[Savannah-register-public] [task #14297] Submission of Noob-a-Tron-The-Game

2017-01-02 Thread Jeff Mitchell

 Summary: Submission of Noob-a-Tron-The-Game
 Project: Savannah Administration
Submitted by: jeffnz
Submitted on: Tue 03 Jan 2017 04:38:31 AM GMT
 Should Start On: Tue 03 Jan 2017 12:00:00 AM GMT
   Should be Finished on: Fri 13 Jan 2017 12:00:00 AM GMT
Category: Project Approval
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
Percent Complete: 0%
 Assigned to: None
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
  Effort: 0.00



A new project has been registered at Savannah 
This project account will remain inactive until a site admin approves or
discards the registration.

= Registration Administration =

While this item will be useful to track the registration process, *approving
or discarding the registration must be done using the specific Group
accessible only to site administrators, effectively *logged as site
administrators* (superuser):

* Group Administration

= Registration Details =

* Name: *Noob-a-Tron-The-Game*
* System Name:  *noob-a-tron*
* Type: non-GNU software and documentation
* License: GNU General Public License v2 or later (100% free software, the
graphics are my own work (the graphics origin is also stated in the tar

Noob-a-Tron is a proof of concept program which will eventually become a
full-featured 2d game. Noob-a-Tron exclusively uses c++, it also uses SDL2
(the only required library, see libsdl.org). The current purpose of this
project is to help beginners understand c++ games programming in Linux. c++ is
not as scary as it's often claimed! The advantage of my project is that it's
fresh; whereas many Linux game projects are 10 or 15 years old. Noob-a-Tron is
a 2016/2017 project which uses c++11 features like "ranged for-loops". The
graphics are primitive but they are original (my own content). To compile
Noob-a-Tron you must use the -std=c++11 parameter and don't forget to link
SDL2! Noob-a-Tron uses the K code style and anyone can ask questions by
emailing me. I have measured the CPU efficiency of this code and it will not
eat 50% of your CPU while idle (though previous versions did hahaha). This
project was restarted about a dozen times throughout 2016 so it's pretty clean

 Other Software Required: 
Name: libsdl A.K.A SDL2
License: SDL 2.0 is licensed as zlib
SDL 2.0 website: http://libsdl.org/
License website: http://www.gzip.org/zlib/zlib_license.html

 Other Comments: 
As of January 2017 I am hosting this project on my server in Auckland (New

 Tarball URL: 


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14296] Submission of P3 - Weather report explorer

2017-01-02 Thread Bergen A van

 Summary: Submission of P3 - Weather report explorer
 Project: Savannah Administration
Submitted by: avb
Submitted on: Mon 02 Jan 2017 09:29:59 AM GMT
 Should Start On: Mon 02 Jan 2017 12:00:00 AM GMT
   Should be Finished on: Thu 12 Jan 2017 12:00:00 AM GMT
Category: Project Approval
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
Percent Complete: 0%
 Assigned to: None
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
  Effort: 0.00



A new project has been registered at Savannah 
This project account will remain inactive until a site admin approves or
discards the registration.

= Registration Administration =

While this item will be useful to track the registration process, *approving
or discarding the registration must be done using the specific Group
accessible only to site administrators, effectively *logged as site
administrators* (superuser):

* Group Administration

= Registration Details =

* Name: *P3 - Weather report explorer*
* System Name:  *p3wre*
* Type: non-GNU software and documentation
* License: GNU General Public License v3 or later

Construction of data processing software using the programming language Free

This project incorporates:

 1. Sequential file
 2. External file sort (balanced 2-way merge sort)
 3. Serial-access file update

 Tarball URL: 


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