RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-29 Thread Martin Baxter

Humanity has always had the bad habit of fearing/destroying what it doesn't 

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 02:16:24 +
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma


that bad, huh? Too bad: they are often a very handsome people, with rich things 
to offer
- Original Message -
From: "George Arterberry" 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 9:54:51 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma


  While stationed in Bosnia/Croatia/Hungary I saw the pure hate 
directed towards them .
--- On Fri, 8/28/09, Martin Baxter  wrote:

From: Martin Baxter 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma
To: "SciFiNoir2" 
Date: Friday, August 28, 2009, 8:20 AM


Keith, I'll answer you with "very little". Humanity=pathetic.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

To: scifino...@yahoogro
From: KeithBJohnson@
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 05:05:58 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against 


Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma, outside of what 
they've seen in movies?

 * * * * *** com/news/ madonna-booed- in-bucharest- for-defending- 
gypsies/26947? nc

BUCHAREST, Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers 
sharing a stage with Madonna. Then the pop star condemned widespread 
discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and the cheers gave way to jeers.
The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park for 
Wednesday night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains 
deeply entrenched across Eastern Europe.
Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates 
say Roma probably
 suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than any other people 
group on the continent.
Sometimes, it can be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have been killed 
and several wounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated attacks 
targeting small countryside villages predominantly settled by Gypsies.
"There is generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in Eastern Europe. 
They have historically been the underdog," Radu Motoc, an official with the 
Soros Foundation Romania, said Thursday.
Roma, or Gypsies, are a nomadic ethnic group believed to have their roots in 
the Indian subcontinent. They live mostly in southern and eastern Europe, but 
hundreds of thousands have migrated west over the past few decades in search of 
jobs and better living conditions.
Romania has the largest number of Roma in the region. Some say the population 
could be as high as 2 million, although
 official data put it at 500,000.
Until the 19th century, Romanian Gypsies were slaves, and they've gotten a 
mixed response ever since: While discrimination is widespread, many East 
Europeans are enthusiastic about Gypsy music and dance, which they embrace as 
part of the region's cultural heritage.
That explains why the Roma musicians and a dancer who had briefly joined 
Madonna onstage got enthusiastic applause. And it also may explain why some in 
the crowd turned on Madonna when she paused during the two-hour show — a stop 
on her worldwide "Sticky and Sweet" tour — to touch on their plight.
"It has been brought to my attention ... that there is a lot of discrimination 
against Romanies and Gypsies in general in Eastern Europe," she said. "It made 
me feel very
Thousands booed and jeered her.
A few cheered when she added: "We don't believe in discrimination ... we 
believe in freedom and equal rights for everyone." But she got more boos when 
she mentioned discrimination against homosexuals and others.
"I jeered her because it seemed false what she was telling us. What business 
does she have telling us these things?" said Ionut Dinu, 23.
Madonna did not react and carried on with her concert, held near the hulking 
palace of the late communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.
Her publicist, Liz Rosenberg, said Madonna and other had told her there were 
cheers as well as jeers.
"Madonna has been touring with a phenomenal troupe of Roma musicians who made 
 aware of the discrimination toward them in sev

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-29 Thread Martin Baxter

(standing ovation)

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 04:05:23 +0000
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination  
Against Roma


Penicillin is a by-product of warfare? How's that?

Yeah, i despair of the species improving significantly anytime soon. I tend to 
go with the classic "Twilight Zone" where the aliens jiggered with a few 
devices and the whole street turned on itself. Or, the one where people think a 
nuclear war has come, and they all revert to selfishness, fear, and bigotry, 
trying to crowd into one man's fallout shelter. I fear that we still have a 
very thin veneer of civilization layered over a thick layer of savagery and 
barbarism. It takes very little for that to come out: look at the hatred and 
racism vented during our own Presidential elections.

To quote "Calvin and Hobbes" again, "Sometimes I think the best evidence that 
life exists out that none of it has ever come here".

- Original Message -
From: "Mr. Worf" 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 8:59:58 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination  
Against Roma


  This planet has been a continuous state of war around the 
world for at least 10,000 years. We still haven't been able to figure out how 
to do things without going to war yet in many cases. The worst and most 
volatile problem is how to blend competing ethnic, political and religious 

There are some good and bad things that have come from being in a war like 
state. You're using one right now. Many of the modern technologies come from 
offshoots of war. The internet, cellphone, computer, tv, vcr, xray, penicillin, 
jet engine etc. 

The bad is that it has also allowed us to not only kill efficiently, but kill 
in mass quantities indiscriminately, while at the same time wrecking our 
environment and doing untold damage to lives. 

I often think about the Star Trek world. I am having problems seeing us doing 
anything like that within the next 4-500 years at least. It may become just too 
expensive if we don't kill ourselves or global warming gets us first. 

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Keith Johnson  

You bet. Sad reminder we have so far to go before calling this world 
post-anything.  I hate to feel this way, but I really don't think humanity has 
progressed ten thousand years in terms of social development and compassion. I 
sound like a tired old scifi flick, but our technical, military, and 
self-destructive might continue to outpace our ability to get along.

Hope Star Trek is wrong, and we don't need another world war to finally get 
past our prejudices...

- Original Message -
From: "Tracey de Morsella" 

Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 2:37:47 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma



Thanks for the interesting read. I will pass it on


[] On Behalf Of Keith Johnson

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:06 PM


Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination
Against Roma


Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma,
outside of what they've seen in movies?


Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers sharing a stage
with Madonna. Then the pop
star condemned widespread discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and the
cheers gave way to jeers.

The sharp mood
change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park for Wednesday
night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains deeply
entrenched across Eastern Europe.

long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates say
Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than any
other people group on the continent.

Sometimes, it can
be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have been killed and several
wounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated attacks targeting
small countryside villages predominantly settled by Gypsies.

"There is
generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in Eastern Europe. They have
historically been the und

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-29 Thread Martin Baxter

That's an idea worth looking at.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 04:09:30 +
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination  
Against Roma


Somewhere in my e-mail archives is along one I wrote about how as a child I 
looked forward to the world of Star Trek. Or the world of Lost in Space, or of 
Land of the Giants. Or of any world where technology was superscience, we had 
talking computers with true AI, spaceships that flew faster than light, bases 
on the Moon, and of course, flying cars.

But sometimes I wonder if our whole path is wrong. That perhaps in trying to 
create new things to mold and shape our world, we shouldn't spend more time 
trying to live within it. I'm not naively suggesting that we all go Luddite or 
Amish, discard clothing and TVs and electricity and commune with Nature. Humans 
will kill and rape and steal whether we live in grass huts or fancy high rises. 
But I do sometimes wonder if it would at least help us start down the path to 
true unity and civilization if we spent more time trying to work with the 
natural world, instead of focusing on machines and computers. 

- Original Message -
From: "Mr. Worf" 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 8:59:58 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination  
Against Roma


  This planet has been a continuous state of war around the 
world for at least 10,000 years. We still haven't been able to figure out how 
to do things without going to war yet in many cases. The worst and most 
volatile problem is how to blend competing ethnic, political and religious 

There are some good and bad things that have come from being in a war like 
state. You're using one right now. Many of the modern technologies come from 
offshoots of war. The internet, cellphone, computer, tv, vcr, xray, penicillin, 
jet engine etc. 

The bad is that it has also allowed us to not only kill efficiently, but kill 
in mass quantities indiscriminately, while at the same time wrecking our 
environment and doing untold damage to lives. 

I often think about the Star Trek world. I am having problems seeing us doing 
anything like that within the next 4-500 years at least. It may become just too 
expensive if we don't kill ourselves or global warming gets us first. 

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Keith Johnson  

You bet. Sad reminder we have so far to go before calling this world 
post-anything.  I hate to feel this way, but I really don't think humanity has 
progressed ten thousand years in terms of social development and compassion. I 
sound like a tired old scifi flick, but our technical, military, and 
self-destructive might continue to outpace our ability to get along.

Hope Star Trek is wrong, and we don't need another world war to finally get 
past our prejudices...

- Original Message -
From: "Tracey de Morsella" 

Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 2:37:47 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma



Thanks for the interesting read. I will pass it on


[] On Behalf Of Keith Johnson

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:06 PM


Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination
Against Roma


Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma,
outside of what they've seen in movies?


Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers sharing a stage
with Madonna. Then the pop
star condemned widespread discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and the
cheers gave way to jeers.

The sharp mood
change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park for Wednesday
night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains deeply
entrenched across Eastern Europe.

long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates say
Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than any
other people group on the continent.

Sometimes, it can
be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have been killed and several
wounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated attacks targeting
small co

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-29 Thread George Arterberry
When I was a kid in the early to mid-70's I thought by the 2000's we would be 
in the Gerald O'Neal universe of orbital cities,and farms.Most of Earth's 
conflicts would be on the wane etc etc etc.
But its  clear that unless something drastic happens  our future maybe more Mad 
Max than Star Trek.
I think now business must get in the space race because the budget won't allow 
NASA to venture outward

--- On Sat, 8/29/09, Keith Johnson  wrote:

From: Keith Johnson 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2009, 12:09 AM


Somewhere in my e-mail archives is along one I wrote about how as a child I 
looked forward to the world of Star Trek. Or the world of Lost in Space, or of 
Land of the Giants. Or of any world where technology was superscience, we had 
talking computers with true AI, spaceships that flew faster than light, bases 
on the Moon, and of course, flying cars.

But sometimes I wonder if our whole path is wrong. That perhaps in trying to 
create new things to mold and shape our world, we shouldn't spend more time 
trying to live within it. I'm not naively suggesting that we all go Luddite or 
Amish, discard clothing and TVs and electricity and commune with Nature. Humans 
will kill and rape and steal whether we live in grass huts or fancy high rises. 
But I do sometimes wonder if it would at least help us start down the path to 
true unity and civilization if we spent more time trying to work with the 
natural world, instead of focusing on machines and computers. 

- Original Message -
From: "Mr. Worf" 
To: scifino...@yahoogro
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 8:59:58 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination  
Against Roma


This planet has been a continuous state of war around the world for at least 
10,000 years. We still haven't been able to figure out how to do things without 
going to war yet in many cases. The worst and most volatile problem is how to 
blend competing ethnic, political and religious ideologies.  

There are some good and bad things that have come from being in a war like 
state. You're using one right now. Many of the modern technologies come from 
offshoots of war. The internet, cellphone, computer, tv, vcr, xray, penicillin, 
jet engine etc. 

The bad is that it has also allowed us to not only kill efficiently, but kill 
in mass quantities indiscriminately, while at the same time wrecking our 
environment and doing untold damage to lives. 

I often think about the Star Trek world. I am having problems seeing us doing 
anything like that within the next 4-500 years at least. It may become just too 
expensive if we don't kill ourselves or global warming gets us first. 

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Keith Johnson  

You bet. Sad reminder we have so far to go before calling this world 
post-anything.  I hate to feel this way, but I really don't think humanity has 
progressed ten thousand years in terms of social development and compassion. I 
sound like a tired old scifi flick, but our technical, military, and 
self-destructive might continue to outpace our ability to get along.

Hope Star Trek is wrong, and we don't need another world war to finally get 
past our prejudices.. .

- Original Message -
From: "Tracey de Morsella" 
To: scifino...@yahoogro
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 2:37:47 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma


Thanks for the interesting read. I will pass it on

From: scifino...@yahoogro [mailto:scifino...@yahoogro] On 
Behalf Of Keith Johnson
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:06 PM
To: scifino...@yahoogro
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against 

Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma, outside of what 
they've seen in movies?

 * * * * *** com/news/ madonna-booed- in-bucharest- for-defending- 
gypsies/26947? nc
BUCHAREST, Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers 
sharing a stage with Madonna. Then the pop star condemned widespread 
discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and the cheers gave way to jeers.
The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park for 
Wednesday night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains 
deeply entrenched across Eastern Europe.
Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates 
say Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than 
any other people group on the continent.
Sometimes, it can be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have be

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-29 Thread Mr. Worf
Penicillin was created to fight infection from the VD that the troops
contracted WW1, but the medical trials for it didn't really get going until
the late 1930s. By WW2, they began to make it into a concentrated form to
treat infections. STDs took out a lot of troops during WW1 and WW2 before
penicillin was released in 1942.

I used to work with an old guy that was one of the first people to use it
during WW2 for an STD he contracted from a "nice girl" that he met while on
shore leave. It is a part of history that doesn't get mentioned much. There
were a lot of posters and films for the troops back then.

Here is an interesting link on it:


The best for last:

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

> Penicillin is a by-product of warfare? How's that?
> Yeah, i despair of the species improving significantly anytime soon. I tend
> to go with the classic "Twilight Zone" where the aliens jiggered with a few
> devices and the whole street turned on itself. Or, the one where people
> think a nuclear war has come, and they all revert to selfishness, fear, and
> bigotry, trying to crowd into one man's fallout shelter. I fear that we
> still have a very thin veneer of civilization layered over a thick layer of
> savagery and barbarism. It takes very little for that to come out: look at
> the hatred and racism vented during our own Presidential elections.
> To quote "Calvin and Hobbes" again, "Sometimes I think the best evidence
> that life exists out that none of it has ever come here".
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mr. Worf" 
> To:
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 8:59:58 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination
>  Against Roma
> This planet has been a continuous state of war around the world for at
> least 10,000 years. We still haven't been able to figure out how to do
> things without going to war yet in many cases. The worst and most volatile
> problem is how to blend competing ethnic, political and religious
> ideologies.
> There are some good and bad things that have come from being in a war like
> state. You're using one right now. Many of the modern technologies come from
> offshoots of war. The internet, cellphone, computer, tv, vcr, xray,
> penicillin, jet engine etc.
> The bad is that it has also allowed us to not only kill efficiently, but
> kill in mass quantities indiscriminately, while at the same time wrecking
> our environment and doing untold damage to lives.
> I often think about the Star Trek world. I am having problems seeing us
> doing anything like that within the next 4-500 years at least. It may become
> just too expensive if we don't kill ourselves or global warming gets us
> first.
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Keith Johnson 
> wrote:
>> You bet. Sad reminder we have so far to go before calling this world
>> post-anything.  I hate to feel this way, but I really don't think humanity
>> has progressed ten thousand years in terms of social development and
>> compassion. I sound like a tired old scifi flick, but our technical,
>> military, and self-destructive might continue to outpace our ability to get
>> along.
>> Hope Star Trek is wrong, and we don't need another world war to finally
>> get past our prejudices...
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Tracey de Morsella" 
>> To:
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 2:37:47 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
>> Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination
>> Against Roma
>>  Thanks for the interesting read. I will pass it on
>> *From:* [] *On
>> Behalf Of *Keith Johnson
>> *Sent:* Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:06 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination
>> Against Roma
>>  Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma, outside
>> of what they've seen in movies?
>> ***
>> http://omg.ya

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-28 Thread Keith Johnson
Somewhere in my e-mail archives is along one I wrote about how as a child I 
looked forward to the world of Star Trek. Or the world of Lost in Space, or of 
Land of the Giants. Or of any world where technology was superscience, we had 
talking computers with true AI, spaceships that flew faster than light, bases 
on the Moon, and of course, flying cars. 

But sometimes I wonder if our whole path is wrong. That perhaps in trying to 
create new things to mold and shape our world, we shouldn't spend more time 
trying to live within it. I'm not naively suggesting that we all go Luddite or 
Amish, discard clothing and TVs and electricity and commune with Nature. Humans 
will kill and rape and steal whether we live in grass huts or fancy high rises. 
But I do sometimes wonder if it would at least help us start down the path to 
true unity and civilization if we spent more time trying to work with the 
natural world, instead of focusing on machines and computers. 

- Original Message - 
From: "Mr. Worf"  
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 8:59:58 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma 

This planet has been a continuous state of war around the world for at least 
10,000 years. We still haven't been able to figure out how to do things without 
going to war yet in many cases. The worst and most volatile problem is how to 
blend competing ethnic, political and religious ideologies. 

There are some good and bad things that have come from being in a war like 
state. You're using one right now. Many of the modern technologies come from 
offshoots of war. The internet, cellphone, computer, tv, vcr, xray, penicillin, 
jet engine etc. 

The bad is that it has also allowed us to not only kill efficiently, but kill 
in mass quantities indiscriminately, while at the same time wrecking our 
environment and doing untold damage to lives. 

I often think about the Star Trek world. I am having problems seeing us doing 
anything like that within the next 4-500 years at least. It may become just too 
expensive if we don't kill ourselves or global warming gets us first. 

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Keith Johnson < > 

You bet. Sad reminder we have so far to go before calling this world 
post-anything. I hate to feel this way, but I really don't think humanity has 
progressed ten thousand years in terms of social development and compassion. I 
sound like a tired old scifi flick, but our technical, military, and 
self-destructive might continue to outpace our ability to get along. 

Hope Star Trek is wrong, and we don't need another world war to finally get 
past our prejudices... 

- Original Message - 
From: "Tracey de Morsella" < > 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 2:37:47 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma 

Thanks for the interesting read. I will pass it on 

From: [mailto: ] On 
Behalf Of Keith Johnson 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:06 PM 
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against 

Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma, outside of what 
they've seen in movies? 


BUCHAREST, Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers 
sharing a stage with Madonna . Then the pop star condemned widespread 
discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and the cheers gave way to jeers. 

The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park for 
Wednesday night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains 
deeply entrenched across Eastern Europe. 

Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates 
say Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than 
any other people group on the continent. 

Sometimes, it can be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have been killed 
and several wounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated attacks 
targeting small countryside villages predominantly settled by Gypsies. 

"There is generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in Eastern Europe. 
They have historically been the underdog," Radu Motoc, an official with the 
Soros Foundation Romania, said Thursday. 

Roma, or Gypsies, are a nomadic ethnic group believed to have their roots in 
the Indian subcontinent. They live mostly in southern and eastern Europe, but 
hundreds of thousands have migrated west over 

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-28 Thread Keith Johnson
Penicillin is a by-product of warfare? How's that? 

Yeah, i despair of the species improving significantly anytime soon. I tend to 
go with the classic "Twilight Zone" where the aliens jiggered with a few 
devices and the whole street turned on itself. Or, the one where people think a 
nuclear war has come, and they all revert to selfishness, fear, and bigotry, 
trying to crowd into one man's fallout shelter. I fear that we still have a 
very thin veneer of civilization layered over a thick layer of savagery and 
barbarism. It takes very little for that to come out: look at the hatred and 
racism vented during our own Presidential elections. 

To quote "Calvin and Hobbes" again, "Sometimes I think the best evidence that 
life exists out that none of it has ever come here". 

- Original Message - 
From: "Mr. Worf"  
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 8:59:58 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma 

This planet has been a continuous state of war around the world for at least 
10,000 years. We still haven't been able to figure out how to do things without 
going to war yet in many cases. The worst and most volatile problem is how to 
blend competing ethnic, political and religious ideologies. 

There are some good and bad things that have come from being in a war like 
state. You're using one right now. Many of the modern technologies come from 
offshoots of war. The internet, cellphone, computer, tv, vcr, xray, penicillin, 
jet engine etc. 

The bad is that it has also allowed us to not only kill efficiently, but kill 
in mass quantities indiscriminately, while at the same time wrecking our 
environment and doing untold damage to lives. 

I often think about the Star Trek world. I am having problems seeing us doing 
anything like that within the next 4-500 years at least. It may become just too 
expensive if we don't kill ourselves or global warming gets us first. 

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Keith Johnson < > 

You bet. Sad reminder we have so far to go before calling this world 
post-anything. I hate to feel this way, but I really don't think humanity has 
progressed ten thousand years in terms of social development and compassion. I 
sound like a tired old scifi flick, but our technical, military, and 
self-destructive might continue to outpace our ability to get along. 

Hope Star Trek is wrong, and we don't need another world war to finally get 
past our prejudices... 

- Original Message - 
From: "Tracey de Morsella" < > 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 2:37:47 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma 

Thanks for the interesting read. I will pass it on 

From: [mailto: ] On 
Behalf Of Keith Johnson 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:06 PM 
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against 

Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma, outside of what 
they've seen in movies? 


BUCHAREST, Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers 
sharing a stage with Madonna . Then the pop star condemned widespread 
discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and the cheers gave way to jeers. 

The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park for 
Wednesday night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains 
deeply entrenched across Eastern Europe. 

Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates 
say Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than 
any other people group on the continent. 

Sometimes, it can be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have been killed 
and several wounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated attacks 
targeting small countryside villages predominantly settled by Gypsies. 

"There is generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in Eastern Europe. 
They have historically been the underdog," Radu Motoc, an official with the 
Soros Foundation Romania, said Thursday. 

Roma, or Gypsies, are a nomadic ethnic group believed to have their roots in 
the Indian subcontinent. They live mostly in southern and eastern Europe, but 
hundreds of thousands have migrated west over the past few decades in search of 
jobs and better living conditions. 

Romania has the largest number of Roma in the region. Some say the population

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-28 Thread Keith Johnson
that bad, huh? Too bad: they are often a very handsome people, with rich things 
to offer 
- Original Message - 
From: "George Arterberry"  
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 9:54:51 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma 

While stationed in Bosnia/Croatia/Hungary I saw the pure hate directed towards 
them . 
--- On Fri, 8/28/09, Martin Baxter  wrote: 

From: Martin Baxter  
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma 
To: "SciFiNoir2"  
Date: Friday, August 28, 2009, 8:20 AM 

Keith, I'll answer you with "very little". Humanity=pathetic. 

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik 

To: scifino...@yahoogro 
From: KeithBJohnson@ 
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 05:05:58 + 
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against 

Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma, outside of what 
they've seen in movies? 

 * * * * *** com/news/ madonna-booed- in-bucharest- for-defending- 
gypsies/26947? nc 

BUCHAREST, Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers 
sharing a stage with Madonna . Then the pop star condemned widespread 
discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and the cheers gave way to jeers. 
The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park for 
Wednesday night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains 
deeply entrenched across Eastern Europe . 
Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates 
say Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than 
any other people group on the continent. 
Sometimes, it can be deadly: In neighboring Hungary , six Roma have been killed 
and several wounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated attacks 
targeting small countryside villages predominantly settled by Gypsies. 
"There is generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in Eastern Europe. 
They have historically been the underdog," Radu Motoc, an official with the 
Soros Foundation Romania, said Thursday. 
Roma, or Gypsies, are a nomadic ethnic group believed to have their roots in 
the Indian subcontinent . They live mostly in southern and eastern Europe, but 
hundreds of thousands have migrated west over the past few decades in search of 
jobs and better living conditions. 
Romania has the largest number of Roma in the region. Some say the population 
could be as high as 2 million, although official data put it at 500,000. 
Until the 19th century , Romanian Gypsies were slaves, and they've gotten a 
mixed response ever since: While discrimination is widespread, many East 
Europeans are enthusiastic about Gypsy music and dance, which they embrace as 
part of the region's cultural heritage. 
That explains why the Roma musicians and a dancer who had briefly joined 
Madonna onstage got enthusiastic applause. And it also may explain why some in 
the crowd turned on Madonna when she paused during the two-hour show — a stop 
on her worldwide "Sticky and Sweet" tour — to touch on their plight. 
"It has been brought to my attention ... that there is a lot of discrimination 
against Romanies and Gypsies in general in Eastern Europe," she said. "It made 
me feel very sad." 
Thousands booed and jeered her. 
A few cheered when she added: "We don't believe in discrimination ... we 
believe in freedom and equal rights for everyone." But she got more boos when 
she mentioned discrimination against homosexuals and others. 
"I jeered her because it seemed false what she was telling us. What business 
does she have telling us these things?" said Ionut Dinu, 23. 
Madonna did not react and carried on with her concert, held near the hulking 
palace of the late communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. 
Her publicist, Liz Rosenberg, said Madonna and other had told her there were 
cheers as well as jeers. 
" Madonna has been touring with a phenomenal troupe of Roma musicians who made 
her aware of the discrimination toward them in several countries so she felt 
compelled to make a brief statement," Rosenberg said in an e-mail. "She will 
not be issuing a further statement." 
One Roma musician said the attitude toward Gypsies is contradictory. 
"Romanians watch Gypsy soap operas, they like Gypsy music and go to Gypsy 
concerts," said Damian Draghici, a Grammy Award-winner who has performed with 
James Brown and Joe Cocker . 
"But there has been a wave of aggression against Roma people in Italy, Hungary 

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-28 Thread Martin Baxter

(standing ovation)

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 17:59:58 -0700
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination    
Against Roma


  This planet has been a continuous state of war around the 
world for at least 10,000 years. We still haven't been able to figure out how 
to do things without going to war yet in many cases. The worst and most 
volatile problem is how to blend competing ethnic, political and religious 

There are some good and bad things that have come from being in a war like 
state. You're using one right now. Many of the modern technologies come from 
offshoots of war. The internet, cellphone, computer, tv, vcr, xray, penicillin, 
jet engine etc. 

The bad is that it has also allowed us to not only kill efficiently, but kill 
in mass quantities indiscriminately, while at the same time wrecking our 
environment and doing untold damage to lives. 

I often think about the Star Trek world. I am having problems seeing us doing 
anything like that within the next 4-500 years at least. It may become just too 
expensive if we don't kill ourselves or global warming gets us first. 

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Keith Johnson  

You bet. Sad reminder we have so far to go before calling this world 
post-anything.  I hate to feel this way, but I really don't think humanity has 
progressed ten thousand years in terms of social development and compassion. I 
sound like a tired old scifi flick, but our technical, military, and 
self-destructive might continue to outpace our ability to get along.

Hope Star Trek is wrong, and we don't need another world war to finally get 
past our prejudices...

- Original Message -
From: "Tracey de Morsella" 

Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 2:37:47 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma



Thanks for the interesting read. I will pass it on


[] On Behalf Of Keith Johnson

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:06 PM


Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination
Against Roma


Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma,
outside of what they've seen in movies?


Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers sharing a stage
with Madonna. Then the pop
star condemned widespread discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and the
cheers gave way to jeers.

The sharp mood
change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park for Wednesday
night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains deeply
entrenched across Eastern Europe.

long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates say
Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than any
other people group on the continent.

Sometimes, it can
be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have been killed and several
wounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated attacks targeting
small countryside villages predominantly settled by Gypsies.

"There is
generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in Eastern Europe. They have
historically been the underdog," Radu Motoc, an official with the Soros
Foundation Romania, said Thursday.

Roma, or Gypsies,
are a nomadic ethnic group believed to have their roots in the Indian
subcontinent. They live mostly in southern and eastern Europe, but hundreds of
thousands have migrated west over the past few decades in search of jobs and
better living conditions.

Romania has the
largest number of Roma in the region. Some say the population could be as high
as 2 million, although official data put it at 500,000.

Until the 19th
century, Romanian Gypsies were slaves, and they've gotten a mixed response ever
since: While discrimination is widespread, many East Europeans are enthusiastic
about Gypsy music and dance, which they embrace as part of the region's
cultural heritage.

That explains why
the Roma musicians and a dancer who had briefly joined Madonna onstage got
enthusiastic applause. And it also may explain why some in the crowd turned on 
Madonna when she paused
during the two-hour show — a stop on her worldwide "Sticky and Sweet"
tour — to touch on their plight.


Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-28 Thread Mr. Worf
This planet has been a continuous state of war around the world for at least
10,000 years. We still haven't been able to figure out how to do things
without going to war yet in many cases. The worst and most volatile problem
is how to blend competing ethnic, political and religious ideologies.

There are some good and bad things that have come from being in a war like
state. You're using one right now. Many of the modern technologies come from
offshoots of war. The internet, cellphone, computer, tv, vcr, xray,
penicillin, jet engine etc.

The bad is that it has also allowed us to not only kill efficiently, but
kill in mass quantities indiscriminately, while at the same time wrecking
our environment and doing untold damage to lives.

I often think about the Star Trek world. I am having problems seeing us
doing anything like that within the next 4-500 years at least. It may become
just too expensive if we don't kill ourselves or global warming gets us

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

> You bet. Sad reminder we have so far to go before calling this world
> post-anything.  I hate to feel this way, but I really don't think humanity
> has progressed ten thousand years in terms of social development and
> compassion. I sound like a tired old scifi flick, but our technical,
> military, and self-destructive might continue to outpace our ability to get
> along.
> Hope Star Trek is wrong, and we don't need another world war to finally get
> past our prejudices...
> - Original Message -
> From: "Tracey de Morsella" 
> To:
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 2:37:47 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
> Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination
> Against Roma
>  Thanks for the interesting read. I will pass it on
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *Keith Johnson
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:06 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination
> Against Roma
>  Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma, outside of
> what they've seen in movies?
> ***
> BUCHAREST, Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers
> sharing a stage with Madonna <>.
> Then the pop star condemned widespread discrimination against Roma, or
> Gypsies — and the cheers gave way to jeers.
> The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park
> for Wednesday night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies
> remains deeply entrenched across Eastern Europe.
> Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights
> advocates say Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more
> discrimination than any other people group on the continent.
> Sometimes, it can be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have been
> killed and several wounded in a recent series of apparently racially
> motivated attacks targeting small countryside villages predominantly settled
> by Gypsies.
> "There is generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in Eastern
> Europe. They have historically been the underdog," Radu Motoc, an official
> with the Soros Foundation Romania, said Thursday.
> Roma, or Gypsies, are a nomadic ethnic group believed to have their roots
> in the Indian subcontinent. They live mostly in southern and eastern Europe,
> but hundreds of thousands have migrated west over the past few decades in
> search of jobs and better living conditions.
> Romania has the largest number of Roma in the region. Some say the
> population could be as high as 2 million, although official data put it at
> 500,000.
> Until the 19th century, Romanian Gypsies were slaves, and they've gotten a
> mixed response ever since: While discrimination is widespread, many East
> Europeans are enthusiastic about Gypsy music and dance, which they embrace
> as part of the region's cultural heritage.
> That explains why the Roma musicians and a dancer who had briefly joined
> Madonna <> onstage got enthusiastic
> applause. And it also may explain why some in the crowd turned on 
> Madonna<>when she paused during the 
> two-hour show — a stop on her worldwide "Sticky
> and Sweet" tour — to touch on their plight.
> "It has bee

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-28 Thread Amy Harlib
  Hooray for Madonna for saying the right thing!

  Keith, the truth is never tired-sounding... unfortunately, in this case.

  "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

  Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 22:57:06 +0000
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma

  You bet. Sad reminder we have so far to go before calling this world 
post-anything.  I hate to feel this way, but I really don't think humanity has 
progressed ten thousand years in terms of social development and compassion. I 
sound like a tired old scifi flick, but our technical, military, and 
self-destructive might continue to outpace our ability to get along.

  Hope Star Trek is wrong, and we don't need another world war to finally get 
past our prejudices...

  - Original Message -
  From: "Tracey de Morsella" 
  Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 2:37:47 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
  Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma

  Thanks for the interesting read. I will pass it on

  From: [] On 
Behalf Of Keith Johnson
  Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:06 PM
  Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against 

  Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma, outside of 
what they've seen in movies?


  BUCHAREST, Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers 
sharing a stage with Madonna. Then the pop star condemned widespread 
discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and the cheers gave way to jeers.
  The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park 
for Wednesday night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies 
remains deeply entrenched across Eastern Europe.
  Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights 
advocates say Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more 
discrimination than any other people group on the continent.
  Sometimes, it can be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have been 
killed and several wounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated 
attacks targeting small countryside villages predominantly settled by Gypsies.
  "There is generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in Eastern Europe. 
They have historically been the underdog," Radu Motoc, an official with the 
Soros Foundation Romania, said Thursday.
  Roma, or Gypsies, are a nomadic ethnic group believed to have their roots in 
the Indian subcontinent. They live mostly in southern and eastern Europe, but 
hundreds of thousands have migrated west over the past few decades in search of 
jobs and better living conditions.
  Romania has the largest number of Roma in the region. Some say the population 
could be as high as 2 million, although official data put it at 500,000.
  Until the 19th century, Romanian Gypsies were slaves, and they've gotten a 
mixed response ever since: While discrimination is widespread, many East 
Europeans are enthusiastic about Gypsy music and dance, which they embrace as 
part of the region's cultural heritage.
  That explains why the Roma musicians and a dancer who had briefly joined 
Madonna onstage got enthusiastic applause. And it also may explain why some in 
the crowd turned on Madonna when she paused during the two-hour show — a stop 
on her worldwide "Sticky and Sweet" tour — to touch on their plight.
  "It has been brought to my attention ... that there is a lot of 
discrimination against Romanies and Gypsies in general in Eastern Europe," she 
said. "It made me feel very sad."
  Thousands booed and jeered her.
  A few cheered when she added: "We don't believe in discrimination ... we 
believe in freedom and equal rights for everyone." But she got more boos when 
she mentioned discrimination against homosexuals and others.
  "I jeered her because it seemed false what she was telling us. What business 
does she have telling us these things?" said Ionut Dinu, 23.
  Madonna did not react and carried on with her concert, held near the hulking 
palace of the late communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.
  Her publicist, Liz Rosenberg, said Madonna and other had told her there were 
cheers as well as jeers.
  "Madonna has been touring with a phenomenal troupe of Rom

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-28 Thread Martin Baxter

Keith, the truth is never tired-sounding... unfortunately, in this case.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 22:57:06 +0000
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma


You bet. Sad reminder we have so far to go before calling this world 
post-anything.  I hate to feel this way, but I really don't think humanity has 
progressed ten thousand years in terms of social development and compassion. I 
sound like a tired old scifi flick, but our technical, military, and 
self-destructive might continue to outpace our ability to get along.

Hope Star Trek is wrong, and we don't need another world war to finally get 
past our prejudices...

- Original Message -
From: "Tracey de Morsella" 
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 2:37:47 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma



Thanks for the interesting read. I will pass it on


[] On Behalf Of Keith Johnson

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:06 PM


Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination
Against Roma


Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma,
outside of what they've seen in movies?


Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers sharing a stage
with Madonna. Then the pop
star condemned widespread discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and the
cheers gave way to jeers.

The sharp mood
change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park for Wednesday
night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains deeply
entrenched across Eastern Europe.

long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates say
Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than any
other people group on the continent.

Sometimes, it can
be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have been killed and several
wounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated attacks targeting
small countryside villages predominantly settled by Gypsies.

"There is
generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in Eastern Europe. They have
historically been the underdog," Radu Motoc, an official with the Soros
Foundation Romania, said Thursday.

Roma, or Gypsies,
are a nomadic ethnic group believed to have their roots in the Indian
subcontinent. They live mostly in southern and eastern Europe, but hundreds of
thousands have migrated west over the past few decades in search of jobs and
better living conditions.

Romania has the
largest number of Roma in the region. Some say the population could be as high
as 2 million, although official data put it at 500,000.

Until the 19th
century, Romanian Gypsies were slaves, and they've gotten a mixed response ever
since: While discrimination is widespread, many East Europeans are enthusiastic
about Gypsy music and dance, which they embrace as part of the region's
cultural heritage.

That explains why
the Roma musicians and a dancer who had briefly joined Madonna onstage got
enthusiastic applause. And it also may explain why some in the crowd turned on 
Madonna when she paused
during the two-hour show — a stop on her worldwide "Sticky and Sweet"
tour — to touch on their plight.

"It has been
brought to my attention ... that there is a lot of discrimination against
Romanies and Gypsies in general in Eastern Europe," she said. "It
made me feel very sad."

Thousands booed
and jeered her.

A few cheered
when she added: "We don't believe in discrimination ... we believe in
freedom and equal rights for everyone." But she got more boos when she
mentioned discrimination against homosexuals and others.

"I jeered
her because it seemed false what she was telling us. What business does she
have telling us these things?" said Ionut Dinu, 23.

Madonna did not react and
carried on with her concert, held near the hulking palace of the late communist
dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.

Her publicist,
Liz Rosenberg, said Madonna
and other had told her there were cheers as well as jeers.

"Madonna has been touring with
a phenomenal troupe of Roma musicians who made her aware of the discrimination
toward them in several countries so she felt compelled to make a brief 

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-28 Thread Keith Johnson
You bet. Sad reminder we have so far to go before calling this world 
post-anything. I hate to feel this way, but I really don't think humanity has 
progressed ten thousand years in terms of social development and compassion. I 
sound like a tired old scifi flick, but our technical, military, and 
self-destructive might continue to outpace our ability to get along. 

Hope Star Trek is wrong, and we don't need another world war to finally get 
past our prejudices... 

- Original Message - 
From: "Tracey de Morsella"  
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 2:37:47 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma 

Thanks for the interesting read. I will pass it on 

From: [] On Behalf 
Of Keith Johnson 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:06 PM 
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against 

Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma, outside of what 
they've seen in movies? 


BUCHAREST, Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers 
sharing a stage with Madonna . Then the pop star condemned widespread 
discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and the cheers gave way to jeers. 

The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park for 
Wednesday night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains 
deeply entrenched across Eastern Europe. 

Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates 
say Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than 
any other people group on the continent. 

Sometimes, it can be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have been killed 
and several wounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated attacks 
targeting small countryside villages predominantly settled by Gypsies. 

"There is generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in Eastern Europe. 
They have historically been the underdog," Radu Motoc, an official with the 
Soros Foundation Romania, said Thursday. 

Roma, or Gypsies, are a nomadic ethnic group believed to have their roots in 
the Indian subcontinent. They live mostly in southern and eastern Europe, but 
hundreds of thousands have migrated west over the past few decades in search of 
jobs and better living conditions. 

Romania has the largest number of Roma in the region. Some say the population 
could be as high as 2 million, although official data put it at 500,000. 

Until the 19th century, Romanian Gypsies were slaves, and they've gotten a 
mixed response ever since: While discrimination is widespread, many East 
Europeans are enthusiastic about Gypsy music and dance, which they embrace as 
part of the region's cultural heritage. 

That explains why the Roma musicians and a dancer who had briefly joined 
Madonna onstage got enthusiastic applause. And it also may explain why some in 
the crowd turned on Madonna when she paused during the two-hour show — a stop 
on her worldwide "Sticky and Sweet" tour — to touch on their plight. 

"It has been brought to my attention ... that there is a lot of discrimination 
against Romanies and Gypsies in general in Eastern Europe," she said. "It made 
me feel very sad." 

Thousands booed and jeered her. 

A few cheered when she added: "We don't believe in discrimination ... we 
believe in freedom and equal rights for everyone." But she got more boos when 
she mentioned discrimination against homosexuals and others. 

"I jeered her because it seemed false what she was telling us. What business 
does she have telling us these things?" said Ionut Dinu, 23. 

Madonna did not react and carried on with her concert, held near the hulking 
palace of the late communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. 

Her publicist, Liz Rosenberg, said Madonna and other had told her there were 
cheers as well as jeers. 

" Madonna has been touring with a phenomenal troupe of Roma musicians who made 
her aware of the discrimination toward them in several countries so she felt 
compelled to make a brief statement," Rosenberg said in an e-mail. "She will 
not be issuing a further statement." 

One Roma musician said the attitude toward Gypsies is contradictory. 

"Romanians watch Gypsy soap operas, they like Gypsy music and go to Gypsy 
concerts," said Damian Draghici, a Grammy Award-winner who has performed with 
James Brown and Joe Cocker. 

"But there has been a wave of aggression against Roma people in Italy, Hungary 
and Romania, which shows me something is not OK," he told the

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-28 Thread Martin Baxter

I've seen it first-hand as well, George, when, back in my Salad Daze, I 
traveled Europe frequently.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 06:54:51 -0700
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma


  While stationed in Bosnia/Croatia/Hungary I saw the pure hate 
directed towards them .
--- On Fri, 8/28/09, Martin Baxter  wrote:

From: Martin Baxter 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma
To: "SciFiNoir2" 
Date: Friday, August 28, 2009, 8:20 AM


Keith, I'll answer you with "very little". Humanity=pathetic.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

To: scifino...@yahoogro
From: KeithBJohnson@
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 05:05:58 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against 


Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma, outside of what 
they've seen in movies?

 * * * * *** com/news/ madonna-booed- in-bucharest- for-defending- 
gypsies/26947? nc

BUCHAREST, Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers 
sharing a stage with Madonna. Then the pop star condemned widespread 
discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and the cheers gave way to jeers.
The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park for 
Wednesday night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains 
deeply entrenched across Eastern Europe.
Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates 
say Roma probably
 suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than any other people 
group on the continent.
Sometimes, it can be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have been killed 
and several wounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated attacks 
targeting small countryside villages predominantly settled by Gypsies.
"There is generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in Eastern Europe. 
They have historically been the underdog," Radu Motoc, an official with the 
Soros Foundation Romania, said Thursday.
Roma, or Gypsies, are a nomadic ethnic group believed to have their roots in 
the Indian subcontinent. They live mostly in southern and eastern Europe, but 
hundreds of thousands have migrated west over the past few decades in search of 
jobs and better living conditions.
Romania has the largest number of Roma in the region. Some say the population 
could be as high as 2 million, although
 official data put it at 500,000.
Until the 19th century, Romanian Gypsies were slaves, and they've gotten a 
mixed response ever since: While discrimination is widespread, many East 
Europeans are enthusiastic about Gypsy music and dance, which they embrace as 
part of the region's cultural heritage.
That explains why the Roma musicians and a dancer who had briefly joined 
Madonna onstage got enthusiastic applause. And it also may explain why some in 
the crowd turned on Madonna when she paused during the two-hour show — a stop 
on her worldwide "Sticky and Sweet" tour — to touch on their plight.
"It has been brought to my attention ... that there is a lot of discrimination 
against Romanies and Gypsies in general in Eastern Europe," she said. "It made 
me feel very
Thousands booed and jeered her.
A few cheered when she added: "We don't believe in discrimination ... we 
believe in freedom and equal rights for everyone." But she got more boos when 
she mentioned discrimination against homosexuals and others.
"I jeered her because it seemed false what she was telling us. What business 
does she have telling us these things?" said Ionut Dinu, 23.
Madonna did not react and carried on with her concert, held near the hulking 
palace of the late communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.
Her publicist, Liz Rosenberg, said Madonna and other had told her there were 
cheers as well as jeers.
"Madonna has been touring with a phenomenal troupe of Roma musicians who made 
 aware of the discrimination toward them in several countries so she felt 
compelled to make a brief statement," Rosenberg said in an e-mail. "She will 
not be issuing a further statement."
One Roma musician said the attitude toward Gypsies is contradictory.
"Romanians watch Gypsy soap operas, they like Gypsy music and go to Gypsy 
concerts," said Damian Draghici, a Grammy Award-winner wh

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-28 Thread George Arterberry
While stationed in Bosnia/Croatia/Hungary I saw the pure hate directed towards 
them .
--- On Fri, 8/28/09, Martin Baxter  wrote:

From: Martin Baxter 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination 
Against Roma
To: "SciFiNoir2" 
Date: Friday, August 28, 2009, 8:20 AM


Keith, I'll answer you with "very little". Humanity=pathetic.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

To: scifino...@yahoogro
From: KeithBJohnson@
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 05:05:58 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against 


Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma, outside of what 
they've seen in movies?

 * * * * *** com/news/ madonna-booed- in-bucharest- for-defending- 
gypsies/26947? nc

BUCHAREST, Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers 
sharing a stage with Madonna. Then the pop star condemned widespread 
discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and the cheers gave way to jeers.
The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park for 
Wednesday night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains 
deeply entrenched across Eastern Europe.
Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates 
say Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than 
any other people group on the continent.
Sometimes, it can be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have been killed 
and several wounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated attacks 
targeting small countryside villages predominantly settled by Gypsies.
"There is generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in Eastern Europe. 
They have historically been the underdog," Radu Motoc, an official with the 
Soros Foundation Romania, said Thursday.
Roma, or Gypsies, are a nomadic ethnic group believed to have their roots in 
the Indian subcontinent. They live mostly in southern and eastern Europe, but 
hundreds of thousands have migrated west over the past few decades in search of 
jobs and better living conditions.
Romania has the largest number of Roma in the region. Some say the population 
could be as high as 2 million, although official data put it at 500,000.
Until the 19th century, Romanian Gypsies were slaves, and they've gotten a 
mixed response ever since: While discrimination is widespread, many East 
Europeans are enthusiastic about Gypsy music and dance, which they embrace as 
part of the region's cultural heritage.
That explains why the Roma musicians and a dancer who had briefly joined 
Madonna onstage got enthusiastic applause. And it also may explain why some in 
the crowd turned on Madonna when she paused during the two-hour show — a stop 
on her worldwide "Sticky and Sweet" tour — to touch on their plight.
"It has been brought to my attention ... that there is a lot of discrimination 
against Romanies and Gypsies in general in Eastern Europe," she said. "It made 
me feel very sad."
Thousands booed and jeered her.
A few cheered when she added: "We don't believe in discrimination ... we 
believe in freedom and equal rights for everyone." But she got more boos when 
she mentioned discrimination against homosexuals and others.
"I jeered her because it seemed false what she was telling us. What business 
does she have telling us these things?" said Ionut Dinu, 23.
Madonna did not react and carried on with her concert, held near the hulking 
palace of the late communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.
Her publicist, Liz Rosenberg, said Madonna and other had told her there were 
cheers as well as jeers.
"Madonna has been touring with a phenomenal troupe of Roma musicians who made 
her aware of the discrimination toward them in several countries so she felt 
compelled to make a brief statement," Rosenberg said in an e-mail. "She will 
not be issuing a further statement."
One Roma musician said the attitude toward Gypsies is contradictory.
"Romanians watch Gypsy soap operas, they like Gypsy music and go to Gypsy 
concerts," said Damian Draghici, a Grammy Award-winner who has performed with 
James Brown and Joe Cocker. 
"But there has been a wave of aggression against Roma people in Italy, Hungary 
and Romania, which shows me something is not OK," he told the AP in an 
interview. "The politicians have to do something about it. People have to be 
educated not to be prejudiced. All people are equal, and that is the message 
politicians must give." 
Nearly one in two of Europe's estimated 12 million Roma claimed to have 
suffered an act of discrimination over the pa

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-28 Thread Daryle Lockhart
It's weird, because while I understand what Madonna was trying to  
do...she's American. From Detroit. I know she changes accents  every  
two years, but the world sees her as American. Going somewhere and  
talking against discrimination is not exactly  going to  be received  
well. America may not have invented discrimination, but as far as the  
world's concerned, it is the world capital.

THIS is what Americans need to be aware of. If nobody is trying to  
hear MADONNA talk about discrimination...we have a real PR problem  

At the same time,  This is Madonna. PR QUEEN.  Be honest,  how many  
of you  even knew she was ON tour? Ya do now. And that's what Madonna  
does. She gets press. Always has.

On Aug 28, 2009, at 2:37 AM, Tracey de Morsella wrote:

Thanks for the interesting read. I will pass it on

[] On Behalf Of Keith Johnson

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:06 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming  
Discrimination Against Roma

Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma,  
outside of what they've seen in movies?


BUCHAREST, Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma  
performers sharing a stage with Madonna. Then the pop star  
condemned widespread discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and  
the cheers gave way to jeers.

The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had  
packed a park for Wednesday night's concert, underscores how  
prejudice against Gypsies remains deeply entrenched across Eastern  

Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human  
rights advocates say Roma probably suffer more humiliation and  
endure more discrimination than any other people group on the  

Sometimes, it can be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have  
been killed and several wounded in a recent series of apparently  
racially motivated attacks targeting small countryside villages  
predominantly settled by Gypsies.

"There is generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in  
Eastern Europe. They have historically been the underdog," Radu  
Motoc, an official with the Soros Foundation Romania, said Thursday.

Roma, or Gypsies, are a nomadic ethnic group believed to have their  
roots in the Indian subcontinent. They live mostly in southern and  
eastern Europe, but hundreds of thousands have migrated west over  
the past few decades in search of jobs and better living conditions.

Romania has the largest number of Roma in the region. Some say the  
population could be as high as 2 million, although official data  
put it at 500,000.

Until the 19th century, Romanian Gypsies were slaves, and they've  
gotten a mixed response ever since: While discrimination is  
widespread, many East Europeans are enthusiastic about Gypsy music  
and dance, which they embrace as part of the region's cultural  

That explains why the Roma musicians and a dancer who had briefly  
joined Madonna onstage got enthusiastic applause. And it also may  
explain why some in the crowd turned on Madonna when she paused  
during the two-hour show — a stop on her worldwide "Sticky and  
Sweet" tour — to touch on their plight.

"It has been brought to my attention ... that there is a lot of  
discrimination against Romanies and Gypsies in general in Eastern  
Europe," she said. "It made me feel very sad."

Thousands booed and jeered her.

A few cheered when she added: "We don't believe in  
discrimination ... we believe in freedom and equal rights for  
everyone." But she got more boos when she mentioned discrimination  
against homosexuals and others.

"I jeered her because it seemed false what she was telling us. What  
business does she have telling us these things?" said Ionut Dinu, 23.

Madonna did not react and carried on with her concert, held near  
the hulking palace of the late communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.

Her publicist, Liz Rosenberg, said Madonna and other had told her  
there were cheers as well as jeers.

"Madonna has been touring with a phenomenal troupe of Roma  
musicians who made her aware of the discrimination toward them in  
several countries so she felt compelled to make a brief statement,"  
Rosenberg said in an e-mail. "She will not be issuing a further  

One Roma musician said the attitude toward Gypsies is contradictory.

"Romanians watch Gypsy soap operas, they like Gypsy music and go to  
Gypsy concerts," said Damian Draghici, a Grammy Award-winner who  
has performed with James Brown and Joe Cocker.

"But there has been a wave of aggression against Roma people in  
Italy, Hungary and Romania, which shows me something is not OK," he  
told the AP in an interview. "The politicians have to do som

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-28 Thread Martin Baxter

Keith, I'll answer you with "very little". Humanity=pathetic.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 05:05:58 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against 


Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma, outside of what 
they've seen in movies?


BUCHAREST, Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers 
sharing a stage with Madonna. Then the pop star 
condemned widespread discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and 
the cheers gave way to jeers.

The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park 
for Wednesday night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies 
deeply entrenched across Eastern Europe.

Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights 
advocates say Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more 
discrimination than any other people group on the continent.

Sometimes, it can be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma 
have been killed and several wounded in a recent series of apparently racially 
motivated attacks targeting small countryside villages predominantly settled by 

"There is generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in Eastern Europe. 
They have historically been the underdog," Radu Motoc, an official with the 
Soros Foundation Romania, said Thursday.

Roma, or Gypsies, are a nomadic ethnic group believed to have their roots in 
the Indian subcontinent. They live mostly in southern and eastern 
Europe, but hundreds of thousands have migrated west over the past few decades 
in search of jobs and better living conditions.

Romania has the largest number of Roma in the region. Some say 
the population could be as high as 2 million, although official data put it at 

Until the 19th century, Romanian Gypsies were slaves, and 
they've gotten a mixed response ever since: While discrimination is widespread, 
many East Europeans are enthusiastic about Gypsy music and dance, which they 
embrace as part of the region's cultural heritage.

That explains why the Roma musicians and a dancer who had briefly joined 
onstage got enthusiastic applause. And it also may explain why some in the 
turned on Madonna when she 
paused during the two-hour show — a stop on her worldwide "Sticky and Sweet" 
tour — to touch on their plight.

"It has been brought to my attention ... that there is a lot of 
discrimination against Romanies and Gypsies in general in Eastern Europe," she 
said. "It made me feel very sad."

Thousands booed and jeered her.

A few cheered when she added: "We don't believe in discrimination ... we 
believe in freedom and equal rights for everyone." But she got more boos when 
she mentioned discrimination against homosexuals and others.

"I jeered her because it seemed false what she was telling us. What business 
does she have telling us these things?" said Ionut Dinu, 23.

Madonna did not react 
and carried on with her concert, held near the hulking palace of the late 
communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.

Her publicist, Liz Rosenberg, said Madonna and other had told her 
there were cheers as well as jeers.

"Madonna has been 
touring with a phenomenal troupe of Roma musicians who made her aware of the 
discrimination toward them in several countries so she felt compelled to make a 
brief statement," Rosenberg said in an e-mail. "She will not be issuing a 
further statement."

One Roma musician said the attitude toward Gypsies is contradictory.

"Romanians watch Gypsy soap operas, they like Gypsy music and go to Gypsy 
concerts," said Damian Draghici, a Grammy Award-winner who has performed with 
Brown and Joe Cocker. 

"But there has been a wave of aggression against Roma people in Italy, 
Hungary and Romania, which shows me something is not 
OK," he told the AP in an interview. "The politicians have to do something 
it. People have to be educated not to be prejudiced. All people are equal, and 
that is the message politicians must give." 

Nearly one in two of Europe's estimated 12 million Roma claimed 
to have suffered an act of discrimination over the past 12 months, according to 
a recent report by the Vienna-based EU Fundamental Rights Agency. The group 
Roma face "overt discrimination" in housing, health care and education. 

Many do not have official identification, which means they cannot get social 
benefits, are undereducated and struggle to find decent jobs. 

Roma children are more likely to drop out of school than their peers from 
other ethnic groups. Many Romanians l

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against Roma

2009-08-27 Thread Tracey de Morsella
Thanks for the interesting read. I will pass it on


From: [] On Behalf 
Of Keith Johnson
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 10:06 PM
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Madonna Booed for Condeming Discrimination Against 


Sad. I wonder how many Americans know anything about the Roma, outside of what 
they've seen in movies?


BUCHAREST, Romania - At first, fans politely applauded the Roma performers 
sharing a stage with Madonna  . Then 
the pop star condemned widespread discrimination against Roma, or Gypsies — and 
the cheers gave way to jeers.

The sharp mood change that swept the crowd of 60,000, who had packed a park for 
Wednesday night's concert, underscores how prejudice against Gypsies remains 
deeply entrenched across Eastern Europe.

Despite long-standing efforts to stamp out rampant bias, human rights advocates 
say Roma probably suffer more humiliation and endure more discrimination than 
any other people group on the continent.

Sometimes, it can be deadly: In neighboring Hungary, six Roma have been killed 
and several wounded in a recent series of apparently racially motivated attacks 
targeting small countryside villages predominantly settled by Gypsies.

"There is generally widespread resentment against Gypsies in Eastern Europe. 
They have historically been the underdog," Radu Motoc, an official with the 
Soros Foundation Romania, said Thursday.

Roma, or Gypsies, are a nomadic ethnic group believed to have their roots in 
the Indian subcontinent. They live mostly in southern and eastern Europe, but 
hundreds of thousands have migrated west over the past few decades in search of 
jobs and better living conditions.

Romania has the largest number of Roma in the region. Some say the population 
could be as high as 2 million, although official data put it at 500,000.

Until the 19th century, Romanian Gypsies were slaves, and they've gotten a 
mixed response ever since: While discrimination is widespread, many East 
Europeans are enthusiastic about Gypsy music and dance, which they embrace as 
part of the region's cultural heritage.

That explains why the Roma musicians and a dancer who had briefly joined 
Madonna   onstage got enthusiastic 
applause. And it also may explain why some in the crowd turned on Madonna 
  when she paused during the two-hour 
show — a stop on her worldwide "Sticky and Sweet" tour — to touch on their 

"It has been brought to my attention ... that there is a lot of discrimination 
against Romanies and Gypsies in general in Eastern Europe," she said. "It made 
me feel very sad."

Thousands booed and jeered her.

A few cheered when she added: "We don't believe in discrimination ... we 
believe in freedom and equal rights for everyone." But she got more boos when 
she mentioned discrimination against homosexuals and others.

"I jeered her because it seemed false what she was telling us. What business 
does she have telling us these things?" said Ionut Dinu, 23.

Madonna   did not react and carried on 
with her concert, held near the hulking palace of the late communist dictator 
Nicolae Ceausescu.

Her publicist, Liz Rosenberg, said Madonna 
  and other had told her there were 
cheers as well as jeers.

"Madonna   has been touring with a 
phenomenal troupe of Roma musicians who made her aware of the discrimination 
toward them in several countries so she felt compelled to make a brief 
statement," Rosenberg said in an e-mail. "She will not be issuing a further 

One Roma musician said the attitude toward Gypsies is contradictory.

"Romanians watch Gypsy soap operas, they like Gypsy music and go to Gypsy 
concerts," said Damian Draghici, a Grammy Award-winner who has performed with 
James Brown   and Joe Cocker. 

"But there has been a wave of aggression against Roma people in Italy, Hungary 
and Romania, which shows me something is not OK," he told the AP in an 
interview. "The politicians have to do something about it. People have to be 
educated not to be prejudiced. All people are equal, and that is the message 
politicians must give." 

Nearly one in two of Europe's estimated 12 million Roma claimed to have 
suffered an act of discrimination over the past 12 months, according to a 
recent report by the Vienna-based EU Fundamental Rights Agency. The group says 
Roma face "overt discrimination" in housing, health care and education. 

Many do not have official identification, which means they cannot get social 
benefits, are undereducated and