Interesting science stuff.

From: World Science 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 12:06 AM
To: emailn...@world-science.net 
Subject: World Science: First cell made with artificial genes reported

* Scientists report first cell made with artificial 
Their "synthetic genome" is a near-copy of a natural
one, but researchers say their method can be used to
better understand the workings of life.


* Mysterious ball lightning may be brain illusion:
A new theory addresses a mysterious phenomenon in
which lightning apparently forms into a ball and
starts floating around.


* Mom's hugs in youth may help keep doctor 
away later:
Warmth and caring from a person's mother seems to
reduce the formation of proteins that promote
inflammation, researchers say.


* Can a mother's voice spur coma recovery?:
A clinical trial is investigating whether repeated
stimulation with familiar voices can help repair a
coma victim's brain.


* Garden birds found to shun organic:
* "Mozart effect" disputed:
* Calcium early in life may help prevent 
obesity later:
* Why is breast milk best? It's in the genes, 
scientists say:


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