Samba vs. Firewall and/or SELinux

2012-12-27 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
Hi all.

I created a smb-share on my el6 for all windows-pcs in my home-network
(I'm the only Linux-User in my family) for sharing all the stuff we
have, like music and videos and documents. The share will be shown on
the other pcs (Windows XP), but they can't open it. The error-message
ist "Share not found" on our preferred language of course!

sh-4.1# cat /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts.local
# This file is auto-generated by libsemanage
# Do not edit directly.


FIREWALL-CONFIG (Port 901 is for SWAT)
sh-4.1#  cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.7 on Thu Dec 20 17:28:14 2012
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 901 -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 445 -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 139 -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 138 -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 137 -j ACCEPT 
# Completed on Thu Dec 20 17:28:14 2012

SAMBA "Alice im Wunderland" is the testfile I uploaded with disabled
Firewall and disabled SELinux 
sh-4.1# testparm
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
rlimit_max: increasing rlimit_max (1024) to minimum Windows limit
(16384) Processing section "[public]"
Loaded services file OK.
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

workgroup = NETZWERK
server string = Samba Server Version %v
security = SHARE
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
cups options = raw

comment = hier kannn reinkopiert werden
path = /data/public
read only = No
create mask = 0777
guest only = Yes
guest ok = Yes
sh-4.1#  cat /etc/samba/smbusers 
# Unix_name = SMB_name1 SMB_name2 ...
root = administrator admin
nobody = guest pcguest smbguest
sh-4.1# ls -lisah /data/public
total 144M
1703938  12K drwxrwxrwx.  4 nobody users   12K Dec 27 13:39 .
1703937 4.0K drwxr-xr-x.  3 root   root   4.0K Dec 22 19:43 ..
1706985 144M -rwxrw-rw-   1 nobody nobody 144M Dec 27 13:39
Disney_ Alice im Wunderland (1951).mp4

Re: Samba vs. Firewall and/or SELinux

2012-12-27 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 8:09 AM, Ibrahim Yurtseven
> Hi all.
> I created a smb-share on my el6 for all windows-pcs in my home-network
> (I'm the only Linux-User in my family) for sharing all the stuff we
> have, like music and videos and documents. The share will be shown on
> the other pcs (Windows XP), but they can't open it. The error-message
> ist "Share not found" on our preferred language of course!

What do your family members see with \\ipaddress\, where "ipaddress"
is the IP address of the Samba server? And are you using the built-in
Samba, or a hand-compiled one?

> sh-4.1# cat /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts.local
> # This file is auto-generated by libsemanage
> # Do not edit directly.
> /data(/.*)?system_u:object_r:samba_share_t:s0

Not relevant with SELinux disabled.

> FIREWALL-CONFIG (Port 901 is for SWAT)
> sh-4.1#  cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables
> # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.7 on Thu Dec 20 17:28:14 2012
> *filter
> -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 901 -j ACCEPT
> -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 445 -j ACCEPT
> -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 139 -j ACCEPT
> -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 138 -j ACCEPT
> -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 137 -j ACCEPT
> # Completed on Thu Dec 20 17:28:14 2012

Not relevant with firewall turned off temporarily. And strongly,
strongly, strongly consider using the "system-config-firewall" tool to
manage these, rather than doing them manually.

> SAMBA "Alice im Wunderland" is the testfile I uploaded with disabled
> Firewall and disabled SELinux
> sh-4.1# testparm
> Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
> rlimit_max: increasing rlimit_max (1024) to minimum Windows limit
> (16384) Processing section "[public]"
> Loaded services file OK.
> Server role: ROLE_STANDALONE
> Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions
> [global]
> workgroup = NETZWERK
> server string = Samba Server Version %v
> security = SHARE
> log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
> max log size = 50
> cups options = raw
> [public]
> comment = hier kannn reinkopiert werden
> path = /data/public
> read only = No
> create mask = 0777
> guest only = Yes
> guest ok = Yes
> sh-4.1#  cat /etc/samba/smbusers
> # Unix_name = SMB_name1 SMB_name2 ...
> root = administrator admin
> nobody = guest pcguest smbguest
> sh-4.1# ls -lisah /data/public
> total 144M
> 1703938  12K drwxrwxrwx.  4 nobody users   12K Dec 27 13:39 .
> 1703937 4.0K drwxr-xr-x.  3 root   root   4.0K Dec 22 19:43 ..
> 1706985 144M -rwxrw-rw-   1 nobody nobody 144M Dec 27 13:39
> Disney_ Alice im Wunderland (1951).mp4

Re: Samba vs. Firewall and/or SELinux

2012-12-27 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
> What do your family members see with \\ipaddress\, where "ipaddress"
> is the IP address of the Samba server? And are you using the built-in
> Samba, or a hand-compiled one?

I'm using the samba rpms from the official repo, installed with yum.
On "\\ip" they can see my share named "public", but they can't open it
with activated SELinux and activated firewall. They have writable
access to this share with deactivated firewall and disabled SELinux.
So it must be a problem with the firewall and/or SELinux. I think
SELinux isn't correctly configured.

> Not relevant with SELinux disabled.
> Not relevant with firewall turned off temporarily. 

I want to offer this share with activated firewall and enabled SELinux

>  consider using the "system-config-firewall" tool to
> manage these, rather than doing them manually.

I opened the ports in the frontend, but it won't help!

Ibrahim "Arastirmacilar" Yurtseven

Re: Crash in tg3 driver on SL6.3 when interface goes down

2012-12-27 Thread Phil Perry

On 26/12/12 19:21, Vladimir Mosgalin wrote:

Hello everybody.

For a few months I've been experiencing this problem - it was a bit hard
to track because it usually happens only during shutdown, when network
interfaces go down, so I just didn't notice it. A kernel panic happens
when one of the interfaces, provided by tg3 driver goes down. "ifdown
eth2" is enough to cause it.

It doesn't matter if this interface was actively used or even if the
link was up - I can unplug the cable, boot up (interface is configured
to use dhcp, it will attempt to go up and fail), then execute "ifdown
eth2" and system will crash.

It's a bit hard to get the full message of the crash as this happens on
the machine which I use for remote logging itself.. The best thing I can
get right away are screenshots, however, some of information might be
missing on them.

It goes like this on shutdown (or "ifdown eth2", or "service network
restart" etc):
1) interfaces are being brought down, at some point eth2 is being
brought down
2) nothing happens for about 10 seconds, system appears to be hang
3) lots of lines with call traces appear and scroll through the
screen. These are last lines which I captured in screenshot:
4) about 10 second pause again
5) kernel panic happens, more lines scroll. Again, here are some of the
last ones:
6) system hangs completely

This happens on latest kernel-2.6.32-279.19.1.el6.x86_64. It also
happened on 2.6.32-279.11.1.el6.x86_64 and 2.6.32-279.14.1.el6.x86_64.

It didn't happen in SL6.2 with (official, not from elrepo)
kmod-tg3-3.122 package installed which was present in
6.2-fastbugs repository.

I found some information about tg3 crashes like this
or this
but in either case 3.122 version of tg3 driver solved the problem.
However, I'm already using 3.122 and still experience crash.

The controller in question is Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5701, PCI-X version
which is inserted into PCI-X slot of Supermicro X7SBE. There haven't
been any hardware changes lately and it is working stable. I'm pretty
sure that this bug has appeared somewhere along the 6.2->6.3 upgrade or
in one of the 6.3 kernels. It's a bit hard to track because it appears
simply as "hang during reboot or shutdown", which rarely happens for
this system, but I'm sure that few months ago it rebooted and powered
off just fine.

This is interface used for internet connection. VLANs are not used.
There exists sixxs-based IPv6 interface in system, configured to work
over this interface. This problem doesn't happen with other (intel
e1000e) network interfaces.

$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2
$ ifconfig eth2
eth2  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:A5:E7:0A:10
   inet addr:
   inet6 addr: fe80::202:a5ff:fee7:a10/64 Scope:Link
   RX packets:130906804 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:178575110 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   RX bytes:83971053482 (78.2 GiB)  TX bytes:205754543966 (191.6 GiB)
$ dmesg|grep '\(eth2\|tg3\)'
tg3.c:v3.122 (December 7, 2011)
tg3 :03:02.0: PCI INT A ->  GSI 52 (level, low) ->  IRQ 52
tg3 :03:02.0: eth2: Tigon3 [partno(253212-001) rev 0105] 
(PCIX:133MHz:64-bit) MAC address 00:02:a5:e7:0a:10
tg3 :03:02.0: eth2: attached PHY is 5701 (10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet) 
(WireSpeed[1], EEE[0])
tg3 :03:02.0: eth2: RXcsums[0] LinkChgREG[0] MIirq[0] ASF[0] TSOcap[0]
tg3 :03:02.0: eth2: dma_rwctrl[76db000f] dma_mask[64-bit]
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth2: link is not ready
tg3 :03:02.0: eth2: Link is up at 100 Mbps, full duplex
tg3 :03:02.0: eth2: Flow control is on for TX and on for RX
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth2: link becomes ready

Does anyone know some solution or workaround?
I'm fine with installing other version of this driver from kmod (if I
knew where to get better version), but not very comfortable with using
kernel-3.5/3.6/3.7 etc from elrepo.

Elrepo has an updated kmod package for the tg3 driver you could try.

With elrepo installed;

yum install kmod-tg3

and reboot.

If it doesn't fix the issue, try giving the elrepo folks a ping to see 
if there is a more recent version you could try that might fix the issue.

Hope that helps.

Re: Samba vs. Firewall and/or SELinux

2012-12-27 Thread Ibrahim Yurtseven
Earl A Ramirez wrote:
> What is the output of ls -dZ /data/public

sh-4.1$ ls -dZ /data/public
drwxrwxrwx. nobody nobody system_u:object_r:samba_share_t:s0 /data/public

Ibrahim "Arastirmacilar" Yurtseven

Re: SL 6.3 doesn't no network present until user logs in on GUI

2012-12-27 Thread Tom H
On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 10:33 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia  wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 2:58 PM, Konstantin Olchanski
>  wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 09:19:05PM -0500, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
>>> Since it's packaged as the default from the upstream vendor
>>> distribution, and since the "system-config-network" tool from the
>>> upstream  vendor provides no ability to access or manipulate this
>>> feature or numerous others, ...
>> Complaint rejected.
>> RTFM the "Deployment Guide", section "Networking".
>> It tells you to use "nm-connection-editor". It even explains all this 
>> business
>> of "system" and "user" network connections.
> You've apparently read the document. I'll withdraw the complaint that
> there is no way to turn it off. But having to install and activate
> NetworkManager, and run the X applications to turn off this misfeature
>  is. well, it's not our favorite upstream vendor's proudest
> moment. It's particularly problematical on limited environment
> features such as KVM servers where you *should not* be running
> graphical logins because they suck resources away from more critical
> applications.
>> P.S. system-config-network is gone, but of late, it was simpler
>> to "vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX", and "Look Ma! Vi those
>> files directly still works, even with the NetworkManager!"
> Unfortunately, ifcfg-eth* is not a reliable convention. KVM bridges,
> for example, may be named almost any arbitrary suffix. Pair bonded
> devices and wireless devices and PPP connections add other
> possibilities: it adds up to confusion.

NM in F-17/F-18 understands ifcfg files defining bonds, bridges, vlans.

I've installed an X-less F-18 and uninstalled NM without a hitch so
it's still uninstallable (but I didn't try to do so with GNOME or
another DE installed), so it *SHOULD* still be uninstallable in EL-7.
Since you're so enamored with NM, I look forward to your reaction to
firewalld when you move to EL-7. :)

Re: SL 6.3 doesn't no network present until user logs in on GUI

2012-12-27 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 10:05 AM, Tom H  wrote:

> NM in F-17/F-18 understands ifcfg files defining bonds, bridges, vlans.
> I've installed an X-less F-18 and uninstalled NM without a hitch so
> it's still uninstallable (but I didn't try to do so with GNOME or
> another DE installed), so it *SHOULD* still be uninstallable in EL-7.
> Since you're so enamored with NM, I look forward to your reaction to
> firewalld when you move to EL-7. :)

Since F-18 is only in beta, not released yet, I'll reserve judgment
until it's actually published. So far, from F-17, I'm afraid the
switch to SL 7 is going to pretty painful. The switch to "systemd"
instead of "initscripts", and the switch from "/bin" and "/sbin" to
"/usr/bin" and "/usr/sbin" for numerous core utilities are going to
create a serious burden for people doing cross-platform work. Revising
the network component layout is going to be even more delightful,

The need for more sophisticated tools and discard of some of the
complex old hackery is understandable, it's just gong to be hard.

BIND: How to reply rev lookup with hostname and not FQDN

2012-12-27 Thread José Pablo Méndez Soto
Hello geniuses!

I'm running SL carbon here and BIND. There is one piece of software I need
to install, that is failing as follows:

When I configure its TCP/IP settings, the hostname I give to it is ucm9pub
(I can't even add the domain name, it rejects the dots). From a packet
capture I see the response from the DNS server as hostname.domain.ext, and
that is why I believe the install fails the reverse lookup.

How can I reduce the response from BIND to spit out only the hostname?
Like, just ucm9pub instead of ucm9pub.domain.ext?


 *José Pablo Méndez

Re: BIND: How to reply rev lookup with hostname and not FQDN

2012-12-27 Thread José Pablo Méndez Soto
Sorry, forgot to add the error I get:

"Host Name returned by DNS Server for IP address does not agree with the
locally defined hostname. There is a configuration mismatch."

 *José Pablo Méndez

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 7:42 PM, José Pablo Méndez Soto wrote:

> Hello geniuses!
> I'm running SL carbon here and BIND. There is one piece of software I need
> to install, that is failing as follows:
> When I configure its TCP/IP settings, the hostname I give to it is ucm9pub
> (I can't even add the domain name, it rejects the dots). From a packet
> capture I see the response from the DNS server as hostname.domain.ext, and
> that is why I believe the install fails the reverse lookup.
> How can I reduce the response from BIND to spit out only the hostname?
> Like, just ucm9pub instead of ucm9pub.domain.ext?
> Thanks!
>  *José Pablo Méndez
> *

Re: BIND: How to reply rev lookup with hostname and not FQDN

2012-12-27 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 8:42 PM, José Pablo Méndez Soto
> Hello geniuses!
> I'm running SL carbon here and BIND. There is one piece of software I need
> to install, that is failing as follows:
> When I configure its TCP/IP settings, the hostname I give to it is ucm9pub
> (I can't even add the domain name, it rejects the dots). From a packet
> capture I see the response from the DNS server as hostname.domain.ext, and
> that is why I believe the install fails the reverse lookup.
> How can I reduce the response from BIND to spit out only the hostname? Like,
> just ucm9pub instead of ucm9pub.domain.ext?
> Thanks!

In order for reverse DNS to spit out only the hostname, you'd
basically have to break it nad set up a DNS domain that is just the
short name. It's feasiable to take the out put if "host IPADDRESS" and
parse it to stip off the domain, if it matches.

Why do you want to do this?

Re: BIND: How to reply rev lookup with hostname and not FQDN

2012-12-27 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 8:45 PM, José Pablo Méndez Soto
> Sorry, forgot to add the error I get:
> "Host Name returned by DNS Server for IP address does not agree with the
> locally defined hostname. There is a configuration mismatch."

Your local hostname should be a fully qualified hostname. If it's not,
lots of software can have interesting issues.

Re: BIND: How to reply rev lookup with hostname and not FQDN

2012-12-27 Thread José Pablo Méndez Soto
Not following. You suggest to program BIND to strip off the domain if the
query comes from certain IP¿?

I am trying to install the server but getting the error I posted on my 2nd
email. I am getting from the situation described, that the hostname is not
matching the FQDN.

 *José Pablo Méndez

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia  wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 8:45 PM, José Pablo Méndez Soto
>  wrote:
> > Sorry, forgot to add the error I get:
> >
> > "Host Name returned by DNS Server for IP address does not agree with the
> > locally defined hostname. There is a configuration mismatch."
> Your local hostname should be a fully qualified hostname. If it's not,
> lots of software can have interesting issues.

Re: BIND: How to reply rev lookup with hostname and not FQDN

2012-12-27 Thread José Pablo Méndez Soto
Ah silly me... I was configuring the reverse zone file to return the

So, to achieve what I wrote this email thread initially, its a matter of
changing the PTR line for this specific server/record, from

10  IN  PTR ucm9pub.arda.inet.


10  IN  PTR ucm9pub.

However, I got this fixed by doing a full restart of named instead of small

Turns out,  the reply from BIND was appending the to the FQDN,
and here is where the other software was complaining. To avoid appending
that suffix, there must be a dot at the end of

10  IN  PTR ucm9pub.arda.inet.

However, for some reason it was there before, and the reloads were not
applying it. I got it to work by using the above line and service named


 *José Pablo Méndez

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 9:26 PM, José Pablo Méndez Soto wrote:

> Not following. You suggest to program BIND to strip off the domain if the
> query comes from certain IP¿?
> I am trying to install the server but getting the error I posted on my 2nd
> email. I am getting from the situation described, that the hostname is not
> matching the FQDN.
>  *José Pablo Méndez
> *
> On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 8:45 PM, José Pablo Méndez Soto
>>  wrote:
>> > Sorry, forgot to add the error I get:
>> >
>> > "Host Name returned by DNS Server for IP address does not agree with the
>> > locally defined hostname. There is a configuration mismatch."
>> Your local hostname should be a fully qualified hostname. If it's not,
>> lots of software can have interesting issues.

Figured out my flash-plugin problem

2012-12-27 Thread Todd And Margo Chester

Hi All,

Figured out my flash-plugin problem:

If you are using flash-plugin higher than and
you are getting reversed colors and artifacts in Firefox,
open a flash video right click in the video while it is playing,
go to "settings", "Display" (tab), unclick "Enable hardware acceleration"

Hope this helps someone else,