
I put a pre-release of PC/SC release 0.99 on the web site under the
software/middleware section.  Special thanks to Carlos Prados for helping
with the new autoconf ; )  I haven't done alot of testing with this
release but you can use the Cyberflex Access 16K Service Provider with
this release ( It supports most file capabilities ).

This release has the following CHANGES:

Changes to the original pcsc-0.98 package:

- Every Makefile.in is generated from it's corresponding Makefile.am by
  running "reconf" script. Makefile.am stores a very-high level definition
  of the rules to perform while building files on every directory.

- All options shown in configure --help are now active: by default make
  will copy all necesary files to /usr/local/pcsc. You can chage this
  behaviour with --prefix, --bindir, --libdir, etc. configure options.
  installing the package you can delete the sources if you want.

- All libraries are now built with libtool:
        * client-side: libpcsc.so
        * server-side: libpcsc-resmgr.so, libpcsc-comm.so,
  CORBA client-side objects are stored in libpcsc-comm.so and server-side
  implemntations are stored in libpcsc-comm_impl.so.
  libpcsc.so includes CORBA client-side objects. This way applications
  still only have to dinamicaly link libpcsc.so.

- Changed directory structure of all CORBA stuff:
        * public CORBA headers: include/pcsc-comm/*_CORBA.h
        * private CORBA implementation headers:
        * client-side CORBA objects: src/pcsc-comm/*_CORBA.cpp
        * server-side CORBA implementations :
        * idl files: idl/pcsc-comm
  Changed #include directives in all sources to search header files in
  and include/pcsc-comm

- Removed modules/* and iccsp/* directories.  Users have to download the
    separate reader/card drivers and point to them using the reader.conf
    and card.conf

- New FilePath class which is much more stable, allows delimeters of /, \,
or :.

- Cleaned up Service Provider code and began Service Provider Skeleton.

- As always, fixed more bugs.

Send mail if you have any questions.


David Corcoran                 Internet Security/Smartcards

Home:                          Purdue University
2252 US Highway 52 West        Department of Computer Science
West Lafayette, IN 47906       CERIAS/COAST Laboratory
Home: (765) 463-2455
Cell: (317) 514-4797



Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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