Dear member,

Visit the White Paper Library today and read these
free white papers.

1. Stop Email Fraud... Before It Stops You,,33916,00.htm?track=NL-256&ad=494554

2. Eliminating Notes ID File Password Management: A Ground-breaking  

3. Beyond Enterprise Project Mgmt for Service Orgs - A New Approach 
   to Maximizing Corporate Performances,,33915,00.htm?track=NL-256&ad=494554

Stop Email Fraud... Before It Stops You
Sponsored by: MailFrontier
Learn how Phishing, bogus updates and billing fraud threatens your
business. In addition to three things you need to know about email
fraud - including common myths - MailFrontier outlines four steps
organizations should take to protect against email fraud.

Download here:,,33916,00.htm?track=NL-256&ad=494554

Eliminating Notes ID File Password Management: A Ground-breaking
Sponsored by: PistolStar
Can we somehow forgo the Notes ID password? 

Organizations utilizing Lotus Domino ND6 clients know all too well
the complexities of managing the Lotus Notes ID password. Recovering
the Notes ID password is probably the most cumbersome, disruptive and
time-consuming challenge that IT administrators encounter. As a
result, a large majority of organizations resort to using shortcuts,
which do not maintain the necessary security of the Notes ID, nor
protects internal networks. Download this white paper and discover
how you can eliminate the need to maintain the Notes ID password and
deal with the issues that accompany it.

Download here:,,33917,00.htm?track=NL-256&ad=494554

Beyond Enterprise Project Mgmt for Service Orgs - A New Approach to
Maximizing Corporate Performances
Sponsored by: Genius Inside
This white paper discusses the trend among services related companies
to improve business processes, and to seek greater technological
advantages than those yielded by traditional Enterprise Project
Management solutions, via adopting a SRM (Services Relationship
Management) methodology. Most services organizations have business
processes around the planning and management of their services
deliverables, not unlike the product life cycles of manufacturing or
consumer driven companies. Like the companies in these other more
traditional industries, services organizations are now faced with
numerous challenges and are looking to technology and new
methodologies to improve core business activities and remain
profitable. In this climate, considering new approaches can yield
tremendous benefits, both in the short term and in the long term.
This paper examines one such new approach.

Download here:,,33915,00.htm?track=NL-256&ad=494554

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