Re: [SC-L] Where Does Secure Coding Belong In the Curriculum?

2009-08-25 Thread Pete Werner
The just get the bloody thing to work is usually an attitude foisted
on developers by the business side.

I work in an internal application security function for a large
enterprise and i'm yet to meet a developer who wasn't concerned about

Developer education is very important and we have a lot of it
available for out developers, some of it even compulsory.

However, unless there is the will of the business behind it, developer
concerns are oft pushed aside in the interest of expediency.

I find the business side usually does have a genuine interest in
security and quality, however they are concepts that remain
largely unquantifiable, and in the case of security you only need to
mess up once to end up with a nasty situation.

It's can be a tough sell getting time to focus on these things, given
they can be so vague. In the case of my organisation, business side
support comes from both internal advocacy of security practises by our
function and externally imposed legal requirements. Mostly the latter

Filtering inputs is NOT hard, and most developers are getting better
at things like that. However, the problems of application security go
beyond the developer level, and it's important not to lose sight of
that fact. If there were an easy solution everything would already be
perfectly secure.


On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:26 AM, Goertzel, Karen
[USA] wrote:
 For consistency's sake, I hope you agree that if security is an 
 intermediate-to-advanced concept in software development, then all the other 
 -ilities (goodness properties, if you will), such as quality, 
 reliability, usability, safety, etc. that go beyond just get the bloody 
 thing to work are also intermediate-to-advanced concepts.

 In other words, teach the goodness properties to developers only after 
 they've inculcated all the bad habits they possibly can, and then, when they 
 are out in the marketplace and never again incentivised to actually unlearn 
 those bad habits, TRY desperately to change their minds using nothing but 
 F.U.D. and various other psychological means of dubious effectiveness.

 Great strategy! Our hacker friends will love it.

 Karen Mercedes Goertzel, CISSP
 From: [] On Behalf 
 Of Benjamin Tomhave []
 Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 8:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [SC-L] Where Does Secure Coding Belong In the Curriculum?

 Two quick comments in catching up on the thread...

 First, security in the software development concept is at least an
 intermediate concept, if not advanced
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Re: [SC-L] Language agnostic secure coding guidelines/standards?

2008-11-21 Thread Pete Werner
Hi All

Thank you for your replies, they have been very useful and will
certainly help identifying things that need to appear in the standard.
We're trying to make the standard something that is easily auditable,
and have decided to further split items into two categories, those that
should checked in development and those that should appear in the
project  documentation (e.g. things like definitions of log
integrity/confidentiality requirements etc).

I'm also happy to say that within our organisation we already have
secure coding training available for developers, support channels for
developers with queries, language specific guidance, automated tools
that can be used to detect software flaws as well as an internal
auditing and pentesting function. Needless to say it's been a big effort
to get all this in place. The policy is an important piece of the puzzle
which will hopefully help ensure the training and tools are utilised by

These things are all great, but from an organisational perspective one
of the most important things for us is the ongoing risk management of
identified issues. We have a lot of applications in various stages of
development and production, and a lot of developers. Tracking known
issues, remediation timelines, and who is responsible for what is also a
very big part of it, especially in larger organisations. Again I'm happy
to say we have an internally developed system for doing this.

Rather than just giving myself a gold star on a mailing list, I would
say to the vendors here interoperability is a big thing for us, as no
one product does it all to the level we require (and it's unlikely they
ever will). We are far more likely to buy things that play nicely with
what we have already, and so far, most of the tools we use do. Gold
stars all round.

Anyway, thanks again for all the information.


On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 8:00 AM, Gary McGraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 badness-ometer-pedia!  most excellent descriptive phrase.  You guys should 
 change the official name!

 Incidentally, one of the best uses data like these can be put to is training.



 On 11/17/08 4:49 PM, Steven M. Christey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The CWE Research view (CWE-1000) is language-neutral at its higher-level
 nodes, and decomposes in some areas into language-specific constructs.
 Early experience suggests that this view is not necessarily
 developer-friendly, however, because it's not organized around the types
 of concepts that developers typically think in.

 (click the Graph tab on the top right of the page to see the breakdown)

 Obviously the CWE is a badness-ometer-pedia but suggests some areas that
 your guidelines would hopefully address.

 - Steve
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[SC-L] Language agnostic secure coding guidelines/standards?

2008-11-13 Thread Pete Werner
Hi all

I've been tasked with developing a secure coding standard for my
employer. This will be a policy tool used to get developers to fix
issues in their code after an audit, and also hopefully be of use to
developers as they work to ensure they are compliant. The kicker is it
needs to cover things ranging from cobol running on a mainframe, in
house network monitoring software in c and perl through to web and
desktop applications in java or .net.

I've been doing some searching to see if there is anything similar
online, but everything i've found is mostly focussed on web
applications or language/platform specific. Does anyone know of
something that may be what I'm looking for?

It's basically going to be a checklist where every item will be
something that can be audited, and the things that aren't relevant to
a given application can be ignored. The broad sections I have so far

Input/Output handling
Session Control and Management
Memory allocation and Management
Authentication Management
Authorisation Management
Data Protection
Logging and Auditing
Application Errors and Exceptions

Thanks in advance
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Re: [SC-L] Insecure Software Costs US $180B per Year - Application and Perimeter Security News Analysis - Dark Reading

2007-12-04 Thread Pete Werner
On Dec 3, 2007 8:34 AM, silky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 how does anyone know how to hire anyone for a job that they themselves
 aren't qualified for? well, you pay professionals to do it.
 recruitment agents. this should be part of their role. and absolutely
 agreed; most certification is useless, secure programming is no

Um, have you ever dealt with a recruitment agent? How are they going
to tell? The guy had secure coding on his CV? Ok 

A few points in general:

1 - I'm yet to meet a programmer who intentionally creates security
problems in production code. Most developers I meet are very much
interested in secure coding, so in that respect things are a lot
better than they were 5 years ago when very few people knew, and even
less cared.

Penalizing developers for writing insecure code is not the answer,
because as others have pointed out all it will do is encourage people
to cover things up and never talk about security vulnerabilities. You
have to take into account the environment in which they work, which is
most likely not conductive to producing quality output, and also that
even the best people will make mistakes.

I've heard of some companies taking the attitude that code level
security issues are OK, because it means they didn't waste too much
money on higher quality outsourced developers ... and from a security
vendor no less, whoda thunk ;-)

2 - Source code scanners still have a long way to go. I realize there
are a lot of vested interests on this list, but based on my recent
experiences with commercial scanners it is pure folly relying on them
to secure your applications. They are useful tools with a real place,
and better than previous generations, but overpriced and still of
limited value. That they are sold as quality tools rather than
security tools is telling.

Running code through 3 different scanners is great, but a) who has the
time, b) who can justify 3 different tools to management, c) who's
going to wield the rod, and d) why do you think anyone would actually
care about the rod?

3 - Taxes, government bodies, penalties, etc. all bullshit for now.
When its possible to prove a program is correct, ok, but until then
its way to fuzzy and wobbly to start throwing bureaucracy at. It would
be good to see some form of self-regulation, ideally from a credible
independent source, not a cert merchant or security services vendor.

Yours in brevity,
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Re: [SC-L] re-writing college books - erm.. ahm...

2006-11-06 Thread pete werner
On 11/7/06, Wall, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Developers have to cut corners somewhere, and since security issues
 are not paramount, that's often what gets overlooked.

this is the biggest issue i think. it gets overlooked because
management dont value it. partly because its expensive to do, and
theres no real qualitative or quantitative measures of success. you
cant go to your management and say i spent 20% of my time working on
security issues, it cost us $x but it will save our customers $y, and
security was improved by 15% or if you can, you're bullshitting, but
will probably get a nice bonus :)

i think a college level textbook would have limited benefit. there is
plenty of information out there at the moment for those who are
interested, both on the net and in book form. i suppose its nice to
have a single point of reference though. however, most graduates
aren't really good practical programmers. they know stuff like what a
for loop is and how recursion works, which is great, but they learn
the ins and outs of developing when they get their first real job.

so they get their first job, and basically learn from the people
they're working with. the people they're working with and learning
from are busy, and working under time and budget constraints. they're
just not going to focus on security, even if they had the knowledge to
do it effectively, because other things are more important to the
companies management. most managers (and developers too i guess) do
care about security, but only in the way people care about global
warming. they know global warming is bad, but oh gee what are we going
to do, oh today i remembered to turn off my desk lamp when i left the
office. great. same with security, you dont have to be a genius to
work out security holes are bad, but oh gee what are you actually
going to do about it?

if organisations dont really care about software security, a security
concious developer faces an uphill battle. if two devs are working on
some code, one does it slower but more securely, the other does it
quicker but less securely, who's going to look better, in a typical
organisation? your fresh grad is going to learn quick enough what
companies want from them. as time goes by, they become the ones
breaking in the new developers, so the cycle continues. a book isnt
going to help this, it probably wont hurt, but i dont think the lack
of available literature is a big problem.

a good organisation will focus on what its customers want. untill the
customers start kicking up a storm about vulnerabilities, there's
little impetus for management to devote resources to security. i think
this is one of the things microsoft has done well, over the last few
years they have started taking security seriously, and i can only
assume its because their customers starting complaining. they still
have a lot of security issues (an insuperable amount imo), but it
shows that for companies to start taking software security seriously,
it has to be something the customer wants.
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