JSSE: SSLEngine reporting HandshakeStatus.FINISHED, disabling NewSessionTicket

2022-05-24 Thread Ben Smyth
TL;DR: Why does a client report HandshakeStatus.FINISHED twice? Can
production of NewSessionTicket be disabled?

A client (respectively server) becomes ready to encrypt application data
upon completing their side of handshaking: "Once a side has sent its
Finished message and has received and validated the Finished message from
its peer, it may begin to send and receive Application Data over the
connection" (RFC8446); a client completes handshaking upon wrapping a
FINISHED message and a server completes upon unwrapping such a message.
(There's an exception for 0-RTT data, and another for a server operating
with reduced security.)

Javadoc advises HandshakeStatus.FINISHED is reported when "a call to
SSLEngine.wrap() / unwrap() ... finishes a handshake." As expected,

* OpenJDK SSLEngine.wrap() reports HandshakeStatus.FINISHED on wrapping a
client's (TLS) FINISHED message.

By comparison, rather than report (server) handshake completion upon
unwrapping a client's (TLS) FINISHED message, HandshakeStatus.NEED_WRAP is
reported, a NewSessionTicket is produced on wrapping and

* OpenJDK SSLEngine.wrap() reports HandshakeStatus.FINISHED on wrapping a
server's (TLS) NewSessionTicket message.

Upon receipt of which,

* OpenJDK SSLEngine.unwrap() reports HandshakeStatus.FINISHED on unwrapping
a server's (TLS) NewSessionTicket message.

What does finishing a handshake mean in SSLEngine parlance? (I don't
understand why a client should report finishing twice.) Can production of
NewSessionTicket be disabled?

OpenJDK-TLS Manual: (Second) call for contributions

2021-02-04 Thread Ben Smyth
I've written an OpenJDK-TLS manual, intended to ease readers into the most
recent TLS specification and OpenJDK's implementation. (At the very least,
it helped me get to grips with the spec and the code!) I've made the manual
available on GitHub (https://github.com/BenSmyth/tls-tutorial/) and a pdf
is also available:


I hope the manual will help you too.

I'm far from perfect and I'm sure the manuscript has numerous deficiencies.
Interesting aspects are omitted, because I didn't have the time, knowledge,
or expertise to add them. In particular, my coverage of OpenJDK could be
substantially improved and extended. I encourage you to improve the
manuscript. Fix a typo. Patch grammar. Revise awkward, overcomplicated, or
otherwise poorly-written passages, and correct my outright mistakes.
Contribute an entire section, there's certainly a lot of scope regarding
OpenJDK. Help evolve the manual. (Perhaps get in touch prior to writing an
entire section! We should probably reach consensus on what to add.)
Contributions will be recognised through acknowledgements or co-authorship.

Best regards,


TLS Manual: Call for contributions

2021-01-19 Thread Ben Smyth
I've written a TLS manual, intended to ease readers into the most recent
specification. (At the very least, it helped me get to grips with the
spec!) I've now made the manual available on GitHub:


A pdf is also available (https://bensmyth.com/files/Smyth19-TLS-tutorial.pdf).
I'm far from perfect and I'm sure the manuscript houses numerous

Interesting aspects are omitted, because I didn't have the time, knowledge,
or expertise to add them. For instance, the specification hasn't been
entirely covered, as is documented; discussion of security guarantees are
notably lacking; and an introduction to the underlying cryptography is
absent. (E.g., some details on DHKE, AEAD, etc. would be grand.) Directions
for further exploration are missing, hands-on teaching opportunities
foregone. For instance, a Davies-style exploration of TLS on-the-wire, with
notes on Wireshark and SSLKEYLOGFILE---perhaps as dirty as readers can get,
without bursting-out soldering irons. Mistakes and issues are no doubt

I encourage you to improve this manuscript. Fix a typo. Patch grammar.
Revise awkward, overcomplicated, or otherwise poorly-written passages.
Contribute an entire section. Help evolve the manual. (Perhaps get in touch
prior to writing an entire section! We should probably reach consensus on
what to add.) Contributions will be recognised through acknowledgements or

Best regards,


Refactoring TLS code

2020-05-27 Thread Ben Smyth
I have written a TLS 1.3 tutorial (
https://bensmyth.com/publications/2019-TLS-tutorial/) which includes source
code from JDK 11. Whilst explaining the code, I noticed some possible
refactoring that would simplify the (JDK 11 & current) code base:

- createHkdfInfo is defined three times:
SSLBasicKeyDerivation.createHkdfInfo could perhaps be dropped in favour of
SSLSecretDerivation.createHkdfInfo (noting a slight difference regarding
runtime exceptions), as can
SSLTrafficKeyDerivation.T13TrafficKeyDerivation.createHkdfInfo (noting the
need to supply 0x00 as the context).

- ServerHello.T13ServerHelloProducer.produce and
ServerHello.T13ServerHelloConsumer.consume each define code to
changeclient/server handshake traffic secrets. The code is identical up to
contexts, labels s_hs_traffic and c_hs_traffic, treatment of null in tricks
to make the compiler happy (cf. return null; and return; in
catch-branches), alpha-renaming of one variable, and whitespace (and some
obsolete, commented-out code).

- Similarly to the previous point,
Finished.T13FinishedProducer.onProduceFinished and
Finished.T13FinishedConsumer.onConsumeFinished define code to derive
traffic secrets and corresponding traffic keys, (unsurprisingly)
computations are similar. (The same is true for other secrets and traffic

- CertificateVerify.onProduceCertificateVerify is defined for
ServerHandshakeContext and ClientHandshakeContext, both instances are
identical up to variables shc and chc (with the former using string
"server" and the latter using "client" for logging).

- Not really refactoring, but comment on ClientHello:1172 says extension
key_share is ignored, when it isn't (extension psk_key_exchange_modes,
pre_shared_key, and protocol_version are).

My apologises if this mail is considered noise (or is simply wrong)---I
figured suggestions for simplifying JDK's code base might be useful.

Best regards,
