[Savannah-hackers] Re: submission of Snort Intrusion Detection System - savannah.nongnu.org

2003-03-28 Thread Loic Dachary
Mathieu Roy writes:
 > Personally, I think that Savannah is development platform and
 > shouldn't be considered as a cheap mirror. 
 > Loic, Jaime, do you agree or, a contrario, think that the Savannah
 > mission should include mirroring?

Since this request is rare, I would say yes, as long as the
mirrored data fits the Savannah requirements. It might be a problem if
people start to massively use Savannah as a remote disk space only.


 Sauvez le droit d'auteur
Loic   Dachary   http://eucd.info/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Tel : 33 1 42 76 05 49

Savannah-hackers mailing list

[Savannah-hackers] Re: submission of RFID - savannah.nongnu.org

2003-04-03 Thread Loic Dachary


I accepted the project I submitted. People can find the 
matching distribution at http://www.lri.fr/~dachary/rfid/.

I'm also willing to take my shift in the moderation process


 > A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
 > This mail was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > Loic Dachary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
 > License: gpl
 > Other License: 
 > Package: RFID
 > System name: rfid
 > Type: non-GNU
 > Description:
 > The rfid library is a set of C functions to dialog with RFID devices.
 > RFID transponders are typically found in books. This is the small flat
 > thing the cashier clears or removes and that will ring bells if you
 > walk thru the doors without paying the bill. The doors are equiped
 > with RFID readers whose antenna will read RFID transponders.  The rfid
 > library is designed and tested to work with the Series 6000- HF-I RFID
 > Evaluation Kit.
 > Other Software Required:
 > POSIX Operating system
 > Other Comments:
 > * In case you have to register your project again *
 > Please be aware that if your registration does not fulfill all therequirements, the 
 > Savannah administrators may ask you to register your project again.
 > You can use the following url to do a new registration starting
 > with the values used in this registration process.
 > Copy and paste AS ONE SINGLE URL the following content :
 > RERegistration-URL-BEGIN-
 > http://savannah.nongnu.org/register/basicinfo.php?re_purpose=The rfid library is a 
 > set of C functions to dialog with RFID devices.
 > RFID transponders are typically found in books. This is the small flat
 > thing the cashier clears or removes and that will ring bells if you
 > walk thru the doors without paying the bill. The doors are equiped
 > with RFID readers whose antenna will read RFID transponders.  The rfid
 > library is designed and tested to work with the Series 6000- HF-I RFID
 > Evaluation Kit.
 > &re_require_sw=POSIX Operating 
 > system&re_comments=&re_full_name=RFID&re_unix_name=rfid
 > RERegistration-URL-END---

 Sauvez le droit d'auteur
Loic   Dachary   http://eucd.info/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Tel : 33 1 42 76 05 49

Savannah-hackers mailing list

[Savannah-hackers] Re: submission of RFID - savannah.nongnu.org

2003-04-03 Thread Loic Dachary
Mathieu Roy writes:
 > Ok, so you'll take the next week I guess?
 > (next loic, then jaime, then me)


 Sauvez le droit d'auteur
Loic   Dachary   http://eucd.info/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Tel : 33 1 42 76 05 49

Savannah-hackers mailing list

[Savannah-hackers] Re: subversions break down

2003-06-09 Thread Loic Dachary
Paul Fisher writes:
 > savannah died on Saturday morning and Monday morning.  Nothing of
 > interest was on the serial console.  Has anything been changed
 > recently on savannah?

Not that I know. 

Loic   Dachary http://www.dachary.org/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12 bd  Magenta http://www.eucd.info/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
75010Paris T: 33 1 42 45 07 97  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG Public Key: http://www.dachary.org/loic/gpg.txt

Savannah-hackers mailing list

[Savannah-hackers] subversions lossage

2003-06-13 Thread Loic Dachary


I'm going to switch from the ramfs file system (too small
because too many simultaneous cvs pserver) to a dedicated ext2
partition. I bet on the fact that the problem we experienced when
using /tmp was linked to the specific behaviour of ext3 file systems.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Loic   Dachary http://www.dachary.org/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12 bd  Magenta http://www.eucd.info/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
75010Paris T: 33 1 42 45 07 97  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG Public Key: http://www.dachary.org/loic/gpg.txt

Savannah-hackers mailing list

[Savannah-hackers] Re: subversions lossage

2003-06-13 Thread Loic Dachary


After a few minutes only, the ext2 partition shows:

/dev/hda3  2071416551212   1414980  29% /tmpcvs

which suggests that the ram file system is no longer big
enough to hold the temporary data necessary to run pserver. The disk
I/O did not become histerical and the load average remained stable
(although high : ~6). However, after looking into the temporary
directories, it shows that some people are using something like:

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot co .

and this checks out *all* Savannah CVS trees (except private
ones). That "hole" was not too much of a problem until now and was
kept for backward compatibility purposes. At this point in time, I
guess it's not unreasonable to remove this possibily.

I moved /cvsroot/CVSROOT to /cvsroot/.CVSROOT-moved-by-loic-2003-06-13

If, after all, /tmpcvs is populated with less than 100MB in average,
we could switch back to using /mnt/ramfs. However, if it turns out that
using an ext2 partition solves the disk overload problem we had with ext3
partitions, I suggest we keep it that way. We could use some mount options
to further enhance the performances of the /tmpcvs partition, such as
-o async. But I'm not an expert on this matter an I guess rao knows better.


Loic Dachary writes:
 >  Hi,
 >  I'm going to switch from the ramfs file system (too small
 > because too many simultaneous cvs pserver) to a dedicated ext2
 > partition. I bet on the fact that the problem we experienced when
 > using /tmp was linked to the specific behaviour of ext3 file systems.
 >      I'll let you know how it goes.
 > -- 
 > Loic   Dachary http://www.dachary.org/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > 12 bd  Magenta http://www.eucd.info/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > 75010Paris T: 33 1 42 45 07 97  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > GPG Public Key: http://www.dachary.org/loic/gpg.txt

Savannah-hackers mailing list

[Savannah-hackers] Re: subversions lossage

2003-06-13 Thread Loic Dachary
Mathieu Roy writes:
 > Journals are actually not useful in this case. 

By default ext3 write the journal every 5 sec and I reckon
this was the reason why writing lots of temporary data in /tmp was
generating a high I/O traffic.

 > But can't it be also
 > related to the nature of the hardware? One more time I'll talk about
 > SCSI ;), IDE is known to use lot of CPU when you access a lot to a
 > disk...

I think SCSI would only better cope with the high I/O traffic.
However, lots of I/O in this case is not normal nor necessary. 

Loic   Dachary http://www.dachary.org/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12 bd  Magenta http://www.eucd.info/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
75010Paris T: 33 1 42 45 07 97  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG Public Key: http://www.dachary.org/loic/gpg.txt

Savannah-hackers mailing list

[Savannah-hackers] Re: subversions lossage

2003-06-13 Thread Loic Dachary
Loic Dachary writes:
 >  Hi,
 >  After a few minutes only, the ext2 partition shows:
 > /dev/hda3  2071416551212   1414980  29% /tmpcvs

It turns out that checkout out all /cvsroot creates ~500MB
of temporary files and a very deep tree. It took about 5 minutes to
delete the guilty temporary tree. 

At present the load average is back to an acceptable value
(~3) and stable. The I/O on the temporary file system (/tmpcvs) are
normal although there are more than 10 simultaneous cvs
pserver. iostat says:

Device:rrqm/s wrqm/s   r/s   w/s  rsec/s  wsec/srkB/swkB/s avgrq-sz 
avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util
/dev/hda 0.00  14.20 130.80  4.80 1046.40  152.00   523.2076.00 8.84 
8587216.77   89.82  73.75 100.00
/dev/hda 0.00  15.60 108.20  7.40  865.60  184.00   432.8092.00 9.08 
8587218.15  117.30  86.51 100.00
/dev/hda 0.00  32.00 85.80 11.80  686.40  352.00   343.20   176.0010.64 
8587220.75  165.57 102.46 100.00
/dev/hda 0.00  63.40 157.40 11.20 1259.20  598.40   629.60   299.2011.02 
8587224.37  117.32  59.31 100.00
/dev/hda 0.00  23.60 150.60  7.20 1204.80  246.40   602.40   123.20 9.20 
8587216.73   76.93  63.37 100.00
/dev/hda 0.00   4.60 72.00  6.20  576.00   86.40   288.0043.20 8.47 
8587216.35  144.76 127.88 100.00
/dev/hda 0.00   8.40 88.60  6.80  708.80  123.20   354.4061.60 8.72 
8587196.53  131.66 104.82 100.00
/dev/hda 0.00   3.00 208.80  8.60 1670.40   94.40   835.2047.20 8.12 
8587196.25   53.73  46.00 100.00
/dev/hda 0.00   2.60 211.60  9.00 1691.20   92.80   845.6046.40 8.09 
8587200.05   70.17  45.33 100.00

I suggest we keep the current setup and see what happens.

Loic   Dachary http://www.dachary.org/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12 bd  Magenta http://www.eucd.info/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
75010Paris T: 33 1 42 45 07 97  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG Public Key: http://www.dachary.org/loic/gpg.txt

Savannah-hackers mailing list

[Savannah-hackers] Stale CVS locks

2003-06-14 Thread Loic Dachary


There were two stale cvs locks (most certainly because of the
crash/hang problems), one for gnue and one for gcc. I removed them.


Loic   Dachary http://www.dachary.org/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12 bd  Magenta http://www.eucd.info/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
75010Paris T: 33 1 42 45 07 97  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG Public Key: http://www.dachary.org/loic/gpg.txt

Savannah-hackers mailing list