[Savannah-register-public] [task #11188] Submission of screenwriter.el

2011-07-19 Thread klaatu
Additional Item Attachment, task #11188 (project administration):

File name: screenwriter.tar.xzSize:99 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #11188] Submission of screenwriter.el

2011-07-19 Thread klaatu
Additional Item Attachment, task #11188 (project administration):

File name: screenwriter.tar.xzSize:108 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #9328] Submission of Video Blender NLE

2010-01-31 Thread klaatu

Follow-up Comment #6, task #9328 (project administration):

sorry, i didn't realize this issue was still outstanding.  As the coder I'd
hired to work on this has disappeared, this project is at a stand-still. 
Close the issue, and I'll re-apply later  when and if appropriate.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #9328] Submission of Video Blender NLE

2009-04-23 Thread klaatu

Follow-up Comment #4, task #9328 (project administration):

I agree with you on all points.  Good documentation is vital, and thanks for
the idea of directing my current efforts to documenting the functions needed
by existing software.  Great idea.

GNU Free Doc license -- yes, I would release nothing in anything less than a
GPL license.

As for using GNU/Linux rather than Linux -- I stand corrected.  Thanks.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #9328] Submission of Video Blender NLE

2009-04-22 Thread klaatu

Follow-up Comment #2, task #9328 (project administration):

good question.  i understand that there are multiple ways to edit video in
linux already, but there are several reasons that they are not sufficient
answers to the issue of editing video.  Applications from emacs to ffmpeg can
even edit video, but then again, I could edit video with CinePaint + mencoder,
too; this doesn't mean they are realistically going to replace full featured
applications like Final Cut Pro and Smoke.

1. Blender is far more than just a 3d modeling app; it is also a compositing
app, which in modern filmmaking is an essential tool for a video editor to
have.  The need for digital mattes and other digital enhancement is part of
why computer-based filmmaking is so affordable, so a video editor claiming to
be a professional solution without the ability to do compositing is simply
not an option for many editors.

2. Blender also has also performed with unmatched stability for myself and
many video professionals I know.  When one is jockeying about video clips and
sound clips and effects, one needs serious stability.

3. Blender has unmatched speed compared to the other video editors I have
used on Linux, as well.

4. Blender also features a flexible and customizable UI; I do not mean from a
programming aspect, but from a user's perspective.  A video editor needs to
change screen layouts with amazing frequency, which is why, for instane, Final
Cut and Smoke have keyboard shortcuts just to change which screen pre-set you
are using.  Blender makes this just as easy.

5. Video Effects in Blender are plentiful and well integrated.

6, Blender already features a powerful text tool, far surpassing what i've
seen in other linux editors.

7. Blender is also progressing at an amazing speed, IMHO, toward being a
video powerhouse.  Its advances in compositing and interface improvements are
such that it will easily surpass proprietary software in many ways, and equal
them in others.  To make it a true free alternative, a robust video editor is

Those are my thoughts on the subject, anyway.  Most just based on my
experience with other linux video editors; mileage for other video people.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #9328] Submission of Video Blender NLE

2009-04-16 Thread klaatu


 Summary: Submission of Video Blender NLE
 Project: Savannah Administration
Submitted by: notklaatu
Submitted on: Thu 16 Apr 2009 01:24:36 PM GMT
 Should Start On: Thu 16 Apr 2009 12:00:00 AM GMT
   Should be Finished on: Sun 26 Apr 2009 12:00:00 AM GMT
Category: Project Approval
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
Percent Complete: 0%
 Assigned to: None
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
  Effort: 0.00



A new project has been registered at Savannah 
This project account will remain inactive until a site admin approves or
discards the registration.

= Registration Administration =

While this item will be useful to track the registration process, *approving
or discarding the registration must be done using the specific Group
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* Group Administration

= Registration Details =

* Name: *Video Blender NLE*
* System Name:  *videoblendernle*
* Type: non-GNU software  documentation
* License: GNU General Public License v2 or later (I would prefer GPLv3 for
all code written for this project, but should that need to be altered in order
to be compatible with Blender's license(s), then adjustments will be made.)

A modification set to Blender and the Blender UI to bring richer video
editing features to the program, possibly resulting in either a more robust
NLE environment within Blender, or a fork of Blender.  The endgame is to have
a killer app for video editing to rival proprietary competitors such as
Final Cut Pro, Avid, and AutoDesk Smoke.

My initial mock-ups of the interface and functionality:

 Other Comments: 
currently this project is in its infancy. no code has been produced, although
I (the designer) am working with coders and should have code.eventually. 
But in the meantime, any help is welcome!

 Tarball URL: 


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