Re: AFS on XFS or ext3?

2009-02-20 Thread Dr Andrew C Aitchison

On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, Bob Barton wrote:

Hi All
I am setting up a 2 TB file system to use for AFS volumes on an AFS file 
server and I am wondering which file system I should use - XFS or ext3. I 
plan to use Scientific Linux 5.1 or 5.2 x86_64 as the operating system on the 
file server machine.

Suggestions, comments and recommendations are very welcome.

Several people have said how wonderful each of XFS and ext3 are,
how long they have used them and never had problems.

I have no experiece of XFS but the only multi-terabyte ext3 filesystem
that I use (as user not sysadmin) had some disk/controller problems
and when we tried to restore the backups verification failed repeatedly
9somewhere between 3 and 4 terabytes I believe).
I don't mean that fsck (I think) reported that the filesystem
was corrupt, but that it ceased to make progress checking for problems.
The sysadmin who actually handled this is on the list and may wish
to give more details, but I understand that he is now uncomfortable
using ext3 for filesystems larger than 2-3 TB.

As I say, we have no way of knowing whether XFS would have been any 

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge

Re: AFS on XFS or ext3?

2009-02-20 Thread Brent L. Bates
 Michael Mansour when are you going to stop the FUD??  Red Hat doesn't
support it because it is developed and maintain by its competition.
 Dependability, reliability, robustness is NOT a factor, it is pure politics
and nothing more.  There have been plenty of people complaining that XFS isn't
supported by RH  SL as much as it should be.

 I do NOT want a `flame war', but if you are going to continue to lie
about XFS, you leave me no alternative but to support it.  If your posts had
said positive things about ext3 instead of lying about XFS, I would have
ignored you.  However, YOU started the lying, so YOU prompted the XFS support
replies.  I do not mind someone supporting their favorite what ever, but when
they start lying about something else just to support their position, then
THAT is something entirely different.

 Stop the lies and I'll stop the replies.  It is entierly up to you.

python2.4 for SL4

2009-02-20 Thread Abhishek Gupta

We are using SL4.7 in our dept. I need to install some tools that 
require python2.4 or higher.

Is it possible to have python2.4 on SL4.7?
Abhishek Gupta.