With Devtoolset 3 TUV made it part of Software Collections vs having it be its own product. So you need the softwarecollections repo rpm.



Connie J. Sieh
Computing Services Specialist III

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
630 840 8531 office


On Tue, 3 Nov 2015, Ken Teh wrote:

I dont seem to be able to install devtoolset-3 on an sl6x x86_64 system.
I've done it successfully with devtoolset-2 on an i686 system.  My
procedure is

1. Wget the yum-conf-devtoolset rpm and install it.

2. Then, when I do a

      # yum --enablerepo=devtoolset install devtoolset-3-toolchain

it just comes back and says no such available package.  Though the
package is listed clear as day on the mirror.

I've tried this on 2 different systems and the result is the same.  I'm
baffled.  What am I missing?


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