Re: [Scottish] Thursday 27th September

2012-09-25 Thread Claudio Calvelli
Dave Hibberd asks:

> Can the pub be streamed too? Then I don't feel like a sad loser drinking
> beer on my own.

I'm sure that would be a good idea.  Would save attempting to cycle back
home while the road seems to wobble all over the place (never figured out
how that happens).


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Unsubscribing (was: Jotismland)

2011-12-08 Thread Claudio Calvelli
> And these instructions would be where?  They're not at the bottom of
> this email and the only link goes to an HTTPS page that is likely to
> chuck up an "Invalid certificate" warning which people would rightly be
> disinclined to add an exception for without doing some research first.
> And do we forget that some mail systems do use the subject "unsubscribe"
> as a way to, well, unsubscribe?

Well, there's a "List-Unsubscribe" header which your mail client may or
may not understand:
  List-Unsubscribe: ,

> Is it not possible to make everyone's life easier by simply having an
> "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the email?  Once it's that obvious,
> then one might be justified in publicly chastising people.

Probably.  There's no particular reason why the "list-unsubscribe" link
can't be repeated in the message footer.  We'd have to ask the list

> Sorry if I seem rude and I am not trying to have a go at you
> specifically, Claudio.

That's OK, I wasn't reading it like that.

> For those who wish to unsubscribe:

Or send mail to scottish-request at the appropriate domain with subject
"unsubscribe" (note: do not send mail to the list, but to the
"-request" address).

> (For the avoidance of doubt, I do not wish to unsubscribe)



Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Jotismland

2011-12-07 Thread Claudio Calvelli
In the dim and distant past, when the only mailing list managers were
either Majordomo or something more ancient, people who posted "unsubscribe
me" messages would be added to a special mailing list set up for them only.

There they would receive all these "unsubscribe me" messages (and probably
nothing else) until they figured out how to follow the simple instructions
instead of asking other people to do it for them. There was no other way
to be removed from the list.

Does anybody remember where it was, and how to add people to it? :-)


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Help needed with group page

2010-06-24 Thread Claudio Calvelli
Jason Irwin wrote:

> I've created myself a user account ("roadSurfer").  Think I need someone to
> add my to the ScotLUG group or something.
> Then I can add myself as a wannabe expert for the install day.

I've added you to the "scotlug" group.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Scottish Digest, Vol 267, Issue 1

2009-11-19 Thread Claudio Calvelli
Roland Ward wrote:

> Alternatively I can definitely recommend Brett at Gladserv
> ( for providing a very efficient service. They are also
> based in scotland and you'll get someone to talk to rather than a mail
> robot.

I second this recommendation. I've been happily using Gladserv for
my own domains and I haven't had a problem.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Scotlug Website/Planning

2009-09-30 Thread Claudio Calvelli
Jim  writes:

> Sounds like a good idea. It would be very helpful if someone with write
> access to the website could post info about the meeting there, so we can
> get a decent turnout.

I've added one line to the "meetings" page. Email me with a more detailed
description if required.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] November meet

2008-11-24 Thread Claudio Calvelli

Sandy Dunlop writes:

> I've brought the date of the December meet up a few times on #scotlug, 
> and everyone I've talked to seems to like the idea of 18th Dec, and it 
> has been suggested some hardcore scotluggers might have a pub meeting on 
> the 25th. I'll be in Glasgow on 18th Dec, for a change :-)

+1 for the 18th
+1 for the 25th if the weather is not too bad for cycling (no trains :-)


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Not strictly linux, but advice welcomed all the same

2008-04-26 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> I am annoyed that another user of the discussion board  
> is responsible for transmitting information about me to a third party  
> without my permission. There is no guarantee that the information about me  
> obtained by danasoft will not be passed on elsewhere.

> Am I making a fuss about nothing? Is there any linux software that I can  
> install that will prevent this behaviour?

It looks like an inline image generated by their server. Depending on
what browser you are using, you can block images from;
for firefox, look at the various adblock plugins and configure it to
reject these images.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] new ScotLUG website

2008-04-26 Thread Claudio Calvelli

I wrote:
> No, I looked at the HTML source and they evidently never heard of the
> "Set-Cookie" HTTP header

Change that. After tracing the network connection, I found that they
did send a cookie, but it had an expiry date in the past, so it never
got used. My clock is set correctly (with, so it's
not my fault... I had to go and edit the cookies to get it to work.

I went to report a bug and found a lenghty discussion about cookies
and log in problems, going on for over 2 years.

I repeat: I hope the new, proposed scotlug website is tested a bit
better than that.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] new ScotLUG website

2008-04-25 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> Glad to be of assistance :-)

I nearly asked if you normally write for the "Microsoft Help" thing.

> Maybe the Launchpad website is waiting on some form of moderation or 
> email approval? It's been so long since I signed up originally

No, I looked at the HTML source and they evidently never heard of the
"Set-Cookie" HTTP header, instead they went on and reinvented the
wheel. If you happen to have javashit disabled, as a sensible person
should when using a site one isn't sure about, login won't work and
you don't get an error message, not even something like "this site
requires javascript".

On a related matter, this may be a good time to point the following
at people who wish to design a new site:


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] new ScotLUG website

2008-04-25 Thread Claudio Calvelli

I wrote:
> > How do you I that? It lets me register, but not log in.

Kyle Gordon:
> I put some documentation together for this task over here... 

Most useless, thank you. That just tells me to log in, but the
login is the bit which doesn't work.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] new ScotLUG website

2008-04-25 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> Following on from last night's discussions, I'm keen to push things
> forward before the enthusiasm dims...
> I've created a Launchpad team (and project) at
> If you're interested in the project at all, then please join the team.

How do you I that? It lets me register, but not log in.

And yes, I did type the correct password.

I hope the new website won't be that broken.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Re: News Letter April 08

2008-04-13 Thread Claudio Calvelli

Willie Fleming wrote:
> I'd be very interested to hear what plans Dan Shearer has for the domain. 
> Hopefully (inter alia) it will be a vehicle to get Scotland its own TLD. 
> Unfortunately all the obvious 2 letter abbreviations are already taken, 
> mostly by nations an awful lot smaller than Scotland. 

How about .aa (for Alba)?


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Re: News Letter April 08

2008-04-12 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> Over the past two months i must admit i'm starting to feel that whatever
> i say, i'm going to get someone give me some form of telling off.

I personally have no other bad comments apart from the one I have already
made. Of course, other people will have other opinions.

If I can make a suggestion, however, I note that you've replaced the March
newsletter on the ScotLUG wiki with the April one. I think it would be
better to have both in their own separate pages, with the "newsletter"
page providing an index. And when you produce the May newsletter, don't
remove the April one...

Not intended to tell off, just a suggestion, and please feel free to ignore
it if you don't agree.

> I'm sure to some this will offend, but try to understand that this is
> not my intention, it's just very disheartening to have posts turned into
> arguments.

You are right, and I apologise for the previous argument about a month ago.
Please don't give up.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Re: News Letter April 08

2008-04-12 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> Kyle Gordon wrote:
> > Top posting worked just fine in that context due to the reply not 
> > addressing any part of the post in particular.
> A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion.
> Q. Why is top posting bad?

While top posting is evil in general, in this case it was more like:

statement: a style of post is bad
example: the quoted post

So the logical sequence was correct.

C (No generalisation is ever correct; including this one)

Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Photo from one month ago...

2008-03-31 Thread Claudio Calvelli

the scribbler writes:
> what are you doing with your hand ?

He was actually drinking a Coca-Cola... however in the low light of the
meeting room, and without a flash, the moving hand and the bottle are
naturally blurred, and so it looks like something else.


Scottish mailing list

[Scottish] Photo from one month ago...

2008-03-28 Thread Claudio Calvelli

I was reminded at the meeting last night that I never posted anywhere a
dodgy photo I've taken at the 10th anniversary meeting, so here it is...

People who were there have already seen it on my camera's LCD.


Scottish mailing list

[Scottish] Wiki spam

2008-03-14 Thread Claudio Calvelli

I've just deleted a few tons of spam from the wiki - for the n-th time
since the same spammers keep coming back. I'm referring to RoldoMolob,
TatacNaget, BaselTcoro, OuladOmbor, DarroLalno -- who seem to appear
and add spam minutes after one removes it. Can somebody who can, ban


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Drupal and the society.......

2008-02-25 Thread Claudio Calvelli

Kevin McDermott wrote:

> I think it's helpful for people in the more remote areas of Scotland to
> be able to use the Scotlug list to contact one another...infinitely
> easier than setting up a "Auchenshuggle LUG" and hoping people find it.

The point it, the mailing list HAS been created, and people are aware
of it (if only because of the periodic crossposing from it), so the
argument does not apply in this case.

And I wouldn't call Dundee one of the more remote areas of Scotland.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Drupal and the society.......

2008-02-25 Thread Claudio Calvelli

William Anderson wrote:
> A few people have said something along these lines.  So if ScotLUG is 
> being transmogrified into an umbrella LUG covering all Scottish LUGs 
> (something that I got shouted down for proposing years ago), what 
> happens to ScotLUG in its present form, which is that it is the Glasgow 
> LUG ...
> And personally, if I wanted to know what's going on in edlug or dundee 
> lug, or hantslug, i'd subscribe to their lists.  Just my 2p.

Yes, that was my point too.

At present, I see no reason to subscribe to the Dundee list - the impression
I get is that I would just get a second copy of all Dundee messages, so why
should I bother? If a separate list has been created, perhaps announcing
it here would be more productive than crossposging all messages.

Having said that, there is nothing wrong with using this list to announce
things anywhere in Scotland.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Drupal and the society.......

2008-02-23 Thread Claudio Calvelli

William Anderson wrote:
> I think this has gone to the wrong list.  Sorry to be a prick (it's my 
> default state these days it seems), but why are we getting lots of 
> messages to the scotlug list about dundee?

I've been tempted to ask the same question but decided not to bother.
I assume that people who want to know about Dundee have subscribed to
that mailing list by now.

On an unrelated matter, I'll try to drag myself to Glasgow on Thursday.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Intercommunication between Document formats

2008-02-07 Thread Claudio Calvelli

If anybody sends me a file in word format I always reply asking for it in
an open standard format - explaining that an open standard format is one for
which full documentation is publicly available and which does not require
to purchase any special software to read - concluding with a note that
Word format fails in several respects, and could they please send in a
format which can be of any use, preferably plain text.

You could also reply asking them where you can find a copy of Microsoft
Word which will work on your operating system, to allow them to send the
document in that weird format they seem to require :-)


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] several linux problems

2007-12-19 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> ? Kernels aren't really interested in modems (except for those nasty hardware 
> modems) have you tried pointing minicom at each serial port and seeing if you 
> get a response to AT?

Unfortunately, modems in laptop belong to that nasty category.

Often "lspci" will find them, but whether they can be made to work or not
is another matter.

(of two laptops I can look at now, one has a modem which appears to be
part of the soundcard, and supported by the "Intel/SiS/nVidia/AMD MC97
Modem" kernel driver; and the other has a losemodem which apparently
can be made to work by purchasing a non-free driver (with a "free" but
still closed-source version which does work but limits the modem to
14.4k... yes I tried, and it is painful)

C (the other C)

Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Moving house!

2007-12-01 Thread Claudio Calvelli

Dan Shearer:

> It was precisely the goal of running Linux instead of RiscOS
> (interesting though it is) that drove the ARM port of Linux as a totally
> impractical hobby on outdated hardware. Then Russell King found his
> hobby at the centre of interest by ARM Plc and embedded device
> manufacturers, and it is now running on millions of devices. So three
> cheers for pointless projects. There's lots of fun and education and
> frustration to be had by jamming free OSs onto the kind of hardware that
> turns up when people move house and I highly recommend it to people who
> have only ever seen x86 :-)

What about porting Linux to this:

(/me hides)


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Troon Beer Festival

2007-10-06 Thread Claudio Calvelli

Andrew Calverley wrote:
> `The ScotLUG Summer Tour Season continues with a trip to the lovely South
> Ayrshire town of Troon to partake in their annual beer festival.

And a good time was had by all:


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] zipslack and lilo

2007-09-02 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> I run Puppy very successfully on a laptop with a celeron 333 and 64mb ram 
> from 
> a live cd, it can slow down a fair bit if the swap kicks in but is still 
> usable.  I realise you really want Slackware but thought my experience of 
> Puppy may be useful.

I run Slackware 11 on my mail server, an ancient pentium-120 with 48Mb
of RAM - which does the job very well. If you are seeing this, it must
be working :-)


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] How nerdy are you?

2007-08-29 Thread Claudio Calvelli

Aidan Skinner wrote:
> I got 47%.
> Do I have to unsub from the list now?

Only if you can't figure out how to unsubscribe.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Linux hardware for £5?

2007-08-21 Thread Claudio Calvelli


> A brand new box running (uc)linux for less than £5 ?

Out of stock in all nearby stores, and not available for home delivery :-(

> One for somebody with too much time on their hands I guess.

I probably qualify then

> C.

C. (the other one)

Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] isp and linux

2007-08-11 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> Claudio Calvelli wrote:
> > > Personally I thought Pipex was probably the best of the three.

I didn't write that, I was quoting from another message :-)

> Those I know
> with Pipex accounts had EXACTLY the same experience. so it might be good
> if your looking for Free or very cheap, but be prepared for a sudden
> insolvency!

Price doesn't seem to have anything to do with it though. You can have
extremely good service with a cheap one (including a decent behaviour by
the accounts department) and an extremely bad service with an expensive

The smaller ISPs tend to care more about their customers, it's only when they
grow to the point that you become a number rather than a person that these
problems start.

I used to be with Bulldog (now part of Pipex) and they couldn't provide a
correct bill to save their lives (I am still waiting for the final bill
more than a year after leaving). However I haven't had a single problem
since moving to a smaller ISP who still cares about their customers.

I would recommend anybody chosing an ISP to read the relevant section of and see what customers are complaining about
- with the obvious proviso that there seem to be people who "must" complain
about everything, even if the problem doesn't exist or if they aren't even
customers of the ISP in question and never have been.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] isp and linux

2007-08-08 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> I have used Linux (and in fact, RISC-OS) successfully on connections
> supplied BT, Pipex and Tiscali, using an ADSL->Ethernet router.
> Personally I thought Pipex was probably the best of the three.

I don't doubt that, but Pipex is in the process of selling their
residential broadband division to TIscali, so don't expect it to be any
good in the future.

And personally I don't trust something like BT which is only there to
transfer money from their customers to their shareholders, there are
a number of smaller ISPs who genuinely provide good service - otherwise
they'd lose all their customers. I'm with Entanet (via UKFSN, and happy with them (and there's the additional
bonus that part of the profits are used to fund open source projects).

Get something with one month contract, so if it isn't as good as it
should be it's no difficulty to go away (and remember that now you
can change ADSL ISP without paying a new activation fee in most cases)


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] How nerdy are you?

2007-08-02 Thread Claudio Calvelli


It took a while to get the first scientist's image - it kept giving an error.
Is everybody taking the test and causing their server to fall over?

> (I'm not saying what I scored).

Probably less than I did.
(not sure I should admit that :-)

> C.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Fwd: Say NO to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard

2007-06-27 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> Please sign the petition here:
> (Cookies have to be enabled for this site.)

It would help if the site worked... I'm sure it works in a graphical browser, 
it doesn't work in any text-only browser. Looking at the source, the reason 
to be utter idiocy of the designers.

Even the "report a bug" link goes out of the way to prevent access.

I guess they don't want my signature.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] February Meeting

2007-02-20 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> February's meeting will take place tomorrow night (Thursday 25th January),

Am I the only person who thought that tomorrow night was Wednesday
21st February?

Or is that meant to be day after tomorrow, Thursday 22nd February?


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Ubuntu rampant.....

2007-02-15 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> Why would you install '98?
> Just mount the drive under Ubuntu.
> '98 can't even read NTFS IIRC.

I can think of at least one reason - the files are in some silly
proprietary format and require their own software to convert them
to some usable format.

Of course, one should never use Windows for anything important,
but that's another matter.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] Ubuntu rampant.....

2007-02-15 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> However, in an effort to rescue some files we tried to install Windows
> '98 on my Ubuntu machine, and even though the boot sequence is supposed
> to go CDROM first (I went into the settings and verified this - we were
> trying to install Windows '98 (Thanks Magnus, remember giving that to me
> long ago...?) in order to have a Windows system and to try and hook up
> the HDD from the dead machine as a secondary drive and see if we could
> transfer files across ) -

> HOWEVER - the Ubuntu just boots as Ubuntu no matter what! 

That sound more like a non-bootable CD. If it is Windows 98 upgrade,
rather than install, it won't boot from the CD, no matter what you
do to your BIOS.

Otherwise, if you have a SCSI card somewhere in your PC, it may be
set to override the BIOS boot sequence in order to look for a SCSI
boot disk (happened to me on my old PC - I couldn't figure out why
it wouldn't boot from CD - until it started doing so when I removed
the SCSI card).


Scottish mailing list

Re: moRe: [Scottish] Broadband Question...

2007-01-15 Thread Claudio Calvelli

I'll add my £0.02 troll tax...

William Anderson:

> Praps you found a bad batch?  I've yet to see a Speedtouch that *didn't*
> work once you get your head round the firmware bit, and this is going
> back years too when we had loads of USB modems at SmoothWall for
> testing.  Speedtouchen work, so perhaps you're just shit at configuring
> them?  :)))

I've received a number of free ST330 with various ADSL connections,
and they all worked as far as their design allows. And the manufacturer
does provide the firmware alone ("for Linux users" as their website
says) if you don't want to download the whole set of drivers / extract
the firmware from the CD. (Of course I've gone and bought a router
as soon as possible)

There are design problems, but mostly due to the fact it's USB rather
than a real, grown up, ethernet design.

Using USB 1.1 and trying to get a reliable 8Mb out of it is
simply stupid (the alleged 12Mb/s is a lie - go and read the USB
specification, if you can stomach a 950 pages book coauthored by M$
to see what I mean - but as an executive summary, the bit encoding
means you can rarely get more than 10Mb/s, and when you remove protocol
overheads you are lucky if you get 8Mb/s, and to top it all you can't
even assign the whole bandwidth to a single device - so that's your
8Mb/s being nearly impossible by design).

Also, being USB powered and therefore limited to 500mA, it cannot
always provide sufficient output power to cope with a bad line. Again,
a router with a decent power supply would have no problem with that.

>  :)))

Yeah, same here.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] processors

2006-11-15 Thread Claudio Calvelli

Gordon JC Pearce wrote:

> I believe RSX-11M may speak DECNet over a serial port.

That would be useful, I could use the VAX as a gateway to the pdp-11.
Unfortunately, it won't boot from DECnet over the serial port (I've
just tried) although it claims it can boot from DECnet over Ethernet
and over serial (but using a different serial controller).

> Have you got any removable media besides the TK50?  I've got RX02s with 
> RT-11 on them,  and also some couple of RL02s.  Getting a "real" DEC 
> operating system on it wouldn't be a problem ;-)

No other removable media... but I am thinking it may be possible to
install a DEC o/s using a pdp-11 emulator (with any emulated removable
media which may be necessary) but making the emulator access the
real pdp-11's MFM disk during install - I do have a MFM controller
for a PC.

You all may be looking forward to telnetting into a real pdp-11 when
I manage to do that.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] processors

2006-11-15 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> > Any use for a PDP-11/73? I haven't switched it on in years but it
> > does work.

Apologies I meant PDP-11/53 (actually very similar)

> What's in it?

/me goes looking inside the PDP-11

KDJ11-D/S CPU board with a 15MHz CPU, 1536 (count 'em) kilobytes of RAM,
two serial ports

One DHQ11 LINE ASYNC COMMS board, adding 16 more serial ports

TK50 tape unit and M7546 controller (and one tape)

Seagate ST-251 40Mb hard drive
with M7555 RQDX3 MFM disk and floppy controller

Sadly, no M7504 ethernet in it, and given you can buy a new computer for
the price one of these sell I don't think I'll be putting the PDP-11 on
the network, unless I can use the 18 serial ports for MLPPP...

No software on it, it appears to have been wiped clean before it reached
me, but it will run BSD 2.11 if anybody can write a TK50 tape or has a
QBUS system which can take the TK50 controller.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] processors

2006-11-15 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> Claudio-
>   The 8088 was the 16 bit chip, indeed, but it had an 8 bit adress bus.
> The 8086 was superior to the '88 because it was a true 16bit cpu, 
> incorporating a 16bit address bus. The 8087 complements it to provide real 
> (floating point) calculations.

Yes, that's what I meant, more or less.

> I'm showing my love for all things old a bit, aren't I?

Any use for a PDP-11/73? I haven't switched it on in years but it
does work.


Scottish mailing list

Re: [Scottish] processors

2006-11-15 Thread Claudio Calvelli

> I'm also looking to give a home to any 286, 386 and 486 chips you have lying
> around.

I've just dug out a 486DX4 - I'll take it to the next meeting if I manage to
be there. Might be able to find a 386/20 somewhere. I should also have a
8086+8087 (not 8088... the real 16 bit version) but I can't locate them at
the moment.


Scottish mailing list

[Scottish] A pic from the meeting...

2006-10-26 Thread Claudio Calvelli

It was entertaining to see  and  fighting
in the Counting House earlier. Here are the messy results.

The two people involved shall remain nameless until somebody replies with
their names :-)


Scottish mailing list