JEP Review Request: TLS Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension

2015-02-02 Thread Bradford Wetmore
The draft JEP “TLS Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension” is 
now available for community review:

This JEP is to add support for the Application Layer Protocol 
Negotiation (ALPN) TLS Hello extension [1] in JSSE. ALPN provides a 
mechanism for declaring the application protocols that are supported 
over a TLS connection.

We need this functionality to make JDK 9, so this JEP needs to get into 
the JEP pipeline soon.  Community review is a precursor in the process 
before it can move to "Submitted."

For now, there is a simple API proposed (similar to JDK 8 SNI), but I'm 
parsing the discussions that took place on security-dev in August[2], 
September[3], and November 2014[4], and the current API is likely not 
flexible enough.





Subject: TLS extensions API, ALPN and HTTP 2.0


Subject: ALPN API Proposal
Subject: A fully fledged TLS Extensions API ?
Subject: ALPN & HTTP2

RFR 8071643: is not thread safe

2015-02-02 Thread Weijun Wang

Hi All

Please review the code change at

The static field is removed and a local MessageDigest is used. The 
getInstance() method might spend some time but since there are already 
quite some cipher and checksum operations during an AP-REQ receive, this 
change does not make much difference.

No reg, could be -hard and -trivial.
