On Thu, 19 Dec 2013, Paul Hein wrote:

I have a several machines running SL 6 and I want to turn on sl-fastbugs
repo to update the software for all the non-critical bugs.  The problem
is the computers originally had SL 6.1 installed on them and updating
with sl-fastbugs repo enabled updates only the software with the recent
bug fixes.  I see that the sl-fastbugs repos exist for previous
versions.  Is there an easy way to update all those bug fixes?

I have tried to create a repo to access a previous version but failed.
Here is the repo file:
name=Scientific Linux 6.4 - x86_64 - fastbug updates

And here is the errors I got when I tried to use it:
# yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=sl-6.4-fastbugs.repo update
Loaded plugins: downloadonly, priorities, refresh-packagekit, security
Repository sl-fastbugs is listed more than once in the configuration

Error getting repository data for sl-6.4-fastbugs.repo, repository not found

Thank you for any help you can give.

The repo name in the above example is "sl-fastbugs" , it is the name between the [ ]

yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=sl-fastbugs update

-Connie Sieh

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