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Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Brunner, Brian T." <bbrun...@gai-tronics.com>
> Date: 20 April 2010 14:49:35 CDT
> Subject: RE: Migrate Centos->Scientific Linux
> Needed:--to enable X and mouse (without which I have a command-line-only
> system)
> Have:----system under upgrade RH7.3 (ancient) to Centos5.4 (boots new
> kernel, yum works)
> Trouble:-Making the loadable kernel module for the Nvidia GF6800 Xtreme
> Tried:---Downloading from www.nvidia.com the kernel module build package
> 195.36.15-pkg1.run
> Stumble:-Can't build nvidia 2.6 package against previously-installed 2.4
> kernel sources (D'Oh) and 
> Stumble:-I don't have 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5.centos.plus (currently
> installed kernel) sources that build (make->no rule to make
> main/init.o). 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5 sources don't build either.
> It's obvious to me I have a solvable problem, is the nature/cure for the
> problem obvious to anybody here?

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