Re: ssh -X xinit failure

2014-05-07 Thread David Sommerseth
On 07/05/14 04:33, Yasha Karant wrote:
 Thanks for the information.  At my institution, we were told by the
 university network security group that after ssh -X, one still needed to
 activate X for the session by xinit or the like for security reasons. 
 Evidently, the persons were thinking of some other environment (MS
 Windows perhaps?).  Indeed, xeyes and firefox both work fine from the
 remote host to the local client workstation.
 A question:  as a regular X window manager desktop from the remote
 machine is not displayed (that is, the pull down menu Applications
 under Gnome or the equivalent from KDE), is there any mechanism to get
 such a menu, etc., displayed?  What is the default GUI file manager
 (that allows an end user to point and click on an executable file to
 execute the application) that can be invoked from a remote terminal?

Running this over ssh will most likely not work well at all.  If you
want a remote desktop experience, look into nomachine or freenx:

Another alternative is to start Xvnc and tunnel the VNC port Xvnc
establishes from your remote server via SSH.  Then use a local VNC
client to connect to the same port.  This may work, but may also be
worse than nomachine.

Using anything else, will most likely just cause grief and frustration.
 The X11 protocol isn't easily tunnelled, and requires quite some stable
bandwidth to work decent.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

RE: ssh -X xinit failure

2014-05-07 Thread James M. Pulver
We're actually using X2Go - an OSS continuation of FreeNX as far as I can tell. 
No more going to at all - they have their own clients you can 
download etc. It works pretty well once you install the fonts manually into the 
embedded xserver or point to a local xserver with the fonts installed (this is 
on Windows. I think the other platforms already have the fonts)...

I tried XRDP here, and had nothing but weirdness, which is too bad as RDP 
wouldn't be a bad solution. But X2Go client is really slick - you can have it 
run a whole desktop, you can have it run a specific app, and you can have it 
use rdesktop to proxy an rdp connection to a Windows computer if you don't want 
to set up VPN or an RDP gateway server for that... I'm really impressed with 
the flexibility.

Also, once you get the client set up on Windows - you can easily zip the entire 
program files folder and then pass it around to run anywhere without 
installing, which is also nice!
James Pulver
CLASSE Computer Group
Cornell University

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of David 
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 7:29 AM
To: Yasha Karant; Scientific Linux Users
Subject: Re: ssh -X xinit failure

On 07/05/14 04:33, Yasha Karant wrote:
 Thanks for the information.  At my institution, we were told by the 
 university network security group that after ssh -X, one still needed 
 to activate X for the session by xinit or the like for security reasons.
 Evidently, the persons were thinking of some other environment (MS 
 Windows perhaps?).  Indeed, xeyes and firefox both work fine from the 
 remote host to the local client workstation.
 A question:  as a regular X window manager desktop from the remote 
 machine is not displayed (that is, the pull down menu Applications
 under Gnome or the equivalent from KDE), is there any mechanism to get 
 such a menu, etc., displayed?  What is the default GUI file manager 
 (that allows an end user to point and click on an executable file to 
 execute the application) that can be invoked from a remote terminal?

Running this over ssh will most likely not work well at all.  If you want a 
remote desktop experience, look into nomachine or freenx:

Another alternative is to start Xvnc and tunnel the VNC port Xvnc establishes 
from your remote server via SSH.  Then use a local VNC client to connect to the 
same port.  This may work, but may also be worse than nomachine.

Using anything else, will most likely just cause grief and frustration.
 The X11 protocol isn't easily tunnelled, and requires quite some stable 
bandwidth to work decent.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

Re: ssh -X xinit failure

2014-05-07 Thread Akemi Yagi
On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 5:14 AM, James M. Pulver wrote:
 We're actually using X2Go - an OSS continuation of FreeNX as far as I can 
 tell. No more going to at all - they have their own clients you 
 can download etc. It works pretty well once you install the fonts manually 
 into the embedded xserver or point to a local xserver with the fonts 
 installed (this is on Windows. I think the other platforms already have the 

I also recommend x2go. It's available from EPEL.


Re: ssh -X xinit failure

2014-05-07 Thread Lamar Owen

On 05/06/2014 10:33 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
... What is the default GUI file manager (that allows an end user to 
point and click on an executable file to execute the application) 
that can be invoked from a remote terminal?
You can invoke nautilus remotely in either 'spatial' mode or 'file 
manager mode.'

To invoke in spatial mode, issue the command 'nautilus ' at the 
remote's shell prompt.  The  of course puts it into the background, 
although many GUI programs take liberties with stderr that can be 
annoying.  The  also keeps your remote shell usable for other commands 
as needed.

To invoke 'file manager mode' use 'nautilus --browser ' instead.  To 
see other command line options (there aren't that many) read the man 
page for nautilus.

While your mileage may vary, I find that, if I'm just running one or two 
remote programs, ssh X tunnelling works better than a full remote 
desktop like NX or x2go, especially on really slow WAN links (I do this 
all the time for remote support of CentOS workstations on DSL circuits 
with autossh-maintained reverse tunnels. a tunnelled X app comes up 
quicker and is usable more rapidly than a full remote desktop is; I can 
have, for instance, system-config-firewall up, running, and changes made 
(but maybe not applied yet) before the initial remote desktop redraw is 
complete with NX, for the most part.  Further, I can move that 
system-config-firewall anywhere on my local X server display with little 
to no redraw lag; try that with NX.  (NX and the others have their 
places; remotely running one or two X clients is not one of them, IMO).

You may also want to look at the ssh documentation and read up on the 
difference between the '-X' command line switch and the '-Y' command 
line switch.

Re: ssh -X xinit failure

2014-05-07 Thread Alec Habig
Also consider using the -C option as well: compresses the stream.  Raw
X packets compress nicely.  On a limited bandwidth connection this makes
a huge difference: on a high bandwidth connection, the extra
compress/decompress latency might be more annoying.

Alec Habig, University of Minnesota Duluth Physics Dept.

Re: ssh -X xinit failure

2014-05-07 Thread Lamar Owen

On 05/07/2014 10:06 AM, Alec Habig wrote:

Also consider using the -C option as well

Yes, very good information, and it is something I do.

Re: aufs rpm

2014-05-07 Thread n . chandra sekhar
In that list there is no rpm which supports  for the required kernel (

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 4:53 PM, David Sommerseth wrote:

 On 07/05/14 13:12, n.chandra sekhar wrote:
  I am using scientific Linux 6 of kernel version is
  2.6.32-358.11.1.e16.x86_64 , so can body suggest where i can i get the
  aufs rpm for this kernel version or if anyone knows please provide the
  downlaod link

 Please see the response you already got here:

 kind regards,

 David Sommerseth

Re: Bombono DVD load/install

2014-05-07 Thread Connie Sieh

On Tue, 6 May 2014, Taylor Woods wrote:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Ok I don't think I am insane, but I am trying to load Bombono DVD on SL
6.5, I found it on the website, tried to download it for 64 bit no go,

What did you try?  Details please.

tried from RPM list site way too many to choose from but I tried one no

Way too many what to choose from.  Details please.

good any suggestions on how to load this? I have done this before but this
is on another system and I don't remember. Any suggestions?

More detail is needed about what you have tried already.

-Connie Sieh

Taylor Woods
3J Computer Associates Plc

From the desk of Taylor Woods: Just one man and his computer

Success is not measured by the amount of failures but by the amount of
attempts to accept failure as NOT an option

Taylor Woods

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div dir=3Dltrdiv class=3Dgmail_default style=3Dfont-family:comic sa=
ns ms,sans-serifOk I don#39;t think I am insane, but I am trying to load=
Bombono DVD on SL 6.5, I found it on the website, tried to download it for=
64 bit no go, tried from RPM list site way too many to choose from but I t=
ried one no good any suggestions on how to load this? I have done this befo=
re but this is on another system and I don#39;t remember. Any suggestions?=
/divdiv class=3Dgmail_default style=3Dfont-family:comic sans ms,sans-=
serifbrbr/divdiv class=3Dgmail_default style=3Dfont-family:comi=
c sans ms,sans-serifTaylor Woodsbr/divdiv class=3Dgmail_default st=
yle=3Dfont-family:comic sans ms,sans-serif
3J Computer Associates Plcbr/divdiv class=3Dgmail_default style=3Df=
ont-family:comic sans ms,sans-serifbrbr clear=3Dall/divdivdiv =
dir=3Dltrdivspan style=3Dcolor:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Arial;font-siz=
e:mediumFrom the desk of Taylor Woods: Just one man and his computerbr
/span/divdivspan style=3Dcolor:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Arial;font-si=
ze:mediumbr/span/divdivspan style=3Dcolor:rgb(0,0,0);font-famil=
y:Arial;font-size:mediumquot;Success is not measured by the amount of fa=
ilures but by the amount of attempts to accept failure as NOT an optionquo=
divspan style=3Dcolor:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Arial;font-size:mediumb=
r/span/divdivspan style=3Dcolor:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Arial;font-=
size:mediumTaylor Woodsbr/span/divdivspan style=3Dcolor:rgb(0,0=
,0);font-family:Arial;font-size:mediuma href=3Dmailto:jtwoods0601@gmail=
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Re: ssh -X xinit failure

2014-05-07 Thread Lamar Owen

On 05/07/2014 09:58 AM, Lamar Owen wrote:

On 05/06/2014 10:33 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
... What is the default GUI file manager (that allows an end user to 
point and click on an executable file to execute the application) 
that can be invoked from a remote terminal?
You can invoke nautilus remotely in either 'spatial' mode or 'file 
manager mode.'

You may also want to look at the ssh documentation and read up on the 
difference between the '-X' command line switch and the '-Y' command 
line switch.

Also note that nautilus invoked in this way won't be able to access 
'network' resources.  However, there is a way, and that is to not 
directly launch nautilus, but use 'dbus-launch' to launch it.  So, for 
'file manager' mode with URI's like dav://, sftp://, etc working you 
would need:

dbus-launch nautilus --browser 

This works; I'm using it right now with a remote server doing a copy of 
a 50GB or so tree of mp3 audio clips out of a Plone website to the 
straight filesystem using WebDAV.  Not exactly fast, but it is working.  
Yes, this could be done in other ways, but since I was on this topic 
already today, I thought I'd try it out.

Re: ssh -X xinit failure

2014-05-07 Thread Matt Lewandowsky
Another thing which can help performance of tunneled X11 is forcing your 
connection to use arcfour or blowfish as its cipher. While arcfour is the 
much-reviled RC4, it is usually the fastest choice; blowfish is a good 

A fast cipher combined with compression is a powerful combination for running 
single apps.

Note that there isn't much which can help Firefox running over a WAN X11 
though. ;)


Matt Lewandowsky
Big Geek
+1 415 578 5782 (US) +44 844 484 8254 (UK)
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Alec Habig
Sent: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 07:07
To: Lamar Owen
Cc: Scientific Linux Users
Subject: Re: ssh -X xinit failure

Also consider using the -C option as well: compresses the stream.  Raw
X packets compress nicely.  On a limited bandwidth connection this makes
a huge difference: on a high bandwidth connection, the extra
compress/decompress latency might be more annoying.

Alec Habig, University of Minnesota Duluth Physics Dept.

Re: ssh -X xinit failure

2014-05-07 Thread Yasha Karant
Thank you for the information on, etc.  Two points:  I 
was not confused about the mechanisms and terminology of X windows, but 
the university network security czar administrative (not academic) group 
evidently was -- I simply followed instructions that clearly are 
incorrect, and, silly me, did not experiment with simple tests. Second:  
does the package you recommend behave *IDENTICALLY* to ssh -X so far as 
any network security (ports, protocols, packet headers, etc.) can 
detect?  Almost all network protocols are blocked by the same security 
group, including some internal packet examination that may be able to 
detect if ssh -X is not being used.  Only ssh -X is permitted by this 
group for remote X windows, and none of the MS Windows (currently 7) 
university-wide-supplied classroom console workstations have any X 
windows servers -- thus I must bring my research laptop to class to 
demonstrate any GUI running on a Linux machine (such as a compute server 
with a graphical debugger).  Of necessity, we have more control over the 
protocols, etc., used on the research networks, but these are not used 
by any direct instructional facility.  Within our Department 
(technically, School), our instructional technicians run our own 
instructional network (separate from any research network), and this is 
more permissive of protocols than the university czar group allows -- 
although the czar group has attempted to gain control of, and thus 
effectively shut down, our instructional network (that mostly has SL6 
workstations).  However, the question I am pursuing is for use in 
classrooms outside those we control.

Yasha Karant

On 05/06/2014 08:43 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 10:33 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

Thanks for the information.  At my institution, we were told by the
university network security group that after ssh -X, one still needed to
activate X for the session by xinit or the like for security reasons.
Evidently, the persons were thinking of some other environment (MS Windows
perhaps?).  Indeed, xeyes and firefox both work fine from the remote host to
the local client workstation.

*Sigh*. OK, time for some lessons. X reverses the concept of server
and client from how people think of them. xinit is used to start
an X server on your local machine, so that X applications can work
correctly. The graphical login presented as a default on most Linux
environments is an X based login manager, with an X session already
running, so for most Linux environments you don't need it. If you run
a server that is at run level 3, where an X session isn't normally
used for logins, then you'd need to run xinit on your local system
to get things working.

ssh -X would then run from a terminal session or SSH tool in that X
session, running on your local X server On the SSH server you log
into, if you start X applications, they are then clients of your
local X server connected over SSH.

The more common problem is when people neglect to install the
necessary X libraries on the remote SSH server, and wonder why ssh
-X won't work. The necessary tools include xauth and X library
dependencies and fonts. Start by making sure the remote side has
xauth installed, if you have trouble that way.

Now, with all that said: bare X sessions tend to be bandwidth and
resource greedy, and don't share sessions well or hve good tools for
controlling how many or which clients are allowed. And the X servers
for Windows clients often stink. If you need something more effective,
and with a *much better* security model than tools like vnc for
remote X sessions, strongly consider the toolkits.
They'e extremely effective multi-platform X servers wired into their
optimized X protocol, and they work very well to provide much better
security control of X sessions. It's commercial software, free for
personal use, and I do like it greatly over VNC. (I wrote the first
SunOS ports of VNC: there's a lot wrong with it.)

A question:  as a regular X window manager desktop from the remote machine
is not displayed (that is, the pull down menu Applications under Gnome or
the equivalent from KDE), is there any mechanism to get such a menu, etc.,
displayed?  What is the default GUI file manager (that allows an end user to
point and click on an executable file to execute the application) that can
be invoked from a remote terminal?

See above tools from for graceful window manager
environments. What you seem to really want is for the X session to be
inside a window manager environment, rather than simply running X
applications against your local X server. If you want window managers,
as it stands, you need to run one *locally* as part of your X server

The easy way to do this is to run your Linux box in run level 5,
with a GUI based login, so the window manager is alrady running.
Otherwise, to run it locally, you'll need to install a window manager

Re: ssh -X xinit failure

2014-05-07 Thread James Fait
Hi Yasha:

The NX protocol, as used pre4.0 and served by freenx and others, is X11 that 
has been protocol-compressed so that no unnecessary X events go over the wire. 
As it is encapsulated inside ssh, and uses ssh as its only transport, it is 
indistinguishable from any ssh session.  This is NOT true of the current 
NoMachine offerings, which can make getting clients a bit chancy, but the 
protocol will work wherever ssh will work.  If you install the freenx server on 
your X11 host system, and connect with a 3.x NX client, it will appear to them 
that you used a key based login to access a ssh session.  No -X is needed, as 
it uses the channel that it has to talk to its own X11 server on your host 
system, which it starts and stops on demand. The client software provides the X 
server on the windows end of things.
Contact me directly for help with clients, as the 3.x clients are no longer 
available from NoMachine, but have been archived at many institutions. The 
FreeNX server is available on one of the repositories with all the 
dependencies, which makes installation a breeze.



James Fait, Ph.D.

- Original Message -
| From: Yasha Karant
| To: Scientific Linux Users
| Sent: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 3:02:05 PM
| Subject: Re: ssh -X xinit failure
| Thank you for the information on, etc.  Two points:
|  I
| was not confused about the mechanisms and terminology of X windows,
| but
| the university network security czar administrative (not academic)
| group
| evidently was -- I simply followed instructions that clearly are
| incorrect, and, silly me, did not experiment with simple tests.
| Second:
| does the package you recommend behave *IDENTICALLY* to ssh -X so far
| as
| any network security (ports, protocols, packet headers, etc.) can
| detect?  Almost all network protocols are blocked by the same
| security
| group, including some internal packet examination that may be able to
| detect if ssh -X is not being used.  Only ssh -X is permitted by
| this
| group for remote X windows, and none of the MS Windows (currently 7)
| university-wide-supplied classroom console workstations have any X
| windows servers -- thus I must bring my research laptop to class to
| demonstrate any GUI running on a Linux machine (such as a compute
| server
| with a graphical debugger).  Of necessity, we have more control over
| the
| protocols, etc., used on the research networks, but these are not
| used
| by any direct instructional facility.  Within our Department
| (technically, School), our instructional technicians run our own
| instructional network (separate from any research network), and this
| is
| more permissive of protocols than the university czar group allows --
| although the czar group has attempted to gain control of, and thus
| effectively shut down, our instructional network (that mostly has SL6
| workstations).  However, the question I am pursuing is for use in
| classrooms outside those we control.
| Yasha Karant
| On 05/06/2014 08:43 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
|  On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 10:33 PM, Yasha Karant
|  wrote:
|  Thanks for the information.  At my institution, we were told by
|  the
|  university network security group that after ssh -X, one still
|  needed to
|  activate X for the session by xinit or the like for security
|  reasons.
|  Evidently, the persons were thinking of some other environment (MS
|  Windows
|  perhaps?).  Indeed, xeyes and firefox both work fine from the
|  remote host to
|  the local client workstation.
|  *Sigh*. OK, time for some lessons. X reverses the concept of
|  server
|  and client from how people think of them. xinit is used to
|  start
|  an X server on your local machine, so that X applications can
|  work
|  correctly. The graphical login presented as a default on most Linux
|  environments is an X based login manager, with an X session already
|  running, so for most Linux environments you don't need it. If you
|  run
|  a server that is at run level 3, where an X session isn't
|  normally
|  used for logins, then you'd need to run xinit on your local
|  system
|  to get things working.
|  ssh -X would then run from a terminal session or SSH tool in that
|  X
|  session, running on your local X server On the SSH server you log
|  into, if you start X applications, they are then clients of your
|  local X server connected over SSH.
|  The more common problem is when people neglect to install the
|  necessary X libraries on the remote SSH server, and wonder why ssh
|  -X won't work. The necessary tools include xauth and X library
|  dependencies and fonts. Start by making sure the remote side has
|  xauth installed, if you have trouble that way.
|  Now, with all that said: bare X sessions tend to be bandwidth and
|  resource greedy, and don't share sessions well or hve good tools
|  for
|  controlling 

Re: ssh -X xinit failure

2014-05-07 Thread Nico Kadel-Garcia
On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:
 Thank you for the information on, etc.  Two points:  I was
 not confused about the mechanisms and terminology of X windows, but the
 university network security czar administrative (not academic) group
 evidently was -- I simply followed instructions that clearly are
 incorrect, and, silly me, did not experiment with simple tests. Second:
 does the package you recommend behave *IDENTICALLY* to ssh -X so far as any
 network security (ports, protocols, packet headers, etc.) can detect?

It does not. It runs a separate SSH tunneling server on an alternative
port, one that has much more graceful server side interfaces to manage
the configurations. It requires a client SSH private key to establish
the original connection, and this is easily altered on a site by site
basis, so it supports a robust 2-fator authentication work mode. It
then has a graceful GUI for managing client sessions, setting policies
for maximum numbers of clients, whether a client can have two
sessions, or whether a client can share their sessions.

 Almost all network protocols are blocked by the same security group,
 including some internal packet examination that may be able to detect if ssh
 -X is not being used.  Only ssh -X is permitted by this group for remote X
 windows, and none of the MS Windows (currently 7) university-wide-supplied
 classroom console workstations have any X windows servers -- thus I must

Why not bring a USB stick with CygWin on it? Or a live DVD to boot
with, unless they've locked that down?

And a word with them about NX based X sessions, mentioning the free
personal use and better resource management, might be worth educating
them about it. See for more
details about the relevant ports and services.

 bring my research laptop to class to demonstrate any GUI running on a Linux
 machine (such as a compute server with a graphical debugger).  Of necessity,
 we have more control over the protocols, etc., used on the research
 networks, but these are not used by any direct instructional facility.
 Within our Department (technically, School), our instructional technicians
 run our own instructional network (separate from any research network), and
 this is more permissive of protocols than the university czar group allows
 -- although the czar group has attempted to gain control of, and thus
 effectively shut down, our instructional network (that mostly has SL6
 workstations).  However, the question I am pursuing is for use in classrooms
 outside those we control.

 Yasha Karant

OK, I've not tried to install the Windows NX client on removeable
media, but that might be a good way to make it work.