Re: problems with dell 490 install

2009-08-03 Thread Renato Borges
Hello Dan!

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Dan McMahill wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to install the x86_64 version 4.7 release of scientific linux on
> a Dell Precision 490 from the install CD's.  I used the same set of CD's to
> install to a dual opteron box a few days ago and it all went smoothly.  On
> the Dell however, the install hangs either while decompressing the kernel or
> right when it tries to run the decompressed kernel.  i.e. I see the boot
> loader stuff and the "..." when it says its loading vmlinuz but I never
> see even the first kernel message.

I'm not sure which is the default verbosity of the x86_64 4.7 kernel,
but maybe if you pass the loglevel=7 boot option, some information may

To do that you must edit the boot line, and for that the onscreen grub
messages should help.

If you do get some more info, please post, so we can help you further.

> The machine is currently running a very old RHEL and I needed a more modern
> system.
> This system has two dual core xeon 5130 processors and 4 GB of RAM.
> Any suggestions on how to proceed?  I see that SL 4.8 has just been released
> but I guess I'd like to get 4.7 on the system to keep it the same as the
> other box here and keep it the same as what a number of other users I work
> with have.
> I'm a long time unix-like OS user but have relatively little linux-specific
> background.
> Thanks
> -Dan

C ya!

Re: No success installing ATI Radeon HD5970 driver

2011-03-11 Thread Renato Borges
Hi Wil!

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 7:07 PM, Phil Perry  wrote:

> On 10/03/11 17:28, Wil Irwin wrote:
>> I have tried multiple times to install the driver using the "GUI"
>> installer
>> and the subsequent steps. Installation appears to proceed and I can finish
>> with "aticonfig --initial". However, the driver doesn't appear to be
>> applied. Scrolling down any webpage or document is very constipated, and
>> dragging windows across the screen is also extremely constipated. In
>> addition the GUI for Catalyst Control Panel will allow resolution, etc.
>> changes, but they are not applied after a re-boot. I have also tried the
>> command-prompt based install, with exactly the same results. I'm using the
>> 11.2 driver released on 02/15/2011. I should also note the same problem
>> (or
>> at least similar) happened with SL5 and Ubuntu 10.x)
>> The errors shown for fgl_glxgears, fglrxinfo, and glxinfo. uname -r; and
>> the
>> xorg.conf file are listed below. I am running SL6 with all updates and
>> packages installed.
>> Any suggestions would be VERY MUCH appreciated.
If you _must_ use the proprietary driver from ATI, without using the elrepo,
please do notice that it will not work with kernels above a certain version.
I can report that my 5870 runs smoothly with the proprietary driver under a kernel (custom built, in debian).

Whenever I try to install the proprietary driver and the install fails, I
get the same errors you got from glxinfo, so I suppose you're having the
same issue (kernel incompatibility).

You can be sure that the error is due to kernel version incompatibility by
reading /usr/share/ati/install.log (or something similar, I am not at the
machine with the device right now), which logs the problems with the
proprietary driver install.
