Scientific Linux LiveCD/DVD 6.3 officially released

2012-08-26 Thread Urs Beyerle


Scientific Linux 6.3 LiveCD, LiveMiniCD and LiveDVD are officially released.
They are available for 32-bit and 64-bit and come with following window manager

LiveMiniCD icewm
LiveCD gnome
LiveDVDgnome, kde, icewm

Software was added from rpmforge, epel and elrepo (see EXTRA SOFTWARE) to 
additional filesystem support (ntfs, reiserfs), secure network connection 
vpnc, pptp), filesystem tools (dd_rescue, ddrescue, gparted, gdisk), and better
multimedia support (gstreamer-ffmpeg, flash-plugin)



Alternatively use a public mirror or torrent:


- software based on SL6.3
- add boot parameter eject, which ejects LiveCD/DVD at shutdown


- For SL6 the way how the LiveCD was built has completely changed. It is
  now based on the Fedora LiveCD tools.
- If you install the LiveCD to hard drive, the installation of the live
  image is done by anaconda similar to the normal SL6 installation.
  All changes done during LiveCD usage are lost!
- You can install the LiveCD on an USB stick with persistent changes
  using liveusb-creator included in SL6.
- To build your own LiveCD use livecd-tools from SL6.


- kernel 2.6.32-279.5.1.el6
- xorg 1.7.7
- icewm 1.2.37
- gnome 2.28
- firefox 10.0.6
- thunderbird 10.0.6
- libreoffice (only on LiveDVD)
- kde 4.3.4 (only on LiveDVD)

EXTRA SOFTWARE (repo sl-livecd-extra)

- fuse-sshfs
- ntfs-3g
- ntfsprogs
- dd_rescue
- ddrescue
- iperf
- flash-plugin
- gstreamer-ffmpeg
- rxvt-unicode (only MiniCD)
- gparted
- gdisk
- NetworkManager-openvpn
- NetworkManager-vpnc
- NetworkManager-pptp
- vpnc-consoleuser
- kmod-reiserfs
- reiserfs-utils


- live_ram copy entire Live image to RAM (takes a few minutes)
- noswap   do not use SWAP partition found on hard drive
- pw=any_password  set password
- noautologin  disable auto login
- automountenable auto mounting (rw) of all found hard drives
- user=usernameusername of local user, default is liveuser
- cups=server  set CUPS server
- hostname=nameset hostname
- checkverify LiveCD before booting
- liveinst directly start graphical installation to hard drive
- textinst directly start text based installation to hard drive
- overlay=UUID=defines the UUID of the USB device used for persistent 
- rdinitdebug  debug dracut boot process
- ejecteject LiveCD/DVD at shutdown

More information can be found at

Urs Beyerle

Re: [SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS] Password required in single-user mode? (solved)

2012-08-26 Thread David Sommerseth

On 08/23/2012 03:18 PM, Pat Riehecky wrote:

On 08/18/2012 03:57 PM, David Sommerseth wrote:


I've been running Scientific Linux since the 6.0 days, and single-user mode
have basically behaved how I have expected it those few times I needed it.
As I usually set up my boxes root accounts with passwords disabled,
single-user mode needs to be without root password.

Today, after having upgraded from 6.3, I needed to enter single-user mode at
boot. And I was asked for a password at boot time. Is this change intentional?

# cat /etc/redhat-release
Scientific Linux release 6.3 (Carbon)
# rpm -qa | grep -i sl_password_for_singleuser | wc -l
# grep SINGLE /etc/sysconfig/init

If this change was intentional, how can I go back to the old behaviour? I
double checked the behaviour with an old VM with SL6.1, and that behaves as

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

Hi David,

The behavior shouldn't have changed. You've provided just about all the
relevant details in your email, so there isn't really anything I want to ask
for more information.

Can I have you try setting /etc/sysconfig/init => SINGLE to /sbin/sulogin
rebooting and setting it back to /sbin/sushell? Perhaps something got 'stuck'

/sbin/sushell is a shell script, so can I have you verify its contents? Mine
looks like:


[ -z "$SUSHELL" ] && SUSHELL=/bin/bash


Hi Pat,

First of all, tanks a lot for your answer, and to Stephan for his input as 
well.  I checked /sbin/sushell and the SINGLE variable in /etc/sysconfig/init. 
 And it was currently working just as expected - in both modes.

But as I knew it had been failing, I added an extra disk to the VM I have with 
SL6.3.  Double checked adding 's' to the kernel command line gave me a shell 
without asking for password.  Then I added this disk to /etc/fstab ... and 
removed the extra disk.  This time, I was asked for a root password when 
booting up - both when I was asking for 's'ingle user-mode and without it. 
Adding the disk back, and the "proper" behaviour is back too.

So that's the issue I hit, as I in my real setup had just added and configured 
a new disk with encryption on my VM - but messed up the encryption key.  When 
I then wanted to rescue the system, instead of solving it via 'single-user 
mode' I had to use guestfish on the root filesystem of the failing machine and 
disable the new disk in /etc/cryptotab and /etc/fstab.  Then I could start 
setting up the disk again with a proper key.

But the hint from Stephan, setting EMERGENCY=/sbin/sushell in 
/etc/sysconfig/init did the trick.  So that's what I need to set on all my boxes.

Lesson learnt: Emergency mode supersedes single-user mode, especially with 
filesystem failures.

Thanks all!

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

Hylafax's "faxstat -r" shows nothing

2012-08-26 Thread Todd And Margo Chester

SL 6.3, x64

Hi All,

Hylafax's "faxstat -r" shows nothing in the queues (other
utilities do not either).

 # faxstat -r
 HylaFAX scheduler on Running
 Modem ttyS1 (1.775.265.5150): Running and idle

But my queue has stuff in it.

# ls -al /var/spool/hylafax/recvq
-rw---.  1 uucp uucp 43522 Aug 18 19:00 fax1.tif
-rw---.  1 uucp uucp  7946 Aug 25 18:30 fax4.tif
-rw---.  1 uucp uucp 1 Aug 25 18:35 seqf

What am I doing wrong?

Many thanks,