[sane-devel] [XSane] XSane 0.90 problem

2003-04-28 Thread leolarrel
I final scan , viewer window is show.When I would to
close viewer window(click window theme 'X' button) ,
check dialog is show.

Now,a problem is happend.When I click 'X' button ,
check dialog is show, but now I can click 'X' button
again! So,now have '2' check dialog.If I click 'close
window' button of first check window, viewer window is
close normal,then,click 'close window' button of
second check window,XSane is core dump.

Can We do when check dialog is show,then I click 'X'
button of viewer window title, viewer window will not
show second check dialog??? some people maybe mouse is
old or suck(Yes~ I am!) , maybe he click 'X' button
once,but program receive twice.

Thank you a lot.

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[sane-devel] [XSane] some GUI idea.

2003-04-16 Thread leolarrel
> It's free software :-)

YA~ It is Free.
beacuse of Xsane leader is Oliver, so I must ask what
I can help.
> Bye,
>   Henning
> ___
> Sane-devel mailing list
> sane-de...@www.mostang.com
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[sane-devel] [XSane] some GUI idea.

2003-04-16 Thread leolarrel
> Hi,
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 06:00:46PM +0200, Oliver
> Rauch wrote:
> > You can use  p for preview scan and
> >   for final scan.

  YA! It is great solution!
  can do the preview window dock in main window ?
  look like Epson TAWIN interface ?

  I can develop GTK+ program ,but I can not develop
function about 'Image process' can I help some thing ?

> By the way: is this documented somewhere? I
> remembered the ALP-P but
> didn't find out quick how to do the scan with a key
> press.
> > XSane calculates the size of the window so that it
> does
> > not exceeds the size of the screen (- size of the
> task bar).
> > When this does not work correct then the window
> manager
> > that you use reports incorrect values.
> Works for me (enlightenment). Maybe it would make
> sense to add an
> option to limit the window size to a smaller part of
> the screen (e.g.
> in percent of the width or height of the screen).
> Bye,
>   Henning

   My OS is MDK 9.1, Gnome 2.2, XSane 0.90

   Thank you a lot.
> ___
> Sane-devel mailing list
> sane-de...@www.mostang.com
> http://www.mostang.com/mailman/listinfo/sane-devel 

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[sane-devel] [XSane] some GUI idea.

2003-04-15 Thread leolarrel
Now I ever scan 135 film by XSane.I feel little

Scan 135mm film alway need to prescan to get preview.I
think pre scan is ever be uesd.But,preview window and
man window is not same.I must move mouse point between
preview window and man window to prescan or final scan
in working.some time I change differance slide
film,ten I should prescan ,but I ever to click scan
button of main window subconscious.I look epson TAWIN
interface,preview area is right on the main window.
prescan button is close on final scan button.Can we
copy TAWIN interface about this issue?

2.viewer window of final scan.
do final scan , image is show in viewer window.Now
version,viewer window is not smart.When I scan a film
by big dpi,image width and hight become big,viewer
window is too.viewer window widthly or hightly then my
moniter,I can not see status bar of viewer ,so I zoom
out image.when I choose zoom out, iamge become small,
but viewer still bigly,I still can not see status
bar,I only can adjuest viewer window manually.
It is so incommodious.It is great if viewer can auto
adjuest window width;hight when image zoom out.

Thank you.

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