Re: [sdre-l]: Sunny Day Independence

2000-12-12 Thread Michael

Incidentally, what one person thinks is whining and complaining is, in
fact, another person's opinion, so respect it as such and don't be quick
to label it whining...

...midnight moderating thoughts. :)

I stand corrected  wish to retract the term whining.
While on a macro scale, I can say much of it comes across to me that way, 
on an individual level I certainly do not want to trash anyone's idea's or 

I just do not understand why we as a fanbase seem to have so much 
animosity towards stylistic changes or any sort of deviation from what one 
has done in the past.  I listen to SDRE because of a love for the writing, 
lyrically  musically.  Some songs reach inside me  seem to touch eternal 
truths.  Others may only scratch the surface.   there are the few that I 
listen to each time trying to search for something meaningful, but not 
quite getting it.  Are they throw aways?  Some days I think so.other 
days I think about the band  decide they must have been saying something 
that I just haven't picked up on yet,  then I go listen to them 
again.  Those are just thoughts I would like to explore, what different 
meanings everyone takes from the music.  I know there are thousands of 
idea "threads" I have never pondered that someone else can share.  But I 
do get bored w/missive after missive of dissatisfaction w/this album or 
that direction.  Not knocking anyone else's opinion, just giving my own.

[sdre-l]: Sunny Day Independence

2000-12-08 Thread Michael Hamel

That is the best post I have ever seen on this list.
Wes, thank you.
I fear that more thoughtful meaningful discussions regarding theme, 
composition, imagery, etc.etc. never develop amongst the group due to all 
the constant selfish whining  complaining that goes on.

Ok, I don't know about anyone else, but I see a problem...
Everyone on this list that gripes because Sunny Day should have never
gotten back together and never came out with two more albums is nothing
more than selfish.  Who are you to say that they can't get back together?
Sunny Day Real Estate isn't your band.  Let them do what they wanna do.  If
you don't like it, don't buy it.  There is no sense in griping about
something that has already happened or something that isn't ever going to Nate getting back in the band.  True that Nate is an amazing
bass player, but he didn't make the band.  Get that through ya'll's heads.
He was only 1/4 of the band.  I think that Jeremy, Dan, and William have
every right to keep the band name when they got back together.  Did Pearl
Jam change their name when they lost drummers?  Did Nirvana change their
name when they dropped and guitar player and a drummer?  The total song
writing force behind the music lies totally with Dan and Jeremy.  And
what's this about the direction Dan is leading Jeremy?  That's a bunch of
crap.  If Jeremy didn't like the direction, he wouldn't be going that way.
He obviously likes it.  It's true that HIFTBSO and The Rising Tide are
different than the pink album and Diary, but they are still great!  I
absolutely love both of the newer albums just as much as the older ones.
And anyways, Jeremy thinks that the pink album is the worst one they have
ever done.
I'm not trying to be an ass, but I have been reading all these emails for
the past week and I just get frustrated because it seems as if people are
just thinking about themselves when it comes to what a band is going to do.
But anyways, no matter what Sunny Day decides to do, they will always be
one of the best bands, and always my personal favorite band.  Now quit
griping about what they are doing and let them do what they wanna do.


[sdre-l]: Sunny Day Independence

2000-12-07 Thread John W Hardin

Ok, I don't know about anyone else, but I see a problem...
Everyone on this list that gripes because Sunny Day should have never
gotten back together and never came out with two more albums is nothing
more than selfish.  Who are you to say that they can't get back together?
Sunny Day Real Estate isn't your band.  Let them do what they wanna do.  If
you don't like it, don't buy it.  There is no sense in griping about
something that has already happened or something that isn't ever going to Nate getting back in the band.  True that Nate is an amazing
bass player, but he didn't make the band.  Get that through ya'll's heads.
He was only 1/4 of the band.  I think that Jeremy, Dan, and William have
every right to keep the band name when they got back together.  Did Pearl
Jam change their name when they lost drummers?  Did Nirvana change their
name when they dropped and guitar player and a drummer?  The total song
writing force behind the music lies totally with Dan and Jeremy.  And
what's this about the direction Dan is leading Jeremy?  That's a bunch of
crap.  If Jeremy didn't like the direction, he wouldn't be going that way.
He obviously likes it.  It's true that HIFTBSO and The Rising Tide are
different than the pink album and Diary, but they are still great!  I
absolutely love both of the newer albums just as much as the older ones.
And anyways, Jeremy thinks that the pink album is the worst one they have
ever done.
I'm not trying to be an ass, but I have been reading all these emails for
the past week and I just get frustrated because it seems as if people are
just thinking about themselves when it comes to what a band is going to do.
But anyways, no matter what Sunny Day decides to do, they will always be
one of the best bands, and always my personal favorite band.  Now quit
griping about what they are doing and let them do what they wanna do.
