[scifinoir2] Superman - Doomsday Animated Movie Coming Sept 18

2007-09-14 Thread KeithBJohnson
This one caught me completely off guard. Bruce Timm--the genius behind the 
Batman, Superman, and Justice League cartoons--has done an animated movie based 
on the excellent "Death of Superman" comic series. The movie's out on DVD and 
pay-per-view next Tuesday. The animation looks slightly different from most of 
Timm's work (the lines on Supes' face are odd), perhaps not quite as good, but 
still good. Voice cast is completely different. Really jarring to hear James 
Marsters (Spike from "Buffy") as Lex Luthor, instead of Clancy Brown. The plot 
differs from the comics in many ways, notably the complete absence of the 
Justice League, the fact that John Kent appears to be dead, and that Lois in 
the movie doesn't  yet know that Clark is Superman. But still it looks good, 
and with Timm behind it, ought to be exciting. 

You tube three-minute trailer here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rYgxM_aPWc
Official DVD websie:   http://www.warnervideo.com/supermandoomsdaydvd/

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Fw: EARTH MEANDERS: The Depauperate World of 2049

2007-09-14 Thread Amy

Worth pondering.

> The Depauperate World of 2049
> And what an equitable, just and ecologically sustainable society
> will look like
> Earth Meanders -- http://earthmeanders.blogspot.com/
> A series of personal eco-essays by Dr. Glen Barry
> August 22, 2007
> The Earth, human society and those species with who we share
> creation are on a crash course with global ecological collapse
> characterized by horrific death and destruction. Human
> populations have exploded and in sum have become a disease
> consuming the ecological systems which provide for their habitat
> and being. Environmentalism such as it is remains mostly
> bureaucratic greenwashing, seeking to defend practices such as
> ancient forest logging and excessive personal air travel, which
> are the very activities that has led to our fatal situation and
> threaten the Earth and humanity in the first place. This meander
> attempts to pull together seemingly discordant themes of recent
> essays into a coherent vision for your and the Earth's future.
> "Depauperate" -- meaning lacking in numbers of variety of
> species, impoverished -- is a particularly apt biological term
> which captures Gaia's and humanity's future prospects rather
> well given current trends. This reduction in biodiversity
> through excessive population and consumption is the core of the
> Earth crisis. The challenge of environmental communication and
> campaigning is to truthfully highlight the absolutely atrocious,
> dire, depauperate future with which we are faced; while
> simultaneously spawning personal actions and societal policies
> that are of sufficient magnitude to solve global ecological
> problems. This must be done without entirely bogging down in
> feeling of desperate helplessness; but not at the expense of not
> telling the truth, advocating insufficient responses, or
> justifying continued personal excessive consumption.
> There is no road to a sustained, desirable human future that
> does not include enlightened self-sacrifice and voluntary
> simplicity as we learn to live well and sustainably in a post-
> modern age. The obstacles include vile talking heads such as
> Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity; that as evil incarnate stupidly
> and in an ill-informed manner defend a system careening towards
> planetary self-immolation. And in my opinion only slightly less
> damaging to long-term planetary prospects are Madonna, Al Gore
> and Leonardo DiCaprio -- knowing there is an urgent crisis,
> using their formidable skills to communicate it to others, but
> showing unwillingness to lead by example and check their own
> opulent conspicuous consumption.
> We have seen the future, we know the problem, and it is us. A
> messenger, carrying a message of crisis caused by their own
> doings, that is unwilling to make necessary changes in
> lifestyle, deserves metaphorically to be "shot". The global
> ecological emergency cannot be solved by anything less dramatic
> than immediate efforts to first stabilize and then reduce human
> population, development of a consumption ethic informed by
> ecological constraints, and leadership by example -- showing
> rather than telling others what must be done simply to survive.
> Given current trends what can be expected
> Much of the world lives in grinding poverty, with billions
> barely meeting basic needs on one or two dollars a day. This
> will increasingly become the norm of human existence. The over-
> developed world stands as a fortified compound within a sea of
> poverty and destroyed ecosystems of their own making. The next
> forty years will witness a siege and continued diminishment in
> areas living opulently, until the world descends into barbarity
> and eventual loss of complex life. Along the way, if we stay our
> present course, we will witness every variety of environmental,
> political and social calamity.
> Resource scarcity and over-population will lead to an end to
> economic growth. This is good news in that nothing can grow
> exponentially forever, and the industrial growth machine is the
> engine of planetary destruction. However, resulting economic
> decay and widespread dramatic reductions in living standards in
> the excessive West will lead to calls for further resource over-
> exploitation and ecosystem destruction. The fate of the Earth
> will be sealed by desperate, ill-informed efforts to fuel
> unsustainable consumption patterns by those accustomed to the
> throw-away, consumptive lifestyle as the meaning of life.
> The future will include fierce competition and military conflict
> as too many people seek to maintain long-standing unsustainable
> resource use. I believe we will first see broad-based societal
> collapse in China, which unthinkingly took upon itself the ill-
> conceived Western economic model based upon liquidation of
> natural capital. China has pursued capitalism so extravagantly
> that within a decade we should expect ecological collapse and

Re: [scifinoir2] A New V May Be Coming!!

2007-09-14 Thread Astromancer
Yeah...sorry I brought them up...I should have denied memory of anything...

Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Keith, Astro and I are trying to 
*quell* those memories, thanks... ;D

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: was that the finale of the series? I have trouble 
remembering but that little girl--i remember that. 

-- Original message -- 
From: Astromancer 
Gotcha...now if you'll pardon me, I have to go and repress those memories 

Martin wrote: NOW I remember...

I'll be over in the corner, shivering uncontrollably. Pardon the screaming sure 
to follow.

Astromancer wrote: You really, really don't want to know, but(having 
flashbacks of Star Crash...) The ship is climbing out of Earth orbit and 
there's a bomb ticking off that would destroy the planet...No one knows how to 
stop it when the little half alien girl walks over to the control panel, grabs 
it, glows a bit and...all over, the bomb is defused...I think my explanation 
sounds a lot better than it actually was, but my memory is a bit fuzzy from 
1984 also...

Martin wrote: Don't remember that, pal. How did it end?

Astromancer wrote: No, the ending to the last miniseries was a bad omen...

Martin wrote: The TV series never should've been done. Sooner a sequel on the 

Astromancer wrote: My complaint about the TV series is that they had pretty 
people and it sucked...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The first Diane was cool. She was charming and 
devious. I don't want a Diana 
that looks like the Vulcan chick from Enterprise. She can't act, She has fish 
lips and no personality. I don't want a remake of Battlestar or Xena . I want 
action and character. 

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Re: [scifinoir2] Chew on this: scientists invent non-stick gum

2007-09-14 Thread KeithBJohnson
so basically it's gum surrounding in some kind of oily or slick sheathe, eh? 
What the heck does it feel like to *chew* that? Not that I care: between the 
braces I know sport (at 43!) and the fact that even before that I was sick of 
the aching jaws, I gave up gum chewing.

-- Original message -- 
From: "Brent Wodehouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Chew on this: scientists invent non-stick gum

Friday, September 14, 2007

CBC News

Scientists said Friday they have invented a non-stick chewing gum that can
be easily removed from shoes, sidewalks and the underside of classroom

Revolymer, a spinoff company from the University of Bristol, said
preliminary results of its Clean Gum showed it degrades naturally in water
and can be easily removed from surfaces, clothing and hair.

The company said it has completed two street trials on pavements in local
high schools. After eight days, leading commercial gums remained stuck to
the pavement three out of four times, while the Clean Gum was removed
within 24 hours by natural events.

The gum could even be removed from hair, although it took several washes
with shampoo, the Guardian newspaper reported.

University of Bristol professor Terence Cosgrove, the chief scientific
officer of Revolymer, said the basis of the technology was the addition of
an amphiphilic polymer to the chewing gum formula. Amphiphiles are
molecules that bond with water on one end and are repelled by water on the
other end.

When the gum is chewed, the ends of the polymer that attract water draws
saliva to it, forming a thin film around the gum that acts as a lubricant
and keeps it from getting too sticky.

"[It] alters the interfacial properties of the discarded gum cuds, making
them less adhesive to most common surfaces," said Cosgrove in a statement.

The company said it plans to release the product some time in 2008.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Chew on this: scientists invent non-stick gum

2007-09-14 Thread Martin
Well, that's a disservice to the kids of today. Now they won't be able to stick 
gum onto a rival's seat and enjoy the hilarity of watching them try to get 

Brent Wodehouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
 Chew on this: scientists invent non-stick gum
 Friday, September 14, 2007
 CBC News
 Scientists said Friday they have invented a non-stick chewing gum that can
 be easily removed from shoes, sidewalks and the underside of classroom
 Revolymer, a spinoff company from the University of Bristol, said
 preliminary results of its Clean Gum showed it degrades naturally in water
 and can be easily removed from surfaces, clothing and hair.
 The company said it has completed two street trials on pavements in local
 high schools. After eight days, leading commercial gums remained stuck to
 the pavement three out of four times, while the Clean Gum was removed
 within 24 hours by natural events.
 The gum could even be removed from hair, although it took several washes
 with shampoo, the Guardian newspaper reported.
 University of Bristol professor Terence Cosgrove, the chief scientific
 officer of Revolymer, said the basis of the technology was the addition of
 an amphiphilic polymer to the chewing gum formula. Amphiphiles are
 molecules that bond with water on one end and are repelled by water on the
 other end.
 When the gum is chewed, the ends of the polymer that attract water draws
 saliva to it, forming a thin film around the gum that acts as a lubricant
 and keeps it from getting too sticky.
 "[It] alters the interfacial properties of the discarded gum cuds, making
 them less adhesive to most common surfaces," said Cosgrove in a statement.
 The company said it plans to release the product some time in 2008.

"There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut, "A Man Without A 
 Check out  the hottest 2008 models today at Yahoo! Autos.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] Chew on this: scientists invent non-stick gum

2007-09-14 Thread Brent Wodehouse

Chew on this: scientists invent non-stick gum

Friday, September 14, 2007

CBC News

Scientists said Friday they have invented a non-stick chewing gum that can
be easily removed from shoes, sidewalks and the underside of classroom

Revolymer, a spinoff company from the University of Bristol, said
preliminary results of its Clean Gum showed it degrades naturally in water
and can be easily removed from surfaces, clothing and hair.

The company said it has completed two street trials on pavements in local
high schools. After eight days, leading commercial gums remained stuck to
the pavement three out of four times, while the Clean Gum was removed
within 24 hours by natural events.

The gum could even be removed from hair, although it took several washes
with shampoo, the Guardian newspaper reported.

University of Bristol professor Terence Cosgrove, the chief scientific
officer of Revolymer, said the basis of the technology was the addition of
an amphiphilic polymer to the chewing gum formula. Amphiphiles are
molecules that bond with water on one end and are repelled by water on the
other end.

When the gum is chewed, the ends of the polymer that attract water draws
saliva to it, forming a thin film around the gum that acts as a lubricant
and keeps it from getting too sticky.

"[It] alters the interfacial properties of the discarded gum cuds, making
them less adhesive to most common surfaces," said Cosgrove in a statement.

The company said it plans to release the product some time in 2008.

[scifinoir2] The end of Battlestar Galactica; Men in Trees left hanging; and Matt's fall picks

2007-09-14 Thread Brent Wodehouse
[Edited for topicality]



Matt Roush

Friday, September 14, 2007

The end of Battlestar Galactica; Men in Trees left hanging; and Matt's
fall picks

Question: Love your columns, and I wanted your insight on something. In
the next year, The Shield, The Wire and Battlestar Galactica all begin
their final seasons. As three of the greatest television series of all
time come to an end around the same time, which do you think will pack the
biggest punch in its last episodes?- Annan

Matt Roush: Love the question, but it's impossible to know in advance
which will knock us out the most, and it's risky playing one against the
other in gauging their impact as we prepare for their swan songs.
(Battlestar's being muddied by questions about its final-season
scheduling, as I'll address further down.) I would say that of the three,
The Shield has probably had the greatest impact on the overall TV
landscape, single-handedly establishing the FX brand as something bold,
adult and risky: HBO with commercials, we liked to say at the time. The
Shield has also been remarkably consistent (much more so than FX's other
breakthroughs, including Nip/Tuck and recent episodes of Rescue Me) and
continues to set the bar for the network. Whereas The Wire is undeniably
one of the greatest and most searing urban dramas ever produced, it never
really resonated with the public at large (as well as with the cluelessly
blind Emmy nominators). It's a blessing that series creator David Simon
got the fifth and final season he desired, but the show's passing is
likely to be more of a critical rather than cultural sensation. As for
Battlestar: It will go down as one of the all-time great sci-fi/fantasy
series, and it has slowly and surely gained industry as well as critical
and fan respect, but again, it is regarded as more of a "cult" phenom. It
reinforced, though probably didn't define, the Sci Fi brand the way The
Shield did for FX. Still, each of these series will leave a remarkable
footprint and legacy, and we'll always say we were lucky to have had them.

Question: I'm not sure you actually get why we "greedy" fans are so upset
about the Battlestar Galactica scheduling issues. Unlike all the
long-hiatus shows you mentioned in your recent column, these episodes will
have already been written and filmed, even gone through postproduction,
and the Sci Fi Channel would be simply refusing to show them, just to
package the DVDs separately and stretch the shelf life of their flagship
show. Yes, patience is a virtue and we'll get the episodes eventually, but
this would be a terrible marketing move. Heroes had a significant ratings
drop after just a few weeks on hiatus, and the network responded with the
exact opposite strategy: no midseason breaks at all. As you said, this
meant a longer wait between seasons for Heroes fans, but that's the price
for a full, unbroken run of episodes that hooks people and tells a
complete story. Meanwhile, the way to send Galactica out with a bang is...
to go off the air for eight months (already), then insert an unnecessary,
excessively long break right before the finale? Maureen Ryan of the
Chicago Tribune made the best analogy: For BSG fans, it's like being told
right before the release of the long-anticipated final Harry Potter book
that you can only read the first half. Casual viewers lose interest in a
serialized show that's been off so long they can't remember what was
happening. (Is The 4400 still on the air? I had no idea until you
mentioned it.) Diehard fans will always tune in, which is what Sci Fi is
banking on, but that's a reason to respect our love of the show, not
insensitively push our limits. It feels to me like the network takes our
cult devotion for granted, and they've given up on anyone else ever
watching the show.- Nicole, New York

Matt Roush: You may be amused to know that the very day this e-mail
arrived, the lovely and talented Maureen Ryan weighed in to yours truly,
challenging my glib dismissal of Battlestar fans' concerns. And can I just
say: mea culpa. Especially considering the way Sci Fi left The Dresden
Files devotees dangling so long before confirming the news of that show's
cancellation, at the very least I should have acknowledged the fact that
making BSG fans wait nearly a year between halves of the final season
would be a slap in the face, truly taking their support of the show for
granted. But once again, Sci Fi insists no decision has yet been made on
how the final season will be scheduled and how long the break will be
between the first and second halves. Maybe the early outcry (I won't call
it whining anymore) will bring them to their senses. However, where BSG is
concerned, I do sense that the network has pretty much given up expecting
the ratings to ever grow, and even should the entire final season air
without a break (which isn't likely to happen), it's not like this most
demanding and dari

[scifinoir2] FW: TaxMama?s Tax Quips ? Trustee Theft

2007-09-14 Thread Reece Jennings

-Original Message-
From: Eva Rosenberg, EA - Your TaxMama [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 9:44 AM
To: Maurice C Jennings
Subject: TaxMama?s Tax Quips ? Trustee Theft

Dear Maurice,

Today we hear from Jack in Oregon who wants to know, "If a co- trustee of a
irrevocable trust converts trust assets for his own use, can the trust take
a theft loss deduction on the trust tax return?"

Well Maurice,  what a jerk! It's bad enough when you do something like this
on your own trust. But when you have a co-trustee, you create problems for
your co-trustee and beneficiaries, too. Hmpf! 

What do you think? Can Jack take the theft loss?
TaxMama knows. Listen...or read.


Today is the anniversary of 9-11.

The Washington Post asks if we are safer today?

What do you think? 

Do you feel safer today than in 2001?
Do you feel good about all the long lines and security checks at airports?
Do you enjoy walking through metal detectors everywhere you go?
Do you enjoy knowing that Homeland Security can yank you from the safety and
comfort of your home anytime, just on the word of someone who feels
vindictive towards you?

Or do you feel that you are losing more and more of your rights every single

I think the terrorists have won.

They have changed the way we live our daily lives - and made us,
voluntarily, give up precious freedoms. 

Mourn today. For all of us - and our children. 

Our lives will never be the same as it was before 9-11.


Eva Rosenberg, EA
Your TaxMama
www.TaxNerd.net - Express your inner TaxNerd!
www.TaxQuips.com - Your Daily Tax Tips and Quips www.TaxMama.com - lots of
free and fun tax information www.IRSExams.com - Pass the IRS Special

P.O. Box 280549, Northridge, CA 91328, USA

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To update your contact information:

[scifinoir2] FW: TaxMama?s Tax Quips ? LLC & SE Income

2007-09-14 Thread Reece Jennings

 Maurice Jennings
Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
KEEP your home and  Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation => http://www.legacyhomesavers.com

-Original Message-
From: Eva Rosenberg, EA - Your TaxMama [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 9:39 AM
To: Maurice C Jennings
Subject: TaxMama?s Tax Quips ? LLC & SE Income

Dear Maurice,

Today we hear from Dave in Idaho who tells us, "Some of my friends have a
rather successful business formed as an LLC. 
Their CPA told them that they could file as a partnership and not report any
self-employment income, even though they are all actively working in their
business. Is this true? And where can I find information to show them they
what the law says?"

Well Maurice, do you think this CPA is right? Please, give us your comments
and suggestions. 
TaxMama can't figure out where the CPA got that idea!
But, offers a couple of suggestions to give the members (owners of an LLC)
some other alternatives.

Have a cooler, less taxing day.


Eva Rosenberg, EA
Your TaxMama
www.TaxNerd.net - Express your inner TaxNerd!
www.TaxQuips.com - Your Daily Tax Tips and Quips www.TaxMama.com - lots of
free and fun tax information www.IRSExams.com - Pass the IRS Special

P.O. Box 280549, Northridge, CA 91328, USA

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

RE: [scifinoir2] Germany warns citizens to avoid using Wi-Fi]

2007-09-14 Thread Reece Jennings
IT probably doesn't matter.  Remember second hand smoke?  How about second
hand electro-smog? 

 Maurice Jennings
Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
KEEP your home and  Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation => http://www.legacyhomesavers.com

-Original Message-
From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Amy1
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 7:28 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Germany warns citizens to avoid using Wi-Fi]

Depressing news but makes sense considering what we know about the bad
effects of microwave radiation.  I'm so glad I'm an old reprobate that has
never used a cell phone and never will if I can help it.

Environment Ministry's verdict on the health risks from wireless technology
puts the British government to shame. By Geoffrey Lean
Published: 09 September 2007
http://environment. independent. co.uk/lifestyle/ article2944417. ece People
should avoid using Wi-Fi wherever possible because of the risks it may pose
to health, the German government has said.
Its surprise ruling - the most damning made by any government on the
fast-growing technology - will shake the industry and British ministers, and
vindicates the questions that The Independent on Sunday has been raising
over the past four months.
And Germany's official radiation protection body also advises its citizens
to use landlines instead of mobile phones, and warns of "electrosmog" from a
wide range of other everyday products, from baby monitors to electric
The German government's ruling - which contrasts sharply with the
unquestioning promotion of the technology by British officials - was made in
response to a series of questions by Green members of the Bundestag,
Germany's parliament.
The Environment Ministry recommended that people should keep their exposure
to radiation from Wi-Fi "as low as possible" by choosing "conventional wired
connections" . It added that it is "actively informing people about
possibilities for reducing personal exposure".
Its actions will provide vital support for Sir William Stewart, Britain's
official health protection watchdog, who has produced two reports calling
for caution in using mobile phones and who has also called for a review of
the use of Wi-Fi in schools. His warnings have so far been ignored by
ministers and even played down by the Health Protection Agency, which he
By contrast the agency's German equivalent - the Federal Office for
Radiation Protection - is leading the calls for caution.
Florian Emrich, for the office, says Wi-Fi should be avoided "because people
receive exposures from many sources and because it is a new technology and
all the research into its health effects has not yet been carried out".

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RE: [scifinoir2] Doctor Warns Consumers of Popcorn Fumes

2007-09-14 Thread Reece Jennings
I hear you.  Thanks! 

 Maurice Jennings
Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
KEEP your home and  Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation => http://www.legacyhomesavers.com

-Original Message-
From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 4:07 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Doctor Warns Consumers of Popcorn Fumes

sounds like the stuff of a good autobiography...

-- Original message --
From: "Reece Jennings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Good for you! Hey, too bad
you're too tall for the Total Gym I'm selling.
I forgot that Chuck Norris is a midget! I'm about
3 inches too tall to get a good workout on it. It has the Pilates
attachments, too!

I never tried them because they looked a little too gay. LOLLOL!!! I'm

I can't quit you! LOLLOL!

A, 43. I remember those Haagen-Daas days! The hospital stays! The
discovery of dairy allergies!
My oldest is 39, and an army helictopter instructor/pilot. He was in Iraq at
Bagdad airport in 2003 - 2004.

Even thought I've never met him, we share some really freaky traits and
connections. For instance, I attended Newark College of Engineering (now New
Jersey Institute of Technology). I left and joined the Air Force in '66.

My son (Al) Attended New Jersey Institute of Technology, and left to join
the Army, becoming a Warrant Officer And helicopter pilot.

I tried to transfer from the Air Force to the Army to fly choppers in '67.

We have a twisted sense of humor! 

We converse through the occasional email. Long story. My issues.

Keep the discipline!

Maurice Jennings
Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation => http://www.legacyhomesavers.com

-Original Message-
From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 10:31 AM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Doctor Warns Consumers of Popcorn Fumes

Ha-ha! Run like the breeze, I like that! it's just about being active, not
trying to run a marathon. And given how much ice cream and stuff I still
slip up on, i have to work out a great deal. The age (43) also means the
paunch seems to creep up more easily and leave with more difficulty, so i've
been getting uptight about it. I'm at least three months from being at the
size (about 190 lbs) and fitness level I really want. Right now I can run
about 3 - 3-1/2 miles at a fairly easy pace with no problem, but I'd like to
get up to about five miles at a decent clip. I'm going to take up Pilates,
martial arts, and tailor one of those Marines/Navy Seals type workouts to
shock my system and get more toned.

One thing I do is take a class at my gym called BodyPump, which is an
aerobic weightlifting class. Lots of the folks are younger, and most are
women. Ditto with my yoga classes. Let me tell you: taking anything that has
to with aerobics and stretching with a bunch of young women is a humbling
experience. It really makes me step up my game! :)

-- Original message --
From: "Reece Jennings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sounds like a great,
disciplined regimen. You may have inspired me!
Well...u...not to YOUR level. 
Not as long as I can use the 'I'm 60' excuse! LOLLOL!

But I officiated 3 football games in the last 4 days. I am a backjudge and
referee by position, so I can Still keep up with the young pass receivers.
And I can run like the wind...well...a nice breeze anyway!

Great for you! 

Maurice Jennings
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-Original Message-
From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 7:59 AM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Doctor Warns Consumers of Popcorn Fumes

Thanks, you're right. Don't worry, I'm taking it slowly. It's why I'm still
"mostly vegetarian". I weigh about 200 pounds, stand 6'1", and work out 5 -6
days a week (three days of muscle strengthening/toning, three of aerobics,
two days of Power Yoga thrown in). So it's important for me to get proper
iron, calcium, and protein, etc. Fortunately, I seem to be engineered to get
a great deal of nutrition from vegetables (see recent conversations about
blood type and what's best for ABs like me). I'm starting into research on
better foods for me, so I figure in about 2 -3 years, I may make the move.

-- Original message --
From: Astromancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Make sure you find a balance in that lifestyle...I've seen some get sick
after changing over... 

ditto, for now, 

Re: [scifinoir2] FCC: Cable Must Continue Analog Transmissions

2007-09-14 Thread Martin
In another group, we wondered whether many of the people potentially affected 
by the changeover even *knew* that it was coming.

"Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: FCC: 
Cable Must Continue Analog Transmissions
The FCC has ruled that cable-TV providers must provide subscribers with 
older analog-only TV sets analog versions of programs transmitted by 
broadcast TV stations after they are ordered to switch to digital-only 
transmissions in February 2009. The unanimous ruling would be in effect 
for three years but could be renewed at the end of that period. The 
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn., representing the cable 
companies, had threatened to sue the FCC if the commission instituted 
its original proposal to establish "must-carry analog" in perpetuity. 
Nevertheless, some smaller, rural cable companies have indicated that 
they will be financially unable to install the technical equipment 
needed to meet the requirement even for three years. (It was not clear 
whether cable companies intended to install the digital-to-analog 
converters at their head end or in subscribers' homes, as settop boxes.) 
Matthew M. Polka, president and CEO of the American Cable Association, 
said that it will cost each cable operator $150,000 for equipment and 
labor costs, making it "more difficult for operators of small systems to 
stay in business." On the other hand, the National Association of 
Broadcasters applauded the FCC's ruling as "an important step in 
protecting analog-cable subscribers from losing access to some of the 
most diverse programming on television."

Yahoo! Groups Links

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] A New V May Be Coming!!

2007-09-14 Thread Martin
Keith, Astro and I are trying to *quell* those memories, thanks... ;D

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: was that the finale of the series? I have trouble 
remembering but that little girl--i remember that. 

-- Original message -- 
From: Astromancer  
Gotcha...now if you'll pardon me, I have to go and repress those memories 

Martin  wrote: NOW I remember...

I'll be over in the corner, shivering uncontrollably. Pardon the screaming sure 
to follow.

Astromancer  wrote: You really, really don't want to know, but(having 
flashbacks of Star Crash...) The ship is climbing out of Earth orbit and 
there's a bomb ticking off that would destroy the planet...No one knows how to 
stop it when the little half alien girl walks over to the control panel, grabs 
it, glows a bit and...all over, the bomb is defused...I think my explanation 
sounds a lot better than it actually was, but my memory is a bit fuzzy from 
1984 also...

Martin  wrote: Don't remember that, pal. How did it end?

Astromancer  wrote: No, the ending to the last miniseries was a bad omen...

Martin  wrote: The TV series never should've been done. Sooner a sequel on the 

Astromancer  wrote: My complaint about the TV series is that they had pretty 
people and it sucked...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The first Diane was cool. She was charming and 
devious. I don't want a Diana 
that looks like the Vulcan chick from Enterprise. She can't act, She has fish 
lips and no personality. I don't want a remake of Battlestar or Xena . I want 
action and character. 

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you figure it out." - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

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Yahoo! TV. 

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"There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut, "A Man Without A 

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games. 

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"Let’s just saying you know more than you think, but we’re not going to help 
you figure it out." - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games. 

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"There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut, "A Man Without A 
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[scifinoir2] FCC: Cable Must Continue Analog Transmissions

2007-09-14 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
FCC: Cable Must Continue Analog Transmissions
The FCC has ruled that cable-TV providers must provide subscribers with 
older analog-only TV sets analog versions of programs transmitted by 
broadcast TV stations after they are ordered to switch to digital-only 
transmissions in February 2009. The unanimous ruling would be in effect 
for three years but could be renewed at the end of that period. The 
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn., representing the cable 
companies, had threatened to sue the FCC if the commission instituted 
its original proposal to establish "must-carry analog" in perpetuity. 
Nevertheless, some smaller, rural cable companies have indicated that 
they will be financially unable to install the technical equipment 
needed to meet the requirement even for three years. (It was not clear 
whether cable companies intended to install the digital-to-analog 
converters at their head end or in subscribers' homes, as settop boxes.) 
Matthew M. Polka, president and CEO of the American Cable Association, 
said that it will cost each cable operator $150,000 for equipment and 
labor costs, making it "more difficult for operators of small systems to 
stay in business." On the other hand, the National Association of 
Broadcasters applauded the FCC's ruling as "an important step in 
protecting analog-cable subscribers from losing access to some of the 
most diverse programming on television."

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[scifinoir2] From MySpace to Movie Screens?

2007-09-14 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 From MySpace to Movie Screens?
In an apparent effort to steal some of the thunder from YouTube, News 
Corp-owned MySpace said Wednesday that it plans to begin offering 
exclusive high-quality short-form programming from top film and TV 
producers. Talent is being offered the chance to produce their material 
on their own terms, without interference from programming executives and 
advertisers. MySpace said that it had signed its first deal with 
Marshall Herskovitz and Edward Zwick, producers of the movies Blood 
Diamond and The Last Samurai and the TV shows thirtysomething and My 
So-Called Life. The pair will reportedly receive $500,000 to produce a 
48-minute drama called quarterlife (some reports spell the title with 
the "q" in lower case; others, in upper case), that will be offered on 
MySpace in six eight-minute installments. Some media writers speculated 
that if the webcasts are successful, they could be developed into a 
feature film or a network series.

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