On 04/09/2018 02:56 PM, Gary Tierney wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 09, 2018 at 01:41:12PM +0200, Lukas Vrabec wrote:
> ... snip ...
> Those wiki pages on SELinuxProject/cil are now pretty out of date
> (you'll notice that some other statements mentioned there like
> `template` are not implemented as well).  The updated documentation is
> at https://github.com/SELinuxProject/selinux/tree/master/secilc/docs.
>> Hi Dominick,
>> Yes, This is one of the options to create hierarchy when the block on
>> top will have just minimum rules and every child block will append new
>> rules.
>> Unfortunately, this probably won't work in real world. Let's say that I
>> have this hierarchy and badlogger block contains several allow rules and
>> I want to inherit all of them except one, *BUT* I'm not SELinux policy
>> expert and don't know how hierarchy looks like. That's the reason why
>> I'm looking for blockinheritfilter.
> I think it's more reasonable for someone not intimate with the policy to
> familiarize themselves with the hierarchy/composition of a well structured
> policy, rather than what they may need to disallow in a given scope
> (which may
> come from other inherited blocks, calls to macros, or `in` statements
> scattered
> across several policy modules).  This means they can compose their
> policy out
> of high level building blocks rather than low level allow rules (which
> arguably
> would require a policy expert to fully understand the implications of).
> "blockinheritfilter" also seems to be at odds with the permission
> whitelisting/deny-by-default model of SELinux by having the policy author
> revoke permissions rather than permit them.


Thank you for clarification.


> Thanks,
> Gary.
>> However, we should go via creating block namespaces hierarchy as you
>> described if there are no plans to implement this feature.
>> Thanks,
>> Lukas.
>> -- 
>> Lukas Vrabec
>> Software Engineer, Security Technologies
>> Red Hat, Inc.

Lukas Vrabec
Software Engineer, Security Technologies
Red Hat, Inc.

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