Note about this Scientific Linux Mailing List (Was: UEFI)

2011-10-20 Thread Akemi Yagi
Try Dawson posted a note about the Scientific Linux mailing list on
July 1, 2011. I am posting part of his note here because I see some
new "faces" who probably have not read it. Also for those who have
been on the list for a while, this is a reminder.


fromTroy Dawson
to  SL users 
dateFri, Jul 1, 2011 at 6:51 AM

The scientific-linux-users mailing list has always been a place that
people could go to for technical help.  It is supposed to have fairly
low traffic, and it has had that for quite a while.

I know that we have recently had an influx of new SL users, and so it
is expected that the technical questions and answer go up.

But we have also had a very high upswing of *frivolous* emails.


This mailling list is for people to bring questions about Scientific
Linux, and hopefully they will get answers.


There was a comment by Steven Haigh who suggested using the SL forums:

I would also suggest that people wanting to continue the whole posting
style debate or just general things not specifically related to SL do
so on the unofficial forums.

Here is a good start:
Steven Haigh


And a follow-up by John H. Outlan who oversees the forums:

That's fine. But any rudeness will result in a ban. That's why we are
there in the first place. Just kill 'em with kindness ;)

Re: Note about this Scientific Linux Mailing List (Was: UEFI)

2011-10-20 Thread Alan Bartlett
On 20 October 2011 15:58, Akemi Yagi  wrote:
> Troy Dawson posted a note about the Scientific Linux mailing list on
> July 1, 2011. I am posting part of his note here because I see some
> new "faces" who probably have not read it. Also for those who have
> been on the list for a while, this is a reminder.
> Akemi
> =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
> from    Troy Dawson
> to      SL users 
> date    Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 6:51 AM
> Hello,
> The scientific-linux-users mailing list has always been a place that
> people could go to for technical help.  It is supposed to have fairly
> low traffic, and it has had that for quite a while.
> I know that we have recently had an influx of new SL users, and so it
> is expected that the technical questions and answer go up.
> But we have also had a very high upswing of *frivolous* emails.
> (snip)
> This mailling list is for people to bring questions about Scientific
> Linux, and hopefully they will get answers.
> =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
> There was a comment by Steven Haigh who suggested using the SL forums:
> I would also suggest that people wanting to continue the whole posting
> style debate or just general things not specifically related to SL do
> so on the unofficial forums.
> Here is a good start:
> --
> Steven Haigh
> =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
> And a follow-up by John H. Outlan who oversees the forums:
> That's fine. But any rudeness will result in a ban. That's why we are
> there in the first place. Just kill 'em with kindness ;)

Thank you for posting the reminder to the list, Akemi.

I hope that the one person who has, predominately, been the instigator
of a lot of noise on this mailing-list will now find another outlet
for his pontifications.
