Dear all,

does no one have experience with this type of Backend and scanbd?


"" <info at> schrieb:
>Dear all,
>many thanks for the continues improvement and support of the sane 
>team members to also let scanners work under linux.
>This is my first post to this list, so please give me corrective 
>information on how to do it the proper way.
>After having read many articles on using the scanbd with standard 
>sane backends, i would like to raise this topic here.
>Actually i am not able to use the UMAX Backend with a UMAX ASTRA 
>2200 and scanbd. I have already been in contact with Wilhelm 
>concerning the scanbd daemon, but his analysis on the scanbd was 
>positive from my system config, but out of scope for the button read 
>out from the UMAX backend.
>The system is a Raspberry-Pi, actualized SW environment, added users 
>as I would like to have them on the five RPi-s in my home, added 
>sane plus UMAX backend and tested for local (and net) usage. All 
>fine so far.
>Now i added the scanbd with the required config, based on the git 
>available sane backends and tried to get any relevant info to let 
>scanbd handle the buttons.
>Yes, i know that the scanner is a decade (or more old) but still a 
>lot of them are in use and i would like to activate the document 
>scanning in a "women acceptable Faktor".
>The Raspberry-Pi is already running 24/7 due to his main jobs as 
>openhab server and cups server activities. Should i mention, that i 
>am not a SW developer?
>Please find here relevant information on the system config and 
>installed modules also as the test results i got:
>Date:    20131017
>Scanner Buttons / Raspberry Pi / UMAX ASTRA 2200SU via USB
>Raspbian 15.10.2013, Kernel: Linux raspi-3 3.6.11+ #538 PREEMPT Fri 
>Aug 30 20:42:08 BST 2013 armv6l GNU/Linux
>sane-backends: git repo:
>scanimage (sane-backends) 1.0.25git; backend version 1.0.22
>scanimage -L:
>ls -la /dev/bus/usb/001/
>crw-rw-r-T+ 1 root root 189, 5 Oct 17 12:28 006
>compiled mit: USE_SANE=YES
>directory /etc:
>-rw-r--r--   1 root root  468 Oct 16 20:37 dll.conf
>drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 4096 Oct 16 13:56 dll.d
>-rw-r--r--   1 root root  594 Oct 17 10:25 net.conf
>-rw-r--r--   1 root root 1073 Oct 17 10:25 saned.conf
>-rw-r--r--   1 root root 3094 Sep 27  2012 umax.conf
># /etc/sane.d/dll.conf - Configuration file for the SANE dynamic 
>backend loader
># saned.conf
># Configuration for the saned daemon
>connect_timeout = 5
>-rw-r--r--   1 root root   798 Oct 13 03:05 chargen
>-rw-r--r--   1 root root   660 Oct 13 03:05 daytime
>-rw-r--r--   1 root root   549 Oct 13 03:05 discard
>-rw-r--r--   1 root root   580 Oct 13 03:05 echo
>-rw-r--r--   1 ud   users  334 Oct 16 20:42 sane-port
>-rw-r--r--   1 root root   727 Oct 13 03:05 time
>service sane-port
>     disable         = no
>     socket_type     = stream
>     protocol        = tcp
>     port        = 6566
>     wait            = no
>     user            = saned
>     group           = scanner
>     server          = /usr/local/sbin/scanbd
>     server_args = scanbd -m -c /usr/local/etc/scanbd/scanbd.conf
>directory /usr/local/etc/scanbd:
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 1694 Oct 16 15:42 action.script
>-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   468 Oct 16 20:37 dll.conf
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 1112 Oct 16 15:42 example.script
>-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   594 Oct 16 21:21 net.conf
>-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1073 Oct 16 21:22 saned.conf
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 1202 Oct 16 15:42 scanadf.script
>-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 7687 Oct 16 21:31 scanbd.conf
>drwxr-sr-x 2 root staff 4096 Oct 16 20:29 scanner.d
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 1177 Oct 16 15:42 test.script
>-rw-r--r-- 1 ud   ud    3094 Oct 15 16:27 umax.conf
>standard file as in BE sources
>global {
>         debug   = true
>         debug-level = 4
>         user    = saned
>         group   = scanner
>         saned   = "/usr/sbin/saned"
>         saned_opt  = {} # string-list
>         saned_env  = { "SANE_CONFIG_DIR=/usr/local/etc/scanbd" } # 
>list of environment vars for saned
>         timeout = 2500
>         pidfile = "/var/run/"
>         # env-vars for the scripts
>         environment {
>                 # pass the device label as below in this env-var
>                 device = "SCANBD_DEVICE"
>                 # pass the action label as below in this env-var
>                 action = "SCANBD_ACTION"
>         }
>         # function definitions
>         # values of the options are simply passed via env-vars
>         function function_knob {
>                 filter = "^message.*"
>                 desc   = "The value of the function knob / wheel / 
>                 env    = "SCANBD_FUNCTION"
>         }
>         function function_mode {
>                 filter = "^mode.*"
>                 desc   = "Color mode"
>                 env    = "SCANBD_FUNCTION_MODE"
>         }
>         multiple_actions = true # allow multiple actions per option 
>(up to the total amount of options)
>         action scan {
>                 filter = "^scan.*"
>                 numerical-trigger {
>                         from-value = 1
>                         to-value   = 0
>                 }
>                 desc   = "Scan to file"
>                 script = "test.script"
>         }
>         action email {
>                 filter = "^email$"
>                 string-trigger {
>                         from-value  = ""
>                         to-value    = "^email.*"
>                 }
>                 desc   = "Scan to email"
>                 script = "test.script"
>         }
>         action copy {
>                 filter = "^copy$"
>                 string-trigger {
>                         from-value  = ""
>                         to-value    = "^copy.*"
>                 }
>                 desc   = "Copy to printer"
>                 script = "test.script"
>         }
>         action preview {
>                 filter = "^preview$"
>                 numerical-trigger {
>                         from-value = 1
>                         to-value   = 0
>                 }
>                 desc   = "Preview"
>                 script = "test.script"
>         }
>         action globaltest {
>                 filter = "^button0.*"
>                 desc   = "Test (print all env vars)"
>                 script = "test.script"
>         }
>device umax {
>         # the device matching string
>         filter = "(^umax.*)" # regex
>         # the device description
>         desc = "UMAX ASTRA 2200SU"
>         action scan {
>                 filter = "^button0.*"
>                 desc   = "Scan"
>                 # script must be an relative path starting from 
>scriptdir (see above),
>                 # or an absolute pathname.
>                 # It must contain the path to the action script 
>without arguments
>                 # Absolute path example: script = 
>                 script = "test.script"
>         }
>         action copy {
>                 filter = "^button1.*"
>                 desc   = "Copy"
>                 # script must be an relative path starting from 
>scriptdir (see above),
>                 # or an absolute pathname.
>                 # It must contain the path to the action script 
>without arguments
>                 # Absolute path example: script = 
>                 script = "test.script"
>         }
>         action mail {
>               filter = "^button2.*"
>               desc   = "Send to fax at"
>                 # script must be an relative path starting from 
>scriptdir (see above),
>                 # or an absolute pathname.
>                 # It must contain the path to the action script 
>without arguments
>                 # Absolute path example: script = 
>                 script = "test.script"
>         }
>start scanbd from console as ROOT:
>export SANE_CONFIG_DIR=/usr/local/etc/scanbd
>usr/local/sbin/scanbd -d7 -f -c /usr/local/etc/scanbd/scanbd.conf
>Logfile /var/log/messages (Auszug w?hrend scanbd l?uft):
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: foreground
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: config-file: 
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: reading 
>config file /usr/local/etc/scanbd/scanbd.conf
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: debug on: 
>level: 7
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: dropping 
>privs to uid saned
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: dropping 
>privs to gid scanner
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: group 
>scanner has member:
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: saned
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: ud
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: drop 
>privileges to gid: 113
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Running as 
>effective gid 113
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: drop 
>privileges to uid: 109
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Running as 
>effective uid 109
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: dbus_init
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: dbus match 
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: sane version
>Oct 17 12:28:03 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Scanning for 
>local-only devices
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found 
>device: umax:libusb:001:006 UMAX     Astra 2200       flatbed scanner
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Starting 
>poll thread for umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Thread 
>started for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: start dbus 
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: udev init
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: sane_poll
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: timeout: 2500
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: get udev
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found 68 
>options for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Iteration on 
>dbus call
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: udev fd is 
>non-blocking, now setting to blocking mode
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: start udev 
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found 5 
>actions in section (null)
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>action scan with filter: ^scan.*
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[2] mode (type: 3) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[3] source (type: 3) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[4] resolution (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: udev thread 
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[7] negative (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[9] tl-x (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[10] tl-y (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[11] br-x (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[12] br-y (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[14] depth (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[34] custom-gamma (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[35] gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[36] red-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[37] green-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[38] blue-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[60] lamp-on (type: 4) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[61] lamp-off (type: 4) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[62] lamp-off-at-exit (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[67] preview (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>action email with filter: ^email$
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[2] mode (type: 3) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[3] source (type: 3) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[4] resolution (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[7] negative (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[9] tl-x (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[10] tl-y (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[11] br-x (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[12] br-y (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[14] depth (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[34] custom-gamma (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[35] gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[36] red-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[37] green-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[38] blue-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[60] lamp-on (type: 4) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[61] lamp-off (type: 4) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[62] lamp-off-at-exit (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[67] preview (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>action copy with filter: ^copy$
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[2] mode (type: 3) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[3] source (type: 3) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[4] resolution (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[7] negative (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[9] tl-x (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[10] tl-y (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[11] br-x (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[12] br-y (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[14] depth (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[34] custom-gamma (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[35] gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[36] red-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[37] green-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[38] blue-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[60] lamp-on (type: 4) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[61] lamp-off (type: 4) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[62] lamp-off-at-exit (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[67] preview (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>action preview with filter: ^preview$
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[2] mode (type: 3) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[3] source (type: 3) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[4] resolution (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[7] negative (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[9] tl-x (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[10] tl-y (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[11] br-x (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[12] br-y (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[14] depth (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[34] custom-gamma (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[35] gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[36] red-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[37] green-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[38] blue-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[60] lamp-on (type: 4) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[61] lamp-off (type: 4) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[62] lamp-off-at-exit (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[67] preview (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: installing 
>action preview (0) for umax:libusb:001:006, option[67]: preview as: 
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: multiple 
>actions allowed
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Initial 
>value of option preview is 0
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>action globaltest with filter: ^button0.*
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[2] mode (type: 3) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[3] source (type: 3) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[4] resolution (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[7] negative (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[9] tl-x (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[10] tl-y (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[11] br-x (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[12] br-y (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[14] depth (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[34] custom-gamma (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[35] gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[36] red-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[37] green-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[38] blue-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[60] lamp-on (type: 4) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[61] lamp-off (type: 4) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[62] lamp-off-at-exit (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[67] preview (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found 2 
>functions in section (null)
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>function function_knob with filter: ^message.*
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[1] 
>has no name
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[2] mode (type: 3) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[3] source (type: 3) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[4] resolution (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[5] is 
>not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[6] is 
>not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[7] negative (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[8] 
>has no name
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[9] tl-x (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[10] tl-y (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[11] br-x (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[12] br-y (type: 2) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[13] 
>has no name
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[14] depth (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[15] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[16] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[17] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[18] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[19] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[20] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[21] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[22] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[23] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[24] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[25] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[26] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[27] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[28] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[29] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[30] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[31] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[32] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[33] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[34] custom-gamma (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[35] gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[36] red-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[37] green-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[38] blue-gamma-table (type: 1) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[39] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[40] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[41] 
>has no name
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[42] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[43] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[44] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[45] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[46] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[47] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[48] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[49] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[50] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[51] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[52] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[53] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[54] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[55] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[56] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[57] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[58] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[59] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[60] lamp-on (type: 4) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[61] lamp-off (type: 4) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: found active 
>option[62] lamp-off-at-exit (type: 0) for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[63] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[64] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: option[65] 
>is not active
>Oct 17 12:28:06 raspi-3 rsyslogd-2177: imuxsock begins to drop 
>messages from pid 3039 due to rate-limiting
>Oct 17 12:28:09 raspi-3 rsyslogd-2177: imuxsock lost 142 messages 
>from pid 3039 due to rate-limiting
>Oct 17 12:28:09 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>thread for umax:libusb:001:006 cancellation point
>Oct 17 12:28:09 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:09 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:09 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>option preview number 67 (0) for device umax:libusb:001:006: value: 0
>Oct 17 12:28:11 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>thread for umax:libusb:001:006 cancellation point
>Oct 17 12:28:11 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:11 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:11 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>option preview number 67 (0) for device umax:libusb:001:006: value: 0
>Oct 17 12:28:13 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Iteration on 
>dbus call
>Oct 17 12:28:14 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>thread for umax:libusb:001:006 cancellation point
>Oct 17 12:28:14 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:14 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:14 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>option preview number 67 (0) for device umax:libusb:001:006: value: 0
>Oct 17 12:28:16 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>thread for umax:libusb:001:006 cancellation point
>Oct 17 12:28:16 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:16 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:16 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>option preview number 67 (0) for device umax:libusb:001:006: value: 0
>Oct 17 12:28:18 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Iteration on 
>dbus call
>Oct 17 12:28:19 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>thread for umax:libusb:001:006 cancellation point
>Oct 17 12:28:19 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:19 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:19 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>option preview number 67 (0) for device umax:libusb:001:006: value: 0
>Oct 17 12:28:21 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>thread for umax:libusb:001:006 cancellation point
>Oct 17 12:28:21 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:21 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:21 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>option preview number 67 (0) for device umax:libusb:001:006: value: 0
>Oct 17 12:28:23 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Iteration on 
>dbus call
>Oct 17 12:28:24 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>thread for umax:libusb:001:006 cancellation point
>Oct 17 12:28:24 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:24 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:24 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>option preview number 67 (0) for device umax:libusb:001:006: value: 0
>Oct 17 12:28:26 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>thread for umax:libusb:001:006 cancellation point
>Oct 17 12:28:26 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:26 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:26 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>option preview number 67 (0) for device umax:libusb:001:006: value: 0
>Oct 17 12:28:28 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Iteration on 
>dbus call
>Oct 17 12:28:29 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>thread for umax:libusb:001:006 cancellation point
>Oct 17 12:28:29 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:29 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:29 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>option preview number 67 (0) for device umax:libusb:001:006: value: 0
>Oct 17 12:28:31 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>thread for umax:libusb:001:006 cancellation point
>Oct 17 12:28:31 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: polling 
>device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:31 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:31 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: checking 
>option preview number 67 (0) for device umax:libusb:001:006: value: 0
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>sig_term/int_handler called with signal 2
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: stopping 
>poll thread for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: waiting for 
>poll thread for device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: 
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: closing 
>device umax:libusb:001:006
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: freeing opt 
>ressources for device umax:libusb:001:006 thread
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: freeing 
>funtion ressources for device umax:libusb:001:006 thread
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: stop dbus
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: join dbus
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: stop udev
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: cleanup 
>device handler
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: join udev
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: close udev 
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: close udev
>Oct 17 12:28:32 raspi-3 scanbd: /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: exiting scanbd
>Suggestions are welcome to solve this topic.
>Best regards
>sane-devel mailing list: sane-devel at
>Unsubscribe: Send mail with subject "unsubscribe your_password"
>             to sane-devel-request at

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