Title: Today's News
AD Avoiding fax dead-ends on the road to business communication success
Learn how to prevent costly problems caused by fax technologies that don't have the flexibility you need to boost efficiency and keep it high as your environment changes. View the webcast below. Sponsored by Esker, Inc., a leading worldwide provider of fax and business document delivery solutions. View the webcast.

ADVICE:  Ask Brad Balassaitis: Automatically stamp date and name
Dear Brad: I have a "complete" checkbox that when checked, I would like it to automatically stamp a date and a name. I have the @today and @username formulas, but the date refreshed upon document opening. I need the date to stay the same as when the box was checked. I have tried onClick and onChange with no luck.
Click here to read Brad's expertr response.

CONTESTS:  Tip Contest: Who wants a new Apple 4 GB iPod Mini?
Here is your chance to win a beautiful metallic blue Apple 4 GB iPod Mini! It's easy -- just submit your Notes/Domino tips, tricks, timesavers or code for your chance to win. Whoever submits the highest rated tip wins!
Submit your tip and check out the prize here.

The Missing Link

Hotels make room for iPods
[CNET News.com]
Next time you make hotel reservations, the person on the other end of the line may ask you if you prefer an iPod or a non-iPod room. Because cookies, mints and honor bars stocked with outrageously expensive NutRageous bars just aren't enough, some hotels (some expensive hotels) are starting to offer Apples with their rooms -- as in Apple iPods. Unlike cookies, mints and honor bar goodies, the hotels want the iPods back. In fact, The Crescent in Beverly Hills, which has an iPod Music Minibar, encases its gadgets in Lucite and anchors them to desks in each room. Can't do that with a terry cloth robe!

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