Re: MUSCLE Litronic Argus 210 and Cyberflex Access

1999-05-04 Thread David Corcoran


This would probably have to do with the bugs in long commands in the
Litronic driver.  You have to do key verification in order to create the
file and if the reader powers off or resets the card you will have to
reverify the key again.  The litronic reader occasionally sends back ACK
bytes when sending long commands but processing these can be difficult.
I'm going to try to resolve the problem sometime this month when I get a


David Corcoran Internet Security/Smartcards

Home:  Purdue University
2252 US Highway 52 WestDepartment of Computer Science
West Lafayette, IN 47906   CERIAS/COAST Laboratory
Home: (765) 463-2455
Cell: (317) 514-4797


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE Litronic Argus 210 and Cyberflex Access

1999-05-04 Thread Jeremy Impson

On Tue, 4 May 1999, David Corcoran wrote:

> Your problem is probably in card.conf.  The reader activated fine but it
> either couldn't match a card in card.conf or could not find the library
> for that card.  Look at the ATR returned by pcscserver and match it with
> the ATR in card.conf.  Make sure everything is working correctly there.

Dave and Jim were right on the money.  The distribution's etc/card.conf
comes with ATR 3B169481100601810F, where the reader was finding ATR
3B169481100601811F (last byte of ATR from my card was a 1F, not a 0F).
Seems to work.

On another note, is there any documentation on how to use/debug the SCard
and SCardComm objects (at either on or on some other
PC/SC- or vendor-related site).  I'm using smart_tx out-of-the-box,
without success.

When trying to use the Lintronic 210 and smart_tx I am asked to "Please
Verify Key for Deletion". 

I'm not sure what to enter to verify, and I don't know what I'm
deleting.  I exported the key that works on Schlumberger's Access Toolkit,
which looks like this: Default AUT 0,1,AD9F61FEFA20CE63,A,A 

I assume the key is AD9F61FEFA20CE63 (I enter it with space and 0x between
bytes), the length is 8 bytes, but I don't know what the key number is.  
I've been using 0.  When I use 1, it reprompts me for a key.

After verifying, filea->Create() returns 0x18, which is
SCARD_E_INVALID_VALUE. (It does this for the two remaining loops through
the for loop.)

Occasionally it doesn't ask me to verify, filea->Create() just returns
SCARD_E_INVALID_VALUE all three times three times.  Then scard->Detach()
returns 0x102, or SCARD_E_SHARING_VIOLATION.

Does this have anything to do with the fact that the Litronic reader's
green light is always lit up as long as it is plugged into the serial
port, even if the card is out, the power is pulled, and the pcscserver is
off?  Under NT, there is only light when it boots (as the driver loads)
and when the card is accessed.

Oh crap.  As I sit here typing this, I retried the verification.  Same
scenario as above (file still isn't created, filea->Create() returns
SCARD_E_INVALID_VALUE) but this time scard->Detach() returns 0x1
(SCARD_S_SUCCESS) and the green light finally turns off.

Are these manifestations of the Litronic driver's long command bugs?  Are
there any particular things I could do to help hunt them down?

Thanks for any help.


Jeremy Impson
Network Engineer
Advanced Technologies Department
Lockheed Martin Federal Systems
phone: 607-751-5618
fax:   607-751-6025

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE Litronic Argus 210 and Cyberflex Access

1999-05-04 Thread Jim Rees

Yes, a new Cyberflex Access card was released on March 19, and kits
delivered after that date have the new card.  The old card atr ends with 0f,
the new one ends with 1f.  There are three changes, ChangeJavaATR has been
fixed, SetKey now works with the key in a byte array, and the serial number
info is changed.

There should be release notes on the Cyberflex web page describing these
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE Litronic Argus 210 and Cyberflex Access

1999-05-04 Thread David Corcoran


Your problem is probably in card.conf.  The reader activated fine but it
either couldn't match a card in card.conf or could not find the library
for that card.  Look at the ATR returned by pcscserver and match it with
the ATR in card.conf.  Make sure everything is working correctly there.


David Corcoran Internet Security/Smartcards

Home:  Purdue University
2252 US Highway 52 WestDepartment of Computer Science
West Lafayette, IN 47906   CERIAS/COAST Laboratory
Home: (765) 463-2455
Cell: (317) 514-4797


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

MUSCLE Litronic Argus 210 and Cyberflex Access

1999-05-04 Thread Jeremy Impson

I just built (with debugging) and installed PCSC 0.101 and am trying to
use it with the Litronic Argus 210 and Cyberflex Access card.

When running pcscserver and test_insertion I get the following:

from test_insertion:

root@dunkirk:/usr/local/pcsc/bin# ./test_insertion
  0)  Litronic A 210

Select the reader number: 0

 Attempting Connect to Litronic A 210

SCard.cpp  :186 Matching Card NOT Found
Card or Reader Error.  Wrong Card/Reader type ?

SCard.cpp  : 214  Detach Status:  11

from pcscserver:

root@dunkirk:/usr/local/pcsc/bin# pcscserver ../etc/reader.conf  
**Getting Reader Support***
Inserting Reader Litronic A 210
**Getting Card Support***
Inserting Card Schlumberger Cyberflex Access

*** MUSCLE PC/SC Smartcard Resource Manager ***
 Author: David Corcoran [EMAIL PROTECTED] (C) 1999  ver 1.0
 Initializing CORBA runtime services . . . . . . . . . .  done.
 Accepting Connections 

SCardComm.cpp  : 100  Loading device:LIT_ARG_210
SCardComm.cpp  : 101  Port Requested: 103f8
SCardComm.cpp  : 102Library
SCardComm.cpp  : 109   Dlopen Handle: 805f6c0
SCardComm.cpp  : 139  Port Allocation Status: 0
SCardComm.cpp  : 149 Power Up Status: 0
SCardTrack.cpp :  69 ReaderName: Litronic A 210
SCardTrack.cpp :  70  State:  2
SCardTrack.cpp :  71   Protocol:  0
SCardTrack.cpp :  88  Found ATR:
3b 16 94 81 10 06 01 81 1f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
SCardComm.cpp  :306 Exclusive Mode Found
SCardComm.cpp  : 363 Disconnect Power Status: 0
SCardComm.cpp  : 366   Port Deallocation: 0

After this runs, the light on the litronic reader stays lit, even after I
kill pcscserver.  The Cyberflex Access card is a "virgin card".  I killed
power to the reader, but now I'm worried I may have corrupted the card.

etc/reader.conf looks like this:

# Configuration file for various smartcard
# readers.  This specifies the readers
# library path.
# Note: The last reader declared is the
#   default reader used in many programs
# David Corcoran / MUSCLE Project

# Litronic Argus 210
FRIENDLYNAME"Litronic A 210"
LIBPATH /usr/local/pcsc/lib/
CHANNELID   0x0103F8
# COM 1, /dev/cua0

# End of Config File

etc/card.conf looks like this:

# Configuration file for various smartcards
# This specifies the cards library path.
# David Corcoran / MUSCLE Project

# Schlumberger  Cyberflex Access M0F
FRIENDLYNAME"Schlumberger Cyberflex Access"
LIBPATH /usr/local/pcsc/lib/

# End of Config File

What does "MOF" mean?  I also notice that calls it "Schlumberger
Cyberflex Access 16K SSP".  What does SSP refer to?  The Access card I
have come from the Cyberflex Access (Windoze) Development Kit.  Are there
different versions of Access card?

Thanks for you help,


Jeremy Impson
Network Engineer
Advanced Technologies Department
Lockheed Martin Federal Systems
phone: 607-751-5618
fax:   607-751-6025

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)