Re: ssh ServerAlive probes

2011-04-08 Thread Christian Grunfeld
Why cant you put a packet on the link up to the data transfer is
finish? What is your MTU ? that is what MTU is for. Or perhaps your
MTU into time units is bigger than you want to signal !


2011/4/5 Don Tucker

 I am working on an application that needs to be able to rapidly detect a
 lost connection between an ssh client and ssh server.  I am using ssh to do
 local and remote port forwarding, and sending data across the forwarded
 ports.  I was originally relying upon the TCPKeepAlive probes, but found
 that I could not consistently detect a lost detection.  Using the
 ServerAliveInterval and ServerAliveCountMax options, however, I am able to
 consistently detect a lost connection.  The problem is, if I am using a
 low-bandwidth connection (cellular modem), and I am pushing a significant
 amount of data across, it seems that this hinders the communication between
 the client and server with the ServerAlive messages.  In other words, when I
 am actually USING the connection, my application can mistakenly detect the
 connection as lost because the ServerAliveInterval x ServerAliveCountMax is
 exceeded without a response from the server.  I was surprised at this
 behavior, since I expected the ServerAlive probes to only start after data
 flow between the client and server machines across that connection had
 ceased, but perhaps I am misunderstanding.  I do not have much leeway as to
 how the server is configured.  Can someone recommend a way to be able to
 both (1) quickly detect a lost connection [which, seems to require the
 interval and countmax be small], but not mistakenly detect the connection as
 lost when it is being used?

 Thank you for any assistance.


Re: a GOOD idea to harden OpenSSH!

2011-04-02 Thread Christian Grunfeld

a couple of years ago I submit an idea like yours !
My idea was that ssh server waits up to ...say 2^N seconds between
failed logins to show again the login prompt, being N the Nth try !

So the first login cames instantly. After a failed login I have to
wait 2 seconds, after a second failed login I have to wait
4s..8s...16s32s2^N seconds !

This will not disturb a normal human login with a couple failures but
makes a robot to wait with a potential law.

I dont know why but mi idea didnt like anybody

Cheers !

2011/3/30 nagygabor88
 I'm writing here, because the ssh dev list says:

 Mail Delivery Status Notification (Delay)
 [Status: Error, Address:, ResponseCode 451, 
 Temporary failure, please try again later.]


 What is you're opinion about the next idea? Please write down ++/-- thoughts:

 it's against brute-force attacks on sshd:

 if a user wants to connect to an ssh server then he have to wait a couple of 
 seconds, then he can write his passphare.
 the couple of seconds is defined in the sshd config, e.g.: 2 seconds
 the method musn't show that the user have to wait 2 seconds to write his 

 important: the user could type in his password before the 2 seconds, but the 
 sshd will only process the chars that has been typed after 2 second!


 in this way, if a brute force robot comes, and tries to log in with a 
 generated password it will likely input that in a matter of miliseconds, ok.
 BUT: the sshd will only give back that, that the password is bad. - because 
 it only processes the password that has been typed 2 seconds after the type 
 you're password appear on client side.

 if this idea would spread, then the attackers would adapt, and wait e.g.: 5 
 seconds before their robot gives the generated password to sshd. - BUT: this 
 will take them too much resources, and the brute-force will be far less 

 so can this be a feature in sshd? :O

 What do you think?

 Thank you!

Re: Reverse tunnel and multiple interface

2008-10-29 Thread Christian Grunfeld

I had to set up a similar scenario with a reverse tunnel and also
traversing proxies in the middle. I achieved that with an openvpn
tunnel. It showed that is very robust against link fails. May be you
can compile openvpn for your embeded linux.


2008/10/29, Christian Gagneraud [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi all,

  I have a box running embedded linux, which has 2 network interfaces, the
  first (eth0) is the normal interface, the other one (ppp0) is used as
  a back-up link (in case eth0 is down, we still want to be able to
  connect to the box).
  The box is installed on the sea, few miles away from the shore, the box
  access internet through eth0 which is connected to a transparent WIFI
  bridge and finally to an ADSL router.

  The ppp0 is a GPRS connection via a modem, as my provider doesn't allow
  incoming connection, i need to set up a reverse tunnel if i want to be
  able to connect remotely to the box.
  I know i can set-up the reverse tunnel with something like ssh -CNR
  middleport:localhost: [EMAIL PROTECTED], we use this on
  other projects that have only ppp0 to access internet, and it works

  It is critical for us to be able to access the box 24/7, the services
  provided by this box need a good bandwidth, that's why we need a
  broadband connection. The ppp0 will be only used in case of
  eth0/internet failure to investigate the problem(s).
  Actually the WIFI link is the weakness of the system, the embedded WIFI
  bridge can fail due to various reason including misalignment (the system
  can derived from its original position), corosion (sea water is a
  killer), power supply failures, 

  Finally, my problem is that i would like to simply force the reverse
  tunnel to use only ppp0. And at the same time i need the default route
  to go through eth0 (that is needed for the main programs running on this

  So, this is what i would like to achieve:

   /--- ppp0 | GPRS Modem |---{internet}
   |  / lo
   |  | /-- eth0 | ADSL router|---{internet}
   |  | |
   |  | |
   |  ssh daemon (), main apps
   \-- ssh -CNR ...

  I have the feeling that there's no way to tell ssh to make a reverse
  tunnel through a specific interface and ignore the default route, and
  that i will have to find a way via the kernel network set-up, and i have
  no clue on how to do this. I don't want to use an automatic/redondant
  route, because if my app try to use ppp0, then the link will be stucked,
  because this app is bandwith hungry and anyway this app needs incoming

  So, perhaps someone will come here with an idea using only ssh...

  With best regards,

  PS: Please CC me as i'm not subscribed to the list.

Re: is ssh tunneling a security risk?

2008-10-20 Thread Christian Grunfeld

theres is nothing bad about the tunnel itself but the tunnel has an
end that is outside the control of your IT. In other words you leave a
door open. If someone gets into your outside machine he gains acces to
the secured zone.


2008/10/17 David M. Kaplan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 My IT department is really heavy on security.  From outside the
 building, they have a rather complex system setup so that you can get
 around the firewall and ssh into a single machine.  From there, you have
 to ssh into the machine you want to use.

 To simplify things, I have been using a tunnel to hop from my machine
 directly (through the tunnel) to the machine I want to use in the
 building.  This has worked fine until a couple of days ago when IT
 decided to prohibit tunneling for security reasons (attempting to use
 the tunnel now responds with channel 3: open failed: administratively
 prohibited: open failed).  This has made it almost impossible to work
 with the system.

 What I am wondering is exactly what security risk does an ssh tunnel
 pose?  I thought you used an ssh tunnel to enhance security, not the
 other way around.  Can someone give me a reason why it is a risk to
 leave this open or give me good arguments that I can forward to IT for
 why they should not prohibit tunneling?


 David M. Kaplan
 Charge de Recherche 1
 Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement
 Centre de Recherche Halieutique Mediterraneenne et Tropicale
 av. Jean Monnet
 B.P. 171
 34203 Sete cedex

 Phone: +33 (0)4 99 57 32 27
 Fax: +33 (0)4 99 57 32 95

Re: Disable SSH authentication

2008-10-16 Thread Christian Grunfeld
 You don't at all need to have a user account with telnet. As you said it's
  an I/O redirection through sockets, so you can have written a perl script
  or a C program (or anything really that can listen on sockets) that
  listens on a sepcified port, and interprets commands send to it through a
  telnet client connecting to that port.

You are only talking from client point of view. Obviously you can
connect a telnet client to every server you want but in case you want
a telnet sesion (in order to have a console for running commands) you
connect the telnet client to the telnet server which asks you for
authentication (user/pass).

If you connect a telnet client to a perl script or a C program or
something that listen on sockets you are saying the same as me ! !
Netcat is that server that listen on sockets.

And in my case I also use netcat as a client instead of a telnet client !


Re: Disable SSH authentication

2008-10-15 Thread Christian Grunfeld
quote= . . so that we don't need to either provide user account . . 

that is what chaoson said !

With rsh you must provide user and password on the remote host ! also
like telnet !

I remember to all of you that rsh or telnet are an input/output
redirection of a console thru sockets ! !


2008/10/14 Kosala Atapattu [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 running commands with Netcat... even wierder

 This is not the answer to your question. May be you can try good old
 rsh with the hosts.allowed... In some internal networks (withing
 the same net zone) I have used that lot... where security is not much
 of a concern.


 2008/10/14 Christian Grunfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 strange question in a ssh discussion list !
 May be you can use netcat on both sides with standar input and output
 redirected from/to a console.


 2008/10/13, chaoson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  I'm running openssh-4.3p2.

  I need to ability to run a command on trusted machine remotely. So far as 
 I know, we can use two ways to login to remote machine:
  1) Provide user name and password
  2) Public key authentication

  My question is that can we disable the SSH authentication so that we don't 
 need to either provide user account or the public key? Does anyone has the 
 idea? Thanks


 Disclaimer: Views expressed in this mail are my personal views and
 they would not reflect views of the employer.

Re: Disable SSH authentication

2008-10-15 Thread Christian Grunfeld
As simple as:

server side:
nc -l -p 1234 -e /bin/bash

client side:
nc destination ip  1234

cheers !

2008/10/14 Kosala Atapattu [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 running commands with Netcat... even wierder

 This is not the answer to your question. May be you can try good old
 rsh with the hosts.allowed... In some internal networks (withing
 the same net zone) I have used that lot... where security is not much
 of a concern.


 2008/10/14 Christian Grunfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 strange question in a ssh discussion list !
 May be you can use netcat on both sides with standar input and output
 redirected from/to a console.


 2008/10/13, chaoson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  I'm running openssh-4.3p2.

  I need to ability to run a command on trusted machine remotely. So far as 
 I know, we can use two ways to login to remote machine:
  1) Provide user name and password
  2) Public key authentication

  My question is that can we disable the SSH authentication so that we don't 
 need to either provide user account or the public key? Does anyone has the 
 idea? Thanks


 Disclaimer: Views expressed in this mail are my personal views and
 they would not reflect views of the employer.

Re: Disable SSH authentication

2008-10-14 Thread Christian Grunfeld

strange question in a ssh discussion list !
May be you can use netcat on both sides with standar input and output
redirected from/to a console.


2008/10/13, chaoson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  I'm running openssh-4.3p2.

  I need to ability to run a command on trusted machine remotely. So far as I 
 know, we can use two ways to login to remote machine:
  1) Provide user name and password
  2) Public key authentication

  My question is that can we disable the SSH authentication so that we don't 
 need to either provide user account or the public key? Does anyone has the 
 idea? Thanks


Re: Deliberately create slow SSH response?

2008-07-11 Thread Christian Grunfeld

I remember a long time ago I brought a discussion about incremental
delays on ssh login failures. I think it would be a very good solution
if it is made by means of power of 2 second increments between failed
logins. But no one liked my suggestion.


2008/7/10 Sergio Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Sure, by logic the attack will slow down. It won't prevent continuous
 attacks though. So my suggestion is, if the service is used only by certain
 IPs, then filter all others.

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Fromm, Stephen (NIH/NIMH) [C] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: Jueves, 10 de Julio de 2008 12:51 p.m.
 Para: Sergio Castro; Zembower, Kevin;
 Asunto: RE: Deliberately create slow SSH response?

 Yes, but if the attacker is coming from one point and takes 30 seconds for
 each attempt, versus 0.03 seconds...

 Stephen J. Fromm, PhD
 Contractor, NIMH/MAP
 (301) 451-9265

 -Original Message-
 From: Sergio Castro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 1:15 PM
 To: 'Zembower, Kevin';
 Subject: RE: Deliberately create slow SSH response?

 The brute force attacks are most likely automated, so if your objective is
 to bore a human to death with 30 second delays, it wont' work.

 Have you thought about limiting access to the service to only certain IPs?

 - Sergio

 -Mensaje original-
 nombre de Zembower, Kevin Enviado el: Miércoles, 09 de Julio de 2008 11:56
 Asunto: Deliberately create slow SSH response?

 This might seem like a strange question to ask, but is there a way to
 deliberately create a slow response to an SSH request? I'm annoyed at the
 large number of distributed SSH brute-force attacks on a server I
 administer, trying to guess the password for 'root' and other accounts.
 I think that my server is pretty secure; doesn't allow root to log in
 through SSH, only a restricted number of accounts are allowed SSH access,
 with I think pretty good passwords. But still, the attempts annoy me.

 I wouldn't mind if SSH took say 30 seconds to ask me for my password.
 This would slow the attempts. Is there any way to configure OpenSSH to do
 this? I searched the archives of this group with 'slow' and 'delay'
 but didn't come up with anything on this topic. Please point it out to me if
 I overlooked anything. In addition, I can limit the number of SSH
 connections to 3-5 and still operate okay.

 Ultimately, I need this solution for hosts running OpenSSH_3.9p1 under RHEL
 ES 4 and OpenSSH_4.3p2 under Debian 'etch' 4.0 and Fedora Core 6.

 Thanks in advance for your advice and suggestions.


 Kevin Zembower
 Internet Services Group manager
 Center for Communication Programs
 Bloomberg School of Public Health
 Johns Hopkins University
 111 Market Place, Suite 310
 Baltimore, Maryland  21202

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Re: SSH VPN trouble

2008-07-07 Thread Christian Grunfeld

the network should be the same on both ends but tunnel interfaces
should be diferent.

2008/7/7 László Monda [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi List,

 I'm trying to build an SSH VPN based on the Ubuntu howto, but can't get
 it done.

 After setting up the VPN and trying to connect to the remote host
 which is now on my virtual network I realize that I actually connect
 to localhost.

 This may be because the remote network and the local network are both  Do the network adresses of the networks in question
 need to differ?

 Thanks in advance!


Re: issue with transferring text files from windows to *INX using scp/sftp

2008-02-12 Thread Christian Grunfeld
What I do is %s/\r//g in vi or sed to remove the trailing CRs


2008/2/12, Russell Millard Oliver [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 SFTP does not handle ascii files, you'll need to do it in your client.
 Depending on which client you are using, there is probably a setting to
 tell it to transfer ascii files and which files it should consider ascii
 by extension.  If you aren't moving the standard .txt files, then add
 your extension to that list.  I noticed that some clients, like
 Filezilla, don't convert the files like it seems like they should.
 WinSCP works well for that.

 Good luck,

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 3:13 PM
 Subject: issue with transferring text files from windows to *INX using

 Each line of text files transferred from windows to
 *INX using scp/sftp contains Control-M characters.
 It is a pain to run dos2unix utils when there are a
 few hundred files.
 I did not experience issue when using ftp to transfer
 files from windows to *INXs systems
 Is there a switch or ssh_config configuration setting
 to suppress the Crontrol-M during transfer ?
 Thank you

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Re: Negated patterns in AllowedUsers

2007-09-05 Thread Christian Grunfeld

for root user is quite easy. Just put
PermitRootLogin   No

in sshd_config

This only allow you to login thru local console


2007/9/2, Radek Hladik [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I am a little bit confused about patterns behavior when used in
 AllowedUsers directive. I am trying to limit root logins to localhost.
 First I tried
 AllowedUsers [EMAIL PROTECTED] !root
 which should enable root from localhost and all nonroot users from
 anywhere. However the username part is matched with match_pattern
 function and this function does not take ! into account (see func
 match_user in match.c).
 Secondly I tried
 which should deny root when logging from anywhere but localhost.
 Function  match_host_and_ip does call match_hostname which calls
 match_pattern_list. But if match_hostname function returns -1 which
 means match found and negation was requested, match_host_and_ip return
 false as there would be no match. As fact at least one _positive_ match
 is required to return true:

 /* negative ipaddr match */
 if ((mip = match_hostname(ipaddr, patterns, strlen(patterns))) == -1)
 return 0;
 /* negative hostname match */
if ((mhost = match_hostname(host, patterns, strlen(patterns))) == -1)
 return 0;
 /* no match at all */
if (mhost == 0  mip == 0)
 return 0;
 return 1;

 Is there any reason for such a behavior? And is there any other way how
 to limit root to localhost in sshd? I know I can limit it i.e. via
 pam_access but I would expect sshd to be able to do it.

 Radek Hladik

 P.S. Version of OpenSSH is openssh-4.5p1

Re: Connect with null passphrases

2006-12-08 Thread Christian Grunfeld


just do
ssh-keygen -t rsa
on the client and copy the result file to .ssh/authorized_keys2 on the server


2006/12/6, John Stefani [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hello Everybody,

I have some cron jobs that use ssh (version 4.4p1) to connect to other
servers and run certain tasks.  The users in question sometimes are real
users, sometimes fictitious users that I created only for running the cron
job.  I changed to *NP* the password field of /etc/shadow for the
fictitious users on the servers the cron jobs connect to, and all works
happily.  Here's my problem:  those servers to which the cron job tries to
connect to as a real user, who has a real password, does not allow ssh
connections with null passphrases.  I can't set the password field in
/etc/shadow to *NP* because sometimes I have to connect as the real user.
Does someone know how I can connect automatically to a server, using ssh,
as a user that has a password, but with a null passphrase?  Hope the above
was not too confusing...

Absolutely any thoughts or workarounds will be much appreciated.

   John Stefani
 jstefani _at_

Re: Decrypting an ssh session knowing the private key?

2006-10-07 Thread Christian Grunfeld

Public/private keys are only used for authentication on connection
start. During comunication the data is encripted with other key.

2006/10/5, Jeff Sadowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I would like to write a program that could deycrypt ssh communication
by using the private key of the server computer. This should be
possable right? And I should be able to use libraries the openssh has
already writen. In fact the majority of the code should already be
writen right? I should just need to send a packet with the private key
to a function right?

Re: Need some education: Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

2006-09-01 Thread Christian Grunfeld


That is why CAs (certification authorities) exists ! ! they are
trusted third parties !
They mantain a database with the public keys of the entities they are
confident of.
The CA isues certificates signed by itself granting identities !


2006/8/30, Mark Senior [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On 8/29/06, Christ, Bryan wrote:

 Please pardon my naivete.

 I was looking at the diagram on the URL listed below and contemplating
 how host fingerprinting prevents MITM attacks.

 So my question is this... Given the illustration in the URL above, what
 prevents Eve from *first* contacting Alice to obtain a fingerprint which
 then gets passed to Bob on the first connection attempt?

The server passes the client its public key; the client generates a
fingerprint of this public key, and verifies that it matches a known
one from previous connections.

Eve can pass Alice's public key to Bob, but she doesn't possess
Alice's private key, so she has no way to interfere further with the
communications (beyond tampering at a network level - introducing
delay, dropping the connection, etc.)

Only if Eve gets in the way of the very first connection attempt, can
she pass her own public key off as Alice's, without Bob detecting it.
On the first connection, he'd have to either trust what he sees, or
verify the fingerprint offline somehow.  On subsequent connections,
the mismatch would be obvious.