Harry F Doherty wrote:


I've been having random lockups on my machine - no response to keyboard
or mouse. This has happen both mid X session and when trying to log on
a tty.

I assume this is a hardware problem?
All my hardware is pretty suspect as I found it in bins.
I think I've ruled out memory (memtest) and power supply (multimeter).
ide-smart on both my hard drives gives "passed" on all lines.
I'm not sure what to make of my smartctl -i output (listings below).
So I'm not completely satisfied I've ruled out a hard drive/ide

So where do I go from here?
I need to check my logs, but where and what?
I'm using debian testing with kernel 2.2.20.
Do I need a new mobo?

Thanks for your patience and proleptic gratitude for any assistance.
I'd better go and back up my dog faced hermans mp3s before this thing
blows up.


My machine started locking up seemingly randomly yestarday evening, I opened her up and checked the CPU heatsink, completely blocked with dust. The GPU heatsink was just as bad and I think it was probably the graphics card which was crashing the system crashed only after X started. Gave them a good clean and problem solved. I wonder how many people have "broken" pcs which are just in need of some tlc.


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