[sdre-l]: review of the new album

2000-05-21 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 I recently acquired a copy of The Rising Tide, and let me say that it is absolutely 
beautifull. I can say right now that there's gonna be lots of closed minded sdre fans 
who will be really pissed off. Oh well, sucks for them. Everyone who has a true 
appreciation for the band's music as opposed to a blind allegiance to a particular 
musical style will absolutely adore this release. If you don't like it at first, 
listen to it a few more times. It actually took me about 3 listens to get into it, but 
once you understand the album it just keeps growing on you. Here's the lowdown:

Will's drums build into the intro track "Killed by an Angel". It explodes with thick 
guitar parts being accented perfectly by intense cracks of the snare drum. The verse 
and chorus vocal melody of the song is kind of more on the eerie tip than pretty or 
emotional. Particularly the verse. It goes into a bridge that changes the vibe of the 
song for a while, only to drop back into it's darkness once again. It ends (like many 
songs on this album) with the final note ringing out w/ feedback, kind of like the way 
"sometimes" ends. 

The next song "one" picks up the beat to the album. Lots of you have probablly already 
heard this song. I think it's great. Lots of interesting musical movements, and a 
great vibe.

"Rain Song" is a bittersweet acoustic/orchestral song that contrasts the happiness of 
the verse with a flowing transition into a more emotional melody in the chorus. Very 
pretty acoustic guitars and a great piano part comes in at the end and fades out with 
the rest of the song. 

"Disappear" starts out with a drum part that's very similar to the section of "the 
prohpet" where jeremy sings "will you carry me accross the sea". He's doing rolls on 
the floor tom with a constant bass drum beat. A guitar comes in that sounds almost 
exactly like Dan's guitar in "pillars". But then the similarities stop. It is 
reminiscant of early U2 stuff, Joshua tree era. It is dark and eerie, with a driving 
beat and soaring vocals like only jeremy can do.  Complex melodies, parts, and 

"Disappear" ends and goes right into track 5, "Snibe", which starts with a slightly 
distorted bass line thumping out quarter notes that's quickly joined with a driving 
beat from william and a dark guitar part. The song builds up to the chorus which 
sounds like some kind of insane war chant. The song is powerfull, but not in the 
typical sunny day sense, it's weird. This one will be great at shows. It has a bridge 
with a piano and what sounds like jeremy whispering something through a vocoder. It 
sounds really cool.

Track 6 is the ocean, you've all heard that. But it does make alot more sense in the 
context with all these other songs. And is a little different. 

Track 7 is one of my favorites on the album. "Fool in the Photograph" has a dark, 
indian/eastern sounding melody. It reminds me alot of some beatles stuff, particularly 
the melody for "Within you Without you" of sgt. peppers if your familiar. It bursts 
into a loud chorus, and flows back into the main part. The bridge of this song is one 
of the high points of the album, very emotional and beautiful. It ends with mellow 
strumming of the guitar and humming from jeremy.

"Tearing in my Heart" opens with a sample of some little kids talking. Then it goes 
into the mellow, beatiful main part. Will is playing with some brushes it sounds like, 
and jeremy's vocals are soft, quiet, and high. Plucking guitars. There are some 
strings in this one too. The song ends slowly and quietly. 

"Television" is my pick for THE song that all the dumb asses will hate the most. It'll 
be this album's "two promises" or "100 million". It opens with some electronic 
synthesizer droning and computer sound bleeps and bloops. Then it kicks in with this 
bouncy, happy go lucky sounding melody. It grows into a driving part in the middle 
with jeremy sonically wailing. Near the end everything drops out and there is a great 
sounding piano solo section, jeremy's voice fades in and then the rest of the band 
comes back in all at once. It ends the same way I talked about before w/ "killed by an 
angel". Lots of people are gonna dislike this song, I can tell. They'll say it's too 
damn happy. I like it, though.

"Faces in Disguise" is another one of my favorites on the album. It is very gentle 
with a synthesizer progression and some wattery effects on the guitar. Jeremy sings 
very soft, like the way he sings "days were golden" live. The second time they get to 
the part where jeremy sings "faces in disguise" it gets more intense, and then they 
blast into a loud part with jeremy singing high along with some strings. Then they go 
through the whole progression again. Growing more intense towards that loud part. You 
can't really label the parts of this song (and lots of the songs on this album) with 
just verse, chorus, bridge, etc. So it's kind of hard to explain them. This one has 
another great fade-ou

Re: [sdre-l]: interesting discovery

2000-01-24 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 Yea, I've seen the movie. It was pretty good. It's really cool when Abegail comes in, 
it's at the end at probablly the climax of the movie. It fits really well. 
so yea,
matt c.

On Sun, 23 Jan 2000 17:58:05   PheurtonSkeurto3 wrote:
>hey, i was tooling around cdnow looking at reviews and stuff, so i looked up 
>ROTFQ just to see how the reviews were because i had never read any critics 
>reviews of it. anyway i looked up jeremy enigk and it turns out abegail anne 
>is also on a soundtrack to a movie called "dreams with the fishes" from 1997  
>i thought that was pretty odd, ive never heard of the movie or the soundtrack 
>i was kinda surprised it had never been mentioned. i wonder if the song is in 
>the movie somewhere, kinda like how "8" was never in batman forever but on 
>the soundtrack. but it also has "river man" by nick drake on it and a few 
>other good songs, just wondering if anyone knows whats up with this?

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Re: [sdre-l]: We're Gods/Touched for Something Greater?

1999-08-29 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

I don't even see the point in comparing these pop culture icons with bands like sunny 
day, considering that they are setting out to do completely different things. I mean, 
lots of these people don't even write their own music for christ's sake! And the ones 
that do, when they sit down and write a song, they're not trying to write something 
that's going to stir the listener's emotions, so why criticize them because their 
music doesn't do that for you? They're trying to make you dance, or make you sing 
along, or something. Judge them on how well they do at that. 
  There are no definitions on what is quality. Music doesn't have to be extremely 
emotional to be good. I'll like music because it makes me dance, or I'll like music 
because it's catchy, but I don't like the pop culture gods because I can't take them 
seriously. I'll also like bands because their music is emotionally powerfull, but I 
dislike many emo bands for that same reason, lots of emo music I just can't take 
 And by the way, I don't think I'm any smarter than anybody else becaue I DO like a 
band they dislike, or I DON'T like a band they DO like. Musical taste has no 
reflection on intelligence, no matter which way you slice it. And don't say that your 
MUSICALLY smarter than them, either. Because being musically advanced just makes you 
understand the musical formulas better. Being musically intellegent doesn't change 
your taste, just opens more doors of musical comprehension, allowing you more options 
with witch to choose what you like and dislike. 
thanks for your time,
matt t. carlson

since everybody else is doing this I'll do it too:
Now Playing: 
Tortoise- "Millions now Living Will Never die"

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Re: [sdre-l]: When will i speak

1999-08-16 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 Actually, When Will I Speak IS on rotfq, in a sense. The backwards guitar track on 
Fallen Heart is the guitar part for When Will I Speak. The song was recorded for the 
album, but for whatever reasons, they played it backwards and created Fallen Heart 
with it instead. Notice that the first line of When Will I Speak is "fallen heart." 
  And actualy there are a whole album's worth of Jeremy Enigk songs that haven't been 
released. In fact, I'm still trying to get a copy of 3 of them: Suede Scars, Christ 
has Risen, and Burn. I want to make a CDR with all the unreleased jeremy enigk songs 
on it, and these are the only ones I need. If anyone has one or more of them please 
e-mail me and we could probablly work something out. thanks
Matt C.

On Mon, 16 Aug 1999 08:06:20   Kessler . wrote:
>Hey all
>Just wondering if anyone knew the origins of the song "When will I Speak," 
>as performed by Jeremy Enigk during his solo tour i think.
>The mp3 recording i have is from the SDREAA and was recorded at the House of 
>Blues on the 24th of February 1997.
>I would really like to know what the deal is with this song, i am lost as to 
>where it could have come from (considering it is not on ROTFQ)or possibly 
>who could have performed it originally (if a cover?). I think it is a really 
>beautiful and haunting kinda song, and would be much obliged to anyone who 
>could find out that info for me.
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Re: [sdre-l]: OTS: this music is gonna be big... I think

1999-08-06 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

  If you ask me, emo will not be the "next big thing." For one it's simply doesn't 
have enough of it's own sound. The average kid just can not tell the difference 
between The Promise Ring and Eve 6. He would say: "Why is Jimmy Eat World emo, but 
Semisonic is not?" I know it sounds ridiculous, but to the average ear, there's not a 
big enough difference between emo bands, and just alternative bands. Most people don't 
see anything new in emo. It's ironic they've looked to ska and techno and even swing 
because they are so desperate for a new sound. 
 Another point is: most emo has no pop culture appeal. Face it, lots of emo is 
extremely depressing. The public does not want to listen to depressing music. It's 
that simple. I guess some record label fucks could water it down to the point where it 
DID have pop appeal, but then that bring up my first point. I mean, one of emo's 
biggest traits is it's depressing sound, if they watered that down, what would really 
be left to make it emo?
  Those are just 2 of many reasons why I don't think emo will ever "hit it big". If 
you ask me, I don't even think there's gonna be another rock revolution for a pretty 
long time. Why? Simply because everybody's expecting it. Nobody was expecting rock and 
roll to happen in the first place. Nobody was expecting punk rock to happen in the 
late 1970's. Nobody was expecting "grunge" (a hip word for seattle's version of punk 
rock) to happen in the late 1980's. Now everybody's sitting around, looking at each 
other, saying: "allright, where's the next punk rock revolutionwe're waiting!". I 
think people will keep on sitting around waiting for it for probablly a pretty long 
time, until just about everybody has given up hope alltogether. THEN, it will happen 
once again. Right when nobody is expecting it. And I have NO idea what it will sound 
  sorry about the long post.
-matt carlson

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Re: [sdre-l]: tuning

1999-07-31 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

--The reason they tuned down to D was because it was easier for Jeremy to sing the 
songs. I think Jeremy just got better at singing. 

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Re: [sdre-l]:[OTS] Hum

1999-07-29 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 Yeah, Hum really is an amazing band. They're probablly my 3rd favorite behind sunny 
day and slint. One of my favorite things about Hum is their lyrics. And not just their 
lyrics themselves, but they way Matt Talbott organizes them in the songs. Like the 
syllable patterns and word beats and stuff. Anyone else notice this? But yea, if your 
looking for a great band flowing with emotion, check them out. I reccomend their 2nd 
album: You'd Prefer an Astronaut. 
-matthew thomas carlson

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999 01:48:22   Will Schiesser wrote:
>I can completely back the opinions given.  Hum is probably my favorite
>band.  Sunny Day is almost as high up as them.  I just recently got
>interested in sunny day and they are already in 2nd place.  If you haven't
>got a chance to hear hum, do it.  They aren't quite as emotionally driven
>and climatic in the same obvious way as sunny day but their songs are like
>overtures, especially on the new album.  Incredible drumming, insane guitar
>work including layering, effects, and awesome time signiture usage.  A bit
>slower (why do I like LP2 the best?), a bit harder and incredibly dynamic.  

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Re: [sdre-l]: Diary VS HIFTBSO

1999-07-29 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 I totally think HIFTBSO is just as good as their previous albums. I agree that lots 
of it is good in a different way, but it was hardly "thrown together". Actually it was 
anything but thrown together. If you've read interviews with them about the 
songwriting process for that album, they said that is was incredible and that they 
could have written 3 albums worth of material during that time period when they had 
first gotten back together and started writing songs again. I dont see how one could 
think those songs were merely thrown together. well, whatever. 
-matt t. carlson

On Tue, 27 Jul 1999 04:17:18   Corgan25 wrote:
> I have only been a SDRE fan for about 5 months but I do own all 3 of their 
>albums and I love them all. But a friend of mine and I were discussing the 
>change in style of music and Lyrical content on HIFTBSO compared to Diary. My 
>friend is (by far) all about the style presented on Diary compared to 
>HIFTBSO. His idea is that Diary had a lot more passion and HIFTBSO was more 
>of a "reunion" type record where they all tried to get back together and 
>write a score of music that was just thrown together for sake of Keeping a 
>name for themselves in the music society. I personally love BOTH albums. I 
>love Diary's style but I also feel the change in HIFTBSO was a more aged, 
>experienced effort at the music. While lyrically HIFTBSO it not as adequate I 
>believe the music is just as good but that they had approached the musical 
>writing process from a different angle that was unique and more in the 
>direction the band was headed. Does anyone else think that HIFTBSO is just as 
>good also but in a different way? -Cassidy

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Re: [sdre-l]: dan and a solo record

1999-07-27 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 You guys are all talking about Dan's songwriting and comparing it to what he did with 
Flatland Spider and the song 8. I think you need to remember that Flatland Spider was 
from like 1992 or something and 8 was on the TSMAP 7 inch in probablly 1993. That's 6 
years people. I'm positive he's had many other influences in his music since then 
(Nusrat Fateh Ali Kahn for sure), and for all you know this "hard edge" that his 
songwriting supposedly has that you guys keep talking about is probablly totally 
changed if not gone. Stop assuming that if Dan did a solo album it would practically 
be a re-release of the Flatland Spider 7".  None of you know what it would sound like 
for shit. Who would have expected Jeremy's solo project to sound like ROTFQ??? Just 
please keep an open mind and remember that people's songwriting/musical influences can 
change drastically over periods of time. 
-matt t. carlson

>I think dan's voice is awsome, I get goosebumps everytime he does his scream 
>at the end of 8. and I think dan is more or less responceable for the sound 
>that sunny day used to have, because they had it before jeremy. in my eyes he 
>should do a solo album, but have william on drums still, you just cant beat 
>that combo.

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[sdre-l]: sdre fx

1999-07-14 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 They use pedals but they're probablly just footswitches to change channels on their 
amps to the distortion chanel. Their amps are VOX and MATCHLESS so they dont have as 
FAT distortion as say, a marshall or something, but that's the sound they're going 
for.  But yea, they do change channels. I've seen it. 
matt t. carlson

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Re: [sdre-l]: SDRE items on ebay

1999-07-12 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 It's probablly just a CD-R somebody made of that show, nothing official.
Still though, that's a mass cool show. I have it on video tape but it cuts
off as soon as they finished sometimes so I can't see the wildness that
occured after that show with jeremy praying and Dan getting all the
feedback and shit.  Matt T. Carlson --

On Fri, 9 Jul 1999 16:55:07Morgan wrote:
>Hi all:
>I was looking at ebay today and for fun decided to
>type in SDRE. Well it seems a bunch of people are
>trying to sell their 7" and t-shirts.  But this is the
>strangest thing I saw.  Does anyone know if this is
>for real??  I didn't know this live CD existed.
>Very rare CD. Got it from europe from an uncle in the
>army when he was stationed there. It is from their
>final show in Washington DC December of 1994. Intense
>show!!! You can hear it in the music. Its like 54
>minutes. You can hear very different lyrical versions
>of songs from LP2. Plus Jeremy praying on stage at the
>end of the show, INTENSE!!! Excellent sound quality! 
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[sdre-l]: question about 4th show

1999-07-10 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 If sunny day didn't play their own equipment, what equipment did they play? Did 
anyone catch what kind of guitars and especially amps they were using? Your equipment 
can really change the way your live show sounds. I'd like to know.

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Re: [sdre-l]: Guitar?????

1999-06-02 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 All I know about his acoustic was that it was a Gibson, like all his other guitars
-matt T. carlson

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999 09:12:50Ryan Thomas Wheaton wrote:
>Ok, i knew about the SG, and also about the les pauls that he plays on the
>new tour (man they are gorgeous).  But what kind of acoustic guitar did
>jeremy play when he was going solo?  And does anyone know what kind of
>strings he uses (or used).  They sound like silk/steel strings, but i'm
>not sure.  
>On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Matthew Thomas Carlson wrote:
>>  All the way up to just recently Jeremy played on an Ebony Gibson SG Standard. That 
>is the exact model name. They cost around 1500 bucks.
>> -matt
>> --
>> On Tue, 1 Jun 1999 19:08:15cEvin Chamberlain wrote:
>> >Ok I was wondering if anyone knows what kind of guitar
>> >Jeremy Enigk plays on the diary tour I think it is. It 
>> >is the one in the picture when Jeremy was on the cover
>> >of the "Rocket" magazine. A description is it is black
>> >and right where the neck starts it curves on both sides
>> >also there is some sort of small coloured line pattern
>> >on it to I think it might be a dotted line. If anyone knows what model
>> >or what kind exactly I would be very
>> >grateful because I am looking to buy there very same 
>> >one not just because it sounds amazing but it is really
>> >nice looking.
>> >cEvin...
>> >
>> >_
>> >Do You Yahoo!?
>> >Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
>> >
>> >
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Re: [sdre-l]: Guitar?????

1999-06-01 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 All the way up to just recently Jeremy played on an Ebony Gibson SG Standard. That is 
the exact model name. They cost around 1500 bucks.

On Tue, 1 Jun 1999 19:08:15cEvin Chamberlain wrote:
>Ok I was wondering if anyone knows what kind of guitar
>Jeremy Enigk plays on the diary tour I think it is. It 
>is the one in the picture when Jeremy was on the cover
>of the "Rocket" magazine. A description is it is black
>and right where the neck starts it curves on both sides
>also there is some sort of small coloured line pattern
>on it to I think it might be a dotted line. If anyone knows what model
>or what kind exactly I would be very
>grateful because I am looking to buy there very same 
>one not just because it sounds amazing but it is really
>nice looking.
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[sdre-l]: mediocre? Bullshit.

1999-05-24 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 Sunny Day took a huge step with HIFTBSO, and they took a big risk with that album. Of 
course there are always going to be people like this guy who are to fucking closed 
minded to appreciate anything great that changes.
How it Feels is a much more musiclly advanced album than the 2 before. LP2 is 
extremely advanced in it's own weirdness and beauty, but the new album takes 
everything to another level. It's too bad some people can't forgive sdre for getting 
rid of some of their "emo-ness". I think that's a big part of it. It's not as "cool" 
and "indie" to like sdre anymore.
   Appreciate How it Feels for what it is: an amazingly put together work of art. Get 
rid of your damn schtick about music. Sunny Day is taking a musical voyage, like the 
Beatles. Is Sgt. Pepper a mediocre album because it doesn't sound like "Meet the 
Beatles"?? If your not willing to sit back and await what unfolds, then you are going 
to get left behind and miss out on some amazing music. 
   There is simply nothing mediocre about How it Feels. It is one of the most 
advanced, complex albums ever made. If you listen to it with an open mind and a clear 
outlook, you will surely see this. 
-matt t. carlson

On Sun, 23 May 1999 13:56:00   ernesto che guevara wrote:
>i was just wondering what it is that makes you people like a band so
>much as to forgive them for making a mediocre album and playing, almost
>entirely, those mediocre songs while on tour? 
>Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [sdre-l]: vancouver tix

1999-05-12 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 So is the Vancouver show 19 and over for sure? cause if it is I can't go and if it 
isn't i can. I need to know. 
matt C.

On Tue, 11 May 1999 15:41:41   john d west wrote:
>hey people. =)
>just wanted to let anyone who is thinking of going to the Vancouver show on 
>the 29th know that tickets are now available online at www.ticketmaster.ca. 
>tix are like $14.50 each, plus a bunch of service charge and handling crap 
>that brings them to around 20 bucks. i don't know if this is Canadian or 
>American dollars. if it's Canadian, it's not too bad cuz that would make it 
>around 14-15 bucks American. i'm probably gonna cheat and have someone i 
>know up there buy my ticket(s) for me. =P just wanted to put that info out 
>there for ya all.
>take care. =)
>np: skyward
>"and as your fantasies are broken in two
>did you really think this bloody road
>could pave the way for you?"
>  -Jeff Buckley
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Re: [sdre-l]: / breakroom show

1999-05-03 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 Yea, the breakroom is 21+. Fuckin' lame man. I e-mailed Joe about it and he said that 
he and will really wanted to play just a regular small club show. Man...there's small 
ALL AGES clubs to play at too! It's fuckin' weak man. And I'm 15 so there's no way I 
could get in. It sucks.
-matt carlson

>also... sdre is playing the breakroom in seattle on 5/30... i'm sure the breakroom
>is a 21+ club, which surprised me because i haven't known sunny day to play
>21+ shows, at least not the *reunited* sdre.  ah well.  does anyone know for
>sure if this show is 21+ or not?  i'm 18... so i'd have to find "some other
>way" to get in

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[sdre-l]: rare jeremy songs

1999-05-02 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

Hey, if anyone has Jeremy shows where he plays the songs burn and christ has risen, 
please email me. I can trade you some really cool stuff. so it will be worth your 
-matt t. carlson

Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com

[sdre-l]: [sdre-l] LONG review of UW show

1999-04-27 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson
like he's gonna get off beat (cause that's such a weird time anyway, for that bridge 
part) but then he kept it syncronized perfectlly. And on the second one he did the 
thing where he crashes the cymbols and bass drum faster and faster. It was awesome.
So they go offstage for a while, let the crowd get excited, and come back out 
and play In Circles. Moving, but Jeremy didn't sing the "you opened my eyes..." part. 
Which I abolutely love. Then the play Roses in Water, and end with Days Were Golden. 
You've probablly heard about the "hard" part. I LOVED that! Out of the blue in this 
totally mellow, laid back ending of Days Were Golen, I see Jeremy step on DISTORTION 
and start screaming something while William beats on his big ass fucking cymbols. They 
did this "hard part" 4 times, Jeremy put down his guitar, sang the thing from Day's 
Design, then walked off. Followed by Dan, then Joe, then finally William. 
All in all, one of the best times I've ever seen them. I think I'm giving up 
on trying to decide which show is my favorite one. They're all just too damn good. To 
those people who were saying they video taped this show, would you be able to trade 
for something? I have a VERY nice selection of rare shows and sunny day stuff. e-mail 
me privately. I can't wait to get my 20 something pictures back and I can't wait to 

Matthew Thomas Carlson III

Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com

Re: [sdre-l]: uw show.

1999-04-09 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 If you guys don't know, the bands opening for SDRE on the 4/26 show at UW are death 
cab for cuite and stella maris. I've never heard about stella maris, but I've heard 
Death Cab is an amazing live band. I don't know. It's really good to know that the 
tickets will be gen. admission. Cya later,

On Fri, 9 Apr 1999 13:58:23WMngmt wrote:
>Here's the scoop on the UW show...
>$10.00 general admission
>$8.00 for students- There is a limit of 2 tix (at this price) per UW student 
>One can purchase tickets at either the HUB ticket office on campus OR at 
>Cellophane Square at 4538 University Way.
>They go on sale 4/16.

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[sdre-l]: phuerton piano part

1999-03-29 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

hmm...phuerton skuetro:
  A  A A A A A
  F  F F F F F  

 A  A   A  A   A  A   A
D Db Bb A 
 F  F   F  F   F  F   F

D   F Bb F Bb F  (high)Bb A F 

Bb F Bb F Bb F D D D (going higher octaves up the keys up to the highest D on the 

That's it. it repeats a couple times of course. You don't do the walk-up on the piano 
keys to the end. This really only works if you have a full size piano. I hope you can 
understand this. 

Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com

[sdre-l]: phuerton piano part

1999-03-29 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

hmm...phuerton skuetro:
  A  A A A A A
  F  F F F F F  

 A  A   A  A   A  A   A
D Db Bb A 
 F  F   F  F   F  F   F

D   F Bb F Bb F  (high)Bb A F 

Bb F Bb F Bb F D D D (going higher octaves up the keys up to the highest D on the 

That's it. it repeats a couple times of course. You don't do the walk-up on the piano 
keys to the end. This really only works if you have a full size piano. I hope you can 
understand this. 

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Re: [sdre-l]: piano for some songs

1999-03-26 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

 I know the main part for shade and the black hat, I don't know how to write piano 
music, so I'll just make up some way, i hope you understand:
um...right hand:
F C Bb, F C Bb, E C Bb, E C Bb (repeat)
Left hand:
(left hand plays melody twice, hit same chord again)
(after you've hit C chord twice, hit this Db chord at begenning of melody)

hmm...I hope that makes sense. It's pretty easy. If you know how the song goes you 
should be able to figure it out. If you want to know phuerton skeutro then tell me. 
That's pretty easy, too.


On Thu, 25 Mar 1999 15:36:18   Patrick Spurlock wrote:
>has anyone figured out the piano for any of jeremy's songs besides
>damien dreams, i've pretty much figured that out it is quit similar to
>the stargate themesong  i am especially looking for shade , burn,
>and christ is risen

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Re: [sdre-l]: chewing gum unnoficial lyrics

1999-03-24 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

--Good lyric interpratation. One mistake though: "Don't go carry my budens with DREAMS 
I'VE ONCE DREAMT." Thats how it goes. You put something about watching rent or 
somethin'. anyhow. Yea. rad song. peace out.
matthew T. C.

On Wed, 24 Mar 1999 09:48:14   Deacon K Douglas wrote:
>I took a few minutes and typed up the unnoficial lyrics to Chewing Gum,
>for anyone who's interested. Thanks to those who pointed me to it. 
>here they are:
>funny things arise and
>maybe we'll see stars tonight so
>crazy to be in chewing gum so
>hazy to be in stars
>don't go tarry eyes golden ideas I've had
>lest I might drown in the sea
>don't go carry my burdens with dreams I've watched rent
>they see I'm all strung out
>there you go. Hope you like them, I'm 99% sure that they are correct.
>I AM tabbing it too, by the way. Who was going to host the tab site
>deacon douglas, Webmaster extraordinaire.
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Re: [sdre-l]: WOTS test. (NO SD CONTENT)

1999-03-18 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

--Jeremy would always change "Lizard" live too. That's on the CD. Where he usually 
just says: "You said that we had bad timing but at least we had timing at all" and 
then screams "all". After "all" when they played it live he does this really cool 
war-cry sounding thing for the whole time before they go "BUM BUM BUM" and it goes all 
quiet. I dig that. The KNDD cd I think captures the live feel of J.E. alot better than 
ROTFQ. Although did you know they left out 2 songs on the CD? I listened to the 
original brodcast and recorded it off the radio. They opened the set with Shade and 
the Black Hat. Jeremy also played Lewis Hollow. I wonder why they left those songs out 
of the CD. Shade is amazing. It's such an incredible song to experience live. Well, 
anyways. Cya later.
matt C.

On Tue, 16 Mar 1999 17:37:01   Deacon K Douglas wrote:
>Yeah. I do like how he does that extra vocal too, the "merry go round
>their ideas, lately things aren't quite the same, open eyes under her
>skin..." thing. And it's just awesome when he screams. The beginning of
>Explain is definitly different, and I think there's a cool little thing
>at the beginning of Carnival that you don't hear on the CD. 
>Very cool though.
>On Tue, 16 Mar 1999 17:48:46 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>>> has anyone heard the Jeremy Enigk live at the KNDD CD yet?
>>i have had it for almost a year now...its good stuff although not 
>>different from the CD.
>>well, you know, it's live, and he changes up abegail in the manner he 
>>does live...screams like a maniac!!  :D
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Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com

[sdre-l]: [sdre-l] topics

1999-03-10 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

Allright guys, the posts are getting waaay out of hand. Fuckin' 
knock this shit off.

Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com

Re: [sdre-l]: may fourth movement

1999-03-03 Thread Matthew Thomas Carlson

Yea, the verse is in 5/4, but the chorus is in 3/4. I'm not sure about the final part, 
i think maybe it's also in 3/4

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