 Thread e...@tiscali.be
On 02-01-04 22:49:12 Jim George wrote:
> I tried that but got the following before I'd had a chance to run
> scanimage.
> Have a lot of fun...
> tassi:~ # SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK_PP=255 gdb saned
> ...
> (gdb) r -d128
> Starting program: /usr/sbin/saned -d128
> [saned] main: starting debug mode (level 128)
> [saned] main: trying to get port for service `sane' (getaddrinfo)
> [saned] main: [0] socket () using IPv6
> [saned] main: [0] setsockopt ()
> [saned] main: [0] bind () to port 6566
> [saned] main: [0] bind failed: Address already in use
> [saned] main: [1] socket () using IPv4
> [saned] main: [1] setsockopt ()
> [saned] main: [1] bind () to port 6566
> [saned] main: [1] bind failed: Address already in use
> [saned] main: couldn't bind an address. Exiting.
> Program exited with code 01.
> (gdb)
> Any ideas as to how I can progress this?

Sorry, I forgot to mention that you first have to stop xinetd:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd stop

Best regards,


[sane-devel] mustek_pp trouble (was: saned doesn't release the parallel port when finished)

2003-12-27 Thread e...@tiscali.be
Op 26-12-03 16:36:05 schreef Henning Meier-Geinitz:
> So either the mustek_pp backend is in an endless loop here or it
> exited for some reason. If it were in an endless loop, saned wouldn't
> exit (but it does, doesn't it?). You don't get a segmantation fault
> after saned has exited?
> Ok, let's look at the code. I'm a bit surprised about the name of  
> that function (cis_config_ccd) :-)

Yes, I know, it's a poor name choice :-)

> So the exit/freeze/whatever happens in cis_config_ccd or
> cis_return_home.

Or in sanei_pa4s2 or libieee1284.
> Maybe Jochen Eisinger or Eddy De Greef (the authors of that backend)
> have any clues on what's going on?

I have no idea. I could add additional debug print statements
to the driver around the point where things seem to get stuck,
but IIRC, Jim cannot compile the backend.

There is one other option: running saned in a debugger.
Jim, can you install gdb on your system? If so, you
can try the following:

  * As root, enter
 SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK_PP=255 gdb saned
  * At the gdb prompt, enter
 r -d128
  * In another terminal window, enter
 scanimage -d net:localhost:mustek_pp:Mustek-1200CP > /dev/null
  * When the debug output in the gdb window stops and saned hangs,
hit "CTRL-C" in the gdb window.
  * Now enter "bt" at the gdb prompt. This will print a stack trace.
  * You can quit gdb with "q".

I'd like to see the stack trace and the last 50 lines or so of the
debug output.


[sane-devel] Mustek 1200CP in sane 1.0.8 on SuSE 8.0

2003-12-11 Thread e...@tiscali.be
geo...@blueyonderl.co.uk wrote:
> I'm new to SuSE 8.0 and sane 1.0.8. I have a Mustek 1200CP scanner which,
> I understand, is a CIS scanner.
> I understand that it is supported when a patch from Eddy deGreef is applied.
> My problems are three-fold.
> 1) I can't seem to find these patches.
> 2) I am unable to compile a later version, which does support the Mustek
> without patches, because I don't have enough room for the development
> tools (GNU Utils etc).
> 3) The only RPMs I can find are not for SuSE.
> Can anyone give me suggestions as to what to do?

You can find the last patch in http://home.tiscali.be/EddyDeGreef/Sane/new.
I don't remember exactly to what versions of Sane it does apply.
Older versions are still available in

But I'm afraid you need to be able to compile sane to apply these patches
too. I don't have a SuSe box on which I could compile it for you.

Eddy De Greef

Tiscali ADSL: 12 maanden aan  29,50 €/maand! Snel Internet, en voor iedereen.

[sane-devel] CVS problem: lock file in sane-backends/doc

2003-11-14 Thread e...@tiscali.be
On 2003.11.14 17:09, gerard klaver wrote:
> I have just removed the anoncvs lock, is was dated from 3 november?

Thanks! It all works fine now.


[sane-devel] CVS problem: lock file in sane-backends/doc

2003-11-14 Thread e...@tiscali.be

I am unable to commit changes to the doc/ directory of sane-backends
because it is locked:

> cvs server: [12:32:40] waiting for anoncvs_sane's lock in
> [repeating every 30 seconds]

Does anyone know how this can be fixed ?


[sane-devel] Medion MD9850: scan range & noise probs?

2003-10-30 Thread e...@tiscali.be
Wolfgang Fabics wrote:
> Ah, I wasn't precise on this one, forgive me. The scanner ran just fine
> on Win98 and Win2k... trouble started with WinXP (don't laugh ;-).

So you probably had to install a new driver? 
Did you get it from Mustek?

> 1. The noise is *really* loud and *really* precise (hope you know what
> mean, it's hard to describe a sound in ASCII). It's not like the sled
> jamming on the slider bars and breaking loose now & then... more like
> hitting the case with a No. 8 drum stick. Hard. Precise. Loud.

This sounds like the noice I got when the scan head hit the bottom
and the belt started jumping over the dents. Yes, it's only rubber,
but the sound is quite loud, just like you describe. But I don't
understand how this could happen somewhere in the middle of the
page, unless there is something wrong with the glider mechanism.

> 2. When the head slows down (after 2 or 3 consecutive *clank*), it
> apparently doesn't do that due to friction but bcs of the stepper motor
> slowing it down (same frequency but smaller spacing). The actual *clank*
> noise is not at all correlated with the head's movement. I will try and
> show you an example in ASCII (s=step, *=noise):
> head moves this way >
> *  *  *  ** * *  * * * 
> s s s s s s s s s s ss s s s s sss s s s s s s s s s s s
> (sorry it's not actual scale, there are of course many more s between
> the *... typical distance between consecutive * is about 1 sec.)

At low resolutions, the movement sometimes isn't very smooth because
the head must skip positions, but it should still be periodical, like:
  ss s ss s ss s ss s ss s ss

> Would you encourage me to open that scanner up and have a look? I'm
> quite comfortable with electronics... but mechanics?... ummm... still
> remember the last time I dismantled a VCR chassis :-/ Any special tips
> should obey?

If you still have access to a Windows 98 or 2000 machine, you could
first try to connect it to that one to see whether the problems
persist. If it disappears, it must be a driver problem.

Opening the scanner is not that risky. It's far less complicated
than a VCR, but if you're not comfortable with it, maybe you
shouldn't do it.



Tiscali ADSL: 3 maanden GRATIS! Snel Internet. En voor iedereen. 

[sane-devel] Medion MD9850: scan range & noise probs?

2003-10-30 Thread e...@tiscali.be
Wolfgang Fabics wrote:
> Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> > Maybe it's just backtracking? I.e. the scanner is too fast for the
> > parallel port. Does the scan head stop shortly when the noise occurs?
> > Or does it even move backe some milimeters?

That's quite impossible, unless there is a serious bug in the driver.
This type of scanner is pretty dumb and it doesn't move unless the driver
tells it to move (and the driver never tells it to track back).

Does it happen at all resolutions?

> Hmmm... hard to say, the steps are very small, ofc. It doesn't move
> back. I'd say that it... uh... hesitates in a way (maybe sometimes stops
> for a split-second) *after* 2 or 3 consecutive "clanks". I.e. the step
> rate remains the same but the steps get smaller for a while (you can hear
> that by the synchronous "uk-uk-uk-.." sound of the stepping motor). It
> definitely doesn't stop *at* a "clank", anyway.
> The result is that if it "clanks" at a certain line of scanned text, the
> image is vertically stretched a bit at that line.

This sounds like a physical problem. The fact that you get similar sounds
with the Windows driver seems to confirm this.
Those vertically stretched regions may be due to the scanner head jamming
bit every now and then and jumping ahead when the driving belt tension
increases. Maybe the glider bars need some grease?

> I tried all combos of EPP/ECP on the parport, with both EPP 1.7 and 1.9.
> No change. May I ask a silly question here? How can a 1998 scanner that
> was designed for a 1998 parallel port be too fast for a 2003 AthlonXP
> 1400's parallel port? Any other settings I should try? Sorry, but I'm
> really clueless on those scanner things, as you might have noticed
> already ;-)

If your PC were too slow (or too fast, which would be more likely), you
would probably see other artifacts due to synchronization problems (lines
having the wrong colors or containing garbage).



Tiscali ADSL: 3 maanden GRATIS! Snel Internet. En voor iedereen. 

[sane-devel] Medion MD9850: scan range & noise probs?

2003-10-29 Thread e...@tiscali.be
Wolfgang Fabics wrote:
> Just upgraded to 1.0.12, now my MD9850 finally works locally & over the
> net... nearly (congrats, guys!). Two issues remain:
> - The frontends are done with scanning a page when the scanner itself is
> only about halfway thru it (so I get a vertically strechted image of the
> upper half of the original). It's the same with scanimage and xsane
> (both thru gimp and kooka).

Are you sure that the MD9850 is a 600CP clone? 
AFAIK, it is a 1200CP clone. The problem you describe is exactly what
I would expect when you use the 600CP driver on a 1200CP.
Try setting the driver to "cis1200", but be careful.

> - When forcing monochrome prescan, the scanner starts making those
> clanking noises, about halfway down the page (not near the end of its
> mechanical scan range).

Halfway down the page? I would expect this when the scan head hits the 
bottom. Does it also happen with the cis1200 setting?


Tiscali ADSL: 3 maanden GRATIS! Snel Internet. En voor iedereen. 

update Re: [sane-devel] No devices found with mustek III ep plus

2003-04-11 Thread e...@tiscali.be
>From: Donald Quaid 
>To: e...@tiscali.be, sane-de...@www.mostang.com
>Subject: update Re: [sane-devel] No devices found with mustek III ep plus
>Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 17:21:54 -0500
>Ok it quit on us, here is the full output of the commanline:
>[root@mew sane.d]# SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK_PP=255 scanimage
>[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of mustek_pp to 255.
>[mustek_pp] sane-mustek_pp, version 0.12-alpha. build for SANE 1.0.11
>[mustek_pp] backend by Jochen Eisinger 
>[mustek_pp] ccd300_init: found scanner on port ``0x378''
>[mustek_pp] sane_attach: attaching device ``Mustek-III-EP+'' to port 0x378
> [...]

I'm not the writer of that specific backend, so I'm afraid only
Jochen can help you further with that.

You can still try to get some additional output as follows:

(I suppose you are not using a 2.2 kernel? The mustek_pp backend used
to have a problem with 2.2 kernels, but that should be solved now.)



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[sane-devel] No devices found with mustek III ep plus

2003-04-10 Thread e...@tiscali.be
>From: Donald Quaid 
>To: sane-de...@www.mostang.com
>Subject: [sane-devel] No devices found with mustek III ep plus
>Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 00:23:48 -0500
>[root@mew ntr]# SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK_PP=255 scanimage
>[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of mustek_pp to 255.
>[mustek_pp] sane-mustek_pp, version 0.12-alpha. build for SANE 1.0.11
>[mustek_pp] backend by Jochen Eisinger 
>[mustek_pp] sane_init: parse error in line 13: unexpected  ``option''
> [...]
>/etc/sane.d/dll.conf has 
>both Un commented.
>sorry if I forgot anything else, I have been
>smashing my keyboard in frustration over this.

The parse errors occur when parsing the mustek_pp.conf file
(probably also in /etc/sane.d, possibly in /usr/local/etc/sane.d).

The format of the configuration file has changed between 1.0.9 and
1.0.10, so maybe you are using an old format. (Or you have a 
mustek_pp.conf file at both locations, and sane is picking up 
the wrong one).

Your mustek_pp.conf file should only contain something
like this (assuming it's a CCD scanner, not a CIS).

scanner Mustek-III-EP+ 0x378 ccd300



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[sane-devel] Mustek 600 not detected

2003-02-18 Thread e...@tiscali.be
>From: Greg Trounson 
>To: sane-de...@www.mostang.com
>Subject: [sane-devel] Mustek 600 not detected
>Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 14:30:36 +1300
>I am trying to get my evil CIS scanner (Parallel port Mustek 600 CP)
>running under Linux.
>According to Eddy DeGreef's page
>"A new Mustek parallel port backend with the latest CIS driver has been
>included in the official SANE distribution as of version 1.0.10
>(February, 2003). There is no more need to patch the official
>distribution to get a CIS scanner to work. "
>I downloaded and compiled sane-backend 1.0.10, but was somewhat troubled
>to find this in the Changelog:
>"replaced the old mustek_pp backend with
>version 12-alpha. This version fully supports CIS scanners but
>removes support for 600dpi CCD scanners and the 300dpi CCD
>support isn't yet working."
>This seems to go against what was written at Eddy's site (it seems the
>'latest version' he is referring to is 1.0.10):

I don't think this is contradicting. The mustek_pp backend comes
in two flavours: CIS and CCD. At that point the CIS driver was 
included and CCD driver was added later by Jochen Eisinger, 
still before the 1.0.10 release.

>Nevertheless, I installed sane, and made the configuration changes
>outlined at http://www.jkelloggs.dk/en/linux/mustek_pp_cis.htm (sans
>patches, which I'm told are unnecessary as of sane-1.0.10).
>Now when I run scanimage -L, I get my LeadTek TV Tuner card as a v4L
>device, and that's it.  No scanner.  I comment out the 'v4l' line in
>/etc/sane.d/dll.conf, and get 'no scanners found'.

I assume that "mustek_pp" is not commented out.

>Am I doing something wrong, or has the 600 CIS series been totally
>disabled in version 1.0.10.  If so, what version of sane should I use
>that does support it?

It is fully functional as of sane-backends 1.0.10.
The most likely reason the scanner is not detected is that
you haven't configured the sane network daemon (see

Without that daemon, you can only scan a super-user (root).
Have you tried "scanimage -L" as root ?


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[sane-devel] wrong colors

2003-02-13 Thread e...@tiscali.be
On 2003.02.13 10:10 I wrote:
> It may be an xsane problem after all. I have seen exactly the same
> symptoms with xsane on a Mustek parallel port CIS scanner (for which
> I wrote the driver). For me it only happens with resolutions >600 DPI,
> and I always thought that it was a bug in the driver. 
> I can't say I have ever seen it with xscanimage, but I'll try to
> investigate a bit further.

My suspision was wrong. I've been able to reproduce it with 
xscanimage too, and the debug output of the mustek_pp cis 
driver confirms that the problem is in the driver.
