Re: [SC-L] informIT: Modern Malware

2011-03-23 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 8:41 AM, Gary McGraw wrote:
 hi sc-l,

 The tie between malware (think zeus and stuxnet) and broken software of the 
 sort we work hard on fixing is difficult for some parts of the market to 
 fathom.  I think it's simple: software riddled with bugs and flaws leads 
 directly to the malware problem.   No, you don't use static analysis to find 
 malware as the ATT guys sometimes think…you use it to find the kinds of 
 bugs that malware exploits to get a toehold on target servers.  One level 
 removed, but a clear causal effect.


Interestingly, your article only covers malware that gets installed by
exploiting a technical vulnerability, not malware that gets installed
by exploiting a human vulnerability (social engineering).  I've been
looking around and haven't found much data on infection rates,
percentages, success rates, etc. but voluntarily installed malware
is a significant and growing concern, and it requires an entirely
different approach than that required for malware that exploits a
technical vuln.


- Andy

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Re: [SC-L] informIT: Modern Malware

2011-03-23 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 8:14 AM, Gary McGraw wrote:

 I agree that clueless users who click on whatever pops up lead to many
 infections even when software is is reasonable shape, but I don't see that
 as a reason not to build better software.  Presumably, you guys at paypal
 agree.  Right?

First, I tend to use my personal email here rather than work one, so
don't assume I speak for them ever, and especially not when I use my
own email :)

Second, I totally agree on making endpoints more resilient against
malware, increasing software security, etc.  I've noticed however that
we (many of us, especially those with a user-rights bent) end up with
two competing goals in this space:

1. Make endpoints resilient against malware
2. Allow users to have complete control of their own computer, aka, no
walled gardens.

These two competing desires make defeating malware especially
problematic.  Lots of malware exploits technical flaws, and increasing
our software security practices will help defeat these.  As these
defenses get better, malware moves towards social engineering, and
we're ill-equipped to defend against these as there are more and more
software distribution channels, and policing gets harder.  Hence the
traditional AV-signature based approaches, which are only
semi-effective, especially when the Rogue-AV software even has a
human-staffed helpdesk to help you remove your actual AV and replace
it with theirs.

All the systems we've come up with so far to defeat this involve
walled gardens, heuristics looking for bad behavior, etc. and they are
all sort of a band aid.

Your article started out saying - At the same time, software
complexity, including the notion of extensibility designed into
virtual machines like the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), leads to serious
and widespread software vulnerability that lies at the root of the
malware problem..

It is this statement that I'm wary of, as it doesn't take into account
the non-vulnerability aspects of the problem.  If we ignore those and
only focus on drive-by malware, we're quickly going to find that the
attackers have shifted their focus, and our purely technical controls
are ineffective.

Neil makes a good point on this thread about how Dasient, and other
providers, can help, and there are also some client-side techniques
that are useful.  So is Apple's curated app-store.  It isn't perfect,
but the curated model along with swift revocation is a fairly
effective defense against mass-infection, but not targeted infection.

No real conclusions here I suppose, but I thought it useful to
highlight some of the inherent tensions.

- Andy

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Re: [SC-L] Checklist Manifesto applicability to software security

2010-01-07 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 7:11 AM, Jeremy Epstein wrote:

 So as I was listening, I was thinking that many of the same things
 could be said about software developers and problems with software
 security - every piece of software is unique, any non-trivial piece of
 software is amazingly complex, developers tend to consider themselves
 as artists creating unique works, etc.

 Has anyone looked into the parallelisms before?  If so, I'd be
 interested in chatting (probably offlist) about your thoughts.

I've had exceptionally good luck/results from checklists during the
development process, though nothing I could scientifically quantify.

That said, I wonder whether any of the academics on the list would be
willing to actually do a study.  Do some actual trials on defect rates
in things like student assignments when they have some students go
through a checklist to examine their code, and others not.  Might be
interesting to see exactly what types of checklist items really result
in a reduction in bugs...

Andy Steingruebl

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Re: [SC-L] Genotypes and Phenotypes

2009-10-18 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Gunnar Peterson wrote:
 Its been awhile since there was a bugs vs flaws debate, so here is a snippet
 from Jaron Lanier
 A: No, no, they're not. What's the difference between a bug and a variation
 or an imperfection? If you think about it, if you make a small change to a
 program, it can result in an enormous change in what the program does. If
 nature worked that way, the universe would crash all the time. Certainly
 there wouldn't be any evolution or life. There's something about the way
 complexity builds up in nature so that if you have a small change, it
 results in sufficiently small results; it's possible to have incremental
 evolution. Right now, we have a little bit -- not total -- but a little bit
 of linearity in the connection between genotype and phenotype, if you want
 to speak in those terms. But in software, there's a chaotic relationship
 between the source code (the genotype) and the observed effects of
 programs -- what you might call the phenotype of a program.

Is this really true though?  A small change in libc doesn't change the
whole look and feel of a word processing program.  It looks exactly
the same, but maybe behaves very slightly differently over a small
range of inputs, etc.

And, while not being an expert in biology, I'm quite certain that
there are very minor mutations in certain key places that result in
complete system failure or almost entirely fatal diseases, conditions,

Is the complexity and expression of it really the key piece here?  Or
is it general resilience against failure, complexity spread out so
that the common enemies (transcription errors in one place) aren't
fatal.  The system is designed against different threat models.

Andy Steingruebl
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Re: [SC-L] Where Does Secure Coding Belong In the Curriculum?

2009-08-25 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 4:09 AM, Stephan wrote:

 On Aug 25, 2009, at 02:35, Benjamin Tomhave wrote:

 First, security in the software development concept is at least an
 intermediate concept, if not advanced.

 Not at all. That would be like saying that correctness is also an advanced
 concept, because it gets in the way of coding. Security is about exploiting
 assumptions (often hidden) that we make when we write and deploy software. I
 see no reason why teaching to think about assumptions should be deferred.
 You teach math students how to do proofs right from the beginning for
 essentially the same reasons :-)

Sarcasmreally?  First graders are learning to do math proofs instead
of basic addition?  I'm quite surprised by this./Sarcasm

We're missing I think the point I raised earlier.  Not everyone learns
to program in high school or college.  And, even learning the basics
of what an algorithm are is tricky, much less learning defensive
programming, etc.

So, yes, it is an advanced concept for the majority of beginning programmers.

Andy Steingruebl
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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Re: [SC-L] Where Does Secure Coding Belong In the Curriculum?

2009-08-21 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Neil wrote:
 Inspired by the What is the size of this list? discussion, I decided I
 won't be a lurker :)

 A question prompted by
 and the OWASP podcast mentions

 So where does secure coding belong in the curriculum?

 Higher Ed?  High School?

 Undergrad? Grad? Extension?

Does it help at all to consider how and where most people actually
learn to program/develop?  I don't have percentages handy of how many
people with a job title or informal role as programmer or
developer actually took any formal education in this.  If we're just
trying to reach the group of developers that went through formal
training then we've seen some pretty good answers here in this thread
already. If we want to cover others though, we need to look elsewhere.

Let's look at another few fields where safety is important and yet the
work is often done by both professionals and amateurs - Plumbing
and/or Electrical Work.  My own view is that much software development
is actually a lot closer to the work of the amateur electrician than
the professional electrician.   That is, unlike fields like engineer,
architect, lawyer, accountant, we don't rely on professional
standards, degrees, certifications, etc. for most programmers.  I'm
leaving aside for a moment whether we can or should, and just pointing
out that it is the case.

In the case of the amateur electrician you'll find a wide variety in
their knowledge of safety concerns, adherence to code, etc.  They
probably know enough to not electrocute themselves while they are
working (though not always) but don't necessarily know enough to put
in wiring that won't burn their house down in a few years.

I think our real question isn't just how to reach the professional
programmer trained via formal training programs, but also how to reach
the amateur programmer trained via books, trial+error, etc.

In these cases the best bet is to make sure that the general training
manuals, how-to guides, etc. have a lot of safety/security information
included in them.  That the books people use to learn actually show
them safe examples, etc.  Obviously there are variations of code
requirements per location and such, but basic safety rules will
probably be mostly universal.

- Andy

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Re: [SC-L] BSIMM: Confessions of a Software SecurityAlchemist(informIT)

2009-03-25 Thread Andy Steingruebl
Ok, so your point then is that a desire for type-safety influenced the
hardware architecture of these machines.  Fair enough, though I don't know
enough of the history of these machines to know how accurate it is.  But how
can I doubt you Gary? :)

I was mainly reflecting in my comments though that the programming language
and the hardware architecture are coupled in terms of the resulting security
model.  Or they can be anyway.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Gary McGraw wrote:

 Hi Andy,

 The code/data mix is certainly a problem.  Also a problem is the way stacks
 grow on many particular machines, especially with common C/C++ compilers.
  You noted a Burroughs where things were done better.  There are many
 others.  C is usually just a sloppy mess by default.

 Language choice can sometimes make up for bad machine architecture, but
 ultimately at some level of computational abstraction they come to be the
 same thing.  You may recall that I am a scheme guy.  TI made a scheme
 machine that never caught on some years back (around the same time as the
 LISP emacs only even more bindings at least on the Symbolics  Those machines had a
 fundamentally different architecture at the processor level.

 In any case, type safety is at the root of these decisions and makes a HUGE
 difference.  Go back and read your lambda calculus, think about closure,
 symbolic representation, continuations, and first class objects and I think
 you'll see what I mean.

 (supposedly still on vacation, but it is a rainy day)

 On 3/24/09 2:50 PM, Andy Steingruebl wrote:

 On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 7:22 AM, Gary McGraw wrote:
 hi guys,

 I think there is a bit of confusion here WRT root problems.  In C, the
 main problem is not simply strings and string representation, but rather
 that the sea of bits can be recast to represent most anything.  The
 technical term for the problem is the problem of type safety.  C is not type

 Really?  It isn't that the standard von Neumann architecture doesn't
 differentiate between data and code?  We've gone over this ground before
 with stack-machines like the Burroughs B5500 series which were not
 susceptible to buffer overflows that changed control flow because code and
 data were truly distinct chunks of memory.

 Sure its a different programming/hardware model, but if you want to fix the
 root cause you'll have to go deeper than language choice right?  You might
 have other tradeoffs but the core problem here isn't just type safety.

 Just like in the HTML example.  The core problem is that the
 language/format mixes code and data with no way to differentiate between

 Or is my brain working too slowly today?

Andy Steingruebl
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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Re: [SC-L] BSIMM: Confessions of a Software SecurityAlchemist(informIT)

2009-03-25 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:18 AM, ljknews wrote:

 Worry about enforcement by the hardware architecture after
 you have squeezed out all errors that can be addressed by
 software techniques.\


Given the focus we've seen fro Microsoft and protecting developers from
mistakes through things like DEP, ASLR, SEH, etc. why do you think that
these can't be done in parallel?  I mean, we used to not have Virtual Memory
or real MMUs and the developer had to make sure they didn't step on other
people's pages.  Hardware support for protection on pages has helped with a
lot of things right?

I'm not saying I'm holding out hope for hardware to solve all our problems
(that would be silly) but I do think it can be fairly useful for some
classes of problems and a lot more scalable/repeatable.  Practical right
now, no.  But we're sort of in the realm of fantasy in this discussion
already if we think the general mass of people writing software are going to
switch languages because certain ones are more reliable

- Andy
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Re: [SC-L] BSIMM: Confessions of a Software SecurityAlchemist(informIT)

2009-03-24 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 7:22 AM, Gary McGraw wrote:

 hi guys,

 I think there is a bit of confusion here WRT root problems.  In C, the
 main problem is not simply strings and string representation, but rather
 that the sea of bits can be recast to represent most anything.  The
 technical term for the problem is the problem of type safety.  C is not type

Really?  It isn't that the standard von Neumann architecture doesn't
differentiate between data and code?  We've gone over this ground before
with stack-machines like the Burroughs B5500 series which were not
susceptible to buffer overflows that changed control flow because code and
data were truly distinct chunks of memory.

Sure its a different programming/hardware model, but if you want to fix the
root cause you'll have to go deeper than language choice right?  You might
have other tradeoffs but the core problem here isn't just type safety.

Just like in the HTML example.  The core problem is that the language/format
mixes code and data with no way to differentiate between them.

Or is my brain working too slowly today?
Andy Steingruebl
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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Re: [SC-L] Security in QA is more than exploits

2009-02-05 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Paco Hope wrote:

 Before anyone talks about vulnerabilities to test for, we have to figure
 out what the business cares about and why. What could go wrong? Who cares?
 What would the impact be? Answers to those questions drive our testing
 strategy, and ultimately our test plans and test cases.


I don't really read what Robert wrote this way.  I think what this general
risk management approach misses is that certain things are always going to
be defects, bugs, etc.  Sure there are differences per-business and
per-application.  All bugs aren't created equal.  But I think we lose
something when we start saying everything is relative.  Each application,
each business, each org needs a testing plan, strategy, and a definition of
what they care about.  At the same time there are going to be common types
of tests that everyone performs.  All Robert is pointing out is that if
certain classes of vulnerabilities are important to you, then you want to
have a common testing process for them.

Bias #3 is that idea that a bunch of web vulnerabilities are equivalent in
 impact to the business. That is, you just toss as many as you can into your
 test plan and test for as much as you can. This isn't how testing is

Again, I don't think he's saying this at all.  Where I work every XSS is
absolutely critical, and we get them fixed immediately.  this might not be
the case elsewhere.  Some folks don't really worry about XSS that much.
Because I can find differences though doesn't mean that everything is
relative.  Authentication bypass, SQL Injection, these types of things tend
to rate HIGH/P1/Major for almost everyone, and I think.

 You don't organize testing based on which top X vulnerabilities are likely
 to affect your organization (as the blog suggests). Likelihood is one part
 of the puzzle. Business impact is the part that is missing. You prioritize
 security tests by risk severity—that marriage of likelihood and impact to
 the business. If I have a whole pile of very likely attacks that are all low
 or negligible impact, and I have a few moderately likely attacks that have
 high impact, I should prioritize my testing effort around the ones with
 greater impact to my business.

Again - fair enough.  But at the same time you also prioritize around effort
to test and avoid, right?

Bias #4 is the treatment of testers like second class citizens. In the blog
 article, developers are detail oriented have a deep understanding of
 flows. Constrast this with QA who merely understand what is provided to
 them. They sound impotent, as if all they can do is what they're told.
 Software testing, despite whatever firsthand experience the author may have,
 is a mature discipline. It is older and more formalized than security as a
 discipline. Software testing is older than the Internet or the web. If
 software testing as a discipline has adopted security too slowly, given
 security's rise to the forefront in the marketplace, that might be a
 legitimate criticism. But I don't approve of the slandering QA by implying
 that they just take what's given them and execute it. QA is hard and there
 are some really bright minds working in that field.

I don't think Robert's comments were about the general field/discipline of
QA.  His commentary was more about the types of QA organizations he has come
across.  My own experience (albeit limited as well) has found a relative
lack of highly skilled QA folks as well.  There are people responsible for
quality that are at the level you're talking about but I still bet they are
more the exception than the rule.  Most QA organizations are staffed with
people writing relatively simple tests, running through positive functional
testing, etc.  I think the point here is that you have to tailor
expectations to the organization you have.  Much in the same way that if you
have mostly junior programmers who are lucky to get their code to compile
you're probably not going to have a lot of luck training them on formal
proofs, rigorous design, etc.

Andy Steingruebl
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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Re: [SC-L] Security in QA is more than exploits

2009-02-05 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 7:26 PM, Paco Hope wrote:

 Andy also said I think we lose something when we start saying 'everything
 relative.' I think we lose something more important if we try to impose
 abolutes: we lose the connection to the business. No business operates on
 absolutes and blind imperatives. Few, if any, profit-focused businesses
 dogmatically fix all remotely exploitable SQL injections. Every business
 pragmatically at these things. Fixing the bug might cause the release of
 product to slip by 6 weeks or a major customer to buy a competitor's
 this quarter instead of waiting for the release. It's always a judgment
 by the business. Even if their goal and their track record is fixing 100%
 sev 1 issues before release, you know that each sev 1 issue was considered

terms of its cost, impact, schedule delay and so on.

The ppint here though is that repeatable processes do matter. Having a
standard of what constitutes a given severity of bug standardized in a
policy statement is a good thing.  Sure that is hard as every application is
different, but you need a starting place.  And so while my standards don't
say XSS always equals P1 they do say XSS that can be discovered in an
external facing application or even slightly more generically than that.
So my bug priority matrix does talk about business impact because that is
what matters, but I still have to give real world examples to folks who
aren't expert security testers of how to handle a bug when they come across
it.  And we need to provide clear guidance in standards because every single
bug shouldn't require an ad-hoc trage process.

 It is an outstanding idea for infosec guys to provide security test cases,
 the framework for them, to QA. That beats the heck out of what they usually
 do. However, a bunch of test cases for XSS, CSRF, SQL injection and so on
 not map easily to requirements or to the QA workflow. At what priority do
 execute? When the business (inevitably) squeezes testing to try to claw
 back a
 day or two on the slipped schedule, can any of these security tests be left
 out? Why or why not? Without hanging them into the QA workflow with clear
 traceability, QA will struggle to prioritize them correctly and maintain
 Security requirements would make that priority and maintenance
 straightforward. At this point I'm not disagreeing with you, but taking

good approach and extending it a step farther.

I undertsand this, but handing security requirements to QA folks without a
set of reeatable test cases for doing them isn't going to help much, in mos
organizations.  James Whittaker doesn't work for me :) .  And if you're
developing web applications you're probably going to have some set of
standardized testing you do.  You need to have  a repository of test cases
for certain things, and I think testing for certain type of attacks is
probably a decent starting point.  Sure you want QA to own those, but if
you're worried about buffer overflows you've going to have a bunch of
standard test cases, test scenarios, test data (long input strings, inputs
with null bytes in them, etc) that you're going to reuse a bunch of times so
that each tester isn't starting from scratch when they see the security
requirments - Application must handle input properly and not crash.

I don't think we're far off here in what we're saying, but repeatability is
key.  Leaving the interface with QA at the level of security requriements in
a functional spec isn't going to cut it.  And, you're probably going to have
some standardized set of security requirements for a whole swath of your
applications that you might not want to repeat ad-naseum in every single
product/feature spec.  This is the place for standards, policies, and
testing guidelines so that this becomes just part of the regular QA cycle.

Andy Steingruebl
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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Re: [SC-L] Unclassified NSA document on .NET 2.0 Framework Security

2008-11-25 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 9:48 AM, Gunnar Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 but actually the main point of my post and the one i would like to
 hear people's thoughts on - is to say that attempting to apply
 principle of least privilege in the real world often leads to drilling
 dry wells. i am not blaming any group in particular i am saying i
 think it is in the too hard pile for now and we as software security
 people should not be advocating for it until or unless we can find
 cost effective ways to implement it.

I'd love to hear someone from Microsoft talk about the creation of default
ready for shipping service security profiles for Server-2008.   Windows has
lots of services and lots of privileges that can be configured.

Every paper I've generally seen on the subject is about reverse engineering
least privileges by reducing them, checking whether the software still
functions, looking for access violations, and then increasing the privileges
until things start working.  A lot like this Calvin and Hobbes comic:

CALVIN: How do they know the load limit on bridges, Dad?
DAD: They drive bigger and bigger trucks over the bridge until it breaks.
Then they weigh the last truck and rebuild the bridge.

This is what we do with least privilege, but without ever knowing whether
we've really gotten the least privileges, or not.  Hell, in a modern
operating system how the hell do you figure this out anyway?

- Andy
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Re: [SC-L] No general-purpose computer, or everything under surveillance?

2008-05-13 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 1:51 PM, David A. Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If you interpret the definition of these terms of general purpose and
  surveillance differently, i.e., limit applications to least
  privilege, and locally monitor their behavior, then I'd agree.  But
  this is another way of saying we need to implement least privilege and
  local monitoring, which are well-established security principles.  And
  it's already happening, e.g.:

That's fine in principle.  Have we ever seen a usable system based on
these principles that user's didn't reject/hate?  Look at the general
press and people's perceptions of the security of Leopard v. Vista. We
can complain all we want to about UAC and perhaps the constant
nagging but as Apple's commercials so clearly pointed out people
hate their computer explicitly and publicly trying to keep them safe.

  * Deployment is already moving away from general-purpose privileges.
  SELinux lets people define very fine-grained privileges, so that a
  program does NOT have arbitrary rights.  OLPC goes even further; its
  security model is remarkable and worth learning from.

That's great, but all of these schemes rely on:

 - Expert users to configure a policy for new software
 - Each piece of software to ship with a correct least-privilege
configuration (how do we get the malware authors to do this?)
 - A user who doesn't choose to override the default security settings
so they can see the dancing hamsters

  * Observing behavior (and making decisions based on them) is ALREADY
  what some systems and network systems do.

Same here.  We're still light years away from being able to do this in
practice.  We can't tell that the new financial management software
you just downloaded is supposed to ask for your bank password, and
that the game you just downloaded shouldn't.   And user's aren't
generally informed enough to make these kinds of decisions either,
especially given the user interface we typically give them.

Don't forget all of the wonderful fun we've had over the years getting
people to not open executables sent via email, not to visit sites with
a self-signed SSL certificate, to check for the lock icon in their
browser, to make sure that their wireless settings don't allow them to
connect to random wireless access points, etc

  But the difference is who is in final control.  In the end, the users of
  computers should be in final control, not their makers, or we have given
  up essential liberty.

I don't think you're fundamentally wrong in that I'm not (and I can't
speak for others) in favor of removing the controls completely.  But,
we ought to be shipping systems whose fundamental defaults are easier
to use, more secure, and really hard to override.  Compare IE6/FF2 to
IE7/FF3 on this front.  Sure you can still visit the site with the
self-signed certificate, and you can still visit a site that they've
categorized as a phishing site.  But it isn't quite as easy as it used
to be, and I'd say that's a good thing.

If you own a tablesaw it comes with a blade guard.  Its probably a
good idea that it does.  If you really want to you can remove it and I
don't really feel the need to stop you.  Unless I'm paying for your
insurance that is.  Your car also comes with pollution controls.
These pollution controls often inhibit your max speed, acceleration,
etc.  They are really hard to, or impossible to disable.  They also
make our environment cleaner.

Which is the right analogy for the personal computer?

Andy Steingruebl
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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Re: [SC-L] Microsoft's message at RSA

2008-05-09 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Gary McGraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi sc-l,

  Here's an article about Mundie's keynote at RSA.  It's worth a read from a 
 software security perspective.  Somehow I ended up playing the foil in this 
 article...go figure.

  So what do you guys think?  Is this end-to-end trusted computing stuff going 
 to fly with developers?

I think you're both right.  I'm working on a longer writeup of the
ideas on the end-to-end paper but I think you've captured part of the
problem at the heart of things.  We're going to have to trade some
fundamental computing liberties to get the kind of security required
to actually have trusted relationships via computers.  Good or bad I
don't want to comment on right now.  If you've read Code and other
laws of cyberspace by Lessig you'll see some of the same ideas albeit
it from a more regulatory perspective than from a purely technical
one.  The updated Code 2.0 book captures a lot of these same ideas.

I think Charny is missing the mark ever so slightly when he says the
security goals can be achieved without compromise on the part of
privacy, or functionality.  As Lessig clearly points out - the rules
of the networks, computers, etc. aren't real rules in any sense.  its
not like they are physical laws, the rules are determined by code.
This code, and the policy behind it, can change.

I think the real question isn't whether this is going to fly with
developers, its whether its going to fly with the public at large.
Are people (and their proxies - Governments) going to finally demand a
change in the the rules/game?

Andy Steingruebl
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] quick question - SXSW

2008-03-12 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 6:43 AM, Benjamin Tomhave
 I had just a quick query for everyone out there, with an attached thought.

  How many security and/or secure coding professionals are prevalently
  involved with the SXSW conference this week? I know, I know... it's a big
  party for developers - particularly the Web 2.0 clique - but I'm just

On a related note a quick perusal of the JavaOne conference tracks
doesn't show a lot of content in this area either.  Is this due to a
lack of interest, or people in the security world not pitching talks
to the development conference organizer?

Andy Steingruebl
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] quick question - SXSW

2008-03-12 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Gary McGraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey andy,

  You mean AJAX one?   Last time I went there was zero interest and even less 
 clue about security among attendees.  The only shining light was a long 
 conversation I had with bill joy about security critical decisions those guys 
 screwed up with Java (especially with regards to closure).

  A decade of evangelism only goes so far!   Do help!

Fair enough :)  I was looking at the program for the just finished SD
West and the security track actually looks to have been pretty good.
I think one thing we're missing from there is more emphasis on actual
SDL process, rather than focus on individual items within it.
Activities like how to form a steering group within a company, how to
bootstrap some of the practices, etc.

Do folks here have suggestions of conferences we ought to be targeting
with these sorts of presentations, papers, etc?  JavaOne seems like it
might have been a good place to target.  There are some smaller
developer conferences out there, some general security conferences,
and there has been discussion here and within OWASP as well of how we
can start better targeting these forums for our evangelizing...


Andy Steingruebl
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
List information, subscriptions, etc -
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] Insecure Software Costs US $180B per Year - Application and Perimeter Security News Analysis - Dark Reading

2007-11-29 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Nov 29, 2007 2:47 PM, Kenneth Van Wyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The article quotes David Rice, who has a book out called
 Geekconomics: The Real Cost of Insecure Software.  In it, he tried
 to quantify how much insecure software costs the public and, more
 controversially, proposes a vulnerability tax on software
 developers.  He believes such a tax would result in more secure

I like contractual approaches to this problem myself.  People buying
large quantities of software (large enterprises, governments) should
get contracts with vendors that specify money-back for each patch they
have to apply where the root cause is of a given type.  For example, I
get money back every time the vendor has a vulnerability and patch
related to a buffer overflow.

I wrote a small piece about this:

Turns out that the federal government isn't paying for avoidable
outcomes anymore.  Certain things fall into the rough category of
negligence and so aren't covered.  We ought to just do this for
software via a contracts mechanism.  I'm not sure we want to start out
with a big-bang public-policy approach on this issue.  We'd want to
know a lot more about how the economics work out on a small scale
before applying it to all software.

Andy Steingruebl
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
List information, subscriptions, etc -
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] Insecure Software Costs US $180B per Year - Application and Perimeter Security News Analysis - Dark Reading

2007-11-29 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Nov 29, 2007 6:07 PM, Blue Boar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Andy Steingruebl wrote:
  I like contractual approaches to this problem myself.  People buying
  large quantities of software (large enterprises, governments) should
  get contracts with vendors that specify money-back for each patch they
  have to apply where the root cause is of a given type.  For example, I
  get money back every time the vendor has a vulnerability and patch
  related to a buffer overflow.

 That changes the incentive to hide security bugs and not patch them or
 to slipstream them.

Any regulatory regime that deals with security issues is subject to
the same thing.  Whether its PCI and eluding Auditors or SOX-404 and
documenting controls, you'll always have people that want to try to
game the system.

I'm not suggesting that this is the only solution, but from an
economics and motivation perspective SLAs related to software and
security features are more likely to work and incur lower overhead
than a regulatory regime that is centrally administered.

Sure, there are going to be pieces of software that this scheme won't
work for or where there aren't very many bulk purchasers, only 1-off
purchasers.  Things like video games for example where there aren't
large institutional purchases.

That said, I think contracts between large consumers and software
producers would be a good start to the problem.

Andy Steingruebl
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
List information, subscriptions, etc -
List charter available at -
SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.